View Full Version : Party support roles--how do you like to support? How do you want to be supported?

2021-01-16, 12:27 PM
In my Eberron game, I have a veteran older-edition D&D player and two newbies. The veteran wants to play a support role, to let the new guys have fun and shine. This got me to thinking--is there a difference between supporting "optimally" and supporting in a way that you find fun? As a player, what kind of support do you enjoy receiving the most from other players, whether in terms of power or fun? Are there types of support that you like to have as a player, but never get? I'll give some examples

1- Is it fun to heal? Or would you rather someone else heal you?
2- Inspiring Leader/Healer - are these feats fun to take? Do you think they're good? Or would you rather someone else take them?
3- Battlefield control - as a damage dealer, is it fun when the party wizard sets this up? Do you like playing control casters?
4- Knowledge/misc skills - do you like being the guy that knows stuff? Do you prefer if someone else in the party handles this, or the DM just gives the info through NPCs?
5- Is it fun to use the Help action, as a Mastermind or with a familiar?
6- Dice rerolls - Portent, Bountiful Luck, Cutting Words/Inspiration/Flash of Genius - are these abilities fun to use? Are they fun to receive? Some might be more fun than others--which do you like, which do you not like?
7- Buffs - Are these fun to cast? I'm sure they are fun to receive. Which ones are fun to use, and which ones are good but boring? Which do you wish other players would use more often, but never do, for whatever reason? Bless, Polymorph, Haste, Longstrider, whatever. Divine Soul Sorcerer is probably the iconic caster in this area--everyone knows this class is strong as hell, but is it fun to play?
8- Crafting and materials - is playing an Artificer/Forge Cleric/etc fun for you? Do you use the infusions/enchantments on yourself or give them to other players? As a player, do you like having an Artificer around to give you free items? What about crafting items for party members in downtime?
9- Weapon buffs - combining the previous two, how do you feel about spells like Magic Weapon, Elemental Weapon, Holy Weapon, Flame Arrows, etc? Do you like receiving these spells? Do you ever use them as a player (my guess is Holy Weapon yes, the rest no)? My guess is that the barrier on most of these is concentration.
10- Physical combat support - What do you consider "supportive" in this context? Grapples? Shield master lockdowns? Tanking, interdiction, control? What's fun? What's good that nobody ever plays?
11- Are there other abilities or party niches that you find very useful to have around, but nobody ever wants to play? What are these?
12- Playing in a "support" role, however you define it, what do you find most fun?

I realize that a lot of these questions are very general, and everyone's answers would change depending on the context. Still, I'd love to hear whatever thoughts you have to share on the subject. I'm particularly interested in identifying abilities or effects that everyone thinks are good, but nobody ever brings to the table because they either don't fit into a build or are just boring to use. What "supportive" abilities create the best moments at the gaming table? Which supportive abilities are just really good, but nobody notices?

For reference, the two newbies are a paladin and a ranger. My vet is currently playing a Blood of Vol necromancer wizard, but I told him he can change his character if he wants to. He hates 1-level dips, from a conceptual perspective. I intentionally put my party makeup at the end of the post, since I'm more interested in the general questions above than what's optimized for this particular 3-man party.

2021-01-16, 12:49 PM
Broadly speaking, support is typically healing, buffs, debuffs, and CC. Healing and buffs tend to have a less-obvious impact, meaning that a character focused on those needs to be happy helping other players succeed, whereas debuffs/CC have a more direct impact on enemies that can more easily satisfy the player. Any can be fun depending on what the person finds gratifying! And especially so long as the rest of the party is expressing due gratitude for the support.

That said, support often just means filling a role others didn't want. You can be in a supporting role as a Fighter or Barbarian if your new players prefer spellcasting, or vice versa. I'd generally steer away from social-focused characters to let newer players take a more central spot in roleplaying but every other role is fair game.

For your particular party a wizard seems like a good choice, even if a Necromancer might not be my first pick for arcane support. Your player could switch to an Abjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Illusionist, or Transmuter if they'd prefer to be more geared towards support. Arcana and Knowledge Cleric could both be good here too, as could Divine and Clockwork Sorcerer.

2021-01-16, 01:18 PM
In your experience as a player, what have you found gratifying? What do you consider boring?

