View Full Version : Help Building a Ridiculous but Useable character

2021-01-17, 07:46 PM
My irl group is finally getting back together and I want to prepare a special character for the occasion. We all like playing silly, joke-y characters, but I wanna kick it up to 11. I'm trying to think of a build that is completely over-the-top ridiculous, while still being a good, serviceable unit. Any ideas you guys can offer or help me workshop through would be greatly appreciated.

Also, all books and expansions are on the table. Absolutely everything that has ever been released is fair game for this character.

2021-01-17, 07:56 PM
An adolescent Tortle Shadow monk

A female, teenage, merfolk bard

A Female Triton silver dragon sorcerer

A tabaxi that loves milk and balls of string

A LG protector Aasimar fiend warlock with an Imp familiar

A Changeling bard that is never the same person twice (or Warlock with Mask of Many Faces).

A young, female noble shepherd druid, here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNu_kqxqbew).

2021-01-17, 07:58 PM
If ridiculous is your bent then Grappling Moon Druid/Totem Barbarian build with a splash of Rogue for some utility. Wildshape into some animal, rage and grapple. I wish I had kept a link to the article on this but essentially the idea came up where somehow the author had a guy in his group of level 20 characters wildshape into a Giant Octopus and pile drive a dragon.

2021-01-17, 08:02 PM
A Tiefling. Bonus points if it's an edgelord Tiefling.

2021-01-17, 08:07 PM
My irl group is finally getting back together and I want to prepare a special character for the occasion. We all like playing silly, joke-y characters, but I wanna kick it up to 11. I'm trying to think of a build that is completely over-the-top ridiculous, while still being a good, serviceable unit. Any ideas you guys can offer or help me workshop through would be greatly appreciated.

Also, all books and expansions are on the table. Absolutely everything that has ever been released is fair game for this character.

Human Four Elements Monk/Storm Sorcerer multiclass with Noble Background. Select the Elemental Disciplines that let you cast damage spells. Use Transmuted Spell metamagic to change the damage to lightning or thunder one.

Play him as Emperor Palpatine, go full ham.

2021-01-17, 08:12 PM
There are a few builds out there that multiclass wildly to get proficiency in all skills, and expertise in many. I believe rogue/bard + other classes are involved.

2021-01-17, 08:13 PM
Human Four Elements Monk/Storm Sorcerer multiclass with Noble Background. Select the Elemental Disciplines that let you cast damage spells. Use Transmuted Spell metamagic to change the damage to lightning or thunder one.

Play him as Emperor Palpatine, go full ham.

Take Witch Bolt as your only spell known. Use every spell slot on Witch Bolt.

2021-01-17, 08:16 PM
An Atheist Cleric. You don’t believe the gods exist. AT ALL. They still believe in you anyways.

2021-01-17, 08:18 PM
A Female Triton silver dragon sorcerer

I like all the ideas you posted, though I have to admit. If this is a reference to something then I didn't get it lol.

Human Four Elements Monk/Storm Sorcerer multiclass with Noble Background. Select the Elemental Disciplines that let you cast damage spells. Use Transmuted Spell metamagic to change the damage to lightning or thunder one.

Play him as Emperor Palpatine, go full ham.

This is wonderful. Any specific level divide you would go with for splitting between the two classes?

2021-01-17, 08:20 PM
I like all the ideas you posted, though I have to admit. If this is a reference to something then I didn't get it lol.

I guess the Triton isn't needed. It's just Elsa from Frozen.

2021-01-17, 08:32 PM
three kobolds in a trench-coat, trying to pass themselves off as a dragonborn.

2021-01-17, 08:33 PM
three kobolds in a trench-coat, trying to pass themselves off as a dragonborn.

Believe it or not, I've actually ran this before! It was a ton of fun while the campaign lasted

2021-01-17, 08:43 PM
A tabaxi motor vehicle mounted gunslinger, from Mars.

2021-01-17, 08:45 PM
Believe it or not, I've actually ran this before! It was a ton of fun while the campaign lasted

that's awesome, hahaha

2021-01-17, 08:49 PM
I've seen a few variants of this: A Goliath Rogue with expertise in Athletics and Intimidation, dumping Dexterity for Strength. You 'pick locks' by smashing them and 'stealth' by threatening bystanders. You would need to wield finessable weapons to qualify for sneak attack, but could still use Strength.

If multiclassing is an option, Battlemaster Fighter would allow you to spend superiority dice to reposte, allowing a second sneak attack as a reaction — which would turn this from an amusing joke character to a very potent source of single-target damage.

