View Full Version : Optimization Mother Cyst Necromancer

Doctor Despair
2021-01-11, 12:22 PM
The Mother Cyst line of spells has always been very interesting to me as a thematic character concept. I also appreciated the power of Necrotic Domination and how it came online a level early relative to Dominate Person while avoiding Protection from Evil and the Mind-Affecting tag. I decided to try to put together a build to play into those strengths (Versatile Dread Necromancer's accelerated casting) as well as taking advantage of the skulking cysts created as a byproduct to use every part of the animal, as it were. I considered the synergy with Reach Spell, but the metamagic was too expensive early and unnecessary later on. I was wondering if anyone had any constructive criticism or suggestions that would make the build more effective. :)

Base Fort
Base Ref
Base Will
Class Features

Dread Necromancer
Versatile Spellcaster, Heighten Spell (Strongheart Halfling Bonus Feat)
Charnel touch, rebuke undead
There's some debate as to whether Dread Necromancers automatically gain access to their next level of spells known upon taking Versatile Spellcaster. Others disagree, stating that they are unable to cast their next level of spell until they have a spell known at that level, although I would counter that this reading suggests Dread Necromancers can never learn any new spells (as they would be unable to gain even level 2 spells without already knowing level 2 spells). With that said, Heighten Spell both resolves this debate and is useful for the build. We gain early access to our level 2 list, letting us command any undead we encounter. Spectral Hand lets us use our Charnel Touch without being on the front line, and Blindness/Deafness is certainly a significant debuff to apply at level 1.

Dread Necromancer
Lich body DR 2

Dread Necromancer
Mother Cyst
Negative energy burst 1/day
Here, we gain access to Necrotic Cyst and Necrotic Scrying. We don't have a way to subtly encyst people yet, but we can encyst folks we defeat in battle and track them. Likewise, we can encyst small animals and use them as scouts and spies; also of note is that Scrying doesn't target a living creature, but a cyst-bearer. If you encyst a person who later dies, the cyst should still be in their body, and therefore should still allow you to scry on their location. In addition, we take Necropolitan at this level and return to level 2. On that note, we can also easily afford a Living Mask (Ghostwalk, 72) to hide our undead nature, and we need never take it off. From this point on, we have unlimited self-healing via Charnel Touch.

Dread Necromancer
Advanced learning, mental bastion +2
We gain access to level 3s, so our Advanced Learning pings as a level 3 or less. We can get access to Animate Dead two levels early (from the Cleric list), or we can take Undead Lieutenant to increase the payoff for Animate Dead at level 6, or start a fight with the DM by taking Shivering Touch to use with Spectral Hand.

Dread Necromancer
Fear aura
We can now afford a Ring of Lesser Desecration (4395gp).

Dread Necromancer
Sickening Grasp, Skill Focus: Religion (Magical Location: Frog God's Phane), False Theurgy (Skill Trick)
Scabrous touch 1/day
A lot happens at this level. We gain natural access to Animate Dead, and Arcane Disciple lets us use it while in a desecrated area to boost the strongest creatures we can create (to 24HD if we can find such a corpse), giving us a ton of combat utility. On top of that, we gain access to Necrotic Domination three levels earlier than wizards gain access to Dominate Person. Necrotic Domination is not mind-affecting, so it is strictly superior save for the need to encyst the target first. False Theurgy also gives us the means to secretly encyst people however; using Heighten Spell with False Theurgy allows us to mask any spell as any other spell, providing they both have the same types of components. Through this synergy, we can disguise Necrotic Cyst as other spells like Remove Disease or Remove Addiction, two spells with the same components and same type of save as Necrotic Cyst. This is a major spike in power for the build as, given enough time, we can a ton of HD of Animated Dead, command 11 undead of any HD, and have as many dominated living subjects as we can stagger dominations for. Granted, we are still gated by WBL with regard to the amount of undead we can create, but Necrotic Domination will help mitigate this limitation. This level could be swapped out for a level of Incantatrix in an E6 build, but the save, BAB progression, and class features seem to favor delaying that level in a longer build.

Pale Master
If only our spell list had Animate Dead Level.

