View Full Version : How to best do a combo of Creation bard and druid?

2021-01-01, 03:59 PM
I really like the idea of a multiclass character that has college of creation bard and druid levels, but I am not sure how best to do it. I like it lore wise, creation bard tapping into the song of the world and nature, but mechanically it doesn't seem to give any benefit. Any idea on how to best do it?

2021-01-01, 04:43 PM
Looking at them both, there's really no actual synergy. A lot of Druid subclasses don't like losing progression, and the ones that might make thematic sense, like Shepard, Wildfire, or Spores, are the ones that either are so specific that they offer no benefits to going with Creation Bard, or that they really don't like losing progression.

Moon doesn't want to lose any progression.

Stars Druid lets you take a form that helps you maintain concentration on spells? Not sure how useful that would end up being, but it's something.
Their Cosmic Omen ability comes across as either a lesser form of Bardic Inspiration or the Lore Bards Cutting Words depending on if it's odd or even for the day so that's thematically in line, and it scales with proficiency bonus. I don't see any point in progressing this past lvl 10 though since the level 14 ability is very underwhelming.

Land Druids have the least to lose progression wise, but just offer different spell variety, and given your other class is Bard I'm not sure how much more variety you need.

2021-01-01, 04:58 PM
Given that the Bard spell list has a lot of Druidic influence anyway, which can also be supplemented by Magical Secrets, the question is more like "what is it that you want from Druid?". If the answer is spells, then the best approach is not to multiclass. If it's anything else, then you need to be asking what it is that you want from Bard, with a similarly easy answer. Bard and Druid really don't have a lot of synergy, so mixing and matching is more likely than not, to have unsatisfactory results.