View Full Version : Magic Items for Aasimar

2021-01-19, 09:35 AM
I have a character who is a Wizard Aasimar in my game. She's been keeping her ancestry secret, which is getting more and more difficult as she's taking ancestry feats. But, since she's a wizard, so far the party has chalked it up to magic that they're too non-arcane to understand. I wanted to do something for this character to help build up her celestial side, since her ancestry seems to be important to her. But, I can't find any magic items (that aren't homebrewed) that will boost her celestial abilities. I've made a few puzzles that were only solved due to her ancestry, just to bring that into play for her. I just haven't had any luck with this part. Does anyone know of anything that I can give, items/blessings/whatever, that interact with her Aasimar ancestry? I know that's a little vague. Sorry.

2021-01-19, 03:45 PM
I don't think there are any, but it would be super easy to convert an existing item into one. For example, you might give an item related to healing or light the ability to gain extra daily charges by expending uses of the daylight SLA. Or give the item a cosmetic celestial reskin and make it usable only by celestials and their planetouched descendants.

2021-01-20, 04:33 AM
Well, as far as official Aasimar magic items go, I only found four in total:
- the halo of menace,
- the elysean shield,
- the Standard of the celestial heir, and
- the celestial shield,
the first two are very expensive, and two of the four are shields, and thus unsuited for use of a wizard.
So, as Troacctid said, your best bet is likely to homebrew something.
Maybe a halo, as this would be the most aasimar thing imaginable, and maybe something that helps to strenghten existing elemental resistances? It would also be quite undectectable as an item buffing the aasimar wizard for the rest of the party, since wizards have a whole slew of abjurations they could conceivably cast.

Firest Kathon
2021-01-20, 07:27 AM
Maybe a halo, as this would be the most aasimar thing imaginable, and maybe something that helps to strenghten existing elemental resistances? It would also be quite undectectable as an item buffing the aasimar wizard for the rest of the party, since wizards have a whole slew of abjurations they could conceivably cast.

You could make it an appropriate Headband of Intellect +X as well, as it occupies the head slot. I would hate for a player having to drop a cool item they like because of a "must-have" item. Unless you play with the Automatic Bonus Progression, which IMHO is better anyways.

2021-01-20, 09:28 AM
There's a certain lantern which sheds a magical light which can only be seen by the person holding it. Can't recall the name of the lantern, but it may be in Ultimate Equipment. It would be simple to adjust this so only an aasimar can see the light, which would be both useful and appropriately flavored.

Can anyone recall the name of this lantern?

2021-01-20, 10:30 AM
There are a couple of Psychoactive Skins in Complete Psionic (Skin of the Celestial, Skin of Celestial Embrace) that could work, but they're pretty expensive for what they do.

2021-01-20, 11:03 AM
you can always refluff some things ...

An example would be Celestial Armor from the DMG. listed as +1 AC chainmail that is light enough to be worn UNDER normal clothing and allows the wearer to Fly (as the Spell) Once per Day for a whopping 25k gp. Easy enough to reskin it to a Celestial Robe for a wizard.

Other than doing things like that I don't think you are going to find much, if anything.

2021-01-20, 11:40 AM
I have a character who is a Wizard Aasimar in my game. She's been keeping her ancestry secret, which is getting more and more difficult as she's taking ancestry feats.

Pretty tough to do, considering the golden eyes and all. Are the rest of the group evil or something? Also, it seems like most of the heritage feats are for sorcerers... Not much to choose from without at least one level of that...

I wanted to do something for this character to help build up her celestial side, since her ancestry seems to be important to her. But, I can't find any magic items (that aren't homebrewed) that will boost her celestial abilities. I've made a few puzzles that were only solved due to her ancestry, just to bring that into play for her. I just haven't had any luck with this part. Does anyone know of anything that I can give, items/blessings/whatever, that interact with her Aasimar ancestry? I know that's a little vague. Sorry.

There isn't anything particularly theme appropriate for enhancing abilities. Aside from all the items listed so far, I'd also check out everything from the Book of Exalted Deeds. It has a list of themed magic items, ravages, materials, and components. Then, later on, there's a whole section on redeeming magic items. I'd go with that... He's a 'good' wizard, and you'd think she'd be mostly fighting evil creatures... she's way more likely to end up with a - for example - a black robe of the archmagi, which she can't use. So, she could get it redeemed, boom, useful white robe. You can do that with anything, and doing it or going somewhere to have it done would be thematically appropriate. Or she can go buy a redeemed item (quest to a higher plane?) because it doesn't effect the cost.

2021-01-21, 07:55 AM
Pretty tough to do, considering the golden eyes and all. Are the rest of the group evil or something? Also, it seems like most of the heritage feats are for sorcerers... Not much to choose from without at least one level of that...

There isn't anything particularly theme appropriate for enhancing abilities. Aside from all the items listed so far, I'd also check out everything from the Book of Exalted Deeds. It has a list of themed magic items, ravages, materials, and components. Then, later on, there's a whole section on redeeming magic items. I'd go with that... He's a 'good' wizard, and you'd think she'd be mostly fighting evil creatures... she's way more likely to end up with a - for example - a black robe of the archmagi, which she can't use. So, she could get it redeemed, boom, useful white robe. You can do that with anything, and doing it or going somewhere to have it done would be thematically appropriate. Or she can go buy a redeemed item (quest to a higher plane?) because it doesn't effect the cost.

I meant that she's taking the Angelic Blood feat chain. So far she has Angelic Blood and Angelic Skin (steel). Again, the party sees her and just thinks "wizards are weird." So, she doesn't have to go out of her way to avoid being noticed as someone non-human. Other NPCs have noticed right away. But, nobody has pointed at her screaming "Aasimar!" so the party is still in the dark.

I like some of the ideas, especially the halo. I'll look into that. Thank you all!