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2021-01-28, 03:07 PM
The arrival at Kung's Island

The fog finally lifted and gave way for a breath taking view: A large volcanic island, teeming with tropical life, became visible in the light of the sinking sun. Azure blue waves broke against jagged coral reeves, that lay for the most part treacherously close beneath the surface. A series of buoys had been placed to mark the secure approach, laid down by the explorers of the Royal Academy. The Thalia wasn't a large ship, but she was fast and the crew experienced. So far she had made the trip six times already and by now the novelty of the islands sight had already evaporated for the deck hands.
The ship rounded the island a bit more until something like a peninsula became appearant: A 120 feet high light house surrounded by fortified stone buildings with roofs shining like polished obsidian. In fact - as one of the sailors told you - the roofs were made of some kind of black steel that never rusted and dissolved quickly any organic material upon it as soon as the sun began to warm it.
Just one of the many wonders and secrets that were supposed to be hidden on the island.

Now the flag poles came into view: High above the others, the banner of Brugstadt and the university danced in the wind, beneath and opposite each other flew the Frenish Unicorn and the Aleminian Lion.

The pier jutting out from the small harbor already had three other ships docked, delivering supplies and further personal - just like your own vessel.

As the ship closed in, it passed the base of one of the buildings. There in the shallow water the stench of decaying flesh was faintly perceptible. The fresh carcass of an enormous spider was sticking up its eight legs like the skeleton of a bizarre ship wreck.

As the ship docked and unloaded, you stepped on a pier, that wasn't yet 2 months old, but already showed the signs of heavy use. Signposts in different languages informed the travelers that everyone had to present themselves to the harbor master's office, before they are allowed to enter the buildings around the market, the embassies, the assembly as well as the public offices.

Everywhere armed guards with the emblem of the Sturmbanner could be seen. Those men and women were legendary for their battle prowess, their discipline and the exorbitant amounts of money their employ cost. Every last one carried at least one pistol with a bandolier, a short sword and a shield as well as a finely crafted leather armor, studded with gleaming steel rivets. Despite the warm and humid weather everyone was wearing their helmet.

2021-01-28, 04:26 PM
Thraseous the Black stretched as he got off the boat and on to solid land. The trip was mild by many people's standards but not to him. He had been holding on to the rail the entire time. He read the sign post and gathered his equipment and made his way to the harbor master.

He approached the first person he saw outside the office. Howdy is this the place? I need to speak with the harbor master. I am a cartographer by trade and am hoping to surveil this island.

2021-01-28, 05:39 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Lael herself had a great time on the voyage, learning stories (about the island and whatever else the sailors had seen) and about all sorts of sea creatures.

She'd followed after Mr. Black as a matter of having gotten off the ship just after him. After he spoke she asked with interest, "Oh you're a cartographer Mr. Black? I was hoping to do some myself, though I'm more of an astronomer and astrologist myself."

2021-01-28, 05:42 PM
"You are in the right place then," The guard in front of the office replied cheerfully to Thraseous. "Go on in, before the rush starts."

After talking to Lael, Thraseous was the first of the ship's passengers to enter. Inside greeted him a polished stone floor with a pentagram and an arrangement of runes around it. Behind a high table, a white haired man in a splendid arcane looking robe sat on an equally high chair, looking down on the new arrival. To the left and right of him two grim looking guards stood, their hands casually close to their firearms.
With a gesture, the white haired man indicated to stand in the pentagram. As soon as he entered, he felt calm and confident, without any apprehension to tell the truth.

This is a permanent zone of truth DC 15 Charisma save to avoid it's effect

With a dry, bored sounding voice, the man on the chair addressed Thraseous:
"Please be aware that you are now on sovereign territory of Brugstadt. All laws and regulations of the city are in effect. This is an official interview. Wrong or misleading answers can lead to deportation or - in case of espionage and sabotage - to a court martial and subsequent death by decapitation."
He paused a moment to make sure the adventurer had understood him:
"Your full name, home address, occupation, next of kin, any allergies, racial biases, religious alignment and/or standing vendettas... please."
Noting down the answers, one of the guards prepared a little machine and inserted a blank metal disk into it.
The white haired man continued:
"Are you currently or have you ever been in the employ of a foreign military, state sponsored, military or private intelligence service? Is there any information about your person you would want to conceal from this inquiry that is pertinent to the previous questions?"

