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View Full Version : Did I make my bard too powerful?

2021-01-11, 12:41 PM
So we are playing in a pathfinder campaign adventure path, and the group is more of heavy in using homebrew. I used one thing of homebrew, which was essentially a buff to the bard class. Legendary bard.

The main benefits is that I now prepare spells like an arcanist, so spontaneous within span of a day but I can change what spells I "know" at the beginning of each day; bardic inspirations are split from bardic performances, so all of the buffs are inspirations which are use at wills.

Bardic performances is the stuff like fascinate, suggestion, dirge of doom, and some homebrew ones, and they are standard usage limits for a bard.

Though what I'm now concerned about is an alternate class feature for lore master.
Standard lore master let's you take ten on knowledge checks and once per day auto roll 10.
The alternate class feature I took works the same, but for social skills.

So I have a +20 to sense motive, bluff, and diplomacy and with buffs can get up to a 49 pretty automatically once per day.

One of my bardic performances is soothing song, whish auto improves attitude one step and specifically sticks if you use the opportunity to use diplomacy to improve attitude further. Doesn't really work in combat, but in almost any other situation, it allows me to make friends.
Other main bardic performance is essentially a wild empathy that uses perform modifier.

I am level 5. Did I make the bard too op?

Edit: combat wise, I set up a bardic Inspiration to get everyone a +2 on some category, using clarion call so the range is essentially infinite. Then I would set up dirge of doom, which I spent two feats on to improve to 90 ft with additional effects.

I haven't truly down the next bit yet, but the next step is to cast blistering invective which functions as dazzling display+1d10 fire damage+save or catch in fire.

Dirge of doom then upgrades the intimidate effect from shaken to frightened, so a bunch of people desperately running away while on fire for about 4 rounds.

2021-01-11, 12:44 PM
As long as you realize that Diplomacy is not magic and, no matter how high you roll, there are just some things you can't do with it. Don't expect to turn a normal person into a fanatical devotee with just one roll (or ever, really...).

If your bonus to Diplomacy rather high? Yes. Is it really a problem? No, not really.