View Full Version : Tasha's Customizing Your Origin - Race Restringing/Reflavoring (& Dragonborns)

2021-01-23, 12:35 PM
In the past I have buffed Dragonborns with bonus action Breath Weapon +/- Darkvision since they are generally considered the worst PHB race.

When using TCOE Customizing Your Origin (so ability modifiers are essentially ignored now) the difference between Tiefling and Dragonborn is really apparent:
Both get damage resistance to one type and one language (plus common).
Dragonborn get a ****ty breath weapon.
Tieflings get Darkvision, cantrip, 1st level spell with 2nd level slot @ 3, & 2nd level spell @ 5.

So I was thinking of the following more general rule:
Customizing Your Origin Race - with DM approval may "restring"/reflavor another race and/or modify the powers slightly, e.g. Green Dragonborn (use age, description, size, & speed of Dragonborn) could use the Tiefling base, keeping draconic and resistance to poison damage, but instead of Breath Weapon gaining Darkvision, poison spray, ray of sickness @ 3, and dragon's breath (poison only) @ 5

This also allows the creation of Jester from Critical Role with cold resist and hellish rebuke (cold). I think it is already common to allow the reflavoring of races/classes.

Any thoughts?

2021-01-23, 12:46 PM
Seems pretty fair to me. PHB dragonborn are...not great, unfortunately. If you haven't, you may wish to look at the other dragonborn subraces from other sources.

They are, in short:
Draconblood - Trades resistance for Darkvision and gain advantage on Intimidation or Charisma 1/LR
Ravenite - Trades resistance for Darkvision and can use your reaction 1/SR to retaliate with a weapon when you take damage.

I think your mostly reskinned tiefling is 'better' than those, but...eh? It's also not really overpowered, so go for it.

2021-01-24, 09:09 PM
Seems fair to me.

2021-01-25, 12:31 AM
A player in one of my current campaigns is doing this for minotaur. It's worked out well.