View Full Version : Old West Game

2020-12-31, 04:15 PM
Does anyone know of any good sources for 5e material that could be used in an old west style setting? Specifically classes and equipment?

2020-12-31, 04:43 PM

This is a very solid 5E Wild West conversion.

2020-12-31, 05:08 PM
Do you really need to 'convert' anything? I ran a year-long homebrew 'Weird West' campaign set in an alternative universe New Mexico. I just reskinned hand crossbows as pistols and crossbows as rifles, didn't touch damage or balance at all.

You do you, of course, but I had no trouble just reskinning everything. My guys ran a pistols paladin, a Chinese railroad worker-themed monk, a Native American druid, a near-feral trapper ranger, and a Mexican troubador bard.

A lot depends on how high-magic your setting is intended to be, of course. Mine was a 'hidden worlds of magic' type campaign where nobody except the party and key NPC operators knew the world was magic.

2021-01-02, 11:34 PM
I ran 5 or 6 levels of an old west campaign and kept finding I was turning the setting back to D&D. The Elves were the Natives but were too on par with the evil spreading humans. I had trained Triceratops dragging mini trains around and magic was fairly common.

If I had to do over again I'd give more NPC's decently reliable firearms and make any elves scattered wood elf types to keep up the Old West theme.