View Full Version : To Attack Evermeet.

2021-01-19, 04:07 PM
I wish to attack Evermeet. Now, Queen Amlaruil will appear first (Along with anybody in her presence at that time.) Due to the magic of the ring she wears. But before I kill her I want to have secretly Infiltrated her islands already. Placing spells that cut magical transportation and communication off from the outside as well as a one way wall of force around the entire island.
After I accomplish these things, I want to know what sort of strategies the elves will use in attacking my undead forces and invasion of the island.
Research of the Monorachy was already done, as well the capital Leuthilspar and sorrounding towns/cities.

Doctor Despair
2021-01-19, 04:14 PM
Is there a question in here? Something specific you want help with?

2021-01-19, 04:17 PM
Is there a question in here? Something specific you want help with?

My character is smarter than I am. I need to know how the elves will possibly react to the invasion (Which in return I pretend my character knows about it .)

Doctor Despair
2021-01-19, 04:36 PM
But before I kill her I want to have secretly Infiltrated her islands already. Placing spells that cut magical transportation and communication off from the outside as well as a one way wall of force around the entire island.

Halaster's Teleport Cage will stop magical transportation. An anti-magic field might do the same. Dimensional anchor, if you have a trap of it to trigger on the queen somehow, should also do the trick.

One-way wall of force is tougher, especially at that scale. Using the feat Craft Contingent Spell along with Wall of Force could do it maybe. Or maybe Antipathy around the edge? Using regular-old contingency on Sympathy in the area the queen was in could be easier.

After I accomplish these things, I want to know what sort of strategies the elves will use in attacking my undead forces and invasion of the island.
Research of the Monorachy was already done, as well the capital Leuthilspar and sorrounding towns/cities.

This is almost impossible to answer without more information. At present, all I can suggest is using divination. Augury could be useful to see if they have a counter to a certain strategy.

Scots Dragon
2021-01-19, 04:49 PM

2021-01-19, 05:09 PM
{scrub the post, scrub the quote}

Well, Evermeet is a great strategic location. And a way to dispose of many High Magic users that poses a threat to my Evil Wizard. I am really bad at asking these questions so let me rephrase it.

I know what spells to use, however once I am through with the queen I will send scouts up ahead. At the moment she dies multiple portals will open up in each city and town on the island. Taking control over vital settlements and whatnot. The elves will be bombarded by magic users, paragon skeletons, dragons, and golems. A full force invasion. Once I dealt the first blow against its people likely is that they retreat to the forests and mountains. Which then I presume a counter strike with occur against us. I will have full control over their cities. What would their first objective be? What sorts of places can they retreat specifically not on the maps?

Scots Dragon
2021-01-19, 09:48 PM

Also Evermeet is not exactly a strategic location. It's too remote for anything useful.

2021-01-19, 10:01 PM
Historically, assaulting Evermeet traditionally requires the direct assistance of a god. Not a cleric casting spells, a god literally doing odd things to subvert the defences. The place is literally protected by the Seldarine and its defences were created by said elven gods. So you would have to be prepared for a lot of epic-level fiat on this one if your DM is going to play it according to the lore.

As to where the counterattack would come from: depending on the date, you could meet an endless invasion force from the Feywild, since the planes are thin between the Prime Material Plane and the Feywild specifically in and around Evermeet. You might take Evermeet, but you'll never hold it.

Scots Dragon
2021-01-19, 10:09 PM
Historically, assaulting Evermeet traditionally requires the direct assistance of a god. Not a cleric casting spells, a god literally doing odd things to subvert the defences. The place is literally protected by the Seldarine and its defences were created by said elven gods. So you would have to be prepared for a lot of epic-level fiat on this one if your DM is going to play it according to the lore.

As to where the counterattack would come from: depending on the date, you could meet an endless invasion force from the Feywild, since the planes are thin between the Prime Material Plane and the Feywild specifically in and around Evermeet. You might take Evermeet, but you'll never hold it.

Evermeet itself is literally a displaced piece of Arvandor, to boot. The place doesn't exactly behave much like the material plane, and even reaching it is virtually impossible unless you know the right stars to follow and when.

2021-01-19, 11:24 PM
{scrub the post, scrub the quote}
To have fun, I would imagine?

Good luck giving it to those racist elves.

2021-01-20, 11:02 AM
Historically, assaulting Evermeet traditionally requires the direct assistance of a god. Not a cleric casting spells, a god literally doing odd things to subvert the defences. The place is literally protected by the Seldarine and its defences were created by said elven gods. So you would have to be prepared for a lot of epic-level fiat on this one if your DM is going to play it according to the lore.

As to where the counterattack would come from: depending on the date, you could meet an endless invasion force from the Feywild, since the planes are thin between the Prime Material Plane and the Feywild specifically in and around Evermeet. You might take Evermeet, but you'll never hold it.

"requires the direct assistance of a god."? Pah! I have faced countless of entire pantheons and won! (I'm leveled in the hundreds) I'll destroy the entire plane of feywild. Plunging everybody to war in an endless loop of chaos. Once that is done I'll lay siege to Mystra and HER minions. I already have support from Cyric and Lolth. Who is providing me the drow as additional support.

My name is Jazath the Phane. (603 Wizard/5 Archmage/32 Fighter/18 Legendary Dreadnought) Who is not afraid of a little competition. So, if you see my level you are bound to see I'm not afraid of the gods. I am prepared to deal with Feywild and all of Seldarines clerics. Even herself if necessary. I want to slaughter the Elven people. That is my goal and reason for the attack.

Scots Dragon
2021-01-20, 10:58 PM
I don't believe that there's anything in Faerûn at all that can challenge you at that point.

You could probably just literally nuke the island from literal orbit with a researched epic spell.

2021-01-21, 08:13 AM
Wizard 603? Hmmm at most tables levelups tend to happen once a month or so... 603/12... 50 years...

Even with a level every week that leaves you wt nearly 13 continuous years of play. Hats off to you.

2021-01-21, 09:30 AM
"requires the direct assistance of a god."? Pah! I have faced countless of entire pantheons and won! (I'm leveled in the hundreds) I'll destroy the entire plane of feywild. Plunging everybody to war in an endless loop of chaos. Once that is done I'll lay siege to Mystra and HER minions. I already have support from Cyric and Lolth. Who is providing me the drow as additional support.

My name is Jazath the Phane. (603 Wizard/5 Archmage/32 Fighter/18 Legendary Dreadnought) Who is not afraid of a little competition. So, if you see my level you are bound to see I'm not afraid of the gods. I am prepared to deal with Feywild and all of Seldarines clerics. Even herself if necessary. I want to slaughter the Elven people. That is my goal and reason for the attack.

At level 600 you're well past what a rules discussion can reasonably cover - everything hinges on the kinds of challenges your GM will devise, if "challenge" is even the right word to use. You could develop an epic spell that strips the Seldarine of all their power for instance, or become a deity yourself. I'm not even sure you'd need Lolth and Cyric's help at that point.

Unless the good guys managed to get a caster of their own that kept up with you, Toril is pretty screwed and you won D&D. Even if they did, you could probably nuke Evermeet purely in passing without even invading directly.

2021-01-21, 10:17 AM
Yeah, by that point, you're far, far into the kinds of levels where it's just

Player: "I create an epic spell called "Whatever I want""
DM: "It's countered by my epic spell called Nuh-uh"
Player: "Actually, I cast "Yes I do" first, that makes my spell immune to Nuh-uh"
DM: "Alright. Roll 400d20+4.75*10^12"

2021-01-21, 10:21 AM
Yeah, by that point, you're far, far into the kinds of levels where it's just

Player: "I create an epic spell called "Whatever I want""
DM: "It's countered by my epic spell called Nuh-uh"
Player: "Actually, I cast "Yes I do" first, that makes my spell immune to Nuh-uh"
DM: "Alright. Roll 400d20+4.75*10^12"

Sounds like Exploding Kittens

2021-01-21, 10:26 AM
Sounds like Exploding Kittens

You'd probably be better off resolving conflicts that way instead of "I roll 1d20 + 697"

2021-01-21, 11:24 AM
Wizard 603? Hmmm at most tables levelups tend to happen once a month or so... 603/12... 50 years...

Even with a level every week that leaves you wt nearly 13 continuous years of play. Hats off to you.

Wow now! We started our evil campaign at high levels. I only had 2 months of gameplay. Now don't get me wrong, I have a character I did 18 years of gameplay. This new campaign was just something our DM decided to do for fun. Facing off as a high level character against world sized beholders, ultra celestials and such. Oh so much fun.

Besides, Has anyone ever wanted to venture as such a high level as my phane?

2021-01-21, 02:07 PM
I was going to ask, "what do you do for XP", but "beholders the size of planets" answers that, I suppose.

Being "smarter than you" doesn't guarantee that the character had any concept of military strategy. Of course, epic levels in Fighter don't hurt that argument. Even so, "what's not on the map" seems far-fetched for your character to know just because they're "smart".

a one way wall of force around the entire island.

Should you develop such tech, Quertus, my signature academia mage for whom this account is named, might be interested in having a chat.

Speaking of tech, curious which pantheon(s) you killed, and how you survived the gods just willing you dead.

2021-01-21, 02:42 PM
I was going to ask, "what do you do for XP", but "beholders the size of planets" answers that, I suppose.

Being "smarter than you" doesn't guarantee that the character had any concept of military strategy. Of course, epic levels in Fighter don't hurt that argument. Even so, "what's not on the map" seems far-fetched for your character to know just because they're "smart".

Should you develop such tech, Quertus, my signature academia mage for whom this account is named, might be interested in having a chat.

Speaking of tech, curious which pantheon(s) you killed, and how you survived the gods just willing you dead.

Well, I am a greatly powerful abomination. And as I grew stronger my divine abilities grew more potent. SO even though my divine abilities increased I did not stray into demigod status. Since I'm still just an Abomination (In our campaign abominations can grow stronger with divinity as they gain many class levels.)
Also I have epic spells to shield me from such proddings

Here are the pantheons i slayed (From the long backstory)
-The Aztec
-The Elven universe of Geshtree. (All elven gods and people)
-Viking Pantheon
-A macrobe universe
-The Quintacki Setting
-The Egypt pantheon

2021-01-21, 02:57 PM
Yeah, just conjure a 10-mile-wide Sphere of Annihilation over the thing you want gone with an Epic Spell via your +Yes Spellcraft modifier, my dude. Just make sure you design in a specific exception to the following spells: Foresight, the Celerity line, and Contingency. Do the same with Craft Contingent Spells.

