View Full Version : Question for those who allow Cutom Lineage to take Racial Feats:

2021-01-13, 09:55 AM
There is some debate as to whether or not someone with the Custom Lineage race option can declare themselves an "elf" and in so doing gain access to racial feats like Elvish Accuracy.

To those of you who allow this: would you allow someone with a Custom Lineage to take TWO racial feats from two DIFFERENT races?

For example, if you have a PC whose father was an elf and whose mother was an orc, could this Elf/Orc hybrid take both Elvish Accuracy and Orcish Fury?

Why or why not?

Willie the Duck
2021-01-13, 10:09 AM
I am tempted to call the racial feats a failed experiment and open them up to everyone, so that kind of negates the question. I haven't checked to see if there is some absolutely sick power combo that opens up (I doubt it), but like all things I have a 'if you abuse my DM leeway, that leeway disappears' rule, so I don't see a problem.

If I didn't do that, I certainly would allow a custom lineage to declare themselves 'an elf' and thus take an elf-specific feat. Seems like the primary reason for the thing to exist (other than a loose template for new-race creation) is to let someone be 'a _____' but still start off with a feat (and why not the most on-brand feats possible?). Not sure why they didn't do so in the first place. I certainly don't see a power issue (even for something like a 'half-elf' that wants to take +2 cha, and then Elven Accuracy for an 18 cha at first level and doing a 1 level hexblade dip, or something equally as cheezy, it isn't really more powerful than doing the same thing with a non-racial feat like Fey/Shadow Touched or similar).

Combining racial feats (if I don't eliminate racial prereqs on racial feats totally)... hmm, I suppose if your character theme was actively 'half elf, half orc,' I would consider it.

2021-01-13, 10:14 AM
If I didn't think most of the racial feats completely failed to sell their species-specific status, I probably either would not allow people to take multiple, or allow up to two if the custom lineage was expressly being used to represent a mixed-species individual, especially one other than half-orc half-human or half-elf half-human.

2021-01-13, 10:19 AM
(I probably wouldn't allow it but...)
On one hand half elves are allowed to take both Prodigy and Elven Accuracy. Half orcs are allowed to take both Prodigy and Orcish Fury. So there is precedence for taking two racial feats.

But you should have to declared from the beginning that you're a half race.

2021-01-13, 10:33 AM
I don't think that custom lineage was intended to allow racial feats but whatever I think it's cooler that way and sure, if you wanna be a half-elf half-orc then go nuts and take 'em all, live your best life.

The discrepancy between some races getting racial feats and some that don't (I think only PHB races have them?) might lead me to just letting anyone take any racial feat (call it a manifestation of an old bloodline or whatever) but I'd probably want to double check the full list first.