Pale Master
Iron Will (Magical Location: Otyugh Hole)
SLA: Animate dead 1/day
We can now create an undead creature for free once per day, providing we can find a corpse. This is significant, as creating the amount of undead we can control is starting to get exorbitantly expensive. We can also afford a Rod of Undead Mastery by the 1/2 WBL guidelines, doubling the amount of undead we can control.

Residual Metamagic, Chain Spell (Bonus)
Focused study
Chain Spell explodes the amount of undead we can control. Residual Metamagic functions as a pseudo-reducer, letting us use Chain Spell for free every other casting (as well as the other benefits of RM). Chain Spell is, of course, also very potent in combat as well. We also get access to Necrotic Burst, letting us create Skulking Cysts to command. Their +23 hide check and +19 move silently check makes them potent spies, and their ability to encyst targets increases our ability to control living creatures.

Dread Necromancer
Lich body DR 4, summon familiar
There are a lot of powerful choices for a familiar here. Ghostly Visage is probably the ideal one, as we don't have a lot of native ways to create incorporeal undead yet, but there are other valid options.

Dread Necromancer
Advanced learning, negative energy burst 2/day, undead mastery
In addition to buffing our undead, the number of undead we can control also explodes here. With a +5 in charisma, we can now control 144HD of undead instead of 80HD, even assuming we haven't gotten any charisma-boosting items yet. We also hit Advanced Learning. Animate Dread Warrior is a decent way to cement the "limitless army" trope, and allows us to create more useful undead with class levels and intelligence. Another strong option could be Door of Decay, letting us teleport between our controlled undead. Another interesting option is "Haunt Shift," letting you turn your undead into Haunting Presences, letting you create undead-powered animated objects, such as self-propelled wagons and whatnot. One last option worth considering might be Proper State, letting us convert humanoid incorporeal undead into ghosts (with class levels); this does require us to know their previous race, class, and level, however.

Extend Spell
Cooperative metamagic
Extend Spell, as if it were even necessary, allows us to better manage our Command Undeads and Necrotic Dominations.

Metamagic effect
We can now apply Extend Spell or Chain Spell to ongoing Command Undeads or Necrotic Dominations, allowing us to, again, vastly boost the amount of undead we can control.

Fortify Spell
By this point, our undead army is presumably legion, so the ability to fell powerful adventurers that can cut through our avoid our minions becomes more important. Fortify Spell will let our SoD and SoS spells cut through their spell resistance more easily.

Arcane Mastery
Metamagic spell trigger
With Fortify Spell, we should be able to automatically succeed against CR-appropriate SR with 100% certainty by taking 10 on the check.

Seize concentration

Persistent Spell (Bonus)
Instant metamagic 1/day
Incantatrix allows us to apply Persistent Spell to buffs after the fact, so there are a number of interesting options here. Necrotic Empowerment is one such interesting option. Once we are done creating more living slaves and don't need to re-dominate them for the rest of the day, we can remove those spells from consideration in exchange for massive buffs to dex, int, wis, natural armor, fortitude, and hp. We also get access to Necrotic Termination, one of the best ways in the game to make sure something stays dead.

Snatch spell
We can probably deal with any enemy we can see, so why not take a special sensory mode that is almost impossible for living creatures to avoid?

Instant metamagic 2/day

Twin Spell
Improved metamagic
As a capstone, why not double spells?


2021-01-11, 12:46 PM
A spontaneous cleric can bring Necrotic Domination online a level earlier. Also, you don't mention it, but Necrotic Tumor significantly increases the scope of possible minions.

Doctor Despair
2021-01-11, 06:26 PM
Also, you don't mention it, but Necrotic Tumor significantly increases the scope of possible minions.

A very notable exclusion; I'm sure it reflects in the amount of detail I shared, but I was much more focused on the early levels, haha.

A spontaneous cleric can bring Necrotic Domination online a level earlier.

Are you talking about the Unearthed Arcana Divine Caster variant? It's true they bring Necrotic Domination online at level 5. You also can't take False Theurgy until level 6, I think, which makes applying the cysts to targets with dominating a bit more difficult (and probably requires party cooperation to restrain the target), making the level 5 entry a little less significant than it otherwise would be. It also boxes you into the Trickery domain to get access to bluff as a class skill, although it's definitely fitting fluff-wise, so that takes out the Deathbound domain as an option.

