View Full Version : Funniest (Stupidest) Videogame Moments

2007-11-07, 01:21 PM
I don't know if there has benn another thread like this but I think it is a waste of time to read through all the forums just to find one like this not being used anymore.

My funny moment ended tragicly. I was playing Red Faction 2 on Capture the Flag mode with my brother. He was defending our base and I was coming back with the flag. On the final streach I thought I had lost the guys following me so I yelled "I got the flag, I got the Flag!" So of course 3 bad Bots stick me with a satchel charge each. one hits my guys head and blocks my vision on screen. I still try to deliver the flag before they blow (they are timed for 3 seconds) and Lo and Behold, My older brother is right in front of our flag when the bombs blew up. needless to say we both died and the bots return their flag and capture our's. I still can't live it down.

P.S. it was on hard mode against my three maxed out bots.

2007-11-07, 01:28 PM
Not exactly a dumb videogame moment of myself, but it fits to the thread title:

The 25 dumbest moments in gaming! (http://archive.gamespy.com/articles/june03/dumbestmoments/index.shtml)