View Full Version : Dare to Dream (closed)

2021-01-11, 12:41 AM

OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?624796-(M-amp-M3e)-Dare-to-Dream&p=24867405#post24867405)

Freedom City, January 4, 2021, 9 a.m., hard rain, 40°F


Homework. Mr. Hills' essay questions on the 1917 Bolsheviks Revolution were …. tedious. But, the assignment was due tomorrow. Deo's cellphone chirped with texts; from frat-friends about a breakfast run to the North Bay Yacht Club. Mimosas and bacon-cheese croissants; his girlfriend wanted to go shopping for winter-wear downtown; his parents sent word they are enroute to Germany and will be back in a week …
How does Deo respond to everyone? What's he doing next?

ASTRO Labs conference room

The gathered department heads stared at Adrian in semi-shock. He'd relayed the "accident" and decade-long displacement to them as well as possible. But Dr. MacLeod, senior ASTRO Labs advisor, nodded his head and tapped the table, as if he knew something. He said, "We'll need your data prior to the … accident. How it happened can be a learning exercise." The others begin a cacophony of questions and objections to Adrian's testimony! Many say Adrian is making it all up and he's a charlatan! The conference room was uncomfortable, unlike his lab space ...
Does Adrian defend his experience? Does he reveal the data? Does he relent and discount his experience?


Amidst a crowd of black umbrellas, Kiera walks the city streets. Remembering. She had many battles with supervillains along these streets. That time the Power Corps tried to rob the Federal Reserve. That was her first time working with the Freedom League.

It was insane how … the city scene shifts from rainy Freedom City to her home as a child! Kiera finds herself standing just outside her family home. So familiar. A man is seated in a lounge-chair, his back to her. Her relatives walk around the area smiling at her and asking what she's been up to? The seated man says, "Where are you, Kiera?"
Does she interact with relatives? Does she answer the man? Does she question the scene?

Sparkle Knight:

Ellen stands outside Champions where she was enjoying a breakfast meal when her editor called: she wanted the comic's focus to turn more "social" than "crime-fighting". The rain clouded her phone screen as she weighed the circumstances. As she started to respond, a transient walked up and splurted out how "the world is illusion! Everything is fake! You're in a trap! A psychological trap! You need to wake up and if you give him $20 he can help you …"
How do you handle the editor's request? How do you handle the transient? Your food is getting cold inside the restaurant …

The Science Museum

Standing in front of the 1920's City Exhibit, Aly ponders how the city's past defines the future. He was crafting an article for his city blog when a woman walked up, shaking the rain from her clothing. She cleared her throat and stared at the exhibit. Then she looked at Aly and said, "Funny place, Freedom. I keep coming back here …… it, won't leave me alone. Are you local?" The woman is attractive but unknown. Aly gets a phone text from the museum director suggesting he "paint the museum in a good light" with his article ….
Do you focus on your article? Do you engage the woman? Do you engage the museum director's text?

The Pramas Bridge:

John is transporting building supplies for a local construction company. It was good work, unless you ask Frank, his co-worker in the passenger seat who complained the entire trip. The pay wasn't enough. The hours weren't enough. The benefits …. and traffic started to slow down on the bridge. Some people can't drive in the rain …
How do you handle Frank?

2021-01-11, 02:18 AM
This was not a comfortable situation for Adrian. He was getting used to human contact again, but a year of isolation followed by a month of limited contact with the few old friends he found and trusted to keep quiet didn't exactly put him in a good position to deal with a roomful of people all saying their objections at once.

Luckily, he'd prepared for this, and wore the suit when he reintroduced himself to ASTRO - it got him some weird looks, but he didn't care and nobody stopped him from wearing a harmless old environment suit if he really wanted to. It was something rather calming to him at this point, having saved his life on so many occasions in the other world, and it was also his biggest piece of evidence. Evidently, just looking at it wasn't enough - he supposed that without proper analysis, they couldn't be sure that the sleek plates that made up most of the X-3's exterior weren't just something he did with modern materials. He'd need to present more obvious evidence that something had happened.

Raising a hand for silence, Adrian pauses for a moment to ensure they're looking at him and not arguing amongst themselves before dropping his hand onto the table, and then straight through it, the suit's phase systems allowing his arm to move through the solid matter with ease. Bringing his hand back up, he switches power to the manipulation gauntlets to lift one of the more vocal scientist's morning cup of coffee out of his hand and deftly set it down on the desk. "There's your proof. It happened. If you don't believe me, I can just leave now."

Finally, Adrian addresses Dr. MacLeod, the man's words sparking his curiosity and getting some more words out of him than his previous display. "A learning experience for what? Are you carrying on Fairbright's project? Did any of you work on dimension-related technologies while I was gone? What do you know already about what went wrong back then?"

Gonna try to roll Insight (+5) against MacLeod, see if Adrian can pick up anything further.

