View Full Version : Why Heroes Die Young (IC)

2021-01-26, 01:12 AM
Link to OOC thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?625249-OOC-Why-Heroes-die-young)

It is a grey day with the sun trying to peak out from behind the clouds for the town of Disset. One of more than a few signs that the year was winding down, and many hoped the tide of refugees that had this small border town absolutely flooded would follow suit. There were tents, wagons, and whatever anyone else could cobble together for a makeshift shelter for nearly as far as the eye could see. And so many people, great crowds shuffling about with many begging for coin, food, or a way to earn either. The next caravan for the capital was due to leave in a weeks time, the last having just departed the prior night, so unless the nearly defenseless refugees wanted to make the risky sprint across bandit and monster ridden country, they were stuck and just pilling up more and more on top of each other.

The inn had filled up long ago, and if one wanted in, they'd have to try elbowing their way in before sun up, or hide out inside from the night before. The shops had nearly sold out a week ago, and were waiting on the next batch of supplies to come back with the very wagons that'd just left. Available work had more or less all been taken up as well for the moment, and everyone was waiting for the fall harvest to have a chance at earning a few final coins, or even just some extra food for a full meal rather than half-rations. Despite the desperation for work though, there was a surprisingly small crowd gathered near the guard's garrison after the town wide announcement that there was work available for those brave enough for it. Standing on a wooden crate, the captain of the town's guard just barely reached over the assembled crowd but her voice carried clearly to all of them and the larger crowds beyond.

"We are looking for volunteers to go and beak up a small group of bandits rumored to have setup a camp closer to the Laudrath border. They have reportedly preyed on smaller groups of refugees fleeing the war yet hidden in the surrounding forest when our patrols come through. These same patrols cannot afford to go off chasing after them and spend the hours hunting for their camp while leaving the rest of the route unprotected. Volunteers will be rewarded upon proof that the camp has been disbanded and what stolen good remains turned in to the guard so we may try to return them to their original owners or distribute them where needed."

When she rolls up the paper and looks over the small crowd, a few more simply turn and leave. "We can also offer additional jobs should this one be completed well," she tries to add, but seemingly fails to add much more sway over the miniscule collection of people.


Now where is everyone and what do they do?

2021-01-26, 11:22 AM
Nir is lurking nearby. She stands tall, some seven and a half feet, and is waiting patiently for the captain to be available to talk. She's interested, but wants more details-no sense rushing in blindly.

2021-01-26, 04:44 PM
Miari is standing against a wall, idly running a hand along the scabbard she clutches to her chest. She grips the sword in her hands.

Her sword. Her master’s sword? How do things like this go after your master dies?

She hears the guard captain’s cry for aid.

She may not know if the katana was hers, but she would do what she could to live up to it. She goes to find the guard captain, tying the scabbard to her belt to carry the blade in its proper position.

Captain? I would speak to you about the job?

Her voice didn’t squeak when she called out, did it?

2021-01-26, 07:14 PM
Ser Claudette LaCasce had managed to scrounge up some bread, and even better, some tobacco, though it was miserable stuff she was filling her pipe with. She listened to the Captain's talk, with pope in one hand and the weight of her great heavy axe resting on her shoulder.

She was always concious of the weight, these days, and even when she didn't carry it she felt the absence of it like the ache of an old scar.

She wasn't sure she looked much like the proud Knight she'd been: she'd lost her horse and her lance, her squire she'd left behind, and now she had a simple faceguard instead of a helm. But she was, she felt, still good enough to trample a few bandits and cutthroats underfoot.

Before she can speak, she's beaten to it by a tiefling. She gives the girl a look, before she says slowly: "I, too, would speak of it to you, Captain."

2021-01-26, 09:39 PM
A tall, sturdy looking young woman with her brown hair braided down her back, bustles forwards. Locals might recognize her as Rory Smith, the local blacksmith's daughter. "So when do we start? Now a good time?"

2021-01-26, 11:31 PM
Seeing the others call out, Nir strides over. She doesn't say anything, letting the others talk, but makes clear with her presence that she's interested in the mission as well.

She appraises the others, eyeing their gear and motion. Nir herself is armed with a visible staff, a less-visible hand crossbow, one dagger at her side, a second hidden on her person, and chain mail.