After receiving the answers, he handed the dragonborn a small parchment document with the seal of Brugstadt, a rough sketch of Thraseous' appearance and all previously acquired details. With a loud 'thunk' the guard slamed down a lever and presented Thraseous with a small metal disk that contained his name and a number.
"These are your identification documents. Please keep them about your person and return here should you lose them. All guards here are authorized to request identification of you at all times. The harbor is neutral ground - breaches of the peace will be persecuted with the full might of the law. Should you be the victim of an attack you are permitted self defense, but you are advised to immediately call the guards for an in dept investigation.
On the island proper there is at the moment no enforcement of these laws, but grievances of conduct unbecoming of a sanctioned explorer of the Royal Academy can be brought before the authorities and will be adjudicated to the best of our abilities.
All recovered artifacts and or information have to be declared and inspected by customs upon leaving the island. Brugstadt retains the right to seize any major findings. In this case you'll be compensated with coin and favors of sufficient amount.
The metal disk you received should be worn secure somewhere on your body, in case you are mutilated, desolved, burned or compressed beyond recognition. Your remaining possession and/or a suitable compensation will be paid to your next of kin.

Please sign here if you have understood.

Welcome to Kung's Island and good luck."

Lael received almost word for word the same procedure.

2021-01-28, 05:48 PM
"I just want to get rich."

Jim Walker followed Lael and calmly waited his turn, although he had a slight coughing fit when the man handling the interviews asked Thraseus if he was or had ever been employed by a foreign power.

2021-01-28, 06:44 PM
Thraseous the Black stood in the middle of the pentagram and answered each question with no deceit in his words. I swear these words are true. He looked at the two others who were on the ship. As friendly as he was, he didn't find any time to be friendly during the ships voyage. So he waited until they had gone through the swearing and introduced himself. I am Thraseous the Black. A cartographer and tracker. Pleased to meet you both.

2021-01-29, 08:43 AM
The three newcomers to Kung's Island were ushered along as others from the ship had found their way to the harbor master, having to endure the monotone questioning.
Stepping around the harbor master's office, they could - for the first time - clearly make out the rest of the harbor.

Despite the later hour, there seemed to be an ongoing market in it's center, ringed my various buildings. The whole arrangement was covered by a cupola of fine metal mesh like a particularly inefficent umbrella.
A young man in clerk's clothes saw them and came nearer, handing each of them a pamphlet:

"Welcome to Kung's Island in the name of the University of Brugstadt. On this sheet, you'll find all the necessary information, you need to establish yourself. It's recommended to at first rent yourself a room at the dinning hall and open an account with the merchant bank at market hall. That's also where you can get an adventurer charta. It's not obligatory, but that way you'll be paired with other competent adventurers - and more important adventurers that aren't biased against your race. Makes it a lot less likely that you'll be stabbed in the back and ensures that your relatives will receive whatever treasure you deposited, if you catch my drift.
Oh and a personal tip from me: See that you deposit 100 gold as soon as possible. That's what your ride back will cost. I've seen enough of those naive types who spent all their fortune at the House of 1000 Frenish Delights and had to hire on suicide missions to be able to eat.

Good luck."

2021-01-29, 08:50 AM
"I guess I'll go next," Jim said a little nervously. "I wasn't expecting the Hamarian Inquisition," he mutters under his breath.

"Your full name, home address, occupation, next of kin, any allergies, racial biases, religious alignment and/or standing vendettas... please."

"Full name: Jim Walker."

He pauses for a second to let the functionary write.

"Home address... Uh... Apartment 2-13 in the staff wing of Master Jacques Verre's compound in the Frenish capital."

"Occupation... uh... I'm formally employed as a bodyguard, with a part time contract as a healer. But 'myrmidon' is at least as accurate."

"Next of kin... I can't even remember who my parents were, and if I have living relatives, I don't know who they are. Just send any notices that need to be sent to Master Jacques Verre of Fren; if I'm not coming back, he's the one who needs to know."

"No allergies."

"Racial biases... I tend to assume elves are stuck up until I see reason to make an exception? But who doesn't, right?" He tries to play it off as a joke, hoping everyone present ignores the fact that he couldn't say it if it wasn't true.