... On the other hand, they also don't have native access to Command Undead, so it's a bit of a mixed bag. Maybe you could get away with Anyspell? Actually, I suppose you could take the Divine Magician variant to add Command Dead to your spells known.

With regard to spells known, you do get native access to Desecrate, which is nice, as well as Door of Decay, General of Undeath, maybe Awaken Undead... You can also take the Deathbound domain to create even stronger undead if you can find some way to get an extra domain, although that's less necessary once you have Desecrate. The limited spells known isn't as relevant for a consumate specialist like this. That saves you a feat (w.r.t. Arcane Disciple), which is super significant (especially for the hypothetical E6 build).

It's otherwise as cleric, so what do we lose? Charnel Touch is probably the most relevant lost class feature by swapping over; losing the unlimited self-healing is sad. That could reduce the lifespan of our undead, although we do still have inflict, at least. We can get around that if we get some black sand... As I recall, there's a spell to get black sand, I just can't remember the name off the top of my head. We lose our familiar, was was a nice benefit, but not key to the build. We lose the free Corpsecrafter benefit, and our total HD of controlled undead drops quite a bit in the mid-game. If we had access to the Deathbound domain, that would mitigate that somewhat... I'm just not sure how to fit that in though.

We can still go into Pale Master (Divine Magician taking Command Undead at 2 and Vampiric Touch at 3), but we do lose Incantatrix due to not being an arcane caster. That is probably the biggest downside; there are other ways to use metamagic for free, but when it comes to Chain Spell on Command Undead, Incantatrix is pretty unmatched as far as I know. If we swap from Strongheart Halfling to Southern Magician, we can still enter into it, negating the feat gain from losing Arcane Disciple, but keeping the build path relatively stable.

It would then look something like...

Necropolitan Magic-Blooded Human

1. Spontaneous Cleric (Versatile Spellcaster, Mother Cyst)
2. Spontaneous Cleric
3. Spontaneous Cleric (Heighten Spell)
4. Spontaneous Cleric
5. Spontaneous Cleric (Skill Focus: Knowledge (Religion))
6. Pale Master (Southern Magician, False Theurgy)
7. Pale Master (Iron Will)
8-11. Incantatrix
12-14. ?
15-20 Incantatrix

Edit: I was in a rush and forgot Incantatrix doesn't progress divine casting.

Definitely worth considering! Maybe there's a divine prc we can slip into the 1-5 levels that will give us bluff as a class skill...

2021-01-11, 07:34 PM
If you're primarily (as I tend to be) concerned with command undead as a 2nd-level spell accessed as early as possible, Precocious Apprentice will get you access to it with absolutely zero dispute over whether you're abusing the RAW in a way that is not intended (or, worse, technically doesn't work; not arguing with you over your technical reading, because I haven't studied it and don't care that much right here and now, but I bring this up as an alternative that'll get you at least one spell on your 2nd-level list, plus an extra 2nd-level spell slot, eventually).

Necrotic tumor really is the money spell, in my opinion, especially if you want to be an EVIL minionmancer.

Imagine sending your skulking cyst minions into a town or city to attack and infect various townsfolk. You can use necrotic scrying to scope them out and look at their surroundings with very cheap 2nd level spell slots. Then, when you have opportunity, you can slip in and use necrotic tumor on various important individuals. Start with some key ones that you want to suggest courses of action to if you can't fully dominate them (though if they failed the save against the skulking cyst's necrotic cyst spell-like ability, they probably will fail the save against your necrotic tumor and become your total slaves). But eventually, you'll want to use this on some less-strategically-placed people just to have pawns everywhere.

Now, when the pesky heroes start investigating, those less-than-useful mind slaves can be sent to try to talk them out of it...or to lure them somewhere to talk about the situation and give them intel, or beg for help, or any such thing. When the heroes gather 'round, you detonate the minion with necrotic eruption. Fireball-like damage with 15 or more dice, half of it Vile damage, and a higher-level save DC vs. necrotic cyst infection for the heroes!

Even if they make the save vs. infection, somebody they were asking for help just EXPLODED all over them.

