View Full Version : Chain Pact Celestial Warlock for Tyranny of Dragons- help!

2021-01-05, 03:12 PM
So, I will be playing my first Warlock for a Tyranny of Dragons campaign. Party is Me, Wizard, Barbarian, Paladin, Rogue, and Druid.

I don't want any spoilers, obviously, but knowing it's a dragon-themed campaign I was thinking of going Tiefling and getting Infernal Constitution feat. Any pitfalls in that general idea? Any other race suggestion. This will also be my first time playing a Tiefling, never been too excited about their infernal origins, so it will be fun to play with that.


2021-01-05, 06:47 PM
It is useful, not gamebreaking. Without spoilers : the fact that it's dragon themed doesn't, of course, mean all your fights will be against dragons. There is a possibility to face every type of dragon at least once, but of course this might change if your DM adapts the encounters to your actions (and he should).

Still, fighting a dragon is always a challenge, so resistance to 3 dragon breaths is nothing to sneeze at, even if it's not all the time, when you'll need it you'll really need it.

I suggest discussing your patron with your DM, there are many interesting way to tie a Patron to this plot.

Ultimately, and unless your DM give a free feat at level 1, pick the feat that you like. If something else seems more fun at level 4, go for that. But Infernal Constitution won't be useless nor OP.

2021-01-05, 06:58 PM
Several benefits for a half feat, but (like has been said) only useful depending on the campaign / DM. And yes, all those should come up at least once in the adventures.

Consider a pseudodragon for your chain pact critter. Not the OP one, but thematic. A new invocation in Tasha's makes them potent I think.

As for the rest, tiefling is fine (another element to resist!). Consider the tiefling variants in Volo's, I think? Not pointing to any one in particular, just more options, might be something to go with your backstory.

Sounds like a good fit, you're the only charisma-primary character, and another healer on top of the paladin and druid. If it fits the character, inspiring leader would be helpful too.

2021-01-06, 02:55 AM
There are two early and powerful invocations for the chain, but sadly if you want both you’d have to take them at 5 and 7 unless you want to use your feat to get one at 4. It’s not unreasonable to do so, but sadly the lame +cha is probably a better use.

These are gift of the ever living and investiture.

The ever living combos well with celestial, ensuring you are able to heal yourself for 6hp per level. It will save spells for sure over the course of a game, as you basically become self sufficient when hurt.

Investiture is the more ... interesting one. It gives you an always on bonus attack with some major debuff power. Sprite gives you a ranged high dc poison with a very low chance to paralyze. Pseudo gives you the melee version with a much higher chance to paralyze (just expect to have to resummon the poor guy often).

So unless the feat decision is a free level 1 feat I think there is the question of which path do you pick at 5. If you want to make use of the bonus attack familiar then pumping your cha to 20 becomes a priority, since their dc goes up with it (as well as your own benefits). Assuming you go for full cha, 17 at creation, that opens up getting a half feat instead at 4 to bring you to 18 (and likely a +2 at 8).

Actor and skill expert are the mundane options.
The magic options are telekinesis, telepath, and fey or shadow touched.

I’d certainly consider any of these (well, maybe not actor unless that’s your jam) over your racial feat. They all have their pros and cons, but I think it’s a more active and therefore more interesting option over more resistance. Then again you’ll curse my name every time you make a poison or cold save. ;)

Still, two extra casts are a big deal for a warlock. In the end it is, as always, what fits the concept and play style. If you take resistances and ever living ones, you’ll be a lot more tanky than investiture and fey touch (which gives you the option for an extra hex). Obviously you can have both chain abilities at 7, though there is nothing wrong with voice of the chain master either for some familiar scouting!

Anyway, long story short is you are fine as is, but I’d be looking at what type of chain master I want to be and using the feat to support it.