If you've taken on that many gods, it doesn't particularly matter if some more of them show up to stop you, so you can approach this however you want.

2021-01-21, 02:58 PM
Should you develop such tech, Quertus, my signature academia mage for whom this account is named, might be interested in having a chat.

Indeed, I might. It would be an honor to talk of such things.

2021-01-21, 05:20 PM
Yeah, seriously, dude. You're a level 600+ spellcaster. Nothing in canon can touch you. Probably all of canon banding together can barely scratch you if they are smart about it.

Meaning, if there is anything in Evermeet that can challenge you, it's entirely made up by your DM and we can't possibly guess what it is, since it won't have any basis in any existing D&D books.

We can't help you.

2021-01-22, 09:47 AM
Yeah, seriously, dude. You're a level 600+ spellcaster. Nothing in canon can touch you. Probably all of canon banding together can barely scratch you if they are smart about it.

Meaning, if there is anything in Evermeet that can challenge you, it's entirely made up by your DM and we can't possibly guess what it is, since it won't have any basis in any existing D&D books.

We can't help you.

Well. I salute the attempt. I guess Jazath will muddle his way through. Probably conquer Toril while I am at it after I get through with the elves. Maybe I'll enslave them as my servants. Just break their will to live you know?
Though I will have less difficult questions (Since this is the highest level character I played before.)
By the way our party consists of three people
A Paragon Demigod Hobgoblin Warlord (Muliclassed in like six classes)
A Phane (That's me)
And A Paragon Ulitharid (Crazy levels as a Psionic and Psychic warrior)

2021-01-22, 10:45 AM
For reference on the absurdity of your situation, Deities and Demigods published 4 major pantheons (Greyhawk, Egypt, Greek, and Norse). The gods in that book were ECL 60. Literally a tenth of your wizard level alone.

The correct way to proceed at your level of power is to simply unmake Toril and remake it without elves every having existed. That would be the probable recourse of a level 100 wizard, much less level 600.

2021-01-22, 10:56 AM
For reference on the absurdity of your situation, Deities and Demigods published 4 major pantheons (Greyhawk, Egypt, Greek, and Norse). The gods in that book were ECL 60. Literally a tenth of your wizard level alone.

The correct way to proceed at your level of power is to simply unmake Toril and remake it without elves every having existed. That would be the probable recourse of a level 100 wizard, much less level 600.

Well I don't want to do THAT!
I want to throw them in a hopeless battle against my tyranny. Overwhelming odds against my legions of chromatic dragons, golems, and magical conjured entities. I want them to make great sacrifices that will be pointless in the long run. Just unmaking and remaking the world would not satisfy my dark desires or needs. (I never attempting to remake something before.)]
I wish to watch them suffer for eternity.
Then I'll focus on the rest of Toril. My DM says he's using reference from many 2e books and converting them to 3.5e statistics. I have a question, If I were to enslave the elven queen would the elves attempt to free her, or submit to me?

Also, what kinds of things can I do to make the elven people suffer both physically, mentally and spiritually?

2021-01-22, 06:24 PM
Probably conquer Toril while I am at it after I get through with the elves. Maybe I'll enslave them as my servants. Just break their will to live you know?

Uh, sure, have fun with that.

2021-01-22, 07:25 PM
Also, what kinds of things can I do to make the elven people suffer both physically, mentally and spiritually?

Write a thread about how you're a 300 level wizard who has killed entire pantheons of gods rules-legally and post it on one of their internet forums? :smallsmile:

Book of Vile Darkness might assist you. I don't think many of us can on this one.

2021-01-22, 11:15 PM
Yeah, seriously, dude. You're a level 600+ spellcaster. Nothing in canon can touch you. Probably all of canon banding together can barely scratch you if they are smart about it.

Meaning, if there is anything in Evermeet that can challenge you, it's entirely made up by your DM and we can't possibly guess what it is, since it won't have any basis in any existing D&D books.

We can't help you.

This probably could be its own thread, but… I'm not so sure about that.

D&D has some definite… power curves / ramps in its "zero to hero" structure, but… is level 600 really all that substantially different from level 60 or 30?

Indeed, I might. It would be an honor to talk of such things.

As this was posted 2 minutes before the PM, I'll reply here.

Amy preferences for the initial setup?

I'm actually struggling to get up to speed, because even the *physics* of the encounter is… interesting.

Oh, are any of you above divine rank 0 / count as a god? If so, it changes how Quertus is allowed to interact with y'all.

What kind of perception / senses does Jazath the Phane have? What does he care about / what do you want included in my descriptions?

Rather than a linear "play by post" style, I'll more post a "cut and paste into an outline", that we can flesh out as desired. Although it'll likely be days between my posts.

I doubt that this encounter will help with your stated questions, but I suppose it may have the possibility to change your perspective, at least. So, non-zero value.

Otherwise, unless you already asked, and were told, "shrug - ask the Playground", I suspect that your best results would come from directing these questions to your GM.

2021-01-25, 11:53 AM
This probably could be its own thread, but… I'm not so sure about that.

D&D has some definite… power curves / ramps in its "zero to hero" structure, but… is level 600 really all that substantially different from level 60 or 30?

As this was posted 2 minutes before the PM, I'll reply here.

Amy preferences for the initial setup?

I'm actually struggling to get up to speed, because even the *physics* of the encounter is… interesting.

Oh, are any of you above divine rank 0 / count as a god? If so, it changes how Quertus is allowed to interact with y'all.

What kind of perception / senses does Jazath the Phane have? What does he care about / what do you want included in my descriptions?

Rather than a linear "play by post" style, I'll more post a "cut and paste into an outline", that we can flesh out as desired. Although it'll likely be days between my posts.

I doubt that this encounter will help with your stated questions, but I suppose it may have the possibility to change your perspective, at least. So, non-zero value.

Otherwise, unless you already asked, and were told, "shrug - ask the Playground", I suspect that your best results would come from directing these questions to your GM.

Are you implying an in-character interaction? Well swell!

First of all, the interaction of Querest would probably be for the exchange of knowledge. Maybe an alliance, depending on how much this mage nows, and how powerful he is (Jazath is always looking for new alliances.)

Jazath is considered not to be a deity. He has no worshipers, no clergy and no avatars. Though he does possess multiple divine abilities and such, but has no divine realm and considered a creature that exists outside the natural laws.
He can reach the powers of gods, but is not able to actually become one.
The Paragon Ulitharid is not a deity, our Hobgoblin IS though. It's likely you'll just meet Jazath. He is the only one of the group who would not attempt to kill quertus on sight.

If you are asking what kind of senses Jazath has, he can detect magic on will and possesses truesight up to 24,000 ft.
Jazath believes the time to overthrow the gods has come. Time to unite all of creation under his banner. Jazath seeks to ruin the time stream and control it. Then believes to free the abominations and primordials (Jazath is a fanatic follower of Timesus)
Jazath is cold, ruthless, takes joy in watching others suffer (Sadistic). He cares for his own survival, and respects his fellow allies. He fell in love once, cared deeply for a human named Iyraclea. Known as The Ice witch. She was killed by Zethrindor (Which drove Jazath mad) and took him into a raging insanity. He helped encourage Zethrindors old troops to rise up and slay him. Jazath then hunted down his phylactery and now keeps it beside him. Forever content on torturing Zeths essence. He seeks to bring back The Ice Queen to help rule by her side.

"cut and paste into an outline"? It will take me time to get used to that sort of interaction. So please forgive me if I mess up a little.

I hoped these answered any questions!

2021-01-25, 12:32 PM
Also, what kinds of things can I do to make the elven people suffer both physically, mentally and spiritually?

Seconding the "look in Book of Vile Darkness" answer. For spiritual suffering, just gradually destroy all of their gods, traditions, and other power sources. Bonus points if you outright corrupt one of their gods and have them make degrees against their own principles. Poison the land, remove resources, create a few plagues. Do all of this in ways that leave their enemies completely untouched, so that the elves have to swallow their pride and ask for help. Maybe a "reverse Midas touch" kind of deal across them all. Then, when you get bored, just create a bunch of Living Spells keyed to various horrible BoVD spells and sprinkle them everywhere.

2021-01-25, 12:46 PM
Seconding the "look in Book of Vile Darkness" answer. For spiritual suffering, just gradually destroy all of their gods, traditions, and other power sources. Bonus points if you outright corrupt one of their gods and have them make degrees against their own principles. Poison the land, remove resources, create a few plagues. Do all of this in ways that leave their enemies completely untouched, so that the elves have to swallow their pride and ask for help. Maybe a "reverse Midas touch" kind of deal across them all. Then, when you get bored, just create a bunch of Living Spells keyed to various horrible BoVD spells and sprinkle them everywhere.

Thank you. I'm inspired
This is exactly what I need.

The Glyphstone
2021-01-25, 12:48 PM
Or do exactly that, except with a DC Infinity epic magic spell that forces the elves to do it themselves via mind control, while still being fully conscious of what they are doing.

2021-01-25, 01:39 PM
Or do exactly that, except with a DC Infinity epic magic spell that forces the elves to do it themselves via mind control, while still being fully conscious of what they are doing.

Infinity? I'm not sure I can pass that! Well I KNOW I cannot pass that! Holy-

2021-01-25, 01:58 PM
It's an exaggeration, not actually infinity. If you have Epic Spellcasting, you have the resources to make the save DC something like 300, which no one will pass unless they get a 20 or have immunity to mind-affecting effects.

The Glyphstone
2021-01-25, 03:01 PM
And bypassing mind effecting immunity is utterly trivial at level 20, let alone level 600.

2021-01-25, 11:51 PM
… aren't their deities among those already dead in this scenario? :smallconfused:

And bypassing mind effecting immunity is utterly trivial at level 20, let alone level 600.