Sending people at the heroes begging for salvation only to explode them is pretty bad for hero morale.

2021-01-11, 07:38 PM
The Sickening Grasp feat goes well with necrotic cyst because it sickens them when you touch them. Makes it much more feasible in combat, and arguably nerfs their save against the spell, depending on how you interpret the timing. (And of course it gives +1 CL.) If you want even more debuffs, you can throw Fearsome Necromancy on there too.

Consider Grell Alchemy over Fortify Spell. No slot adjustment, and it also makes your spells harder to dispel.

... On the other hand, they also don't have native access to Command Undead, so it's a bit of a mixed bag. Maybe you could get away with Anyspell? Actually, I suppose you could take the Divine Magician variant to add Command Dead to your spells known.
Necromancer domain (ECS) might be preferable. The domain power is +1 CL for all your necromancy spells. (Also, divine magician adds the spells to your class spell list, not your spells known, so it's not reeeally the best for a spontaneous cleric.) There's also the Undead domain (D312), which grants a bonus to your rebuking checks instead.

Definitely worth considering! Maybe there's a divine prc we can slip into the 1-5 levels that will give us bluff as a class skill...
Church inquisitor, tainted spellcaster, dread witch, and aberrant paragon could all do this.

2021-01-11, 09:30 PM
The only way I know to get Incantatrix on a (spontaneous) cleric is via Maho-Tsukai. This also gives access to Bluff.

Potentially, you could DMM[Chain] instead of Incantatrix.

Can Chain Spell be applied to an existing Command Undead? It seems like doing so would violate the text of Chain Spell itself, as the spell is already cast.

Doctor Despair
2021-01-11, 09:49 PM
If you're primarily (as I tend to be) concerned with command undead as a 2nd-level spell accessed as early as possible, Precocious Apprentice will get you access to it with absolutely zero dispute over whether you're abusing the RAW in a way that is not intended (or, worse, technically doesn't work; not arguing with you over your technical reading, because I haven't studied it and don't care that much right here and now, but I bring this up as an alternative that'll get you at least one spell on your 2nd-level list, plus an extra 2nd-level spell slot, eventually).

A very valid consideration, and I appreciate the thought. I'm fairly confident in this reading by the RAW, but that doesn't mean every table will abide by it, and in the face of an uncooperative DM, PA is definitely a strong option.

Necrotic tumor really is the money spell, in my opinion, especially if you want to be an EVIL minionmancer.


Sending people at the heroes begging for salvation only to explode them is pretty bad for hero morale.

I'm in love with the flavor of it, to be sure. When next I'm in an evil campaign, I'll definitely want to bust out (or burst out) the Cyst.

The Sickening Grasp feat goes well with necrotic cyst because it sickens them when you touch them. Makes it much more feasible in combat, and arguably nerfs their save against the spell, depending on how you interpret the timing. (And of course it gives +1 CL.) If you want even more debuffs, you can throw Fearsome Necromancy on there too.

I actually saw you advocating for Sickening Grasp in another thread from a bygone age, if I remember correctly, but I was torn on it for two reasons:

* I wasn't sure about the practical application of it outside of combat. I feel like the build is predicated on stealthily infecting targets with cysts, so making them sickened or shaken when you try to encyst them seems like it would be a dead giveaway, right? Even so, the caster level boosts are tempting, in addition to the in-combat use of it, but...

* What is it better than? To take it at a reasonable level, I'd probably be giving up Desecrate. I suppose I could toss in a Ring of Lesser Desecration or Eternal Wand of Desecrate to replicate that, providing they're available in-setting. I've been trying to avoid relying on specific magical gear too much (e.g., the mask could be replaced by not taking Necropolitan; the rod of undead mastery is just gravy), but I suppose, in that sense, having desecrate at all is predicated on finding enough useful corpses to animate anyway, which is up to DM fiat in the first place.

Consider Grell Alchemy over Fortify Spell. No slot adjustment, and it also makes your spells harder to dispel.

Now I've played a lot of dnd, but due to my routine DM's preference (and I only realized it while building this character), I almost never run into enemies that have spell resistance. Arcane Mastery lets us take 10, and we've lost a caster level to Pale Master; in your experience, would caster level +11 be enough to overcome most CR-appropriate encounters?

