View Full Version : One-Shot Boss Fight In The City Of Gold [IC]

2021-01-02, 07:37 PM
The doors in front of you are massive, easily 20' tall. Gilded with gold-or perhaps solid gold-you know your deadliest foe awaits you just behind them.

You're ready-just a few last things to do, spells to cast, and potions to quaff before you enter.

2021-01-02, 10:00 PM
Elenora smiles sweetly over towards Bor and says, "I'm not sure if I'm more nervous about this or our wedding! ...This. Yep, this is more nervous. That seems right, though." She raises her wings and flaps once, roaring her head back, and you all feel the Blessing of Bahamut settle over you, even though the robin isn't the most fearsome of winged creatures. "O-kay. All set. You can check the door and open it, honey."

Gives everybody a d4 for attacks and saves for the next minute or until I get interrrupted.

2021-01-03, 12:01 AM
One of the Eingrims chuckles and Bor's cheery voice issues from just above his illusion's head. "Aye aye, O captain of my heart."

Two Eingrims quickly becomes five and then four of them fade from sight. "Anchors aweigh!"

The door handle lifts on its own, an unseen force tugging open the throne room's entrance.

Order of actions:

Checking the door for traps well before we are ready to enter. 24 for Investigation, rolled in the OOC. 26 for Thieves' Tools using Dexterity, also rolled in the OOC to disable any found. 30 for Thieves' Tools using Dexterity to pick the lock, if needed.
Three rounds before we enter, casting an invisible mage hand.
Two rounds before we enter, castng mirror image on himself.
One round before we enter, casting invisibility on himself and directing the mage hand as a bonus action to open the doors.

Initiative: 14

2021-01-03, 04:35 AM
Malheart smiled: "I so love seeing people getting wed." His wings were currently folded like a cape across his shoulders and a wide brimmed hat shadowed his eyes. His warhorse, weighed down by bags of sand and supplies impatiently stomped with its hooves. "Easy. This will soon be over."
He turned to the Aarakocra: "There are likely a lot of undead inside - so a little turning them might be a good idea. Remember, we want to corner him, taking away his mobility and range."
The invisible presence of the called force construct was close by and now Malhearts form also began duplicate - beside him the shade of his dead brother looked on, grey and seemingly insubstantial.
"Protect me, oh Ravenqueen, so that I may end this abominations reign."

A slight shimmer crossed over his body and vanished again. He nodded to the others that the door could be opened now.


Lord of Gifts
2021-01-03, 07:51 AM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 315 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 1/1
Zealous Presence: 1/1
Active Effects: None
Conditions: None

With a smile, the original Eingrim started to chant in Dwarvish and stomp his feet rhythmically. The air crackled with divine might, and spectral golden light danced along the blade of his axe as he entered his battle trance.

Initiative: [roll0], [roll1]
Entering Rage just before the door opens.

2021-01-03, 10:05 AM
The door is not trapped-nor is it even locked. As they swing open, soundlessly, you see a massive throne room. Braziers of cold blue fire, large enough to fit a horse inside, are dotted throughout, along with pillars going up to the ceiling, easily 80' above. The path in front of the throne is sunk into the ground, and to each side is a raised area. There are six massive zombie brutes spaced throughout, and two floating masses of eyes, rotted and zombified, flank the throne. On the throne...

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f7a0765d-9684-4e6b-8ada-3143e3c85a4e/ddr3grx-64ade8d0-6cfb-4e3e-90c9-3a27446bfcdf.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZjdhMDc2NWQtOT Y4NC00ZTZiLThhZGEtMzE0M2UzYzg1YTRlXC9kZHIzZ3J4LTY0 YWRlOGQwLTZjZmItNGUzZS05MGM5LTNhMjc0NDZiZmNkZi5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.H1nZDI94EQn_bMGqcc9bgXZISzd0HElDVOh536BwkA4

Welcome! he calls as the doors open. You've one last chance-turn back now, and you can live... For a while. But step foot into this room, and your fates are sealed.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fiBr-_0HSHFC0Hd1VsEQzN5J_YYCS0M7yxbNFGC9wHI/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-01-03, 11:09 AM
Malheart Drakewing (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371081)
AC: 23 | HP: 169 | Current: 169 | Hit Dice: 15d10 5d8
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Active Effects: Protection from Good and Evil, Mirror Image
Conditions: None

'This is it then' Malheart thought as he stepped across the threshold, fully aware, that the doors would close behind them and the only way they would open again was after Eldlich had found his final death.

In full volume he called out: "I'm the terror that stalks your nights, I'm the tax collector come to take his due, I am Drakewing Dark."
Turning back to his companions he said: "Let's get avaricious."

Waiting for everyones ini before deciding on any action

I can't stress enough how important it is to follow this through - last time it cost us a companion in the first round.

2021-01-03, 12:59 PM
Malheart Drakewing (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371081)
AC: 23 | HP: 169 | Current: 169 | Hit Dice: 15d10 5d8
Passive Perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 16
Active Effects: Protection from Good and Evil, Mirror Image
Conditions: None

Seems like I'm up in any case
Shooting at the left zombie with Eldritch blast
[roll0]+14, damage [roll1]+8, if crit [roll2]
[roll3]+14, damage [roll4]+8, if crit [roll5]
[roll6]+14, damage [roll7]+8, if crit [roll8]
[roll9]+14, damage [roll10]+8, if crit [roll11]

Pushing the zombie back 10 ft each time I hit

Bonus action with Bracers of the Illusionist
[roll12]+14, damage [roll13]+8, if crit [roll14]
[roll15]+14, damage [roll16]+8, if crit [roll17]
[roll18]+14, damage [roll19]+8, if crit [roll20]
[roll21]+14, damage [roll22]+8, if crit [roll23]

Pushing the zombie back 10 ft each time I hit

Going into full cover behind the Soulfire Brazier on the left

I'm estimating at least six hits (with luck the zombies are easys to hit and all went in making this either 58 or 85 damage and pushing it back 60 or 80 ft.