It is? Do tell!

Are you implying an in-character interaction? Well swell!

First of all, the interaction of Querest would probably be for the exchange of knowledge. Maybe an alliance, depending on how much this mage nows, and how powerful he is (Jazath is always looking for new alliances.)

Jazath is considered not to be a deity. He has no worshipers, no clergy and no avatars. Though he does possess multiple divine abilities and such, but has no divine realm and considered a creature that exists outside the natural laws.
He can reach the powers of gods, but is not able to actually become one.
The Paragon Ulitharid is not a deity, our Hobgoblin IS though. It's likely you'll just meet Jazath. He is the only one of the group who would not attempt to kill quertus on sight.

If you are asking what kind of senses Jazath has, he can detect magic on will and possesses truesight up to 24,000 ft.
Jazath believes the time to overthrow the gods has come. Time to unite all of creation under his banner. Jazath seeks to ruin the time stream and control it. Then believes to free the abominations and primordials (Jazath is a fanatic follower of Timesus)
Jazath is cold, ruthless, takes joy in watching others suffer (Sadistic). He cares for his own survival, and respects his fellow allies. He fell in love once, cared deeply for a human named Iyraclea. Known as The Ice witch. She was killed by Zethrindor (Which drove Jazath mad) and took him into a raging insanity. He helped encourage Zethrindors old troops to rise up and slay him. Jazath then hunted down his phylactery and now keeps it beside him. Forever content on torturing Zeths essence. He seeks to bring back The Ice Queen to help rule by her side.

"cut and paste into an outline"? It will take me time to get used to that sort of interaction. So please forgive me if I mess up a little.

I hoped these answered any questions!

I forgot - twice(!) - to ask, what's his(?) Sense Motive?

Not being attacked on sight would probably be optimal. :smalltongue:

Sadly, "insanity" is not something Quertus has built a custom spell to detect. :smallfrown:

I figure that the constant "back and forth" of "play by post" style would get annoying, and detract from anyone wanting to post to your actual question. So I'm trying to expedite with… well, you'll see.

OK, as I said in the PM (EDIT: oops, *someone else* PM'd me :smallredface:), nonzero of Quertus' allies have comprehension of the meta (like the existence of "the Playground"). So how this conversation initiates varies. A few possibilities:

At a point in time when Jazath happens to be near the 1-way Wall of Force.

Guards (that would care enough to bring it to your attention, but inattentive enough not to recognize an illusion) could bring reports of a Wizard studying the Wall.

Jazath could give a positive response to "This is a variant Sending spell, which does not require our previous acquaintance. My allies indicated our meeting could prove mutually advantageous - are you amenable?"

Or whatever else you want to nudge Quertus' Playground-aware allies into suggesting to make the meeting happen.

When the meeting does happen, time stops for everyone except yourself, a red-robed human Wizard, and an invisible snake-girl curled up at his feet. There are *lots* more details to their appearance, if you care (and have good spot); the ones obvious to True Sight would be her invisibility, and his… illusion of himself curiously superimposed over himself.

When you meet, several emotions will quickly flicker across his face, but are almost immediately replaced with a look of elation: "I knew it!", he exclaims, pulling a glowing "hourglass and mirror" talisman off his belt. "I knew something like you must exist, and thus I created this device explicitly for the purpose of testing my hypothesis, to detect my 'white whale'. If I may ask, what *are* you?" [Quertus displays all the tact of the Doctor (ie, none at all), obviously much more interested in scientific discovery than social niceties] Quertus begins sketching by the time he finishes that last sentence.

If Jazath is not the "excited schoolgirl" type (like Quertus just was) to respond instantly, Quertus will follow his inquiry with a second: "are you a composite entity? Adding you to the time stream is draining my resources at an unprecedented rate." Otherwise, he will ask the follow-up question after you finish your response.

[If, at any point, Jazath activates Time Regression, it will be fairly obvious that Quertus notices it, but he does not comment.]

[If you did not choose the "Sending" route, Quertus would likely open any further dialog option with, "my allies indicated that our meeting could prove mutually beneficial"]

[It will no doubt become obvious at some point (possibly by Quertus volunteering as much) that he is in active contact with several beings during your conversation]

[If Jazath attempts to direct the conversation, items could be addressed in most any order, and certainly topics beyond those I've listed could be broached. If left to his own devices, Quertus' second line of inquiry - what would have been his first had Jazath not been a Phane - is the Wall.]

The Wall

"Absolutely fascinating," Quertus would say as he stares at the Wall. He would push several objects - a shuriken, a blade of grass, [insert local insect here] - halfway through the Wall, and then gently attempt to extract them. Notably, the insect will begin moving moments before being shoved halfway into the wall. Quertus will observe the effects of the Wall. "How did you create this?"

[Although Quertus would love to talk shop, if the idea of "trading" is mentioned, Quertus would certainly be amenable. On the plus side, Quertus would "check the local laws of reality", which means that he wouldn't trade you anything that your GM would veto. On the down side, "detect insanity" is the class of spells Quertus most knows; ie, spells designed to gather information.

Attack Evermeet

[If Jazath asks Quertus' advice on this topic…]

"I am not a War Wizard - I am an Academia Mage. I know little of war."

[With the right wording (or even gesturing while asking the question), it would be obvious that Quertus not only has no knowledge of Evermeet, but does not even realize that he stands on its very doorstep.]

[If pressed…]"have you considered an army of golems, backed by Simulacra of Dragons? Or opening a portal to somewhere like the abyss, and letting them deal with it?"

[If "Elves" are brought up, such as, "the Elves of Evermeet…]

"What did the elves ever do to you?" [And Quertus becomes concerned]


"It is rare that I encounter anyone whose casting ability exceeds my own. Certainly, having you as an ally could prove beneficial. However, I am by ancient pact forbidden from interfering with Divine beings, and you generally travel with such a being. This would limit my… oh, technically, *mostly* prohibited. The exact details are… complicated. These days, I mostly only engage in world- and reality-threatening events, and there is certain leeway in the pact for such actions. Still, I would not have appeared for our meeting were such beings around."

"But… what would a being such as yourself expect from potential allies?"

[Most of "Jazath believes the time to overthrow the gods has come. Time to unite all of creation under his banner. Jazath seeks to ruin the time stream and control it. Then believes to free the abominations and primordials (Jazath is a fanatic follower of Timesus)" would produce the result that Quertus becomes concerned.]

"For my part, I generally rely on my allies…"

[If he was not cut off from talking shop about the Wall] "…for company, to discuss theories of magic and reality, and…"

"… to help one another handle world-ending threats."

Quertus becomes concerned

[If *multiple* topics produce the "Quertus becomes concerned" result…]

"My allies run the gamut, span the spectrum of moral tendencies. Still, I suspect that you are the type that I would have actively opposed in my youth. These days, I only engage in the search for knowledge, and truly world-ending events."

Battery is running low, so I'll end it there for now. Feel free to choose your start, your path, add lines of inquiry, or ask me questions as needed.

Doctor Despair
2021-01-26, 12:34 AM
It is? Do tell!

Well, for starters, Music of the Gods lets bards bypass that immunity. Evangelists get Charm Monster without the mind-affecting tag at their capstone. Necrotic Domination gets Dominate Person without the mind-affecting tag (and ignores Protection from Evil); Necrotic Tumor does much the same.

2021-01-26, 11:15 AM
… aren't their deities among those already dead in this scenario? :smallconfused:

It is? Do tell!

I forgot - twice(!) - to ask, what's his(?) Sense Motive?

Not being attacked on sight would probably be optimal. :smalltongue:

Sadly, "insanity" is not something Quertus has built a custom spell to detect. :smallfrown:

I figure that the constant "back and forth" of "play by post" style would get annoying, and detract from anyone wanting to post to your actual question. So I'm trying to expedite with… well, you'll see.

OK, as I said in the PM (EDIT: oops, *someone else* PM'd me :smallredface:), nonzero of Quertus' allies have comprehension of the meta (like the existence of "the Playground"). So how this conversation initiates varies. A few possibilities:

At a point in time when Jazath happens to be near the 1-way Wall of Force.

Guards (that would care enough to bring it to your attention, but inattentive enough not to recognize an illusion) could bring reports of a Wizard studying the Wall.

Jazath could give a positive response to "This is a variant Sending spell, which does not require our previous acquaintance. My allies indicated our meeting could prove mutually advantageous - are you amenable?"

Or whatever else you want to nudge Quertus' Playground-aware allies into suggesting to make the meeting happen.

When the meeting does happen, time stops for everyone except yourself, a red-robed human Wizard, and an invisible snake-girl curled up at his feet. There are *lots* more details to their appearance, if you care (and have good spot); the ones obvious to True Sight would be her invisibility, and his… illusion of himself curiously superimposed over himself.

When you meet, several emotions will quickly flicker across his face, but are almost immediately replaced with a look of elation: "I knew it!", he exclaims, pulling a glowing "hourglass and mirror" talisman off his belt. "I knew something like you must exist, and thus I created this device explicitly for the purpose of testing my hypothesis, to detect my 'white whale'. If I may ask, what *are* you?" [Quertus displays all the tact of the Doctor (ie, none at all), obviously much more interested in scientific discovery than social niceties] Quertus begins sketching by the time he finishes that last sentence.

If Jazath is not the "excited schoolgirl" type (like Quertus just was) to respond instantly, Quertus will follow his inquiry with a second: "are you a composite entity? Adding you to the time stream is draining my resources at an unprecedented rate." Otherwise, he will ask the follow-up question after you finish your response.

[If, at any point, Jazath activates Time Regression, it will be fairly obvious that Quertus notices it, but he does not comment.]

[If you did not choose the "Sending" route, Quertus would likely open any further dialog option with, "my allies indicated that our meeting could prove mutually beneficial"]

[It will no doubt become obvious at some point (possibly by Quertus volunteering as much) that he is in active contact with several beings during your conversation]

[If Jazath attempts to direct the conversation, items could be addressed in most any order, and certainly topics beyond those I've listed could be broached. If left to his own devices, Quertus' second line of inquiry - what would have been his first had Jazath not been a Phane - is the Wall.]

