View Full Version : Sidekick character sheet

Darth Credence
2021-01-25, 05:31 PM
My players are going to be running a sidekick soon, so I have been looking for a sidekick character sheet. I can find a lot that can be printed, but none that I have been able to just fill in data online, so I made one.
If anyone wants to check it out, it is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U1K4JqDrnx2t2ueGwU0HwUXdIgPA70bBP5N1nEj78BE/edit?usp=sharing
I only have basic weapons and armor in there, but you can add magic modifiers and they carry over to the main page. The green highlighted cells on equipment are for currently equipped only. The check boxes there are only for tracking purposes. There are some fields on the lookup page that need to be customized for the character on the lookups page - base HD, base HP, and reach. If anyone has a look and has any comments about things that can be improved, or anything broken, please let me know.

2021-01-27, 01:16 PM
Looks neat. Kudos!


2021-01-27, 01:46 PM
I'm about to convert some NPCs into sidekicks, this is really helpful!

Thank you!!

2021-02-04, 09:04 PM
I spent my COVID summer creating this sheet. It does most calculations that I could think of and has a lot of the classes, races, spells, etc. from the SRD already loaded into as well if you are looking for some options. There is also a Quick Start Guide because this version is pretty extensive, so a little explanation on usage is going to be necessary.

www dadsfunhobby com

(dads = D&D Spreadsheet :smallbiggrin: )

Just an option.

Darth Credence
2021-02-05, 02:36 PM
That's a nice character sheet, DFH. Works really well for characters, and has a lot of good automated stuff. I didn't see anything specific to sidekicks in there - is it there and I'm just missing it, or is this just for characters?
DwarfFighter, glad you liked it. I'll probably continue to refine it.
DragonBane - I hope it helps you as much as it did me!

2021-02-06, 09:50 AM
That's a nice character sheet, DFH. Works really well for characters, and has a lot of good automated stuff. I didn't see anything specific to sidekicks in there - is it there and I'm just missing it, or is this just for characters?
DwarfFighter, glad you liked it. I'll probably continue to refine it.
DragonBane - I hope it helps you as much as it did me!

Since I'm putting this in a public space, I've only added pre-entered options that are from the SRD. The CHARACTER SELECTIONS sheet houses all possible options to select for your character. Character/sidekick options from other books, beyond the SRD, like Tasha's Cauldron of Everything for side-kicks or for other character options can be added to the CHARACTER SELECTIONS sheet. Over time, the options available to your friends/party will grow as you can share them between each other.

Hope this helps.