View Full Version : DM Help Idea for a campaign climax - Good or Bad?

2021-01-25, 03:33 PM
Had an idea for the climax of a campaign stuck in my head, and wondering if it's a good or bad idea:

Basically, the PCs confront the Big Bad, and at the end of the battle, everything blows up, killing the PCs. They then awaken in the afterlife, where they meet their deity and are asked to fight the Bigger Bad behind the Big Bad, possibly getting transformed into Celestials or somesuch in the process. On one hand, I think if I managed to pull it off it would make a cool climax to the campaign; on the other, I can see the players objecting to death being inescapable (even if they are still active afterward). So, thoughts?

2021-01-25, 03:37 PM
Had an idea for the climax of a campaign stuck in my head, and wondering if it's a good or bad idea:

Basically, the PCs confront the Big Bad, and at the end of the battle, everything blows up, killing the PCs. They then awaken in the afterlife, where they meet their deity and are asked to fight the Bigger Bad behind the Big Bad, possibly getting transformed into Celestials or somesuch in the process. On one hand, I think if I managed to pull it off it would make a cool climax to the campaign; on the other, I can see the players objecting to death being inescapable (even if they are still active afterward). So, thoughts?

Don't make death inescapable.
Foreshadow the bigger badder eviler guyer.

And above all, read the room. If the players seem down for that kinda thing, do it! If not, don't. I could definitely see it working, but I can also see it going awry. So tread carefully.

2021-01-25, 04:03 PM
What's the point of having a bigger, badder boss that successfully hid from them behind the scenes for the entire game? Plot twists should be foreshadowed. If you do something like this, the players should be able to look back at 3 or more memorable clues and go "Oh, that makes sense now."

I'm generally not in favor of the idea.

2021-01-25, 04:08 PM
Making them celestials is cool; having them die for that to happen isn't.

And as others have said, foreshadowing is key to continuity.