The Wall

"Absolutely fascinating," Quertus would say as he stares at the Wall. He would push several objects - a shuriken, a blade of grass, [insert local insect here] - halfway through the Wall, and then gently attempt to extract them. Notably, the insect will begin moving moments before being shoved halfway into the wall. Quertus will observe the effects of the Wall. "How did you create this?"

[Although Quertus would love to talk shop, if the idea of "trading" is mentioned, Quertus would certainly be amenable. On the plus side, Quertus would "check the local laws of reality", which means that he wouldn't trade you anything that your GM would veto. On the down side, "detect insanity" is the class of spells Quertus most knows; ie, spells designed to gather information.

Attack Evermeet

[If Jazath asks Quertus' advice on this topic…]

"I am not a War Wizard - I am an Academia Mage. I know little of war."

[With the right wording (or even gesturing while asking the question), it would be obvious that Quertus not only has no knowledge of Evermeet, but does not even realize that he stands on its very doorstep.]

[If pressed…]"have you considered an army of golems, backed by Simulacra of Dragons? Or opening a portal to somewhere like the abyss, and letting them deal with it?"

[If "Elves" are brought up, such as, "the Elves of Evermeet…]

"What did the elves ever do to you?" [And Quertus becomes concerned]


"It is rare that I encounter anyone whose casting ability exceeds my own. Certainly, having you as an ally could prove beneficial. However, I am by ancient pact forbidden from interfering with Divine beings, and you generally travel with such a being. This would limit my… oh, technically, *mostly* prohibited. The exact details are… complicated. These days, I mostly only engage in world- and reality-threatening events, and there is certain leeway in the pact for such actions. Still, I would not have appeared for our meeting were such beings around."

"But… what would a being such as yourself expect from potential allies?"

[Most of "Jazath believes the time to overthrow the gods has come. Time to unite all of creation under his banner. Jazath seeks to ruin the time stream and control it. Then believes to free the abominations and primordials (Jazath is a fanatic follower of Timesus)" would produce the result that Quertus becomes concerned.]

"For my part, I generally rely on my allies…"

[If he was not cut off from talking shop about the Wall] "…for company, to discuss theories of magic and reality, and…"

"… to help one another handle world-ending threats."

Quertus becomes concerned

[If *multiple* topics produce the "Quertus becomes concerned" result…]

"My allies run the gamut, span the spectrum of moral tendencies. Still, I suspect that you are the type that I would have actively opposed in my youth. These days, I only engage in the search for knowledge, and truly world-ending events."

Battery is running low, so I'll end it there for now. Feel free to choose your start, your path, add lines of inquiry, or ask me questions as needed.

Excuse me as my puny mind attempts to process all this info (Which is fascinating!) I will get back to my Sense motive check. (Without my ability score i am quite sure it's +340. So if the mage has any schemes Jazath will probably know, my diplomacy check is higher. Be careful that I don't use my maxed out Diplomacy and turn you into a fanatic follower for the day! XD)

When Jazath encounters the wizard he would probably be intrigued by him poking and prodding the wall and will explain away its workings. In the description Jazath will proudly proclaim his attack on the elves. Jazath is not the "excited schoolgirl" type. More mellow and quiet, When Quertus will follow his inquiry with a second: "are you a composite entity? Adding you to the time stream is draining my resources at an unprecedented rate." Jazath probably would respond "No. I'm not." With visible annoyance. Jazath hates questions on his state of being. He would probably admit he is a time-born abomination.
During the conversation Jazath would probably not admit his adventuring groups state of being or whereabouts. He keeps such info secret from prying eyes. He will also say that the attack of the elves is more of an execution than a battle. His reason for killing the elves is "They are a beautiful species. I hate them, those snobby prejudiced people strike my nerves. So I decided to simply control them for my amusement."
Trading would be allowed. If such the conversation takes a turn to that point he will be willing to trade a potent magic for any info on artifacts or a curious new spell. My Dm will let me craft a powerful weapon or trade info on the One-way wall of force.
The sword I wield is sentient, so it might join the conversation (As it is more "The excited schoolgirl" type) And will be throwing smart-alack comments and witty replies in the form of insults (Depending if your mage is human, determines on how much the greatsword will hate his guts.)

"My allies run the gamut, span the spectrum of moral tendencies. Still, I suspect that you are the type that I would have actively opposed in my youth. These days, I only engage in the search for knowledge, and truly world-ending events."
When the wizard says this Jazath will say something like:
"I don't wish to end the world. I want to control it. Free will is chaos, to control it is order. The gods are not needed. I am."

Maybe I could clear out an online Rpg spot to do post by post interaction. I would have a very hard time doing something non-linear.

2021-01-26, 11:19 AM
Excuse me as my puny mind attempts to process all this info (Which is fascinating!) I will get back to my Sense motive check. (Without my ability score i am quite sure it's +340. So if the mage has any schemes Jazath will probably know, my diplomacy check is higher. Be careful that I don't use my maxed out Diplomacy and turn you into a fanatic follower for the day! XD)

When Jazath encounters the wizard he would probably be intrigued by him poking and prodding the wall and will explain away its workings. In the description Jazath will proudly proclaim his attack on the elves. Jazath is not the "excited schoolgirl" type. More mellow and quiet, When Quertus will follow his inquiry with a second: "are you a composite entity? Adding you to the time stream is draining my resources at an unprecedented rate." Jazath probably would respond "No. I'm not." With visible annoyance. Jazath hates questions on his state of being. He would probably admit he is a time-born abomination.
During the conversation Jazath would probably not admit his adventuring groups state of being or whereabouts. He keeps such info secret from prying eyes. He will also say that the attack of the elves is more of an execution than a battle. His reason for killing the elves is "They are a beautiful species. I hate them, those snobby prejudiced people strike my nerves. So I decided to simply control them for my amusement."
Trading would be allowed. If such the conversation takes a turn to that point he will be willing to trade a potent magic for any info on artifacts or a curious new spell. My Dm will let me craft a powerful weapon or trade info on the One-way wall of force.
The sword I wield is sentient, so it might join the conversation (As it is more "The excited schoolgirl" type) And will be throwing smart-alack comments and witty replies in the form of insults (Depending if your mage is human, determines on how much the greatsword will hate his guts.)

"My allies run the gamut, span the spectrum of moral tendencies. Still, I suspect that you are the type that I would have actively opposed in my youth. These days, I only engage in the search for knowledge, and truly world-ending events."
When the wizard says this Jazath will say something like:
"I don't wish to end the world. I want to control it. Free will is chaos, to control it is order. The gods are not needed. I am."

Maybe I could clear out an online Rpg spot to do post by post interaction. I would have a very hard time doing something non-linear.

It could be prudent to to something like Role Gate. It's okay for me to post a link to a Rpg site, correct?

The Glyphstone
2021-01-26, 11:27 AM
Well, for starters, Music of the Gods lets bards bypass that immunity. Evangelists get Charm Monster without the mind-affecting tag at their capstone. Necrotic Domination gets Dominate Person without the mind-affecting tag (and ignores Protection from Evil); Necrotic Tumor does much the same.

Tumor is probably the best route. Research a Necromancy Seed epic spell that replicates Necrotic Tumor+Necrotic Domination, across an AoE big enough to encompass all of Toril, and at a Save DC so high only natural 20's will protect them. Now 95% of the elven race has been enslaved by your sapient zombie cancer. Command them to desecrate, defile, and destroy their own civilization while you watch and laugh, recasting your Mass Tumor spell periodically to recapture anyone who resisted.

2021-01-27, 09:36 PM
Excuse me as my puny mind attempts to process all this info (Which is fascinating!) I will get back to my Sense motive check. (Without my ability score i am quite sure it's +340. So if the mage has any schemes Jazath will probably know, my diplomacy check is higher. Be careful that I don't use my maxed out Diplomacy and turn you into a fanatic follower for the day! XD)

When Jazath encounters the wizard he would probably be intrigued by him poking and prodding the wall and will explain away its workings. In the description Jazath will proudly proclaim his attack on the elves. Jazath is not the "excited schoolgirl" type. More mellow and quiet, When Quertus will follow his inquiry with a second: "are you a composite entity? Adding you to the time stream is draining my resources at an unprecedented rate." Jazath probably would respond "No. I'm not." With visible annoyance. Jazath hates questions on his state of being. He would probably admit he is a time-born abomination.
During the conversation Jazath would probably not admit his adventuring groups state of being or whereabouts. He keeps such info secret from prying eyes. He will also say that the attack of the elves is more of an execution than a battle. His reason for killing the elves is "They are a beautiful species. I hate them, those snobby prejudiced people strike my nerves. So I decided to simply control them for my amusement."
Trading would be allowed. If such the conversation takes a turn to that point he will be willing to trade a potent magic for any info on artifacts or a curious new spell. My Dm will let me craft a powerful weapon or trade info on the One-way wall of force.
The sword I wield is sentient, so it might join the conversation (As it is more "The excited schoolgirl" type) And will be throwing smart-alack comments and witty replies in the form of insults (Depending if your mage is human, determines on how much the greatsword will hate his guts.)

"My allies run the gamut, span the spectrum of moral tendencies. Still, I suspect that you are the type that I would have actively opposed in my youth. These days, I only engage in the search for knowledge, and truly world-ending events."
When the wizard says this Jazath will say something like:
"I don't wish to end the world. I want to control it. Free will is chaos, to control it is order. The gods are not needed. I am."

Maybe I could clear out an online Rpg spot to do post by post interaction. I would have a very hard time doing something non-linear.

Well then.


When I asked what Jazath cared about, I meant more in terms of perception: does he care about weapons, heraldry, emotions, dwoemers, etc etc? I didn't want to flood you with unnecessary information, nor exclude data that you actually desired and had the opportunity to obtain.

Quertus, for example, is the quintessential Mage, pretty much just caring about magic. He will care about (and notice, because senses) items, dwoemers, etc. He *happens* to care about the hitherto unseen "Phane" race because he has long hypothesized the existence of beings capable of… well, essentially, the "Summon Past Time Duplicate" ability that Phane possess.