As for my player, yes, he considered Diviner, Abjurer and Chronomancer. I let him run as a diviner for one session and he forgot to use his Portents. Mainly, he wants to be a necromancer for RP reasons, as it's well-supported in the Eberron setting. He's always wanted to play a necromancer (since 2e) and has never gotten to. Even without the abjurer ward and Portent, there's still plenty of support abilities he can use, such as the aforementioned control spells, buffs, rituals, and Knowledge skills. I might let him trade one of the necromancer's abilities for something from the Grave domain.

2021-01-16, 01:24 PM
1) Yes, but it is more fun to be the reason they didn't die. Healing is one option to that end. It was good enough that my Dungeon Guide rogue picked up Healing word as an emergency "tourist lives 1 more turn" spell. But prevention is more fun.
Inspiring Leader: YES!!!!!!!!
Healer: no
Healer is a good feat and does a decent amount of healing, but coordinating its usage is hard and it takes actions in combat. Inpiring Leader on the other hand is easy to coordinate (hey everyone, can our meals take 70m instead of 60m?) and is a pre encounter preventative buff. Works like Aid (and stacks too!) in a way but without a price later.
3) Yes, but I am rarely concerned about damage. Occasionally my Dungeon Guide rogue was able to hit a Vulnerable target for double damage, that was fun the first time. After that I went back to not caring about the damage so much. Someone that likes damage more might care more.
4) Depends on the character. I am more likely to play a protective support rather than an informative support, however I do value each character having an area they are knowledgeable about. It adds to the representation of "Dun is good at dungeoneering" if Dun actually knows about dungeons. So usually I like knowing some stuff but not being the one that is there for their breadth of knowledge.
5) No. 5E encourages help on ability checks to have advantage address issues with the math. So I accept the mechanic but don't like how empty it feels.
6) I do not like these either. I prefer skill over luck. Even if an ally is helping sculpt the luck, that does not make my character feel more competent.
7) Yes. Constant passive buffs like the Paladin Auras are the best kind of buff. Buff spells are nice too, but they are temporary.
8) Crafting can be fun, but I prefer the system to have the logistics heavily abstracted while leaving the creations varied. Incarnum from 3E was a good example for abstracting a limit amount of magic items for the crafter to maintain. Although it would have been nice if the soulmelds could be given to party members. 5E Artificer might be my next character although I suspect I will still prefer Paladin as my default support.
9) I have never used them and never plan on using them. I did not even consider Holy Weapon. Mobility buffs like Fly are much more important offensive buffs than mere damage.
10) 5E does not really have much in this area. So I will invent some:
A) Reaction Ally Movement: As a reaction shove an ally within reach up to 30ft away from you.
B) Pin Down Enemy: I will keep them here so you can move everyone else away.
C) Knockback[3E Feat]: Let's move the enemies to over there.
D) Debilitating Debuff: I don't have them pinned down, but they can't hurt you this turn either.
Yeah those can be fun.
11) Randomly select a skill. Imagine an expert at that skill. Not just with a really high modifier, but rather someone with a slew of abilities and expertise in related areas to accentuate that expertise. They would be neat support when that skill is relevant, even if the skill is underwater basket weaving. My Dungeon Tour Guide rogue was/is an example of this kind of support.

I like to create a character with a competence and that area of expertise often involves doing something that passively improves the rest of the party, even if only after a few degrees of separation. Ancients Paladin: By being around everyone is much more hardy. They can weather greater threats. Dungeon Guide: By being around allies will not be surprised nor blocked by traps and ambushes. In a different system I might play someone with a network of contacts to make the party have long range communication / vision. Or I might play a necromancer and give the party a post scarcity village. In essence I see my character if it were a passive buff to the rest of the party. I even have an idea for a character that is just a ghost following the party with no way to interact except by buffing / protecting the party.

Jon talks a lot
2021-01-16, 01:43 PM
Personally, I like to play paladins, because they are IMO the best support as well as a superb Single Target Nova class. The way I would play as a paladin is to leverage the aura to give players buffs at optimal times and to heal anyone that needs it. And if the boss starts to kick MY party around, I'm going to smite the Jesus into him.

2021-01-17, 08:49 PM
I like to confuse and disrupt the enemy, provide inspiration, and get the party the best room at the inn.

I am a Lore Bard, and I support.