Sprinting to the left to break the line of sight with the undead tyrant, Malheart leveled his staff of power on the first walking dead on the left and unceremoniously unleashed a barrage of force lances at the creature, pushing it back.

2021-01-03, 01:53 PM
Eldlich, as Malheart takes cover, raises his gun and fires a single shot into the horse.

[roll0] Attack Roll
[roll1] Magical Piercing
[roll2] Necrotic
[roll3] Cold

He then leaps into flight, cape billowing out behind him as he rushes forward, hovering about 15' above the ground as he moves ahead. As he starts his flight, his eyes glow brighter, and he aims his gun towards the bird. You will pay dearly for disrupting me!

Casting a spell from his throne.

Then, attacking thrice into the bird person.

[roll4] Attack Roll
[roll5] Magical Piercing
[roll6] Necrotic
[roll7] Cold

[roll8] Attack Roll
[roll9] Magical Piercing
[roll10] Necrotic
[roll11] Cold

[roll12] Attack Roll
[roll13] Magical Piercing
[roll14] Necrotic
[roll15] Cold

2021-01-03, 03:25 PM
The shot richochetted from the heavy barding of the horse, giving it enough time to charge at the zombie on the right side

Horse attacks Zombie and tries a trampling charge

[roll0]+6, damage [roll1]+4, if crit [roll2]
Should Zombie somehow fail a DC 14 Strenght save, he falls prone and the horse gets a bonus action trample attack

Bonus action:
[roll3]+6, damage [roll4]+4, if crit [roll5]
Advantage [roll6]+6

2021-01-03, 03:56 PM
Bor Bersk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371156)
AC: 19 | HP: 153 | Current: 153 | Hit Dice: 20d8
Passive Perception: 21 | Passive Insight: 9
Active Effects: Disguise Self, Invisibility, Mage Hand (7 rounds), Mirror Image (8 rounds)
Conditions: None

Eldlich's strange device thunders and Bor darts to the side, his winged boots carrying him soundlessly over the floor. He presses himself up against a pillar, hoping he hasn't been spotted.

What is the many seas of the multiverse is that? he wonders to himself. And what can I do to get my hands on it?

Using Winged Boots to fly for movement, hovering a few feet above the floor. Moving 30 feet forward to to the left, Dashing as a Action to continue that movement, and hiding as a Bonus Action. Invisibility should allow him to hide from the undead as long as they can't see through it.

Stealth: [roll0] Minimum 27 with Reliable Talent.

Bor's invisible mage hand winks out of existence when he moves away from it.

2021-01-03, 04:25 PM
Elenora's guard turns one of the shots into more of a graze, but she reels from the onslaught.

She springs into action, taking to the skies. A few flaps bring her to the big zombie on the right. "One at a time, then, here we go."

She pummels it with her fists then decides that discretion is indeed the better part of valor here. She flies up away from the zombie, over the raised portion of the room, then drops to the floor again beside the pillar.

Two regular attacks:
[roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning.
[roll2] for [roll3] bludgeoning.
And two from flurry. She's at 15/16 ki now.
[roll4] for [roll5] bludgeoning.
[roll6] for [roll7] bludgeoning.

2021-01-03, 04:29 PM
Right Zombie, most forward: 78 damage taken

The zombie reels back; chunks of sticky, rotted flesh sloughing off with the blows. Elenora's hands are thoroughly covered with the grossness.

2021-01-03, 04:31 PM
"Ew. Ew ew ew yuck. Skeletons are so much cleaner to fight."

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-03, 06:59 PM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 315 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 1/1
Zealous Presence: 1/1
Active Effects: Rage
Conditions: None

Following Elenora, Eingrim storms across the room. As his avian companion darts for cover, he follows her assault with a barrage of heavy blows from his own weapon. As the strikes land, they erupt with golden light, searing rotten flesh with divine energy.

Moving up to zombie 5, and making two attacks, using -5/+10 from GWM.
Attack 1: , Damage: [ROLL]1d12+24 Slashing
Attack 2: , Damage: [ROLL]1d12+24 Slashing
Assuming at least one attack hits, the zombie takes another [roll2] Radiant damage.
If that's enough to drop it, Eingrim takes cover behind the warhorse.

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-03, 07:01 PM
I messed up those rolls.
Attack 1: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2], Damage: [roll3]

2021-01-03, 07:09 PM
The foul brute drops, the radiant energies burning clean through it.

Another one bites it! No saves this time.

The masses of eyes move forward, at a measured, but quick (for them) pace.
The brutes move forward as well, closing in on the corpse of their brethren that fell in melee.

Updated map.

As they move, Eldlich continues firing shots.

Legendary Actions 1, 2, and 3, after the first three zombies move. Shoot a [CUSS].

Targeting the horse till it dies, then shooting at Bor.