I had figured that there was always the chance that you hadn't bothered with Sense Motive. With that level… that's well beyond the Epic "free mind reading" / Sherlock Holmes level… I'll do what I can. Feel free to ask about anything that seems unclear.

"So if the mage has any schemes Jazath will probably know,"

Rather the opposite. Quertus seems… almost guileless, almost like the very idea of "schemes" is foreign to him. [Given your Sense Motive, it's more that he is focused on academia, and had no time for "schemes"… also, he relies on his allies to handle (ie, notice and see through) such things.]

The snake-girl certainly would be a schemer were she not first and foremost a loyal Simulacrum.

The people Quertus is (telepathically?) chatting with seem to… run the gamut.


"my diplomacy check is higher. Be careful that I don't use my maxed out Diplomacy and turn you into a fanatic follower for the day!"

Although *technically* PCs are immune, it certainly impacts things like how readily Quertus rationalizes after a potential "Quertus becomes concerned" event. I'll… endeavor to write Quertus' actions accordingly.


The sentient sword is an example of why this conversation works best in a nonlinear format: not knowing about the sword, I hadn't included it in my initial assessment. … I can't think of any reason for Quertus to have *not* included it in the time stream, though.


"Depending if your mage is human, determines on how much the greatsword will hate his guts"

Quertus appears human. 5'6", short dark hair, pale skin, very long face, 2 arms, 2 legs, bright red gold-trimmed robes. Mind Blank, so verification via some "Detect Humans" style ability is unlikely.

If the sword gets too obnoxious, Quertus may ask if Jazath would be opposed to Quertus "discontinuing its feed to this time stream".


… does the sword have anything granting it immunity to Jazath's "Null Time Field" ability?


Minor note: the effect Quertus is using does not violate the local rules of Time Stop regarding what can be manipulated. So, if your GM rules that you cannot move insects around during a Time Stop, then Quertus will have added the insect to the time steam the moment he had it in his grasp.

[Under the hood, Quertus has an ability that lets him "view the laws of reality" (equivalent to a player a asking the GM, "how did this work…?"); thus, he would know how his spell works, and act accordingly. He's not much for social niceties, but he does care about appearances, including - for example - as a Wizard, not looking "pants-on-head" using his own spells.]


Quertus will seem to "flicker" from time to time. If asked, he will claim to have been "reestablishing the temporal inertia / chronal momentum of the alternate time stream".

Oh, right, insane spot… the dust motes around Quertus also "teleport" during his flickers, as though he had used Time Stop.


Quertus is typically "More mellow and quiet," but… he gets a little excited taking shop about magic theory / investigating new things, and was *very* excited that his *very* long term theory (over 20 years from just *my* PoV; countless centuries from his) has proven true, his "white whale" has been spotted.

[Under the hood, Quertus has knowledge skills, but he never rolls them. He's the guy who *wrote* the books that people with knowledge skills read in order to know things. As he has never encountered a Phane before, nor read about one, he auto-fails / doesn't roll a knowledge check, simple as that. Of course, having seen you, and seen the way that magic does through you, he can observe assume abilities, and begin to hypothesize regarding others.]


Quertus continues to be mildly distracted (noticeable only because of your *insane* Sense Motive), not just by the voices in his head, but also monitoring numerous spells (including the distressing rate at which his "resources are being depleted"). He doubtless makes a few notes about that in his book.

He is clearly well accustomed to holding numerous conversations at the same time.


With your Diplomacy in mind, Quertus would likely feel obligated to mention, after the, "what did the elves do to you" / "conquer the world" bit that he can't really judge - his allies have conquered worlds before. He's just never witnessed elves being the conquered before.

[Under the hood, Quertus is a bit of a fanboy for elves. He is now questioning *why* that is the case.]

2021-01-28, 11:02 AM
Well then.


When I asked what Jazath cared about, I meant more in terms of perception: does he care about weapons, heraldry, emotions, dwoemers, etc etc? I didn't want to flood you with unnecessary information, nor exclude data that you actually desired and had the opportunity to obtain.

Quertus, for example, is the quintessential Mage, pretty much just caring about magic. He will care about (and notice, because senses) items, dwoemers, etc. He *happens* to care about the hitherto unseen "Phane" race because he has long hypothesized the existence of beings capable of… well, essentially, the "Summon Past Time Duplicate" ability that Phane possess.


I had figured that there was always the chance that you hadn't bothered with Sense Motive. With that level… that's well beyond the Epic "free mind reading" / Sherlock Holmes level… I'll do what I can. Feel free to ask about anything that seems unclear.

"So if the mage has any schemes Jazath will probably know,"

Rather the opposite. Quertus seems… almost guileless, almost like the very idea of "schemes" is foreign to him. [Given your Sense Motive, it's more that he is focused on academia, and had no time for "schemes"… also, he relies on his allies to handle (ie, notice and see through) such things.]

The snake-girl certainly would be a schemer were she not first and foremost a loyal Simulacrum.

The people Quertus is (telepathically?) chatting with seem to… run the gamut.


"my diplomacy check is higher. Be careful that I don't use my maxed out Diplomacy and turn you into a fanatic follower for the day!"

Although *technically* PCs are immune, it certainly impacts things like how readily Quertus rationalizes after a potential "Quertus becomes concerned" event. I'll… endeavor to write Quertus' actions accordingly.


The sentient sword is an example of why this conversation works best in a nonlinear format: not knowing about the sword, I hadn't included it in my initial assessment. … I can't think of any reason for Quertus to have *not* included it in the time stream, though.


"Depending if your mage is human, determines on how much the greatsword will hate his guts"

Quertus appears human. 5'6", short dark hair, pale skin, very long face, 2 arms, 2 legs, bright red gold-trimmed robes. Mind Blank, so verification via some "Detect Humans" style ability is unlikely.

If the sword gets too obnoxious, Quertus may ask if Jazath would be opposed to Quertus "discontinuing its feed to this time stream".


… does the sword have anything granting it immunity to Jazath's "Null Time Field" ability?


Minor note: the effect Quertus is using does not violate the local rules of Time Stop regarding what can be manipulated. So, if your GM rules that you cannot move insects around during a Time Stop, then Quertus will have added the insect to the time steam the moment he had it in his grasp.

[Under the hood, Quertus has an ability that lets him "view the laws of reality" (equivalent to a player a asking the GM, "how did this work…?"); thus, he would know how his spell works, and act accordingly. He's not much for social niceties, but he does care about appearances, including - for example - as a Wizard, not looking "pants-on-head" using his own spells.]


Quertus will seem to "flicker" from time to time. If asked, he will claim to have been "reestablishing the temporal inertia / chronal momentum of the alternate time stream".

Oh, right, insane spot… the dust motes around Quertus also "teleport" during his flickers, as though he had used Time Stop.


Quertus is typically "More mellow and quiet," but… he gets a little excited taking shop about magic theory / investigating new things, and was *very* excited that his *very* long term theory (over 20 years from just *my* PoV; countless centuries from his) has proven true, his "white whale" has been spotted.

[Under the hood, Quertus has knowledge skills, but he never rolls them. He's the guy who *wrote* the books that people with knowledge skills read in order to know things. As he has never encountered a Phane before, nor read about one, he auto-fails / doesn't roll a knowledge check, simple as that. Of course, having seen you, and seen the way that magic does through you, he can observe assume abilities, and begin to hypothesize regarding others.]


Quertus continues to be mildly distracted (noticeable only because of your *insane* Sense Motive), not just by the voices in his head, but also monitoring numerous spells (including the distressing rate at which his "resources are being depleted"). He doubtless makes a few notes about that in his book.

He is clearly well accustomed to holding numerous conversations at the same time.


With your Diplomacy in mind, Quertus would likely feel obligated to mention, after the, "what did the elves do to you" / "conquer the world" bit that he can't really judge - his allies have conquered worlds before. He's just never witnessed elves being the conquered before.

[Under the hood, Quertus is a bit of a fanboy for elves. He is now questioning *why* that is the case.]

Jazath cares for interesting magic items, weapons, and new creatures he can collect. Jazath loves to collect different species from all around the multiverse.
Also, my swords special purpose is to conquer or slay the elves. (He has an ego score of 406, my will save is 412. So....yeah. I do have to be careful.)

The sword DOES function in my null time field. Only because I allow it to function so.
A +200 Unerring Keen Vorpal Ghost Touch Greatsword is something I definitely want to keep around me. Not only that the sword would definitely enjoy interactions with individuals that have a different agenda. Like this "Snake Girl." Verdex (The name of the sword) would find it gleeful to talk to a scheming person (If she is a schemer.)
Quertus will probably sense its enchantment bonus and multiple special powers and abilities.
On that not Jazath is wearing a "Ring of Evermagic" That functions as its own magic source. It allows him to immunity to anti-magic zones. It's very useful when traveling to realities were magic is nonexistent. Jazath also wears a headband of intellect that blends into his shadowy self. The ring is the only thing indistinguishably from the body. It is seemingly made from pure diamond that glows with a white fire inside of it. The ring radiates intense magic, and if detect magic is cast to it the caster must succeed a DC 30 will save or go permanently insane.

A spell will normally function as the books say. Just go by book on their descriptions. You can move the insect aroun.d

Any spell 1-9th level cast will rebound back on the caster.

My phane is immune to temporal anomalies, paradoxes, and time spells.

Jazath possess a "Seventh Sense" So to speak. He can replay 20 rounds per day. If he finds a hostile action he will wait awhile during an attack then replay it. Taking proper countermeasures. Jazath will mention this to the mage as a warning, showing Jazath to be very suspicious.

With enscrolled and many other abilities. Quertus will discover Jazath can cast his spells on will. No need to prepare any or monitor slots. He has free access to virtually every spell, which Jazath hopes to discourage any attacks (Paranoid, he is)

With phrenology Jazath can determine his mental ability scores and caster level, what are they?

"Quertus will seem to "flicker" from time to time. If asked, he will claim to have been "reestablishing the temporal inertia / chronal momentum of the alternate time stream"." Jazath would nod his head respectfully. He understands the feeling. As Jazath has visited multiple time streams in the same fashion and will offer stories of multiple events where he has visited in the same fashion. He likes to discuss his visit to a 2D reality and will state it is "Limited to say the least.".