2021-01-17, 08:50 PM
My favorite snarky character is a bossy know-it all that is constantly telling everyone else what to do... and giving them giant bonuses to do it. The core is Mastermind Rogue 3/(any spellcaster that can cast Guidance) 1, with the Historian feat from UA. So you can, at-will, cast Guidance as an Action, us Help as a bonus action, and if you succeed on an actionless DC 15 INT (History) check, give them a bonus equal to your proficiency modifier. So that's advantage+1d4+prof on every skill check as you constantly harangue and berate your allies on how to do their jobs correctly. There's a huge number of ways to flesh out the core of the build, but I like using Celestial Tome Warlock for the caster side, whose tome is a "recipe book" and who uses a ladle-shaped wand as a spellcasting focus, and who cooks nothing but alcohol-fortified soup. Take the Gourmand and Natural Leader feats as you gain levels. In combat, you can cast spells like Fear (shake your ladle at the enemy and make scary noises as the somatic and vocal components), or you can just use Help twice each round to give two allies Advantage on an attack.

2021-01-17, 08:58 PM
A Tiefling. Bonus points if it's an edgelord Tiefling. Oh, you naughty lad. :smallcool:

To Answer the OP:

Mercy Monk / Peace Cleric (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24807763&postcount=6)

Run around naked wearing a mask, alternately beating folks up or healing them

Probably go Monk 11 / Cleric 9, but you can mix and match a little differently ...

2021-01-17, 09:03 PM
My favorite snarky character is a bossy know-it all that is constantly telling everyone else what to do... and giving them giant bonuses to do it. The core is Mastermind Rogue 3/(any spellcaster that can cast Guidance) 1, with the Historian feat from UA. So you can, at-will, cast Guidance as an Action, us Help as a bonus action, and if you succeed on an actionless DC 15 INT (History) check, give them a bonus equal to your proficiency modifier. So that's advantage+1d4+prof on every skill check as you constantly harangue and berate your allies on how to do their jobs correctly. There's a huge number of ways to flesh out the core of the build, but I like using Celestial Tome Warlock for the caster side, whose tome is a "recipe book" and who uses a ladle-shaped wand as a spellcasting focus, and who cooks nothing but alcohol-fortified soup. Take the Gourmand and Natural Leader feats as you gain levels. In combat, you can cast spells like Fear (shake your ladle at the enemy and make scary noises as the somatic and vocal components), or you can just use Help twice each round to give two allies Advantage on an attack.

This sounds like a lot of fun, I really like it. I might try it as a Cleric/Divine Soul so I can cast Bless to tell my allies how to swing their swords properly, or use Bane to shout angrily at the enemies and throw them off their game

2021-01-17, 09:14 PM
Oh, you naughty lad. :smallcool:

To Answer the OP:

Mercy Monk / Peace Cleric

Run around naked wearing a mask, alternately beating folks up or healing them

Probably go Monk 11 / Cleric 9, but you can mix and match a little differently ...

Somehow I forgot about the Mercy Monk, but goddamn do I like the idea of healing people by beating the **** out of them

2021-01-17, 10:11 PM
This is wonderful.


Palpatine as an adventurer can become hilarious quick.

Any specific level divide you would go with for splitting between the two classes?

Depends what level you'll be ending at, but personally I'd want at least 6 levels of each (though lvl 8 in Monk would be great with the Tasha's options).

Are you starting from lvl 1?

Take Witch Bolt as your only spell known. Use every spell slot on Witch Bolt.

OP said usable.

2021-01-17, 10:39 PM
Scary clown conquest paladin.

2021-01-17, 11:11 PM
Also, all books and expansions are on the table. Absolutely everything that has ever been released is fair game for this character.
This is your chance to play a half-dragon werebear. With your damage resistance/immunity, shapechanging, and blindsight, you'll be ridiculously strong at melee range. (I would further suggest vampire, but the vampire traits are a bit too strong, while sunlight hypersensitivity is a bit too disruptive.)

Which is why you're going to be an archer bard (Valor?). Keep your distance in combat and support your allies from afar. You're also a dancing bear from a traveling circus (possibly escaped?).

2021-01-17, 11:36 PM
Scary clown conquest paladin.
I like it. Could end up as awesome as Slap-Happy Jack.

2021-01-18, 02:48 AM
a Kobold barbarian who is CONVINCED he is actually a dragon wyrmling that someone cut off his wings.
Also works with dragon sorcerer, but it is funnier as a barbarian (Probably eagle totem for the "Flight")

2021-01-18, 03:30 AM
A teenage warlock with a wizard dad.