"Religious alignment: I have some regard for the Fool, but don't attend any services or anything."

"Standing vendettas... uh, some of Jacques Verre's other workers think I cheated them at a wager? I don't think they want to kill me, but they'd happily take a swing at me, maybe even rob me."

"Are you currently or have you ever been in the employ of a foreign military, state sponsored, military or private intelligence service?"

"I work for Master Jacques Verre of Fren. As previously stated, my official titles are 'bodyguard' and 'healer.' But I've worked as a thief and saboteur as well."

"Is there any information about your person you would want to conceal from this inquiry that is pertinent to the previous questions?"

"Apart from the myrmidon, saboteur, and thief thing... Well, I'm kind of still here on Master Verre's behalf. Any useful information I find for you? He wants it too. Any artifacts you don't take? He wants to at least get a look at them, maybe take one or two."

"And... I don't know if this is relevant, but it's pertinent and I'd wanted to conceal it, so... the fellow employees who think I cheated them?"

"... I did. I pretended to be new at billiards, let them beat me in a game with copper on the line, and then when the wager went to silver... Well, I didn't cheat at the game itself: they could have beaten me if they were good enough. But I picked them because I'd seen them playing and knew they weren't. And they let the wager go to silver because I'd misled them about my own skill."

After the questioning, he offers Thraseus a handshake. "You're a cartographer? Maybe I'll want to come along with you, then. Being able to figure out the lay of the land can only help, right?"

"As you probably heard during all of the questioning, I'm Jim Walker. I'm basically a bodyguard with a few extra tricks, including healing."

2021-01-29, 02:02 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Lael for the most part just answers the questions in order, though she's clearly interested in what other people's answers are in a just curious for the sake of curiosity kind of way.

"Lael Liadon"

"The University of Brugstad and the Royal Academy of Explorers." she also adds wherever she and her parents and two elder siblings specifically reside and notes their names. ((Do I actually need to name them?))

"Wizard.... kind of? My magic doesn't work the same way as other wizards. It's very.... hands on I suppose you could say." she answers with a little chuckle.

"No allergies that I know of."

"No biases. People are people." she answers giving a kind of pointed look at Jim.

"The Fool and the Outsider."

"No vendettas."

"Does working for The University of Brugstad and the Royal Academy of Explorers count? I'm not on any specific mission other than to research and maybe bring back items to study though."


After picking up the metal disk she asks, "Is this magical? If so, what does it do?" and then signs the papers and takes her documents.

2021-01-29, 02:56 PM
"Only the magic of bureocracy." The harbor master replied to Lael's question. "It allows us to identify corpses easier, since this alloy can withstand the stomach acid of most of the monster on this island quite well."

2021-02-06, 02:26 PM
Thraseous the Black made his way to the bank. He presented his credentials and deposited 575 and kept 1000 to spend on equipment.

2021-02-06, 02:51 PM
Jim followed. He deposited 105 gold; so that even if he lost everything else he could take a trip back to the mainland and eat well on the way. The rest of his money, he kept on him.

I wonder what they have in the markets...

2021-02-06, 03:38 PM
And so it came that a short while later, the newly arrived adventurers found themselves in a small room in the Merchant Bank.
The building had in previous centuries been a warehouse for coffee and its faint aroma could still be smelled.

A dwarf in formal business leathers had introduced himself as Mr. Brod and taken their registration data and asked them to wait a moment.

Now he returned with a pleased expression on his face: "Congratulations. According to your entries, you should have a chance of over 75% to successfully navigate the island's dangers. The bank can therefore give you the premium package: No account maintenance charge, full commissioning of all finds as well as this nice set potion pushers.

Should you plan to stay long term, we'll be happy to help you find permanent accommodation on the harbor premises or invest in the reclamation of living space on the island. Once this Island has been made completely safe, land prices will sore. So investing in a claim now might very well pay huge dividends.

Also, if you don't know where to start your exploration: Somewhere close along the coast to the south, Kung's Island must have had a glass manufacture. Previous finds indicate that a particular robust kind of glass was produced there, most likely with the sand from the local beaches. We are very interested in the recipe as well as fine glassware that might still be there.

If you are looking for additional paid work while you are going out anyway, I suggest you take a look at the blackboard over at the Tortura Tavern.