[roll0] Attack Roll
[roll1] Magical Piercing
[roll2] Cold
[roll3] Necrotic

[roll4] Attack Roll
[roll5] Magical Piercing
[roll6] Cold
[roll7] Necrotic

[roll8] Attack Roll
[roll9] Magical Piercing
[roll10] Cold
[roll11] Necrotic

2021-01-04, 05:16 AM
While Eldlich was beating on a dead horse, Malheart made sure his dead brother was in position, then he unfolded his wings to quickly hover above the brazier and fired a full volley at the undead beholder on the left side.

AC 15 is basically auto hit, rolling nonetheless for crits.

Fly 15 ft up above the brazier:

Eldritch blast
[roll0]+14, damage [roll1]+8, if crit [roll2]
[roll3]+14, damage [roll4]+8, if crit [roll5]
[roll6]+14, damage [roll7]+8, if crit [roll8]
[roll9]+14, damage [roll10]+8, if crit [roll11]
Bonus Action
[roll12]+14, damage [roll13]+8, if crit [roll14]
[roll15]+14, damage [roll16]+8, if crit [roll17]
[roll18]+14, damage [roll19]+8, if crit [roll20]
[roll21]+14, damage [roll22]+8, if crit [roll23]

103 damage total
I assume we are dealing with a beholder zombie, so the last shot was the killing blow and its save is at 18 to keep on trucking

Should it not die, it will be pushed back 80ft.

Spend 15 ft of movement to switch places with my Echo, moving Echo as a free action back into cover.

The volley hit home and slung the carcass back at the far wall.

2021-01-04, 11:39 AM
As Malheart blasts out, his first barrage is almost stopped, but a duel of magics leaves the blasts intact. The eye-creature perishes in a burst of gore.

He flies further forward, and aims shots at Eingrim. But before he does, he raises his free hand, and the magics protecting the dwarf fade, being drawn towards Eldlich in a stream of colorful particles.

Dispel Magic at 6th level on Eingrim. If there are any 7th or higher level spells, let me know, but I don't believe that to be the case.

Then, three shots fired.

[roll0] Attack Roll
[roll1] Magical Piercing
[roll2] Cold
[roll3] Necrotic

[roll4] Attack Roll
[roll5] Magical Piercing
[roll6] Cold
[roll7] Necrotic

[roll8] Attack Roll
[roll9] Magical Piercing
[roll10] Cold
[roll11] Necrotic

Not that the magical piercing matters-Rage resists all the same.

2021-01-04, 08:00 PM
Bor Bersk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371156)
AC: 19 | HP: 153 | Current: 120 | Hit Dice: 20d8
Passive Perception: 21 | Passive Insight: 9
Spell Slots: 2/4, 1/3, 3/3, 1/1
Active Effects: Disguise Self, Invisibility, Mirror Image (7 rounds)
Conditions: None

Bor notices Eldlich's eyes tracking him a moment too late to avoid getting shot by the strange weapon. Rolling with the blow, he spins to the side, blood arcing across the stone floor. The room seems to wobble for a moment, but Bor was used to the pitching and yawing decks of ships and pushes forward, his vision steadying.

Four images of Eingrim shimmer into view, leveling incongrously thin swords at Eldlich.

"Ahoy! You gave it your best shot, but you'll find you haven't capsized my confidence yet!"

Bor then scurries back, ducking behind a pillar.

Using a reaction to Uncanny Dodge the critical against Bor. 34 magical piercing damage is reduced to 17, 17 cold damage is reduced to 8, and 32 necrotic damage is reduced to 16 and then down to 8 because of resistance. Bor takes 33 points of damage.

Concentration check against DC 16: [roll0]
Invisibility obviously doesn't matter, but let's see if he keeps it up at the start of his turn.

Moving to 24H, bonus action to Dash. Moving forward to 25I, casting Tasha's Hideous Laughter on Eldlich, then using the rest of his movement to duck back around the pillar to 27E.

DC 19 Wisdom saving throw, please. If the saving throw fails, Eldlich will fall prone, becoming incapacitated and unable to stand up for the duration.

Invisibility ends when the spell is cast.

2021-01-04, 09:06 PM
Eldlich looks at Bor, a smile somehow clear on his face. You'll have to try harder than that, he says, and with a wave of his hand, dispels the magic.

As he does, Bor attempts to steal the spell from under the Golden Lord-but is unsuccessful. The smile fades pretty quickly from Eldlich's face, though, even as he seems to take vigor from the spell's dismissal.

He fires off another shot, aiming for Bor again.

[roll0] Attack Roll
[roll1] Magical Piercing
[roll2] Cold
[roll3] Necrotic

Numbers are not typos.

2021-01-04, 10:59 PM
Elenora takes a deep breath and peeks around the corner of the pillar. There he is already!

She launches herself back up into the air again, drawing her sword. She flies over to Eldlich, arcing up and then into a hurtling dive, as if pulled along by the sword-point. "Aieee!" She stabs, then swings around and slashes at him as she powers past. Ki energy infuses both strikes.

Elenora power-climbs back towards the pillar she'd started behind, and she drops behind the raised portion, having made a full circle.

Stabbing with the Shortsword of Wounding:
[roll0] for [roll1] magical piercing damage.
[roll2] for [roll3] magical piercing damage.
Stunning Strike is a DC18 CON save if either/both hit. Plus side: won't spend the Ki if they miss.
The sword also causes a Wound if it hits, for an extra [roll4] necrotic damage. Wounds stack, but it's only a DC15 Con save to heal the wound automatically after taking the damage, or as a Medicine check on his turn.

