View Full Version : Starstone

2021-01-02, 08:19 PM
Hey guys, i need some help i sure some of you know about the test of the starstone from pathfinder. But is there a module for it? I was gonna build it myself because some of my players wanted it. and i’m working on it but if there is a module it will save me some time. any help would be appreciated and if there is no module maybe some ideas of stuff to add in would be appreciated. Thank you.

2021-01-02, 09:21 PM
Here's a thread (https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/2ew4r8/lets_make_a_test_of_the_starstone_module/) with some thoughts from other people who had the same idea.

2021-01-03, 01:12 AM
I believe the Test of the Starstone has not nor will ever receive any hard, concrete material about what it entails. It serves the setting better as an intentional mystery. That being said, the point of the Test is it specifically tailored to the one taking the test; it's a solo journey so your typical PF party wouldn't work (at least how it is described in Canon). So the test should be very specifically tailored to the PCs and their characters. And probably, should be less about "overcoming X fights" and more about accomplishing a level of enlightenment and attunment to ones future divine domain.

2021-01-03, 11:54 AM
And probably, should be less about "overcoming X fights" and more about accomplishing a level of enlightenment and attunment to ones future divine domain.

You heard it here first. Deities of Stabbing and Gut Wounds will be fine.

But more seriously, yeah, it'll never be made as a module and is all about the tailored challenges.

2021-01-03, 04:26 PM
Being blackout drunk before trying it has been proven to be a successful method of beating the test.

But there are basically no details about the test, nor is there any likelyhood of many ever coming out. The Test of the Starstone is the release valve for players who want their character to become a god. It is entirely unique to any campaign that uses it, because it is meant be to outside Piazo canon. They may use it for plot hooks, but it would be too game breaking to ever define the tests.

2021-01-03, 05:00 PM
all good fair points thanks guys

2021-01-04, 12:55 PM
I just want to highlight that godhood and disappearance are not the only possible outcomes for taking the Test. Adventurers (both solo and groups) have canonically gone in and emerged with fantastic treasures and tales that strain belief, or even simply emerged empty-handed and (mostly) unharmed, but having learned valuable lessons about themselves. You could have your players enter for all kinds of other reasons besides the banner goal of trying to ascend to divinity - they could be trying to attain not-quite-divine power like Mythic, locate a potent missing artifact or person, learn some crucial and forgotten piece of lore, obtain the means to seal away some otherwise unbeatable evil (or just trap it inside there), restore/buff an existing but weakened deity riding shotgun etc.

The Starstone is above all else an excuse for you to create a dungeon or other challenge that is tailored perfectly to your players without concerns for setting coherence, contrivance, or consequence to the world at large - the challenges inside can be as thrilling and dangerous as you want them to be, while also being totally confined to the pocket dimension inside the stone. The chance at godhood is primarily a carrot/macguffin that can tempt even the most mercenary of aspirants to want to give it a go.

Kurald Galain
2021-01-04, 01:26 PM
Hey guys, i need some help i sure some of you know about the test of the starstone from pathfinder. But is there a module for it?
Check this wiki page (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Test_of_the_Starstone), in particular the sources listed at the bottom. There's no module; but there's more info that can be helpful for you. Apparently the book Disciple's Doctrine also elaborates on the Starstone.