2021-01-26, 11:46 PM
The relief on the captains face is palpable when she sees the volunteers raise their hands. She takes the drop of a step off the small crate and strides over to the three who openly volunteered, meeting them halfway as the last of the other refugees turn away. "Glad to see anyone willing to help out at this point and, wait, Rory? Does your dad know what you're volunteering for?" she asks giving her an intense look. "Ah, forget it. We need the help too bad, just don't go getting yourself hurt out there okay? That goes for the rest of you as well. I don't expect much, maybe 4 or 5 thugs from what the refugee's report but that's no reason to let your guard down." She pauses again while pulling a map out of a case hanging by her side and unrolls it before all of you before motioning to a circled location along a northwestern road.

"That's the rough area of where the reports are being placed. You're welcome to ride out with the next patrol or you can set out on foot now if you'd like. When you're done, you're welcome to the same of either coming back with the patrol or on your own. Either way, we'll want whatever supplies you can recover. Even just a bit of food would go a long ways around here," she adds while looking out to the larger crowd milling about. "I would normally recommend trying to restock at the store before something like this, but I doubt you'd find much. Even your father's stock's bound to be depleted by now, right Rory?" She asked rhetorically. "Still though, see me at the entrance to town before you go, and again, be careful out there." And with that, the captain begins to walk off, brashly hollering out a few orders in a completely opposite tone to a few of the guard who immediately turn about and begin marching the other way.


Even with the inn completely overrun, the general store, blacksmith, and guard post can somewhat easily be reached, as well as the entrance to town that the captain requested you meet her at.

2021-01-27, 11:27 AM
Nir nods, and turns to the others. "I am Nir," she says simply. "I am better at fighting in melee than at a distance."

2021-01-27, 12:46 PM
Rory's smile tightened as the captain brought up her father. "He does."And he can't stop me, so it doesn't matter.

When the captain finished, Rory turned to the other volunteers, her smile warming. "Rory Smith. Nature Mage."Technically, apprentice nature mage, but leading with that seemed like a bad idea. She called a small ember to hand. Rory looked into the flame as held it for a few seconds,then crushed it. A wisp of smoke curled up from her palm.

Rory's using Produce Flame, for the record.

2021-01-27, 12:58 PM
The purple skinned tiefling bows slightly to the others. Miari. My master passed recently. I can only hope to live up to his name and reputation.

2021-01-27, 02:16 PM
"Ser Claudette LaCasce," the Knight introduced herself, with her deep, rough voice, almost husky. "Knight of nowhere now."

She tapped out the fine white ash that was all that remained in her pipe, looking at the powder tumbling away with a small frown of regret at another lungful gone forever.
"You're a native, nature mage." And wasn't that a curious occupation for a smith's daughter- "What'd you know about that spot? Good place for brigands to hide out?"

2021-01-27, 11:56 PM
"Certainly!" Eager to move forwards, Rory chattered on about the area in almost excessive detail. "What do you think?

2021-01-29, 05:24 PM
The deserter frowned, pondering the terrain as it was described.
"A good spot to base yourself. I'd have done the same. If we attack from the road, they can bombard us the entire time, and be long gone before we finally reach the summit."
Having stashed her pipe, she shifted the weight of her heavy axe from one shoulder, then back.
"Way I see it, there are two obvious ways we could try this. We could go through the forest and come round behind them, trapping them against the hill sides instead.

Or we could try subterfuge. Lay an ambush of our own. That said, I'm not much one for stealth, and neither, I suspect, is our big friend there."
She jerked her head at Nir before she pursed her lips and whistled. A moment later, a hawk (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyrfalcon#/media/File:Falco_rusticolus_white_cropped.jpg) fluttered down to land on her armoured shoulder.
"Whatever we decide, my familar can probably scout them out beforehand, and not draw their eye, either. Any opinions or thoughts?"

2021-01-29, 06:07 PM
When indicated as being bad at stealth, Nir nods. After, she says "Your bird would make a good scout. Is there, to your knowledge, any long paths around, so we could entrap them from multiple directions?"

2021-01-30, 09:31 PM
"I might know a way," pipes up a human walking towards the group. His ragged clothes and hunched demeanor give off the impression of another refugee, but the short sword at his side spoke of something more. He'd been in the group that had originally gathered for the guard captain's address, but had left rather abruptly a little after it'd started. "See when my own group fled the war, we decided to not take the roads, figuring there wouldn't be as much traffic and we'd get here sooner. Found an old hunting and game trail running almost half the length of the rode. I could show it to ya, though I'll be on my way after that. Seen more than my share of fighting and I'm in no rush for more," he adds hollowly.

2021-01-31, 07:28 AM
Nir nods. "An understandable notion," she says. "But we would appreciate the help."