The Mobile feat means he doesn't get an AoO as I leave (assuming Eldlich threatens at all, given he just has a ranged weapon?)

And I'm not quite fast enough to do the circle without using a Bonus action to Dash. So ah well.

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-05, 04:54 AM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 159 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 1/1
Zealous Presence: 1/1
Active Effects: Rage
Conditions: None

As Eingrim slew the zombie, he was caught in the side by a hail of shots. Letting out a primal roar, he looked over to the side, and laid eyes on Eldlich. Carried by his enchanted boots, he shot through the sky towards his foe. Barrelling into the Golden Lord at high speed, he proceeded to lay into him with his axe.

Moving up to Eldlich and attacking, using Reckless Attack and GWM.
Attack 1: [roll0], [roll1], Damage: [roll2] Slashing.
Attack 2: [roll3], [roll4], Damage: [roll5] Slashing.
If either hits, an extra [roll6] Radiant.

2021-01-05, 12:10 PM
Eldlich weaves and bobs, evading the powerful attacks with skill and grace. He seems to center himself as he moves.

2021-01-05, 02:15 PM
The mass of eyes moves up slightly, and aims a ray at the avian fight.


1. DC 14 Con save to avoid paralyzation for one minute. Repeat saves at end of turn/

2. DC 14 Wis save for the same, but frightened instead.

3. DC 14 Con save to halve [roll1] necrotic damage

4. DC 14 Dex save to entirely avoid [roll2] force damage

The hulking zombie brutes move forward, lurking underneath Ein and waiting for a chance to cause havoc.

Moving up, and readying an action to attack the first foe that gets within 10' of them.

2021-01-05, 04:06 PM
Going by the map, the beholder shouldn't have a valid target as there is no line of sight from his last position to his current position.

anyway, I marked with a (1) from where I fire at the Beholder on the new turn, before moving into cover again
At this position, Eldlich also will not have LOS to me and can't counter my spells as per the spell he needs to see me casting.

Eldritch Blast
[roll0]+14, damage [roll1]+8, if crit [roll2]
[roll3]+14, damage [roll4]+8, if crit [roll5]
[roll6]+14, damage [roll7]+8, if crit [roll8]
[roll9]+14, damage [roll10]+8, if crit [roll11]
Bonus Action
[roll12]+14, damage [roll13]+8, if crit [roll14]
[roll15]+14, damage [roll16]+8, if crit [roll17]
[roll18]+14, damage [roll19]+8, if crit [roll20]
[roll21]+14, damage [roll22]+8, if crit [roll23]

113 total, reaching 94 damage with the sixth shot, so 3 saves to not die permanently for the beholder zombie

"A pattern emerges. Don't let him see you cast." Drakewing called out while he repositioned himself. Knowing the limitations of the counterspell invocation, he made sure Eldlich couldn't see him cast, while he shot the second flying eye, before he dropped into cover behind the raised plattform to the side.

2021-01-05, 04:57 PM
The mass of eyes explodes in a horrible shower of gore.

Eldlich raises a white-gloved hand and smacks Ein.

[roll1] magical Bludgeoning
[roll2] necrotic
[roll3] cold

He follows up with summoning an frigid sheen across his armor, and flies over to target another foe, blasting out with his gun. He moves, heedless of Ein, allowing the barbarian a chance to smack him.

Whoever's in E27, prepare for a bad time.

[roll5] magical piercing
[roll6] cold
[roll7] necrotic

[roll9] magical piercing
[roll10] cold
[roll11] necrotic

[roll13] magical piercing
[roll14] cold
[roll15] necrotic

Ein, feel free to make an AoO.

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-05, 06:44 PM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 112 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 1/1
Zealous Presence: 1/1
Active Effects: Rage
Conditions: None

Eingrim’s blows hit thin air, and he was caught off guard by the counter. He managed to power through the Beholder’s necrotic ray, but recoiled from the force of Eldlich’s strike. Still, he recovered swiftly, striking out once more as his foe fled.

Con Save Vs Beholder: [roll0]

AoO: [roll1], [roll2], Damage: 1d12+10 Slashing

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-05, 06:46 PM
I keep messing up the damage roll.
[roll0] Slashing

2021-01-05, 07:09 PM
Bor Bersk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371156)
AC: 19 | HP: 153 | Current: 0 | Hit Dice: 20d8
Passive Perception: 21 | Passive Insight: 9
Spell Slots: 2/4, 1/3, 3/3, 1/1
Active Effects: Disguise Self, Mirror Image (6 rounds)
Conditions: None

Bor staggers as he takes the full fusillade of shots from Eldlich, then drops unconscious to the ground and starts to bleed out.

Bor takes 45 damage from the first shot, 63 damage from the second, and 33 damage from the last one.

He goes down from the last shot.

Death save: [roll0]

2021-01-05, 08:12 PM
Bor staggers as he takes the full fusillade of shots from Eldlich, then drops unconscious to the ground and starts to bleed out.

Elenora looks from around the pillar and sees Eldlich firing mercilessly at where Bor was hiding, and hears Bor's plaintive gurgle. She cries out, "Noooooooooooo!"

Elenora flies over in practically more of a rage than the barbarian is in. She goes up a little ways so as to be out of reach of the zombies but otherwise beelines (birdlines?) for Eldlich. The rush of her wings creates a shimmer that makes her hard to track, too. While still a little ways away from Eldlich, she extends her fist and a shockwave of air goes out in front of her and impacts onto the shiny baddie.

