View Full Version : What ways can diffrent characters be "masters of the realm"?

2021-01-01, 06:34 PM
I like the idea that 5e has that in tier 3 characters start to become full members of the world they live in, doing things other than adventuring which have long lasting impacts on the world they live in. The classic one is building a keep, but there are plenty of ways a character can be a "master of the realm". Any ideas for what those different ways are? Any fun ones? Any you have done/seen in game? Any you want to do?

2021-01-02, 04:21 AM
Building a keep is one but another equally popular one is establishing a guild to train adventurers or organization of their own like a trading company.

Alternatively just have them be famous enough people recognize them on-sight. Perhaps a few aspiring historians want to track them down to scribe the details of their lives- maybe even hear a song at a tavern or inn that pertains to their adventures. If they've been doing their job for years maybe a few babies start appearing that are named after them or children play games pretending to be the adventurers.

If they're a race known for prejudice like Tieflings or Half-Orcs then have attitudes soften across the realm about such races. After all if a great hero came from such folk- they can't be all bad. Or if they are indeed that bad you might have racial tensions growing worse!

Aspiring adventurers might seek them out to try and learn a bit from the legendary figures. Perhaps they can even come across a duel as someone insulted the honor of such an important figure and a gentleman leapt to their defense (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc1BJlkbNAQ&ab_channel=FELIPEANGLE)?

2021-01-02, 04:40 AM
In the campaign I am in the at the moment we were colonizing a new continent, and both the cleric and palladin made a temple for their gods there. Making it so their gods basically are the main gods worshipped.
We also have an adventuering guild set up, and with all these things we have earned a spot in to city council, so we can direct the way the city will develop. My Bard also wanted to join the council on her own for a long time, but we keep being challanged by word ending problem, we are now high enough level that her simulacrum is joining the city council while the main goes adventuring :P.

As for ideas. I think it is cool that if charachters join an organization: Religion, Druid circle, Thieves guild, Wizard order, that upon entering new tiers of play you gain extra responsibilites. For example tier 1, you are the representative of the organization in this vilage, maybe 1 or 2 working under you. In tier 2 you get promoted to overseeing a city, tier 3 a country and tier 4 you become the leader of the organisation. This would require a lot of downtime, so it isn't just the one with the biggest (metaphysical) muscles is in charge, but that some politican could be done. Maybe some solo sessions to prove your worth.

The next campaign I'm planning on running I want to introduce a lot more of this kind of play and I plan to use the Matt Colville books: "Strongholds and Followers" and "Kingdoms and Warfare" for benefits of running your own temple/keep/wizard tower, as well as rules for how your kingdom/region can interact with other regions/kingdoms.

2021-01-02, 06:56 AM
It doesn't have to be something the character actviely does. It may just be that everyone in the kingdom has heard of the character at that point, and he's the go-to guy any time some problem shows up, because he's the most competent (or overhyped) around.

After all, there's no level limitation on when you're influential. You can be building a keep and engaging in international politics from level 1 in one game, and still be just a hyper-competent murderhobo who doesn't have any wider impact beyond his personal ability to kill stuff at level 20 in another.

2021-01-02, 12:01 PM
I like the idea that 5e has that in tier 3 characters start to become full members of the world they live in, doing things other than adventuring which have long lasting impacts on the world they live in.
My drow believes drow were the original race and that all other races are the results of some unfortunate mistakes. The long lasting impact he’d like to achieve is to have the world return to its roots. Once he has Wish, he wants to use it for Reincarnate to help others become drow. If he could help a few, those few could then adventure, become magic users themselves and help others until the dream is achieved.

2021-01-02, 08:08 PM
I have a concept for a a druid that's on a mission to spread a mix of seed to establish a specific biome far and wide.

I would imagine that by tier 3 there would be several such sites. Making liberal use of plant growth 8hr cast and transport via plants.

Also, would be cool to have a tier 3 PC with enough downtime/ resources to use repeat-cast-for-permenance spells.