Jazath will be discarding his Skeletal warriors, replacing them with very complex mannequin-like clockwork soldiers, clockwork wizards, clockwork archers, and multiple constructs. He will send for his Mercury leviathans in the time stop, and regular Mercury golems. Showing off multiple abilities they possess and offer, he will also offer the mage one as a trade for any sort of magical information or item. Another thing, Jazath likes to hear stories of other realities, he would love to hear about Quertus reality and accept the story as a offer.

Jazath will mention that his swords goal is to enslave or slay the elves. So he is keeping it happy for now.

Also, Jazath will be interesting in the snake woman, asking questions related to her being. He will ask "This woman....who is she? Is she useful? Food? Does she offer some form of....companionship?"

2021-01-31, 09:17 AM
Man, trying to run interactions for two "Epic Sense Motive mind reading" Wizards is tricky. :smallwink:

After one of Quertus' "blinks", he will look rather rested and refreshed, as though he fell asleep during a Time Stop. His focus on events will be consistent with that evaluation.

Jazath cares for interesting magic items,

Interesting? Hmmm…

Quertus' staff is a large forked metal rod arcing electricity - think the tower of Sauron, if the great eye were made of lightning rather than fire, in miniature. Careful observation of its construction and/or its magic will reveal that it is numerous shorter metal rods concatenated into a staff form.

The Prism Quertus wears on a simple cord around his neck contains 4 bouncing red balls. Each is a "charge", allowing Quertus to alter probability. .

I *guess* it might be interesting the sheer *number* of Portable Holes that he carries. Or the residual magic from / connection to (alla "Book of Infinite Spells") multiple artifact sources.

weapons, and new creatures he can collect. Jazath loves to collect different species from all around the multiverse.

Nothing to add here. Although, if it comes up in conversation, so does one of Quertus' allies. (Quertus just captures, creates Simulacra of, experiments on, and dissects things.)

The sword DOES function in my null time field. Only because I allow it to function so.

Ah. Didn't see from the description of the ability that you had that option, to exclude beings.

A +200 Unerring Keen Vorpal Ghost Touch Greatsword is something I definitely want to keep around me. Not only that the sword would definitely enjoy interactions with individuals that have a different agenda. Like this "Snake Girl." Verdex (The name of the sword) would find it gleeful to talk to a scheming person (If she is a schemer.)

Gah. Guess that should be added to the interactions. She will remain silent and motionless (really, seemingly not added to the time stream) until addressed (and (telepathically) given permission to speak).

Quertus will probably sense its enchantment bonus and multiple special powers and abilities.

Definitely. Which would color his delivery of "what did the elves do to you", as well as prompting Sense Motive mind reading to ensure that the motives were truly your own, not Verdex's.

On that not Jazath is wearing a "Ring of Evermagic" That functions as its own magic source. It allows him to immunity to anti-magic zones. It's very useful when traveling to realities were magic is nonexistent.

When Quertus notices the Ring, I guess with your Sense Motive mind reading you'll know that Quertus is mildly impressed, and would be drawing it immediately were the existence of the Phane - his "white whale" - not a more pressing matter. Also, that he is familiar with such tech, having created "the original prototype" and being under the effects of "an ally-made improved version" of his own. [Or so he believes. Nothing in your own Detect Magic + True Sight reveals that Quertus' belief is grounded in fact]

Speaking of tech, given your mind reading, Quertus intentionally used the phrase "white whale" to see if Jazath recognized it. Quertus gently drops hints about Earth, Earth tech, advanced tech, alternate realities, etc, during the conversation, to know what topics to discuss as peers vs which are outside your experience. (See "value of a telepathic Naga companion", below)

Jazath also wears a headband of intellect that blends into his shadowy self. The ring is the only thing indistinguishably from the body. It is seemingly made from pure diamond that glows with a white fire inside of it. The ring radiates intense magic, and if detect magic is cast to it the caster must succeed a DC 30 will save or go permanently insane.

Curious. That sounds like Quertus' custom magic sight would apply. [Roll… Not a 1] [also, Quertus would draw this madness-inducing… what?… as one of his allies is all about invoking madness in anyone attempting to gather information on them (they have the entirety of the Cthulhu mythos as just one small part of their "this is what you get when you try to read my mind") - it's decidedly a good thing that Quertus opted for (his version of) a 1-on-1 rather than bringing the gang - being instantly attacked by y'all's newly insane characters would have been a lot less pleasant :smalltongue:]

A spell will normally function as the books say. Just go by book on their descriptions. You can move the insect aroun.d

Cool. No adjustment to events needed (other than mentioning that Quertus checks the illusory display, and your Sense Motive informing you that he is checking the laws of reality for known pitfalls).

Any spell 1-9th level cast will rebound back on the caster.

My phane is immune to temporal anomalies, paradoxes, and time spells.

Jazath possess a "Seventh Sense" So to speak. He can replay 20 rounds per day. If he finds a hostile action he will wait awhile during an attack then replay it. Taking proper countermeasures. Jazath will mention this to the mage as a warning, showing Jazath to be very suspicious.

Quertus will likely need to be prompted by his allies (unless it's an extremely *obvious* warning, bordering on a threat). At which point he will indicate (truthfully) that he has no intention of initiating hostilities. [Although Quertus' allies often have a "shoot first and ask questions later" mindset, Quertus greatly prefers diplomacy (and simple comforts like eating good food or reading a good book over things like "adventure" - he has the soul of a hobbit. :smallwink:) (The last time Quertus *initiated* hostilities was… a long time ago, when an ally took him to an alternate reality version of an area Quertus had already "cleared", which he knew contained demons (devils) and undead with no interest in diplomacy).]

With enscrolled and many other abilities. Quertus will discover Jazath can cast his spells on will. No need to prepare any or monitor slots. He has free access to virtually every spell, which Jazath hopes to discourage any attacks (Paranoid, he is)

Discouraging attacks from Quertus is pretty unnecessary. It may, however, encourage inquiry.

With phrenology Jazath can determine his mental ability scores and caster level, what are they?

Interesting house rule. And difficult to answer. I will attempt to explain why.

So, *if* your GM rules as Quertus' home reality does, Quertus' level is not [s]double triple digit, but his mental stats are.


Quertus has learned many, many "tricks". For example, "can cast Cure Wounds as an arcane spell". If your GM rules that each of these tricks requires its own prestige class, then Quertus may well out-level Jazath. And, on the off chance that, like Quertus, Jazath can perceive prestige classes, some rather peculiar tells.

"Quertus will seem to "flicker" from time to time. If asked, he will claim to have been "reestablishing the temporal inertia / chronal momentum of the alternate time stream"." Jazath would nod his head respectfully. He understands the feeling. As Jazath has visited multiple time streams in the same fashion and will offer stories of multiple events where he has visited in the same fashion. He likes to discuss his visit to a 2D reality and will state it is "Limited to say the least.".

Quertus would be quite interested in the tale, including information on the physics, and changes to laws of magic (some of which Quertus will prompt with derived inquiry; ie, "did X work like Y"). Of special importance to Quertus would be details of how you escaped.

Jazath will be discarding his Skeletal warriors, replacing them with very complex mannequin-like clockwork soldiers, clockwork wizards, clockwork archers, and multiple constructs. He will send for his Mercury leviathans in the time stop, and regular Mercury golems. Showing off multiple abilities they possess and offer, he will also offer the mage one as a trade for any sort of magical information or item. Another thing, Jazath likes to hear stories of other realities, he would love to hear about Quertus reality and accept the story as a offer.

Interest in Quertus' home world (particularly by sometime in the middle of conquest of a world) is one of the few things that makes him suss. Thankfully for Epic Sense Motive mind reading, Quertus doesn't really have to explain, so allow me.

Quertus doesn't fully understand the mechanics of his own world. What he does understand is that, *on the surface*, it appears as fragile as Toril. In reality, looked at from a deeper level, it is extraordinarily sturdy.

What do I mean by "fragile" and "sturdy"? To QUOTE Quertus, "if a few sacrifices of sentient creatures is all that is required to make the walls bleed, or a simple duel between two Wizards is all it takes to open a semi-permanent connection to the elemental demiplane of metal, then creating these properties is clearly a trivial matter. I simply studied the various instances of such occurrences, and developed my own custom spells to intentionally initiate and guide such transformations."

The Realms are rife with instabilities - portals to other planes, wild- and null-magic zones, areas where the laws of reality have been changed. Whole continents have been added and removed over time.

*On the surface*, Quertus' home might appear similarly unstable (if in different ways). However, Quertus has seen many of the laws of reality, knows that it *isn't* the result of instability, but seemingly of intelligent design.

And this design appears active.

People from Quertus' home world may fall through portals to the Realms "regularly" (ie, it's happened more than once - it is not a unique event), but *intentional* travel between worlds is all but impossible, and almost always fatal. Unless it's not. Quertus has himself traveled back and forth numerous times - even before he developed the custom spells to make such travel safe. Except… when he looked closer, even his "safe" spells should have been "one in a million odds". So, either he's unbelievably lucky, or something is actively *letting* him through (or he's missing something).

Observing this, Quertus is afraid that his world is being watched and actively manipulated by a being capable of manipulating reality, or of utilizing the seemingly disparate laws of reality, to choose a) who can come and go; b) how the timeline of Placia proceeds.

Placia is a fast time plane - a *very* fast time plane. One round on Toril = 1 day on Placia.

Quertus has observed the timeline of Placia, and discovered that it is cyclic - certain major events play out over and over, leading back to the beginning (not that there is a "beginning", there is only The Loop). Quertus very carefully stopped researching this when the notion of "intelligent design" occurred to him, and the realization that he was in *way* over his head.

However, Quertus would explain that Placia is a huge world (OOC, roughly Jupiter sized), mostly oceans with limited land masses and numerous moons. [He would think "technology is fully supported", but, unless he sees evidence of anachronistic tech in your possession, wouldn't directly mention it, beyond…] the world is… adaptive, accepting most any… variants… but travel there is nearly always fatal. My own spells work, but… I'm not entirely sure *why*. (Even "lesser" beings would notice that Quertus seems concerned / afraid as he says that). Even if travel there were possible (Even "lesser" beings would notice that there is more to the story there), anyone at your level would be subject to a hail of Mindrape-style effects - ones that would bypass your spell turning effects (but, thankfully, not Mind Blank).