Dodge means attacks against Elenora have disadvantage for a round. And Eldlich needs to make a STR save DC18 vs the air-fist. I've spent 2 ki on it but I will spend another 5 if he fails the save. If he succeeds or uses legendary-resistance it's just half of the [roll0] bludgeoning damage. (If by some crazy happenstance he fails the save, the bonus damage would be [roll1] and he's pushed 20' away and knocked prone. Shoving him into the pillar would be just gravy... a bird can dream, right?)

2021-01-05, 08:13 PM
[roll0] Rolling first, then will edit in the results.

Eldlich tanks the blow with his frigid-layered armor, leaving still some left.

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-06, 04:50 AM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 82 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 1/1
Zealous Presence: 1/1
Active Effects: Rage
Conditions: None

Eingrim surged forward as he heard the fatal shots, struggling to keep up with the lich.

Dash action to move next to Eldlich.

2021-01-06, 07:03 AM
"Not again!" Malheart cried out. Mentally, he had prepared to haste himself, run to max distance and shoot at Eldlich until he died. But that would mean letting his companions die.
Not again. So he moved in, calling his dead brother to his side to shield the fallen.
A touch of his hand filled the unconscious man with positive energy, then he turned his attention to Eldlich: "My curse upon you." Then it was time to beat the bad guy with a stick.

Action surge lay on hands for 40 hp on Bor
Bonus action: Hexblade Curse
Attack action
[roll0]+14, damage [roll1]+14, if crit [roll2]+[roll3]
[roll4]+14, damage [roll5]+14, if crit [roll6]+[roll7]

Unleash Incarnation:
[roll8]+14, damage [roll9]+14, if crit [roll10]+[roll11]

No crits and only one hit for 21 damage, one charge spent

2021-01-06, 05:54 PM
Fog Cloud. If anyone wishes to counter, let me know.

Fog billows out from Eldlich's cape as the frost shining on his armor dissipates, painfully, into Malheart.

You hear Eldlich moving through the fog, but are unable to properly draw a bead on him as he moves through it. As the fog clears, you see a sigil forming in his hand, in addition to him seeming invigorated by the ending of the spell. He takes a spot between two pillars and shouts Chronus Malurgis! The sigils flare out towards you.

DC 18 Wisdom save for everyone against Eldlich, except for the birb at K29. I need to get the names straight. :P

He follows up with a small flurry of shots, aiming to re-down Bor. If Bor goes down, he'll switch to Malheart.

[roll1] Magical Piercing
[roll2] Cold
[roll3] Necrotic

[roll5] Magical Piercing
[roll6] Cold
[roll7] Necrotic

[roll9] Magical Piercing
[roll10] Cold
[roll11] Necrotic

Damage total: 4

2021-01-06, 06:59 PM
Bor Bersk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371156)
AC: 19 | HP: 153 | Current: 0 | Hit Dice: 20d8
Passive Perception: 21 | Passive Insight: 9
Spell Slots: 2/4, 1/3, 2/3, 1/1
Active Effects: Disguise Self, Mirror Image (5 rounds)
Conditions: Dying

Bor gasps in a breath of air, rejuvenated by Malheart's healing touch. From his position on the ground in a pool of his own blood, he waves one hand in Eldlich's direction as the fog begins, banishing it.

"No, no, the conditions aren't at all right for that. This isn't the open ocean."

Another shot from Eldlich sends him slipping back into unconsciousness.

Bor uses Counterspell on Fog Cloud. He goes down to the first shot taken at him.

Death save: [roll0]

2021-01-07, 01:29 AM
Elenora loses Eldlich in the fog briefly, but flies around the pillar to where Bor is (once again) dying.


With a heroic effort she channels her divine energies into healing him, touching him tenderly. All too soon, though, the moment ends as she leaps up and pursues the lich. She dodges around behind him and prepares to flank him with one of the others, still in flight and not really landing on the raised portion of the floor.

Spent a while agonizing over this one, sorry. Bor regains 20hp. I ended up just doing my heal so Malheart can focus on damaging a bit and Eingrim can maybe get some hits in, too. TBH I kinda just want Bor to finally get to do a sneak attack.

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-07, 08:02 AM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 82 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 0/1
Zealous Presence: 1/1
Active Effects: Rage
Conditions: None

Eldlich's armour cracks under Malheart's strike, and Eingrim takes advantage of the momentary vulnerability. While Elenora save Bor, he follows the lich once more, reaching out in an attempt to wrestle him to the ground.

AoO: [roll0], [roll1], Damage: [roll2] Slashing

Grab: [roll3], [roll4], minimum 26
Shove Prone: [roll5], [roll6], minimum 26

2021-01-07, 10:55 AM
After Elenora, shooting Bor:

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Attack, if Disadvantage applies
[roll2] M. Piercing
[roll3] Cold
[roll4] Necrotic

Eldlich, as Bor is healed, aims to drop him again.

Then, after Ein's assault, he vanishes, reappearing a short distance away.

Costing two actions.

2021-01-07, 12:23 PM
Elenora is agile but not quite fast enough to dodge Eldlich shooting at point blank. She does lessen the force of the shot but can’t seem to avoid his deadly accuracy.

[roll0] for deflecting missile damage, as my reaction.