2021-02-02, 07:53 AM
Ser Claudette regarded him for a moment, then nodded. It was suspiciously convenient, but it could work either way: if it was not a trap, then they would gain the benefits stated.
If it was, well, they'd be going into it forewarned, and at least they would be able to close with the enemy.

"Very well," she said. "Let us depart."

2021-02-02, 11:23 AM
Turning to get going, Nir makes sure she has at least a few moments to talk quietly to the others without the human overhearing.

"Something is off about this man-he's not being fully honest," she says in low tones.

2021-02-02, 12:48 PM
Who ever is? Miari replies in the same low tone. All we can do is be on our guard.

2021-02-02, 01:02 PM
At everyone:
"Sounds good to me," the man replied taking the lead and bringing the group to the edge of town where the captain was already waiting. When your party came into sight, she waved you over but wavered when she noticed your guide.

"I wanted to thank you all again for your help with this, so I brought along a preemptive bonus to your reward," the captain said as she opened a small satchel and withdrew 4 vials, each with a bit of red liquid swirling around in them. "These healing potions are the last of my own stores, but I'm sure I could find another or some other reward for you as well sir?" she started while passing the vials about to each of you but still addressing your guide who raised a hand to stop her.

"Oh no need, I'm merely guiding them to an old game trail and then plan to be back under your protection my sweet captain."

Not affected by his charming tone, the stern faced captain simply nodded and continued addressing all of you. "Alright, best of luck and blessings to you all and may you return safe and sound."

After whatever other parting words were to be had, the group would then set off down the road with the human leading. It would be a few hours of travel and to pass the time, the human spoke up. "So what brought you all to Disset?"

2021-02-02, 05:08 PM
Rory tossed her braid in an attempt to appear nonchalant and secure in her abilities. "I'm from Disset. I should be the one asking that question."

2021-02-02, 07:29 PM
"The road," said Ser Claudette flatly, her hard tone clearly stating that yes, she'd understood the question and no, a more complete answer would not be forthcoming.

To talk about her shames and abandoned oaths was not something she could do with any old knave off the street. Instead she listened with half an ear as her hawk dove into the sky to circle high above, watching and reporting anything of interest while on the ground she shifted her grip on the axe in an unconscious fidget.

2021-02-02, 09:29 PM
My Master died protecting merchants from bandits. I came to town because I did not know where else to go.

2021-02-04, 03:10 PM
The knight cast a glance at the purple-skinned tiefling.
"That's twice you've mentioned them now. Who was your master, then?"
Presumably this master couldn't have been all that, if they'd died against common vagabonds - but then again, even mongrels could get lucky enough to slay a lion sometimes.

2021-02-06, 11:07 AM
Nir doesn't reply. She's simply keeping an eye on the man, appraising him, seeing what his deal is.

If he presses her more heavily, she'll shrug, and stay quiet.

2021-02-06, 06:01 PM
"Interesting stories, and I understand the ones who didn't share, can't say I'm too eager relive my own reasons for traveling south. Ah but here we are," the man said finally stopping at the site of the road. Disset was long out of site by now and the rough borderline wasn't far off, but here the man hopped off the road and pulled back some undergrowth branches to reveal a rough worn and uneven trail. "I know it don't look like much, but this will snake through the forest about 20 yards away from the edge of the road for quite a while, though I think it swings a bit farther out close to the bends that the guard captain was talking about. That's about far enough for me though, best of luck, and the four of you happen to find a brown sack bound by a red cord, I'd appreciate it back. The misses thinks she dropped it somewhere out here," he adds before getting back on the road and starting the walk back to town.

Unless interrupted, he would visibly continue down the path until a bend in the road would make the trees obscure him from sight. With your guide gone, the four of you are left on the road with the trail still partially visible behind the underbrush. Slightly chill winds continue to blow and set the trees to rattle and sway, and the common sounds of the forest slowly replace the silence.

Proceeding down the game trail stealthily would prove somewhat tricky with the fallen leaves, but far easier than just trudging through the woods straight. There was also still the road itself that could be traversed, though it offered next to no cover. Regardless of which path is taken, all would lead to the spot that the captain had marked out on the map, and there in the middle of the road would be an overturned cart. The horse or whatever creature had been pulling it was long gone. Three heavily cloaked humanoids could also be seen on the road. One stood with a loaded crossbow pointed at a family of four kneeling on the side while two others seemed to be going through the contents of the wagon.

************************************************** *

- Going to need stealth checks from everyone who wishes to remain hidden included with your next posts. Any other skill checks please request and/or make in the OOC chat prior to your post.

