View Full Version : Lifestyle costs

2021-01-05, 06:26 AM
I'm looking for a generalised system of lifestyle costs, street, low, medium, high, luxury...

I'm certain that it exists in pathfinder, I just can't find it.

2021-01-05, 01:23 PM
Lodging and Services can be found here.


I remember something about lifestyle in general as well, but I'm AFB. Either Ultimatee equipment, ,Ultimate Intrigue, or PHB.

edits: wrong link

2021-01-05, 07:10 PM
Not sure where it might be in Pathfinder, but as it was part of a discussion I was having yesterday, I do know what the 5e version is.

5e Lifestyle Price/Day
Squalid 1 sp
Poor 2 sp
Modest 1 gp
Comfortable 2 gp
Wealthy 4 gp
Aristocratic 10 gp minimum

2021-01-05, 08:30 PM
It a little bit more complecated than a straight anser unfortunatly.

1st theres a buy in cost for each level and then theres the upkeep for that life stile

a medum creatur Must pay/find at least 3 sp worth of food per day.
If you can't pay then Fort save vs Starvation. with a +2 DC penalty per meal you have missed
you can buy Better meals which grants a +2 bonuse Vs your 1st saving throw Vs Starvation.

No extra Living costs.

2 GP per week

Live in worker (lower Class)
no living costs But no pay either

Lower Class
1,000 gp for a small house and 1 gp per week in Maintinance.

Middel Class
X thousand for a small Shop and X times 10 gold Per week Profit

Upper Class
10,000 GP for a large house with Buttler, cook and Cleaners 100 gp per week upkeep
or country house house in grounds With a Servant, Guardiners, 10gp per week upkeep
Get Knighted and Build a castle Mony better be no limit, minum cost is 100,000 gp for a keep, Upkeep veries with staffing and Size.

2021-01-06, 08:20 AM
The cost to maintain a lavish mansion is, of course, tucked away under "Hunting, Camping, and Survival Gear (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/goods-and-services/hunting-camping-survival-gear/)," on the PFSRD.

2021-01-06, 12:27 PM
Much appreciated.

2021-01-06, 04:14 PM
Not sure where it might be in Pathfinder, but as it was part of a discussion I was having yesterday, I do know what the 5e version is.

5e Lifestyle Price/Day
Squalid 1 sp
Poor 2 sp
Modest 1 gp
Comfortable 2 gp
Wealthy 4 gp
Aristocratic 10 gp minimum

Just for the sake of completeness, DMG touches on this for 3.5 (Variant: Upkeep, p.130).

Self-Sufficient 2 gp/month
Meager 5gp/month
Poor 12gp/month
Common 45gp/month
Good 100gp/month
Extravagant 200gp/month