2021-01-07, 03:05 PM
Out of sight of Eldlich, Malheart made his decision. He couldn't save them all. He could only avenge them. He prepared a spell of his own and his form began to blur. One minute then he would be helpless. Until then he had to have done enough damage to win or everything would have been in vain.

Ok, bare with me here, this is a bit complex, even for me.

Free action, moving Echo 30ft next to Eldlich.
Action: Casting Haste on myself out of sight of Eldlich and therefore uncounterable.
My speed doubles and I gain an extra action that I can use for movement for a total of 120ft.
When I'm within 30ft of Eldlich I'll use a bonus action to use my Channel Divinity for one minute of Advantage
Then I move into cover again

Well, I hadn't realized that the SoB also could hit us with a mass slow from a fog cloud.
Still casting Haste
And instead taking cover for this round

2021-01-08, 12:32 PM
Eldlich resummons his barrier of frost, as he backs up, gaining some distance to use his gun better.

He fires on Elenora, once, twice, three times.

Casting Armor of Agathys again.

Then, bullets:

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] M. Piercing
[roll2] Cold

[roll4] Attack
[roll5] M. Piercing
[roll6] Cold

[roll8] Attack
[roll9] M. Piercing
[roll10] Cold

2021-01-08, 09:03 PM
Bor Bersk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371156)
AC: 19 | HP: 153 | Current: 20 | Hit Dice: 20d8
Passive Perception: 21 | Passive Insight: 9
Spell Slots: 2/4, 1/3, 3/3, 0/1
Active Effects: Disguise Self, Mirror Image (4 rounds)
Conditions: None

Peeling himself off the ground, Bor looks around. Red smears mark the floor around him and every one of his companions and a quick glance around the pillar tells him that their foe stands strong.

He mouths a few words to Elenora, then turns to Eingrim. "I know a particularly good shortcut around the reefs of reality. Let's see if I can sail this fleet of Eingrims true, shall we?"

Mouthed words:
I love you.

His hands briefly cover his ears and he jerks a thumb in Eldlich's direction.
Motioning to indicate the Silence spell. Elenora is out of the range of counterspell, so he shouldn't be able to stop it. If we can keep him in an area of Silence and Eingrim has him grappled, we'll have a good chance to do some serious damage without him being able to cast spells. Bor's probably going to go down and die to zombies in the next round, but this is the best chance I see for us to turn the tide. Let's hope it works.

The five Eingrims, four fake and one real, gather close. One lays a hand on the dwarf's shoulder and they disappear, reappearing next to Eldlich. Bor circles around the dead man, radiant light beginning to leak from his eyes.

Standing up, moving over to Eingrim and casting Dimension Door. We're far enough away that Eldlich can't Counterspell. Teleporting Eingrim to R21 and Bor to S20. Bor is then circling around to U22, using his bonus action to Dash.

2021-01-09, 01:07 AM
Eldlich fires on Elenora, once, twice, three times.

Three shots! Ha! Ha! Ha! (says The Count).

Bor mouths a few words to Elenora, then turns to Eingrim. "I know a particularly good shortcut around the reefs of reality. Let's see if I can sail this fleet of Eingrims true, shall we?"

[spoiler=Elenora]Mouthed words:
I love you.

His hands briefly cover his ears and he jerks a thumb in Eldlich's direction.

Elenora gets the hint from her new husband and she casts Silence on the spot he's at. Then she focuses on dodging any of Eldlich's shots as she closes the distance and moves in to a flanking position. She gets right in his face, menacing the shiny golden schmuck with her sword.

And remember the Mage Slayer feat for attacks if he does try to cast something.

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-09, 06:47 AM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 82 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 0/1
Zealous Presence: 1/1
Active Effects: Rage
Conditions: None

Eingrim's hand closes on thin air as the lich dissolves into mist. Bor rises and carries the pair in pursuit, hurling them through oblivion for an instant. As he rematerialises, the dwarf reaches out again, attempting another hold.

Making two attempts to grab Eldlich.
Grab 1: [roll0], [roll1], minimum 26
Grab 2: [roll2], [roll3], minimum 26

2021-01-09, 09:40 AM
New round:

Extra action from Haste turned to Dash
At 30 ft away from Eldlich Bonus Action: Channel Divinity (Advantage for 10 Rounds)
Action: 4 Eldritch Blasts:

[roll0]/ Advantage [roll1]+14, damage [roll2]+14, if crit [roll3]
[roll4]/ Advantage [roll5]+14, damage [roll6]+14, if crit [roll7]
[roll8]/ Advantage [roll9]+14, damage [roll10]+14, if crit [roll11]
[roll12]/ Advantage [roll13]+14, damage [roll14]+14, if crit [roll15]

move away into cover

Being rid of the slowing curse, Malheart took wing, cursed Eldlich and shot at him well out of range of his counterspells, vanishing again in cover.

2021-01-10, 10:22 AM
Eldlich speaks a single word and vanishes into a trail of mist, re-appearing a short distance away. He then flies back towards his throne as he puts shots downrange.