Some Spells to use:

Dissonant whispers.
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
(Healing Word: Get Up Off The Floor)
Hold Person
Phantasmal Force
Hypnotic Pattern
(Lesser Restoration)
Heat Metal (For those armored foes)
Slow (now that Tasha's adds it to the list)
charm monster
Synaptic Static
Dominate Person
Hold Monster
Greater Restoration (to help get rid of bad conditions)
Mass Suggestion
Otto's Dance ...

So many choices, so few spells selectable.

2021-01-17, 09:46 PM
In my Eberron game, I have a veteran older-edition D&D player and two newbies. The veteran wants to play a support role, to let the new guys have fun and shine. This got me to thinking--is there a difference between supporting "optimally" and supporting in a way that you find fun? As a player, what kind of support do you enjoy receiving the most from other players, whether in terms of power or fun? Are there types of support that you like to have as a player, but never get? I'll give some examples

6- Dice rerolls - Portent, Bountiful Luck, Cutting Words/Inspiration/Flash of Genius - are these abilities fun to use? Are they fun to receive? Some might be more fun than others--which do you like, which do you not like?

You missed a Storm Rune from Rune Knight which is stronger than most of those. Just to let you know.

For me support is being effective. If you don't deal damage you have to pull your weight in some other way that can make combat shorter and easier. Otherwise you are just liability and extra body to protect.

So if one wants to play support, he should focus on one of two things or both in some cases:

1. Make things easier for party
2. Make things harder for enemies

To make it more detailed, you can:

1. Debuff enemies
2. Remove enemies,
3. Buff Allies
4. Disrupt enemy actions
5. Help your party actions be succesful.
6. Decrease enemy damage output via active healing

Now, how to make it in most optimal ways? First of all remember that good support is a source of big power creep for party. Therefore it's worth to make sure that you as support won't die easy on battlefield from one crit, one fireball etc. So make sure your AC is good and your defenses solid. Next is your concentration if you chose magical ways of supporting - make sure it's solid and you can pass most Concentration checks.

My favourite ways to play good/optimal support is:
1. Sorcerer, especially Divine Soul or Clockwork Sorcerer. Twin Heal, Twin Suggestion, Carefull Hypnotic Pattern, Careful Counterspell, Wall of Force, Twin Haste, Twin Fly, Twin Revivify, Twin Healing Word, Twin Holy Weapon, Twin Banishment are all excellent ways to support your team. Mix it up with 1 level of Hexblade or Cleric for solid boost in AC and you are good to go as MVP of many battles. The main support role is to Buff Allies (via Twin Buffs), Remove Enemies (Wall of Force, Twin Banishment, Twin Hold Person, Careful HP) and Disrupt Enemy Action (Careful Counterspell).
2. Wizards with tons of hard CC spells like Slow, HP, Wall of Force, Force Cage and so on. Also a lot of utility spells like my fav. Leomund’s Tiny Hut. Mix it with either Light Armor proficiency race + MA feat or mix 1 level of Cleric/Artificer/Fighter for extra armor prof. While much worse at buffing, they excel at Battlefield Control, versitility and utility. Mark of Healing Wizard can become a perfect mix of Wizard and Healer.
3. Lore Bard. Excellent mix of utility like skill monkey, multi expertises, access to best spells in game like Wall of Force, Counterspell or Force Cage. Inspiration gives tons of support to your party. Mix with 1 Hexblade or 1 Cleric. Great party face too. Excellent mix of utility and support.
4. Rune Knight, especially Loxodon can restrain casters, charm melee enemies, grapple and remove bosses from combat (or keep them in hazard spell effects), tank huge amounts of damage and support party/debuff enemies with Storm Rune (called God Rune), giving them and their moms disadvantage/advantage on attacks, saving throws, skill checks and so on. Mix with Peace Cleric of Emb.Bond for extra support.
5. Oath of The Ancient Paladin. Fear immune aura, +5 to saves aura, resistance to spell damage aura, Aura spells on top of that, LoH + being a solid party face and having access to nice Nova damage via Smites to pull his weight in combat vs bosses or enemy casters. Many good mixes: Hexblade for SAD CHA + Curse and Hex + Mark of Sentinel race to get Counterspell and Bigby's Hand.

Those are just example - few out of many combos. But for me those are supports that I would play and feel that I pull my weight in gold for party.

