View Full Version : What are high level rogues like?

2021-01-27, 01:10 AM
I made a thread about what high levels rangers are like that sparked some interesting discussion, so I thought I might make similar threads for other classes.

So another class I have been curius about is rogues. Rogues are a fun fanasy, but it seems like a lot of the rogue's "thing" is better done by divination magic at higher levels, they are no longer the best scout that the party has acess to. So what is the role of the high level rogue? What are they best at? How do they play? What is a high level rogue like in combat? What subclasses do better or worse at high levels? Are rogues fun at high levels?

2021-01-27, 01:16 AM
High level Rogue:

Choose 2-3 disciplines. You can cast Wish at will provided it is limited to those disciplines.

Okay, actually what you do is roll DC 30 skill checks to do the nigh impossible. If your DM remembers you are a Tier 3-4 character and skills are your area of specialty, then you will be doing very impressive things.

Basically, ask your DM what a DC 30 skill check result looks like. It will vary from table to table. Some tables will have the outcome of a DC 30 be as weak as a Tier 1 Wizard. Others will have it be a Tier 3-4 character.

Oh, and Sneak Attack is a thing, but you did not pick Rogue for the combat. However since you asked. You attack, at advantage (or attack twice). You always get sneak attack and it deals damage. But the combat role of the Rogue is the out of combat DC 30+ skill checks.

2021-01-27, 01:33 AM
Pretty much what the previous poster said.

Past level 11, all skill checks just happen for you.

Stealth? Your a flippin ghost.
Sleight of Hand and Acrobatics? Yeah, juggle a necklace of fireballs you just listed in a sleet storm.

Perception? Traps?
The universe’s secrets are bare to you. And unlike the mage it costs you nothing to do any of that.

Need to convince a guard that his real name is Steve, his life is a lie, and could she provide directions to the bosses lair?
No problem.

While your at it, grab skilled and just master a whole bunch of other disciplines.
Reliable Talent and Expertise are just over the top ridiculous.

If, and if you have to fight something you will probably kill it dead thanks to sneak attack.
Your single target fireball like damage is potent, and frequently available. Most enemies will not see you as the most dangerous target in the room, allowing you to explode their skulls with surprising impunity.
If it’s more than one thing, you outrun it and vanish. Which you will suceed at.
Also, your defenses are amazing.

Really. You always have stuff you can do, and you pretty much don’t care about resting. Unless it’s to recharge all the sweet utility magic items your probably packing at that point.

2021-01-27, 09:15 AM
The highest level Rogue I saw in play was Swashbuckler 13/Warlock 2.
The player picked the warlock levels after she finished the Rogue progression.
I enjoyed knocking stuff down with Shield Master (after the nerf, which our DM felt was the better application of that action rhythm) when she was nearby; she'd sneak attack with advantage and wreck things.

We had a lot of cases where we'd pause, wait for her to scout, and she'd come back with some info on what was ahead of us. Her sneakery was pretty amazing, but I also think that she had elven boots.

Lock picking: I can't think of a time the Cleric used guidance.

When the barbarian and I were in the front line, she often let loose with the bow; rarely missed. Sneak attack damage is nice. And then there was hex, which she liked to use where she could. (And it helped me knock things down if she targeted fire giants; I needed the benefit the giant's disadvantage offered in one particular battle)

She was all around a great team mate, very effective in all roles. The party face, due to her good charisma.

She didn't need us to be engaged to sneak attack: sometimes she'd move around the battlefield and just take things out/take things on with her rapier.

Traps: she usually succeeded, though a few times she rolled low and got poisoned, and stuff.