2021-02-07, 09:09 AM
Nir will stay at the rear of the group-she knows that she's not the stealthiest, and so wants the rest to be able to hide even if she is spotted.


Stealth roll, with Disadvantage if I don't have any Advantage to cancel it out.

2021-02-07, 04:42 PM
This is it. This is really happening. Rory crouched to the side, trying to stay hidden while reaching out with all her senses for danger. Now just don't mess it up.

Going for Stealth, then Perception



2021-02-07, 11:18 PM
Miari gets low, and tries to stay out of sight.


2021-02-10, 01:38 PM
As the group gets closer to the bandits on the road, Claudette's armor proves a bit too cumbersome and clanks loudly against itself despite her efforts. Carried by the winds, the noise draws the attention of the bandit who was standing guard over the civilians. "Oy, you two hear that?"

"Hear what?" another replied without looking up from the crate he was trying to force open while the other shook his head as he continued rummaging.

"Not sure, hurry up with all that while I go check it out. I want to be off the road soon," he adds before casting a glare down at the prisoners. "Don't even think of moving or you won't get that running start we promised," he added darkly before walking off the path and momentarily disappearing from sight under the steep ridge of the hill as it met the road. It wouldn't be for long though as his crossbow was pushed up and onto the bank and then his hands appeared as he started to haul himself up.

2021-02-14, 02:23 PM
"Go!" hissed the knight and she broke into a run, her armour clanking. As she did so, she threw up a hand and whispered a sibilant word, and brought up an illusion of the background behind them - but it was ahead of them, near to the bandit she could get, and she hunched so her head wouldn't stick up above the false image of the scene. Hopefully it would fool the bandit popping up long enough to make the distance-

-And then it would be time for the great heavy axe she carried easily on her shoulder still.

Ser Claudette moves as close to the bandit as she can and casts Minor Illusion to create a false image to block his sight.

2021-02-14, 10:30 PM
Claudette's illusion manages to get up seconds before the bandit finishes pulling himself up the embankment, the clanking of her armor has his certain in his suspicions. Finger on the crossbow's trigger, the man looks about cautiously as he begins to look for the source of the noise, taking a slow step forward. Then another, and another, until finally the tip of his boot is just inches away from the illusion's edge. As he goes to take another, the man's knee collides with the illusion passing right through it with a bit of shimmer. The effect is enough to startle the bandit who fires blindly with a yelp in the general direction only for the bolt to bury itself in the dirt and leaves well away from any of the party he now sees.

Enjoy the surprise round, I'll want initiatives after all of ya get in your first actions. I'll also see about getting a map setup when full combat starts.

2021-02-16, 07:11 PM
As the bandit broke through the illusion, Claudette was there. Her lips dragged themselves away from her teeth in a grin-snarl-grimace, that red excitement she felt in combat beginning to surge before she stamped down on it. Her axe's haft was familiar in her calloused hands and trailed golden-white flames, as it arced up, and then down like the wrath of gods to split skull and sinew.

17 to hit, 15 dam

2021-02-17, 12:20 AM
Supressing a startled yelp, Rory called out to the natural forces inside and out,then tossed an ember of flame at the man.

Produce Flame Spell Attack Roll


2021-02-18, 11:38 PM
Nir, as soon as she's near enough to attack, charges and roars in a forceful manner. She swings out with her long-limbs and long stick.

[roll1] if Advantage
[roll3] Thuggish Blows, if I get 'em
[roll4] Surprise Attack, if I get it

2021-02-22, 04:11 AM
The surprised bandit catches the ball of flame with his chest, the flames eagerly catching on his cloaking and dangling clothing. As he starts to yell and pat at the fires, Claudette's axe and Nir's quarterstaff catch him from opposite angles. The force of the blows knock him clean off his feat and put him into a spin before he lands with a heavy thud. The bandit doesn't move anymore, even as the fire struggles to continue spreading across him. The other two bandits on the road see this however. "They took out Jerry!"

"I can see that, run you idiot!" the other said.

"But what abou-"

"Forget about it, just run!" With that, the two bandits take off up the road, moving further away from Disset and leaving the overturned wagon as well as the family behind. Now that they're not being held at bolt-point, the man, presumably the father, stands protectively in front of what is likely his wife and children.

"W-We don't want any trouble, please," he says raising his empty hands.

2021-02-22, 05:49 PM
And just like that, it was over. Maybe six seconds total, and the bandit was down. Adrenaline still pumped though Rory's body, but the bandit was already dead.

