View Full Version : DM Help Bag of Tricks

2021-01-17, 12:31 AM
So my players have a Bag of Tricks, an infamously broken item. However with a pretty significant caveat; If the player doesn't explicitly tell the animal what to do using their Bonus Action, 'it does whatever is appropriate to its nature'.

...What does that mean? What is a Beast's appropriate nature?

2021-01-17, 07:20 AM
Well, that depends on the animal in question. A rat will act differently than a lion.

2021-01-17, 04:04 PM
Run away? Throw a wild animal into a group of people and trigger there fight or flight response.

2021-01-17, 04:14 PM
So my players have a Bag of Tricks, an infamously broken item. However with a pretty significant caveat; If the player doesn't explicitly tell the animal what to do using their Bonus Action, 'it does whatever is appropriate to its nature'.

...What does that mean? What is a Beast's appropriate nature?

Depends on the beast.

But in general, I'd make the item be a useful thing, rather than trying to screw over your PCs for using a cool thing. If it proves too broken when used reasonably, then talk to your players OOC and figure out a solution.