However, if you pry the story you want out of Quertus, you should save yourself the trouble of giving Quertus one of your constructs, and give him the "recipe" instead, as he would simply disassemble it to find out how it works. :smalltongue:

Jazath will mention that his swords goal is to enslave or slay the elves. So he is keeping it happy for now.

Well, this would definitely trigger Quertus thinking about how he stores dangerous artifacts away in a "welmingly penetrable vault" (to quote Robin), as that's what he instinctively would think to do with such a sword.

Said vault is on Placia, however, so getting there isn't really possible.

[Several things *are* possible, including getting Quertus to trade some of the less dangerous items. However, as a) you already have an intelligent item (so "I have this locked away because it's a sentient Evil item" items won't interest you), and b) even Quertus' *dangerous* artifacts don't really match the power of your described items, I'm not sure that you'd actually be terribly interested in anything Quertus has]

Also, Jazath will be interesting in the snake woman, asking questions related to her being. He will ask "This woman....who is she? Is she useful? Food? Does she offer some form of....companionship?"

Another complicated one. Quertus' thoughts answer more than his words.

Thoughts (as you're asking):

She is (was) a Simulacrum of a Naga saved by an alternate reality version of myself. She was recently modified by my allies to increase her utility.

She does not eat (and, in the event of an emergency, *could*, I suppose, be used as emergency rations, as she will return to snow upon her "death").

She is a dependable ally and research assistant [think Varrick and Zhu Li], and her telepathic abilities are invaluable to diplomatic… [Quertus' allies point out a) alternate meanings for "companionship"; b) that their modifications increase her capabilities in that regard]

Out loud: Quertus simply sputters "… that's not… she helps with…" :smallredface:

2021-01-31, 10:41 AM
One thing that might be handy is to take a page out of Iggwilv's book (literally) and make use of her lmbrue spell (Dragon 336) to aid your minions to inflitrate and reach the strategic positions you need occupied with your assorted magical assault implements in tow.

A creature hidden inside another creature via Imbruen "cannot be found by any mundane or magical means, including any form of magical scrying. It does not age and cannot be affected by any damage, magic, or psionic abilities" and can "pass through areas that might normally prevent them from entering, such as through a magic circle".

It is the Rolls Royce of hard to detect infiltration utility spells.

Demonic Blood Infusion makes any of your existing minions Planar Bind and Imbrue-able (though depending on HD constraints you may have to get creative as to get them Bound).

Nest multiple minions inside already Imbrued minions or the same host and all you need is to capture and Mindrape one trojan horse minion into entering Evermeet and go where you need it going.

Getting your Imbrued creatures to stay on Evermeet after release will require you Dark Chaos suffle them the Naturalised Denizen feat, or work within a days/HD time limit for which they can be in charge of the shotgun ride, or some combination thereoff when nesting.

In any case, with this you can bypass protections reliable and get your forces inside, ready to deploy whatever you have them beforehand in terms of stored magical warfare thingies.

Another fun thing to tag onto this is the Extract Gift spell combined with Demonic Blood Infusion, as to let you gift your minions permanent bonuses in exchange to making them your eyes and ears on Evermeet.

2021-02-01, 11:51 AM
Man, trying to run interactions for two "Epic Sense Motive mind reading" Wizards is tricky. :smallwink:

After one of Quertus' "blinks", he will look rather rested and refreshed, as though he fell asleep during a Time Stop. His focus on events will be consistent with that evaluation.

Interesting? Hmmm…

[QUOTE=Quertus;24908133] staff is a large forked metal rod arcing electricity - think the tower of Sauron, if the great eye were made of lightning rather than fire, in miniature. Careful observation of its construction and/or its magic will reveal that it is numerous shorter metal rods concatenated into a staff form.
Interesting, Jazath will diffidently inquire on its construction. And will offer trades such as the +50 Annihilating shortsword of null. A rare item that destroys all magical and psionic protections.

The Prism Quertus wears on a simple cord around his neck contains 4 bouncing red balls. Each is a "charge", allowing Quertus to alter probability. [Spell Storing, Fate of One, usable as a non-action (more like Hero Points)].

This is definitly something Jazath would be interested in himself. Though for mere collection benefits rather than use, Jazath is capable of altering probability by simply casting a at will wish spell

I *guess* it might be interesting the sheer *number* of Portable Holes that he carries. Or the residual magic from / connection to (alla "Book of Infinite Spells") multiple artifact sources.
Jazath collects hundreds of magical artifacts and psionic artifacts. He will probably hope to explore the portable holes and study the artifacts. Asking whether he may study and analyze them and their functions.

Ah. Didn't see from the description of the ability that you had that option, to exclude beings.
As one grows stronger, controlling their abilities becomes necessary.

Definitely. Which would color his delivery of "what did the elves do to you", as well as prompting Sense Motive mind reading to ensure that the motives were truly your own, not Verdex's.
Jazath would proclaim that he and Verdex both agree on enslaving the elves. However Jazath also will admit he respects the elven culture. But shows nothing against destroying them and tearing apart their lives.

When Quertus notices the Ring, I guess with your Sense Motive mind reading you'll know that Quertus is mildly impressed, and would be drawing it immediately were the existence of the Phane - his "white whale" - not a more pressing matter. Also, that he is familiar with such tech, having created "the original prototype" and being under the effects of "an ally-made improved version" of his own. [Or so he believes. Nothing in your own Detect Magic + True Sight reveals that Quertus' belief is grounded in fact]
Jazath will scoff, saying aloud "Really? I created this wonderful item myself, if yours is so 'improved' please do demonstrate its improved power to me! I will judge if it is truly as you say." Jazath HATES finding a more potent item then the one he possesses. He will desire to replicate its functions. Using magic to change the laws of reality slightly to bring its workings into his multiverse. (If he needs too)

Speaking of tech, given your mind reading, Quertus intentionally used the phrase "white whale" to see if Jazath recognized it. Quertus gently drops hints about Earth, Earth tech, advanced tech, alternate realities, etc, during the conversation, to know what topics to discuss as peers vs which are outside your experience. (See "value of a telepathic Naga companion", below)

Jazath is aware of earth, he has visited that reality before. Jazath will show annoyance and openly state "Earth? A worthless ball of dirt filled with lowly humans who possess no worthy powers. However, technologically they do possess what I need to have improved my clockwork army. Especially in their future. I do love the benefits of time travel."

Curious. That sounds like Quertus' custom magic sight would apply. [Roll… Not a 1] [also, Quertus would draw this madness-inducing… what?… as one of his allies is all about invoking madness in anyone attempting to gather information on them (they have the entirety of the Cthulhu mythos as just one small part of their "this is what you get when you try to read my mind") - it's decidedly a good thing that Quertus opted for (his version of) a 1-on-1 rather than bringing the gang - being instantly attacked by y'all's newly insane characters would have been a lot less pleasant :smalltongue:]

I do too, bringing my whole party would invite probably war to your reality. Our hobgoblin demigod would see this as an opportunity for slaves and new territory. Jazath is content with chatting. He was looking for a distraction at this moment.

Cool. No adjustment to events needed (other than mentioning that Quertus checks the illusory display, and your Sense Motive informing you that he is checking the laws of reality for known pitfalls).
None would be displayed. Jazath would try to view it with him. Curiously watching for what pitfalls he is searching for (if he can)

Quertus will likely need to be prompted by his allies (unless it's an extremely *obvious* warning, bordering on a threat). At which point he will indicate (truthfully) that he has no intention of initiating hostilities. [Although Quertus' allies often have a "shoot first and ask questions later" mindset, Quertus greatly prefers diplomacy (and simple comforts like eating good food or reading a good book over things like "adventure" - he has the soul of a hobbit. :smallwink: (The last time Quertus *initiated* hostilities was… a long time ago, when an ally took him to an alternate reality version of an area Quertus had already "cleared", which he knew contained demons (devils) and undead with no interest in diplomacy).]

Jazath will grin with amusement. Jazath loves to engage in war exercises or just plain war. Using divination magic to discern his allies and their mindsets, he would then state "Ah! Your allies sound like a couple of idiots!"

Discouraging attacks from Quertus is pretty unnecessary. It may, however, encourage inquiry.

Interesting house rule. And difficult to answer. I will attempt to explain why.

So, *if* your GM rules as Quertus' home reality does, Quertus' level is not [s]double triple digit, but his mental stats are.


Quertus has learned many, many "tricks". For example, "can cast Cure Wounds as an arcane spell". If your GM rules that each of these tricks requires its own prestige class, then Quertus may well out-level Jazath. And, on the off chance that, like Quertus, Jazath can perceive prestige classes, some rather peculiar tells.
Quertus is not the only one who can do such things, it's a learned skill with no need of prestige class.

Quertus would be quite interested in the tale, including information on the physics, and changes to laws of magic (some of which Quertus will prompt with derived inquiry; ie, "did X work like Y"). Of special importance to Quertus would be details of how you escaped.
Jazath will go on about the adventure. Stating "It was like viewing it from above in a overvoid of sorts. When i entered it it was similar to entering a pool. A pool that warped your sense of reality. Going foreward and right and up and down where everything. Like living in an old arcade game like mario. It possessed no true sense of 'sense', only 'nonsense'. Magic had a very single effect. It either threw a shield, healed, or did damage. It had very specific functions, no such thing as contigent spells or spells with multiple functions. Magic was linear in nature. Jazaths ring functioned so that he may use his magic and allowed him to have one foot planted on the 3D-verse. He stated "To get out requires you to do something against the nature of the universe, going sideways by using magic that didn't fit into the universe automatically 'ejects' you from its reality."

Interest in Quertus' home world (particularly by sometime in the middle of conquest of a world) is one of the few things that makes him suss. Thankfully for Epic Sense Motive mind reading, Quertus doesn't really have to explain, so allow me.

Quertus doesn't fully understand the mechanics of his own world. What he does understand is that, *on the surface*, it appears as fragile as Toril. In reality, looked at from a deeper level, it is extraordinarily sturdy.