And on fire. Rory lifted a shaking hand to call on nature's power again, this time to extinguish instead of ignite.

As stated in the OOC, using Druidcraft.

2021-02-23, 05:00 PM
The flames that tried to continue consuming the body of the bandit die out before they can spread to any foliage or surroundings. The bandits that were still alive continue to flee, veering off the road and into the woods suddenly.

Down below and still on the path, the scared family eyes the lot of you warily.

2021-02-23, 07:12 PM
"Tch!" Ser Claudette made an irritated noise as the bandits fled, shifting her axe back on to her shoulder. She thought of snatching up the dead brigand's crossbow and taking a shot, but she doubted it'd do much good. "We'll not see them again any time soon. Damn cowards."

She stalked past the corpse and jumped down onto the road. Seeing the family eying her, she eyed them back, then spoke, her tone brusque.
"I am Ser Claudette LaCasce. You're safe for now - you can quit trembling. See what you can salvage, and let's be off back to town, unless you'd rather hang about for them to regain their choler."

2021-02-24, 02:22 PM
"T-thank you ser knightess and company," the man replied with a bow and leading the way, he quickly started to grab clothes and packages and shove them back into a sacks and a backpack. The rest of the family quickly joined him, though they threw regular glances towards the party as they scrambled to pack up their belongings.

"Oh no, Malach, they took it," the woman replied.

"What? Are you sure Valerie?" Malach asked back pleadingly for her to be wrong, but after another quick search through the small pack she held, she shook her head while steadily getting more upset. Malach cursed under his breath before looking towards the party. "I don't mean to sound ungrateful, I well and truly am, but I beg of thee, please go after those bandits. They must have pocketed my wife's family broach. Without it, we'll be lucky to sleep on the streets through the coming winter but if you can get it back we'll put in a good word for ya with house Thrinwil."

2021-02-26, 12:14 PM
The knight grunted and looked to her companions.
"What say you? I suppose we can hardly call the task done as yet; it'd be shameful to go back with such little achieved."
She pulled herself back up the embankment and picked up the crossbow and bolts from the bandit's singed corpse. Jumping back down once again, she shoved the weapon and its ammo into the peasant's arms.
"In case you encounter more trouble, then. Next time, fight - there's no relying on mercy or honour, now, especially not from dogs like that."

She whistled to her hawk, and with a mental command, told it to start looking for the bandits from above as it circled on the thermals.

2021-03-01, 02:02 AM
Rory,having completed her task, took a few breaths to calm her heart. She could hear the others speaking, but it seemed far away.

It was only hearing that their job was not over that brought Rory back to the present."A broach? Can you describe it? Is it magical?

2021-03-01, 09:15 AM
Malach nodded appreciatively as he began inspecting the crossbow and testing it to get familiar with the weapon before instructing his family to gather what they could carry and be ready to press on.

"I don't think it's magical, but it bore the house crest. A white Pegasus over an orange field," Valerie answered Rory as she pushed clothes back into a pack. "Other than that, it was just a broach."

"Is that everything Val?"

"I think so Malach, we'll be in Disset if you manage to get the broach back and thank you, truly, you might just be saving us all," Valerie replies before setting off with Malach and the children, each carrying arm loads of their affects.

Up overhead, Claudette's hawk is able to catch sight of the bandits as they continue to run through the woods. They appear to be fleeing towards something of a clearing with a small trail of smoke rising from it a short ways roughly north.

2021-03-03, 07:21 PM
"My hawk managed to follow them. At least we know where they've run to. With luck, they'll see no pursuers and think themselves escaped."
She shifted her axe back on to her shoulder and set off in the right direction.

2021-03-11, 09:05 AM
Under the hawk's unwavering gaze, the bandit's path is clear and easy to follow and before long the group will find themselves just a short way outside the clearing where they've apparently setup shop. Six tents sit around a small campfire, each with more than a couple boxes and chests sitting next to them. The two bandits they'd seen on the road are there, talking with another two who're unfamiliar on the far side of the campfire. The group is still far enough out that they've yet to be noticed, but at the same time they can't hear what's being said between the bandit. Though one could reasonably guess it had to do with the brief combat that had just transpired.

Before a proper ambush or charge can be launched though, another bandit comes running back into the camp clutching a pulverized limp and bloody arm. His fear riddled eyes find the group and as he falls to his knees running towards them, they all turn towards the direction he'd come running from and draw weapons. Yet nothing exits the forest to be seen.