Misty Step, followed by GUN.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Disadvantage, if needed
[roll2] M. Piercing
[roll3] Cold
[roll4] Necrotic

[roll5] Attack
[roll6] Disadvantage, if needed
[roll7] M. Piercing
[roll8] Cold
[roll9] Necrotic

[roll10] Attack
[roll11] Disadvantage, if needed
[roll12] M. Piercing
[roll13] Cold
[roll14] Necrotic

Target priority is as follows, skipping anyone who's down:

1) Elenora
2) Bor
3) Ein
4) Mal

2021-01-10, 10:38 AM
Bor Bersk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371156)
AC: 19 | HP: 153 | Current: 20 | Hit Dice: 20d8
Passive Perception: 21 | Passive Insight: 9
Spell Slots: 2/4, 1/3, 3/3, 0/1
Active Effects: Disguise Self, Mirror Image (3 rounds)
Conditions: None

Bor dodged the first and second shots sent his way but went down to the third, dropping out of the air and smacking into the ground at the feet of the zombies.

Uncanny Dodging the second shot from Eldlich's Legendary Actions. Elenora went down to the first one of them. That leaves Bor at 1 hit point. The third shot from his Legendary Actions is a natural 1 and will miss. The first shot from his turn will bring Bor down.

The other two shots from his turn are coming Eingrim's way.

1 failed death save from falling.

Death saving throw: [roll0]

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-11, 12:43 PM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 45 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 0/1
Zealous Presence: 1/1
Active Effects: Rage
Conditions: None

Eingrim roared in frustration, as Eldlich slipped from his grasp once more. Shots rained down on them, felling Bor and Elenora, throwing them to the zombies below. There was nothing he could do for them now. The fight was turning against them, but his only choice was to fight on.

Moving to Y14.

Eldlich is probably immune to non-magical piercing damage but Divine Fury should work, so I'll try throwing a dagger.
Attack: [roll0], Damage: [roll1] Piercing, [roll2] Radiant

2021-01-11, 12:57 PM
Eldlich floats away from Ein as his minions close in on the fallen fighters. As they savage the bodies, his gun blasts out at Ein.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Disadvantage, if it's there
[roll2] M. Piercing
[roll3] Cold
[roll4] Necrotic

[roll5] Attack
[roll6] Disadvantage, if it's there
[roll7] M. Piercing
[roll8] Cold
[roll9] Necrotic

[roll10] Attack
[roll11] Disadvantage, if it's there
[roll12] M. Piercing
[roll13] Cold
[roll14] Necrotic

He then turns his attention to Malheart, as his weapon glows with magical force.

Casting a spell to empower his gun, then blam-blam-blam.

[roll15] Attack
[roll16] Disadvantage, if it's there
[roll17] M. Piercing
[roll18] Cold
[roll19] Necrotic
[roll20] Force

[roll21] Attack
[roll22] Disadvantage, if it's there
[roll23] M. Piercing
[roll24] Cold
[roll25] Necrotic
[roll26] Force

[roll27] Attack
[roll28] Disadvantage, if it's there
[roll29] M. Piercing
[roll30] Cold
[roll31] Necrotic
[roll32] Force

2021-01-11, 01:06 PM
Malheart ignored the blind fire and streaked like lightning across the room, only opening up with his own blasts when he was sure to be out of reach of Eldlich's counterspells, before dropping out of sight again.

[roll0]+14/Advantage: [roll1]+14, damage [roll2]+14, if crit [roll3]
[roll4]+14/Advantage: [roll9]+14, damage [roll6]+14, if crit [roll7]
[roll8]+14/Advantage: [roll5]+14, damage [roll10]+14, if crit [roll11]
[roll12]+14/Advantage: [roll13]+14, damage [roll14]+14, if crit [roll15]

[roll16]+14/Advantage: [roll17]+14, damage [roll18]+14, if crit [roll19]
[roll20]+14/Advantage: [roll21]+14, damage [roll22]+14, if crit [roll23]
[roll24]+14/Advantage: [roll25]+14, damage [roll26]+14, if crit [roll27]
[roll28]+14/Advantage: [roll29]+14, damage [roll30]+14, if crit [roll31]

All hit with two crits: 179 damage

Not bad for a cantrip.

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-11, 02:12 PM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 0 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 0/1
Zealous Presence: 0/1
Active Effects: Rage
Conditions: None

The shots tore through Eingrim's flesh, ripping life from his body. Only divine energy sustained him now, and that would soon fade. He called out for aid, invoking the blessing of Tyr, and then charged into the fray. If he made himself enough of a target then Malheart may still be able to end this fight.

Moving to Y16, using Zealous Presence, moving to S11, and throwing a dagger.
Malheart has advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws until the start of Ein's next round.

Attack: [roll0], Damage: [roll1] Piercing, [roll2] Radiant
Death Save: [roll3]

2021-01-11, 02:57 PM
Malheart popped from his cover, seeing that Eldlich hadn't moved from his position, he just fired and went into cover, using the extra energy left to him to ready himself to evade

Moving out of cover, shooting, moving back into cover, using the extra haste action for dodge

[roll0]+14/Advantage [roll1]+14, damage [roll2]+14, if crit [roll3]
[roll4]+14/Advantage [roll5]+14, damage [roll6]+14, if crit [roll7]
[roll8]+14/Advantage [roll9]+14, damage [roll10]+14, if crit [roll11]
[roll12]+14/Advantage [roll13]+14, damage [roll14]+14, if crit [roll15]

[roll16]+14/Advantage [roll17]+14, damage [roll18]+14, if crit [roll19]
[roll20]+14/Advantage [roll25]+14, damage [roll22]+14, if crit [roll23]
[roll24]+14/Advantage [roll21]+14, damage [roll26]+14, if crit [roll27]
[roll28]+14/Advantage [roll29]+14, damage [roll30]+14, if crit [roll31]

Damage: no crits: 155 damage
97 damage if he has no advantage

2021-01-11, 03:01 PM
Eldlich moves down, letting the fog disperse again. He holds his gun ready, not firing till Malheart is exposed, and readying a sigil in his free hand.