What do I mean by "fragile" and "sturdy"? To QUOTE Quertus, "if a few sacrifices of sentient creatures is all that is required to make the walls bleed, or a simple duel between two Wizards is all it takes to open a semi-permanent connection to the elemental demiplane of metal, then creating these properties is clearly a trivial matter. I simply studied the various instances of such occurrences, and developed my own custom spells to intentionally initiate and guide such transformations."

The Realms are rife with instabilities - portals to other planes, wild- and null-magic zones, areas where the laws of reality have been changed. Whole continents have been added and removed over time.

*On the surface*, Quertus' home might appear similarly unstable (if I'm different ways). However, Quertus has seen many of the laws of reality, knows that it *isn't* the result of instability, but seemingly of intelligent design.

And this design appears active.

People from Quertus' home world may fall through portals to the Realms "regularly" (ie, it's happened more than once - it is not a unique event), but *intentional* travel between worlds is all but impossible, and almost always fatal. Unless it's not. Quertus has himself traveled back and forth numerous times - even before he developed the custom spells to make such travel "safe". Except… when he looked closer, even his spells should have been "one in a million odds". So, either he's unbelievably lucky, or something is actively *letting* him through (or he's missing something).

Observing this, Quertus is afraid that his world is being watched and actively manipulated by a being capable of manipulating reality, or of utilizing the seemingly disparate laws of reality, to choose a) who can come and go; b) how the timeline of Placia proceeds.

Placia is a fast time plane - a *very* fast time plane. One round on Toril = 1 day on Placia.

Quertus has observed the timeline of Placia, and discovered that it is cyclic - certain major events play out over and over, leading back to the beginning. He very carefully stopped researching this when the notion of "intelligent design" occurred to him, and the realization that he was in *way* over his head.

However, Quertus would explain that Placia is a huge world (Jupiter sized), mostly oceans with limited land masses and numerous moons. [He would think "technology is fully supported", but, unless he sees evidence of anachronistic tech in your possession, wouldn't directly mention it, beyond…] the world is… adaptive, accepting most any… variants… but travel there is nearly always fatal. My own spells work, but… I'm not entirely sure *why*. (Even "lesser" beings would notice that Quertus seems concerned / afraid as he says that). Even if travel there were possible (Even "lesser" beings would notice that there is more to the story there), anyone at your level would be subject to a hail of Mindrape-style effects - ones that would bypass your spell turning effects (but, thankfully, not Mind Blank).
Jazath will nod his head and, from his reality, will probably believe it to be an enteral a.k.a Evergod. Believe me, other than spell turning effects guard Jazath. He also possess a form of spell immunity and absorption. As well as the ability to alter reality (As the divine power possessed by deities.) Jazath would proclaim he would give him the tools to find this controlling being and exploit him. With Jazaths divination he could help discern Quertus's theory. And try to find if this beings power he could possess himself.

However, if you pry the story you want out of Quertus, you should save yourself the trouble of giving Quertus one of your constructs, and give him the "recipe" instead, as he would simply disassemble it to find out how it works. :smalltongue:
If Jazath does give him a golem, dissecting it would not be really beneficial. A mercury golem is much like a T-1000 terminator. It is a faceless construct with fluid motions and made of mercury liquid (Seemingly)

However, here is a description

Mercury golems, sometimes known as quicksilver golems are
constructs of liquid metal. They are often found in the service of the most
powerful religious organisations or spiritual deities who empathise with
their healing ability.
Mercury golems have been found guarding the lost temples of ancient
civilizations and the forgotten reliquaries of long dead deities.
Mercury golems stand 11.5 feet tall and weigh 15,750 pounds (7.875
tons). Their high density gives them +2 Virtual Size Categories.
Mercury golems do not speak.

Well, this would definitely trigger Quertus thinking about how he stores dangerous artifacts away in a "welmingly penetrable vault" (to quote Robin), as that's what he instinctively would think to do with such a sword.

Said vault is on Placia, however, so getting there isn't really possible.

[Several things *are* possible, including getting Quertus to trade some of the less dangerous items. However, as a) you already have an intelligent item (so "I have this locked away because it's a sentient Evil item" items won't interest you), and b) even Quertus' *dangerous* artifacts don't really match the power of your described items, I'm not sure that you'd actually be terribly interested in anything Quertus has]

If Jazath gets wind of what Quertus would distinctively do if he had his sword, Jazath would snarl a warning. The sword floating in the air and keeping close to its master. The sword squealing "Don't you think about it you old hag! You ain't touchin THIS beautiful art! I'll ravage your world in an instant!"
Jazath would not mind another sentient evil item. He does collect them and likes to put such things to......good use!
Also, if the object has importance historical history or backstory that would definitely inquire interest on Jazaths part. He likes history.

Another complicated one. Quertus' thoughts answer more than his words.

Thoughts (as you're asking):

She is (was) a Simulacrum of a Naga saved by an alternate reality version of myself. She was recently modified by my allies to increase her utility.

She does not eat (and, in the event of an emergency, *could*, I suppose, be used as emergency rations, as she will return to snow upon her "death").

She is a dependable ally and research assistant [think Varrick and Zhu Li], and her telepathic abilities are invaluable to diplomatic… [Quertus' allies point out a) alternate meanings for "companionship"; b) that their modifications increase her capabilities in that regard]

Out loud: Quertus simply sputters "… that's not… she helps with…" :smallredface:

Jazath would nod, taking the info in. "I hope to gain her assistance as well, I do love knowledge!"

Also, now that our Dm has further helped us design our armies and backstory. Jazath will probably boast the schematics for his Annihilators. (If Quertus ever sees one of his massive ships)

Annihilators are intelligent ships. Designed to be indestructible super machines capable of annihilating entire militias, holding large crews of Jazaths super machines. These self regenerating ships possess the highest level of technology and magical enhancement. Adaptive shielding allows it to become immune to new energies and weapons
Type: Superheavy
Size: Gargantuan (�8 size)
Subtype: Destroyer
Tactical Speed: 10,500 ft. (7 sq.)
(The rest of the stats are still being Designed,

Int (50) Wis (50) Cha (50)
Engines: Spatial Compressors, Particle Impulse Engine
Armor: +100 Nanofluidic Proto-Neutronium (Magically enhanced)
Defense Systems: Sensor Jammer, Rapid Nanite Repair Array, Heavy Fortification, Phase Cloak, Adaptive Shielding, Force Shielding (Magical),
Sensors: Class IX sensors, Achilles Targeting Software, Truesight sensors (Magical)
Communications: mass transceiver, Ansible, Hive-Mind Link
Weapons: 1 Battery of 8 Fire-Linked Singularity cannons (range incr. 6,000 ft.) 4 fire-linked Tachyon cannons (range incr. 6,000 ft.), Minelayer (400 Null Mines equipped with cloaking devices), 2 String Projectors (range incr. 6,000 ft.), 4 Energy Disruptors ( 8,000 ft. ),
Grappling Systems: Tractor beam emitter

Jazath also has his robotic soldiers, no longer clockwork. He reveals the "Clockwork aspect" Is a elaborate disguise to hide the complexity of his machines.

-Jazath Robots are made mostly from a liquid stat. They contain a molecular network of subprocessors that interpret the central processors instructions to form a nearly endless variety of shapes. The liquid metal can emulate radically different densities within the same form, meaning that Jazaths robots can feel like flesh on the outside, but be as solid as stone on the inside.
-They are 10.5 feet tall
-They are designed with a nerve web that possesses an advanced sensor array that simulates the function of an organic nervous system. Their sensor systems include full-spectrum eye’s with darkvision out to 180 feet, full-frequency ears, sophisticated olfactory sensors, tactile and gustatory sensors, and multiband radars.
-We cover their bodies with +10 full plate silenced black armor (With gold accents to represent Jazaths colors) made from a complex neutronium alloy.
-They are programmed to be either level 30 fighters, wizards, or arcane archers.
-They possess Infinite fast healing. Only bypassed by Acid
-Their bodies are shielded with magic from EMP blasts and render their subprocessors to be immune to tampering from outside forces
-”Perfect Enhancement” special quality gives them benefits of a paragon template
-They are a menacing legion. Another version of the robot called Infiltrators are not coated with all of the full plate armor possessed by the regular machines. Their web net and design is far more complex. Allowing them to effortlessly shapechange into people and things as a free action. Their shape changing is flawless. They can go invisible with their Photon screens. Manifests weapons of all sorts. Proficient in pressure points. X-ray. Think hyped up T-1000 terminators, a whole army of them.

All of this info is talked about and discussed if the subject does come up. He will offer one of his soldiers for Quertus to exploit.

2021-02-01, 11:53 AM
One thing that might be handy is to take a page out of Iggwilv's book (literally) and make use of her lmbrue spell (Dragon 336) to aid your minions to inflitrate and reach the strategic positions you need occupied with your assorted magical assault implements in tow.

A creature hidden inside another creature via Imbruen "cannot be found by any mundane or magical means, including any form of magical scrying. It does not age and cannot be affected by any damage, magic, or psionic abilities" and can "pass through areas that might normally prevent them from entering, such as through a magic circle".

It is the Rolls Royce of hard to detect infiltration utility spells.

Demonic Blood Infusion makes any of your existing minions Planar Bind and Imbrue-able (though depending on HD constraints you may have to get creative as to get them Bound).

Nest multiple minions inside already Imbrued minions or the same host and all you need is to capture and Mindrape one trojan horse minion into entering Evermeet and go where you need it going.

Getting your Imbrued creatures to stay on Evermeet after release will require you Dark Chaos suffle them the Naturalised Denizen feat, or work within a days/HD time limit for which they can be in charge of the shotgun ride, or some combination thereoff when nesting.

In any case, with this you can bypass protections reliable and get your forces inside, ready to deploy whatever you have them beforehand in terms of stored magical warfare thingies.

Another fun thing to tag onto this is the Extract Gift spell combined with Demonic Blood Infusion, as to let you gift your minions permanent bonuses in exchange to making them your eyes and ears on Evermeet.

Hmmmm.....I'll do some research on these matters. Sounds mighty interesting