"It's not a phase dad".

2021-01-18, 07:04 AM
A teenage warlock with a wizard dad.

"It's not a phase dad".

It is not a phase until retraining rules are added.

2021-01-18, 07:42 AM
a build that is completely over-the-top ridiculous
while still being a good, serviceable unit

This might be difficult to pull off but...

Standard human
Point buy to have as middle of the road distribution of stats as possible (13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12)
Single class Champion Fighter, no multiclassing
No Feats, all ASIs spent on raw stats.

Roleplayed as being the most background NPC type you can imagine. Does not stand out in ANY way.
He's not tall, but not short
He's not handsome, but not ugly
Not charming, but not off-putting
He's not a veteran, but he's not green either

We're talking someone so indescribably average that even other NPCs don't pay attention to him.

A punch-card adventurer who's in the professions because it's just a job. Not a calling. Not a personal quest. Not an obligation. Not running away from a tragic backstory, not chasing after a fame-filled future.

Think about it; In a group filled with colourful, zany, off-the-wall characters that constantly draw the attention of the whole world around them with the power of manifested main-character-syndrome, comprised of a mishmash of exotic races, crazy powers, and dramatic backstories with legendary goals and ambitions... and travelling with them is just... some guy.
If there was a group portrait, he's the one on the side the artist forgot to colour in because he was mistaken for part of the background.
If there was a wanted poster of this guys and he was standing right next to it outside a guard station, onlookers would think that could be a picture of literally anyone and not make the connection.

The goal in play is to fly under the radar of the chaos your fellow players provide, deflecting any attention-drawing aspects onto the rest of the party and away from yourself.

Be involved in the game of course, interact with the world and the schemes and machinations of the rest of the party as much as possible, contributing and building on the more outlandish stuff they all bring to the game.
BUT dodge, deflect and evade anything that will make your character have any features the adventure latches onto.
You all save the world, history will not take note of YOUR name.
The kingdom burns down, you never have the blame lain at YOUR feet.
Guards/Assassins chase after and corner the party, they rush past you since they don't recognise you are their target.

2021-01-18, 09:35 AM
My favorite snarky character is a bossy know-it all that is constantly telling everyone else what to do... and giving them giant bonuses to do it. The core is Mastermind Rogue 3/(any spellcaster that can cast Guidance) 1, with the Historian feat from UA. So you can, at-will, cast Guidance as an Action, us Help as a bonus action, and if you succeed on an actionless DC 15 INT (History) check, give them a bonus equal to your proficiency modifier. So that's advantage+1d4+prof on every skill check as you constantly harangue and berate your allies on how to do their jobs correctly. There's a huge number of ways to flesh out the core of the build, but I like using Celestial Tome Warlock for the caster side, whose tome is a "recipe book" and who uses a ladle-shaped wand as a spellcasting focus, and who cooks nothing but alcohol-fortified soup. Take the Gourmand and Natural Leader feats as you gain levels. In combat, you can cast spells like Fear (shake your ladle at the enemy and make scary noises as the somatic and vocal components), or you can just use Help twice each round to give two allies Advantage on an attack.

I have a similar idea, but with the intent to play him as the snobby noble officer type (stereotypical British).
Insight Rogue, Halfling, Noble background. His job is to ham it up as the nobleman and battlefield commander. With Bountiful Luck, he can negate one allied "rolled a 1" per round (no, no, you cretin - try again, like THIS!), and with the Lucky feat, he can reroll 3/day in addition to that. Insight Rogue lets him grant someone advantage once per round (Go for the left, his guard is weaker there!), and it lets him get his sneak attack against targets even solo (I see right through your defenses, mongrel!). Consistent in combat damage and good out-of-combat skills... buffing the party without casting a single spell.

2021-01-18, 09:46 AM
a build that is completely over-the-top ridiculous
while still being a good, serviceable unit

This might be difficult to pull off but...

Standard human
Point buy to have as middle of the road distribution of stats as possible (13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12)
Single class Champion Fighter, no multiclassing
No Feats, all ASIs spent on raw stats.

Roleplayed as being the most background NPC type you can imagine. Does not stand out in ANY way.
He's not tall, but not short
He's not handsome, but not ugly
Not charming, but not off-putting
He's not a veteran, but he's not green either

We're talking someone so indescribably average that even other NPCs don't pay attention to him.