2021-01-11, 06:47 AM
John sighs and rests his head in his hand, watching traffic plod along. Frank's voice had become a kind of muted drone by now, and he idly wondered what would happen if he just carried the truck where it needed to go. But his boss would probably blow a gasket, something about damaging the truck and he'd have to dock John's pay, or causing a panic or putting Frank's life in danger, in the end it seemed like less of a problem to just put up with traffic. If he'd had another job prospect lined up he might have done it as his way of quitting, but for now this was what he had, so he would do his best to keep it. "Hey Frank if the traffic bothers you so much, you could probably go tell them to go faster. I'm pretty sure you could catch up to them if you jog a little."

2021-01-11, 09:39 AM
Ignoring the maniac, Ellen heads back inside to ponder the question as she eats. She really needs to be more specific... she thinks, fed up with her editor's vague requests. She takes a bite of an annoyingly lukewarm pancake, resolving to send her a text afterward--ask about where "social"s could be added.

2021-01-11, 05:50 PM
Seeing for once he had many things to do today he releases his full potential. No one else would ever understand what it was like have you brain and body move as one at such speeds. Deo quickly finishes the home work(Quickness) and then texts his friends hey guys be there in 30 just getting up that being done with the speed of thought he then decides about Alice he sends her off a text how about we go shopping later this afternoon, babe finally he just responds to his parents see you guys at dinner that night school is killing me right now he quickly dresses and gets in his Porsche heading to the Yacht club, fast, talking a sip off his flask

2021-01-11, 09:11 PM
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?624796-(M-amp-M3e)-Dare-to-Dream&p=24867405#post24867405)

Freedom City, January 4, 2021, 9:05 a.m., hard rain, 40°F

Yacht Club

Deo's frat-buddies have all sorts of fun at the club: driving towards crazy drink and meal choices, chasing women, talking crazy to club locals! With Deo's drinking, it all gets crazy!
Does he pal-up with his friends? Does he chase a female visitor?

ASTRO Labs conference room

The gathered scientists express amazement at Nomad's demonstration! They murmur about "unexpected technologies" and "new tech" that's outside the bounds of their research. They are amazed by Nomad's demonstration and discuss it amongst themselves.

Dr. MacLeod says, "We need to discuss this in closed quarters in keeping with ASTRO Labs guidelines. There's more here. I'd like to thank department heads attending, but you're excused at this point. Thank you."

They exit discussing Nomad's demonstration, until only Dr. MacLeod remains. He sighs at Nomad ...
Where do you go next with Dr. MacLeod? Do you influence NPC scientists?

Sparkle Knight:

The Freedom City limits are presented by progressive events. Front-line event. Sparkle Knight can transform the events.
FC events can alter events. What can the FC events do?

The Science Museum

The team has to fight the new levels of Championship. New levels of victory. Fight a new end-zone victory! Define the fight! Demonstrate victory with positions.

The Scarab digs deep against the defense!

Do you match the tempo? How do you stay on schedule with the tempo? What schedule works for this team?

Find the passing options! Get more about physicality. The passing option looking for difficult alternatives. This, can be real options.

Get more about the Blitz! Force the sticks than regular pressure.
More pressure than expected.

2021-01-11, 10:57 PM
Deo pals around with his buddies for awhile drinking and even smoking off of his vape pen. He misses Alice and wishes she was here and texts her hey babe, I was missing you. Is around 1 ok for you? Also having drinking at the yacht club if you aren’t doing anything . He takes another shot and keeps partying waiting for a reply.

2021-01-11, 11:52 PM
Condition: Normal
Hero Points: 1
Luck Points: 2/2

Kiera's breath caught in her throat.


It took her a moment to even process what she was seeing. Everyone was here; aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, her parents, her little sister. Memories, faces, love, worry, guilt, loss, everything she'd been trying so hard to bury and forget, it all came flooding back at once, welling like tears, rising like bile. She stumbled forward, a dozen names fighting on the tip of her tongue. She wanted so badly to to embrace them, to talk to them again, to chat and laugh like nothing was wrong. Another chance...it felt too good to be true.

That's because it is.

...It wasn't real. She knew that, factually. She'd seen the specs of that doomsday machine herself; they weren't even dust, now. These were nothing but phantoms, old memories.

Was she dreaming? She didn't recall falling asleep, or ever dreaming this lucidly. Was she having a mental break? It was certainly possible, but it didn't feel right. Kiera was no psychologist, but this felt very real for a mental delusion, and she wasn't sure if it was actually possible to realize you were having a mental delusion in the middle of a mental delusion. Taking those off the table for the moment, that left shenanigans.

Kiera tore herself away from the friendly scene and turned to the man in the chair, anger beginning to bubble into the whirlwind of emotions swirling in her head. If she was being messed with somehow, whoever was doing it had a pretty sick sense of humor.

"Who are you, exactly? And where is this? Actually, what is this? Am I having a mental breakdown, or is this something else?"

2021-01-12, 12:45 AM
Adrian lets the other scientists leave without any complaint - he'd gotten what he wanted from them and proven his story, so that was enough for now. Besides, MacLeod and what he knew was far more important - the more he thought about his original question about the experiment, the more Adrian was sure that there was something about the experiment that he didn't know about but which was related to the incident. "So? What do you know that I don't?"

Naturally, Adrian's going to be rolling Insight at any opportunity, because this whole situation feels suspicious to him.