Readying action.

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-12, 09:00 AM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 5 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 0/1
Zealous Presence: 0/1
Active Effects: None
Conditions: None

Elenora suddenly rose from the ground, still clinging onto life, and resurrected Bor beside her. Taking the opportunity while Eldlich was focused elsewhere, Eingrim ducked behind a pillar to tend his own wounds.

Ducking behind the pillar, drinking a healing potion for [roll0] hp, and ending Rage.

2021-01-12, 01:22 PM
Malheart realized with some elation that both Elenora and Eingrim where still alive - although battered and bruised. That meant, Eldlich was waiting for him now. Yet there was nothing for it.
This time he popped up behind cover and shot immediately, before dropping down again to flee behind the stands

If he readied what I think he readied, I'm ready to counter it ;)

Move one square higher, shoot and then relocate to the opposite end of the hall again.

[roll0]+14/Advantage [roll13]+14, damage [roll2]+14, if crit [roll3]
[roll4]+14/Advantage [roll5]+14, damage [roll6]+14, if crit [roll7]
[roll8]+14/Advantage [roll9]+14, damage [roll10]+14, if crit [roll11]
[roll12]+14/Advantage [roll1]+14, damage [roll14]+14, if crit [roll15]

[roll16]+14/Advantage [roll29]+14, damage [roll18]+14, if crit [roll19]
[roll20]+14/Advantage [roll21]+14, damage [roll22]+14, if crit [roll23]
[roll24]+14/Advantage [roll25]+14, damage [roll26]+14, if crit [roll27]
[roll28]+14/Advantage [roll17]+14, damage [roll30]+14, if crit [roll31]

150 damage

2021-01-12, 05:02 PM
As soon as Mal becomes visible, Eldlich's sigil expands. It's followed by the blazing of his gun, pouring fire into Malheart.

Slow at DC 18 again.

[roll1] Disadvantage?
[roll2] M. Piercing
[roll3] Cold
[roll4] necrotic

[roll6] Disadvantage?
[roll7] M. Piercing
[roll8] Cold
[roll9] necrotic

[roll11] Disadvantage?
[roll12] M. Piercing
[roll13] Cold
[roll14] necrotic

2021-01-13, 11:05 AM
Eldlich swoops over, far from Malheart, and unloads into the newly-standing birdfolk as ice once again grips his form.

Casting a spell, and blam.

[roll1] Disadvantage, if applicable
[roll2] M. Piercing
[roll3] Necrotic
[roll4] Cold

[roll6] Disadvantage, if applicable
[roll7] M. Piercing
[roll8] Necrotic
[roll9] Cold

[roll11] Disadvantage, if applicable
[roll12] M. Piercing
[roll13] Necrotic
[roll14] Cold

2021-01-13, 11:10 AM
Welp, Elenora is dead again.

2021-01-13, 11:10 AM
Welp, Elenora is dead again.

Yeah, but Eldlich is likely to go soon too.

Lord of Gifts
2021-01-13, 03:11 PM
Eingrim the Eternal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2371683)
AC: 20 | HP: 305 | Current: 5 | Hit Dice: 20d12
Passive Perception: 18 | Passive Insight: 12
Fanatical Focus: 0/1
Zealous Presence: 0/1
Active Effects: Rage
Conditions: None

Emerging from cover as he worked back into a frenzy, Eingrim rushed towards the centre of the room, hoping to intercept Eldlich before he could fire on Malheart.

Reactivating Rage, and dashing.

2021-01-13, 03:34 PM
Malheart appreciated the warcry of his companion - they are buying me time with their own life. Let's hope it wasn't in vain.
Being ready to call up a magic shield - the distance was large enough to do so without fearing a counterspell, Malheart rose from his hiding place.

[roll8]/advantage [roll1], damage [roll2]+14, if crit [roll3]
[roll4]/advantage [roll5], damage [roll6]+14, if crit [roll7]
[roll0]/advantage [roll9], damage [roll10]+14, if crit [roll11]
[roll12]/advantage [roll13], damage [roll14]+14, if crit [roll15]

[roll16]/advantage [roll17], damage [roll18]+14, if crit [roll19]
[roll20]/advantage [roll21], damage [roll22]+14, if crit [roll23]
[roll24]/advantage [roll25], damage [roll26]+14, if crit [roll27]
[roll28]/advantage [roll29], damage [roll30]+14, if crit [roll31]

103 damage

2021-01-13, 09:42 PM
Eldlich's armor is torn asunder. This... he manages to get out as the essence of Eldlich begins to escape from its gilded suit. The armor falls to the ground, shattering to pieces.

The zombie brutes shamble towards the armor. You think they'd be crying, if they could.

Eldlich has been defeated.

2021-01-14, 01:05 PM
Malheart almost couldn't believe what he saw. While he still had a bit time left, he flew across the gathered zombies and pelted them with fireballs from his staff, mopping them up before turning to Elenora and using his last higher spell ability to revivify her.
He resummoned his horse and retrieved the 20 healing potions, sharing them among the others.
"We'll get Bor raised and on his feet again. Let's gather up what we can and leave this accursed place. I have to set my brother to his final rest - after that I might do something fun, judge a fiddle contest or something..."