A punch-card adventurer who's in the professions because it's just a job. Not a calling. Not a personal quest. Not an obligation. Not running away from a tragic backstory, not chasing after a fame-filled future.
The problem with that is the character is already an above average person who is stronger, more agile, tougher, smarter, more aware, and more likable. Like any PC. This one is actually better than almost everyone else at everything, doesn't even have 2 things they are normal or worse at.

2021-01-18, 10:02 AM

Palpatine as an adventurer can become hilarious quick.

Depends what level you'll be ending at, but personally I'd want at least 6 levels of each (though lvl 8 in Monk would be great with the Tasha's options).

Are you starting from lvl 1?

OP said usable.

Oh I forgot to mention: take Telekinetic or Telepathic as variant Human feat.

2021-01-18, 10:06 AM
The problem with that is the character is already an above average person who is stronger, more agile, tougher, smarter, more aware, and more likable. Like any PC. This one is actually better than almost everyone else at everything, doesn't even have 2 things they are normal or worse at.
'Average' it terms of distinguishing flavour, not average in terms of power.

In terms of mechanical power it is serving the purpose of "still being a good, serviceable unit" as per the post request
But is also "a build that is completely over-the-top ridiculous", in this the ridiculousness is how out of place it would seem in a party where the players are making "silly, joke-y characters".
The joke is it being a subversion of the theme.

2021-01-18, 02:42 PM
Average Guy could take the Expert Sidekick or Mastermind Rogue classes if they wanted to blend into the background a bit and make their companions stand out more or Inquisitive Rogue if they wanted to be a genre-savvy everyman who notices things that their weirdo companions don't — à la Xander Harris in Buffy.

I get the mechanical reasons for picking Champion fighter, but with a Rogue their averageness could be what allows them to stealth and go unnoticed.

2021-01-18, 03:06 PM
My favorite snarky character is a bossy know-it all that is constantly telling everyone else what to do... and giving them giant bonuses to do it. The core is Mastermind Rogue 3/(any spellcaster that can cast Guidance) 1, with the Historian feat from UA. So you can, at-will, cast Guidance as an Action, us Help as a bonus action, and if you succeed on an actionless DC 15 INT (History) check, give them a bonus equal to your proficiency modifier. So that's advantage+1d4+prof on every skill check as you constantly harangue and berate your allies on how to do their jobs correctly. There's a huge number of ways to flesh out the core of the build, but I like using Celestial Tome Warlock for the caster side, whose tome is a "recipe book" and who uses a ladle-shaped wand as a spellcasting focus, and who cooks nothing but alcohol-fortified soup. Take the Gourmand and Natural Leader feats as you gain levels. In combat, you can cast spells like Fear (shake your ladle at the enemy and make scary noises as the somatic and vocal components), or you can just use Help twice each round to give two allies Advantage on an attack.

Wouldn't peace cleric pair well with this? Add another 1d4 to the final result.

2021-01-18, 03:11 PM
Wouldn't peace cleric pair well with this? Add another 1d4 to the final result.

It would! The Peace cleric ability is limited use, but it stacks quite nicely.

2021-01-18, 04:15 PM
Smitey McSmiterson

Paladin2, Blades Bard6, HexLock 12.

In order: paladin2,Hexlock5, Blade College5, warlock the rest.

By replacing sorcerer with Bladeschool Bard you get the flourishes for floating d8s to damage with riders for AC etc but the same # of slots for smiting.

Take Eldritch smite for the hexlock so you can drop a warlock and Paladin smite on a single attack.

Go PAM/GWM. Finish off with the add CHA to damage invocation at warlock 12.

Another one is Hexlock 14/Bladesinger 6 and TWF w/shadow and pactblade. Replace one attack with Eldritch blast for 6 attacks a round.

2021-01-18, 09:42 PM
Average Guy could take the Expert Sidekick or Mastermind Rogue classes if they wanted to blend into the background a bit and make their companions stand out more or Inquisitive Rogue if they wanted to be a genre-savvy everyman who notices things that their weirdo companions don't — Ã* la Xander Harris in Buffy.

I get the mechanical reasons for picking Champion fighter, but with a Rogue their averageness could be what allows them to stealth and go unnoticed.
Ah but then you're playing a class and subclass that actually sounds interesting and attention drawing.
It's not just about in game mechanical reasoning, but also being aware of the table and the player/DM perceptions also.
Standard Human Champion Fighter is in itself a trope the D&D community makes fun of for being bland and flavourless. It is that perception that is going to be leaned into.
As I said earlier, it is very difficult to do, because EVERYONE is looking for a way to make it outwardly interesting. Race change, class change, feats, dramatic backstory, high narrative goals.
Normal Man is a challenge.