Necromancer domain (ECS) might be preferable. The domain power is +1 CL for all your necromancy spells. (Also, divine magician adds the spells to your class spell list, not your spells known, so it's not reeeally the best for a spontaneous cleric.) There's also the Undead domain (D312), which grants a bonus to your rebuking checks instead.

Good catch. That does make it worse... Without it, though, we're losing Command Undead, which is problematic, and Vampiric Touch, which precludes us from entering Pale Master, so I think we'd be stuck with them in the cleric chassis. I'm thinking Dread Necromancer might be a better fit overall just due to the useage of Incantatrix for Chain Spell, to be honest, so I suppose it's somewhat of a moot point.

The only way I know to get Incantatrix on a (spontaneous) cleric is via Maho-Tsukai. This also gives access to Bluff.

Requires the DM to be using the variant taint system though; lately I've been trying to avoid DM fiat in builds I'm putting together, although I suppose a little DM fiat comes with the territory when you're scrounging for corpses.

Potentially, you could DMM[Chain] instead of Incantatrix.

Yeah, DMM could work with a steady source of Nightsticks and a compliant DM. That'd free up the domain for something more useful at least. To be fair, I suppose most things get better with a steady source of Nightsticks, haha.

Can Chain Spell be applied to an existing Command Undead? It seems like doing so would violate the text of Chain Spell itself, as the spell is already cast.

Not normally, but that's why Incantatrix is so helpful here; Metamagic Effect is just bonkers.

Metamagic Effect (Su): At 3rd level, an incantatrix can attempt to apply a metamagic feat she possesses to a persistent spell effect that is already in place. For example, she could use Extend Spell to extend the duration of a wall of force or Maximize Spell to maximize the damage dealt by a cloudkill. To use this ability, the incantatrix must be adjacent to or within the spell effect and make a successful Spellcraft check (DC 18 + [3 * modified spell level]. "Modified spell level" is the level of the spell slot that the spell would occupy if it were prepared with the metamagic feat applied. Spell slot increases for metamagic feats that were applied to affect the spell's casting (such as Still Spell, Silent Spell, or Quicken Spell) do not count toward the modified spell level, but adjustments for metamagic that change the spell's effect (such as Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, or Widen Spell) do count.

For example, applying the Extend Spell feat to a wall of fire gives it a modified spell level of 5th (4th for the spell +1 for the Extend Spell feat), so the DC would be 18 + (3 * 5) = 33. If the wall of fire had been cast with the Silent Spell feat applied, the DC is still 33, since that feat applies to the spell's casting, not its effect. On the other hand, extending an empowered wall of fire would give it a modified spell level of 7th and a Spellcraft DC of 39.

An incantatrix can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Int modifier. Using this ability is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

So long as you have a commanded undead creature by your side (or you could command yourself, I guess), you should be able to use this to chain it to undead = caster level.

Actually, the idea of using the spell on yourself is kind of funny; you'd be entitled to opposed charisma checks if someone else tried to use it on you, I think.

2021-01-12, 02:50 AM
On Night Sticks, the precise wording speaks of giving you more uses of rebuke while you hold them. They don’t have charges. Technically, you can pass them around the party if there are multiple members who can rebuke undead, and each member can, while holding them, rebuke four more times per day than normal.

However, that also means that you can’t “drain” one and pick up another. If you have, say, five rebuke attempts per day, natively, and you pick up a Nightstick, you now can make up to nine rebuke attempts that day. If you use DMM: Persist (costing seven attempts, I believe), you’ve used seven rebuke attempts of the nine you may try.

If you then put down the Nightstick, you’ve used seven of the five rebuke attempts you’re allowed, and can’t use any more. If you pick up a different Nightstick, you’re back to having used seven of the nine you’re allowed, and can use two more.

At best, you can get an extra eight rebuke attempts by wielding two Nightsticks, simultaneously. Plus four each.

But no matter how many times you swap them out, you’ve still used however many you’ve used; the Nightsticks only change your allowed number.

This tends to make DMs more willing to permit them, since it creates a natural stopping point beyond merely saying you spent more gold.