2021-01-19, 10:03 AM
1. Debuff enemies
2. Remove enemies,
3. Buff Allies
4. Disrupt enemy actions
5. Help your party actions be succesful.
6. Decrease enemy damage output via active healing

1. We found out that Bane is curiously effective but I have not tried it beyond Tier 2.
2. Fear and Turn Undead both do this (And Command, for a round) but Banishment is really nice.
3. Bless, and so on ...
4. Web and Slow are two favorites for this.
5. Bless, faerie fire, Foresight, haste ... so many good choices ...
6. Or, by applying Temp HP. The artificer canon/protector is really nice for this.

da newt
2021-01-19, 11:21 AM
For a group with 2 newbies and 1 old salt, I'd definitely recommend the experienced player look for ways to BUFF the newbies so they can feel like heroes, and debuff disrupt and control the enemy so the newbies can defeat them.

Your support guy becomes an enabler, someone who facilitates the success of the others.

I find healing and spamming temp hp sort of boring, and prefer other more clever ways of helping out. Also a way to remove conditions from your allies is very handy.

2021-01-19, 11:41 AM
Wolf totem Barbarian makes for excellent, yet rarely used melee support. Admittedly, it would work better in a larger party with more melee combatants.

A Thief Rogue with the Healer feat gives fantastic bonus-action support ability that synergizes nicely with a support spellcaster who otherwise may not have great bonus-action options for rounds where they are casting a leveled buff spell.

2021-01-19, 10:00 PM
For a group with 2 newbies and 1 old salt, I'd definitely recommend the experienced player look for ways to BUFF the newbies so they can feel like heroes, and debuff disrupt and control the enemy so the newbies can defeat them.

Excellent advise. When I play with noobies I go for support/control role to let them do damage part so they can feel great.

Our new Campaign will start soon and I will play with some very new players and I will probably go Mark of Warding Abjurer tank or my Trunk Tank Loxodon Runic Knight so I can play a vital front line support role for them.

2021-01-19, 10:12 PM
1. Healing is OK to do, but Life clerics get a bit boring.
2. Never played with leadership
3. I love playing control, but I don't consider that to be support, it's just effective use of resources.
4. Knowledge and other noncombat abilities. These are great for certain players and in certain campaigns with certain GMs, but you really need a player who commits to it, if you're going to build a character around it.
5. Help is great if you don't have to spend one of your own actions to do it (familiars and companions)
6. I'm not a huge fan of dice rerolls
7. Buffs are great, and you mentioned the main ones. Classic support moves, and I feel like I contributed when my buff spells helped. Don't forget about Bardic Inspiration.
8. ?
9. I never feel like weapon buffs are worth it.
10. Physical combat support - I played an Open Hand monk who would prone opponents, so the Champion could wail on them.

2021-01-19, 11:03 PM
Can you share the builds? I am guessing Mark of Warding Abjurer is just a straight monoclass build, or is there something more complicated to it?

In any case, he's playing a necromancer wizard, which has plenty of support and control options. That said, he says he wants to "support" but I think what he really wants to do is have a mob of dead guys follow him around.

2021-01-19, 11:43 PM
Can you share the builds? I am guessing Mark of Warding Abjurer is just a straight monoclass build, or is there something more complicated to it?

In any case, he's playing a necromancer wizard, which has plenty of support and control options. That said, he says he wants to "support" but I think what he really wants to do is have a mob of dead guys follow him around.

Mark of Warding Dwarf Abjurer is 1 Cleric (Forge by default by any other with Heavy Armor will do)/19 Abjurer.

At level 5 you take Eldricht Adept: Shadow Armor to spam Mage Armor to recharge your Ward between encounters. Then just INT to 20.

The whole idea is to be heavy armored Wizard with shield. With Forge Cleric +1 AC to armor you have 21 base AC with plate armor + shield. Then you have Armor of Agathys spell from Mark of Warding which gives you Temp HP + anyone who hit you is getting auto Cold damage (both scale with spell level). On top of Temp HP you have your Ward which protects your temp HP but still trigger Armor of Agathys damage if someone hits you. Between combat you spam Shadow Armor invocation to get Ward Back.

With Shield spell your AC can be boosted to 26. As Abjurer you later get resistance to spell damage and advantage on saves vs spells and you have WIS + CHA save proficiency thanks to Cleric.

You are very very tanky and you are still 19 level Wizard. That's the basic of build.