Any questions? Or are you interested in some of the more common magical contraptions that the island has to offer? We are not only buying but also selling the less complex items"

The potion pusher is a small brass contraption with a clear, wormlike appendage, that can be placed anywhere on a humanoid's skin. At that, the end of the appendage will connect painlessly to the skin, not unlike a leech. The brass can contain a standard potion bottle. A small switch allows to activate a clockwork pump as an item interaction, pumping whatever potion is set into it, directly into the users body, giving them it's benefits. The pump can also be switched to a sensitive setting, that activates the pump if the user falls prone. This can deliver a dose of healing potion automatically if the user falls unconscious.
Potions have to be bought separately

2021-02-06, 04:19 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"Oh! Thank you. Interesting...." Lael says, trailing off as she examines the potion pusher for a while. After a bit she says, "I do have something of a list of items I was hoping I could purchase if there are any that were found already."

Assuming this is the place for it ("it" being uncommon magic items) she actually pulls out a list of the following:
(Listed in most desired to least. Most likely she can't afford all of them.)

Helm of Comprehend Languages (but not actually a helm, something that'd fit her esthetic).

Bag of Holding (preferably a magic hat that looks like the one in her picture perhaps....)

Insignia of Claws

Stone of Good Luck

Periapt of Wound Closure

Cloak of Protection

2021-02-06, 04:27 PM
Mr. Brod took out a ledger, comparing the list to the contents of his book.
"Now let's see what the current market value for those is."

Hat of Comprehend Languages [roll0] 200gp
Bag of Holding [roll1] 400gp
Insignia of Claws [roll2] 400gp
Stone of Good Luck [roll3] 400gp
Periapt of Wound Closure [roll4] 300gp
Cloak of Protection [roll5] 300gp

"You are in luck, all of these seem to be in stock. Do you want to place a bid through your account? Tell us your upper limit and we place your bid with the merchants and acquire them for you at a 3% arbitrage. You can of course go to the market yourself and ask around who has all these, but - well - you likely want to spend your time earning money, right?"

2021-02-06, 04:46 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"Um..... yeah! Sounds good!" she pulls out her money and hands over 1,800 gold for the banker to place in the bank/use for bids.

Max bids....

Hat of Comprehend Languages: 510gp
Bag of Holding: 610gp
Insignia of Claws: 610gp
Stone of Good Luck: 410gp
Periapt of Wound Closure: 310gp
Cloak of Protection: 310gp

"I know I can't afford all of them. The first three are my main priority, but I'd like to get as many as I can get for now." she adds.

2021-02-06, 04:52 PM
"Very good, come back tomorrow and we'll have ready whatever we can manage to get at those bids. Please sign here and add the necessary funds to your account to cover your bids."

Mr. Brod replied after setting up a broker contract.

2021-02-06, 05:02 PM
Jim takes a curious sniff and then a deep breath as he walks in. "I'm a sucker for good coffee."

"Oh yeah, there's about a hundred things I like about that deal. To clarify: are the potion pushers complimentary?"

2021-02-06, 05:05 PM
"Certainly. You can find fitting potions at most of the licensed merchants on the market place."
Mr. Brod smiled.

2021-02-06, 06:32 PM
Jim nods. "Thank you, sir."

Jim remembers a second too late that some merchants don't like being called "sir."

"If you have Boots of Elvenkind, I'll throw my hat into the ring for those. Goggles of Night wouldn't go amiss either..."

"I'll be happy enough with Slippers of Spiderclimbing, if and only if I lose my bid for the Boots of Elvenkind. Uh... are conditional bids like that okay?"

2021-02-06, 09:41 PM
I am a simple man, a +1 shield, +1 breast plate and +1 scimitar is all I ask. Thraseous the Black said looking at the banker. I have 1000 gold. But I have more in your bank say 400 more if need be.

2021-02-07, 07:40 AM
Brod consulted his book further:

"Let's see:

Boots of Elvenkind [roll0] 200gp
Goggles of Night [roll1] 300gp
Slippers of Spiderclimb [roll2] 100gp

Magic Shield, low magical strength [roll3] 500gp
Scimitar, low magical strength [roll4] 200gp

I'm afraid, that magical armor is of yet too rare to make it's way to the general market."

"Conditional bids are certainly doable, so what is your maximum bid?"

2021-02-07, 10:51 AM
Brod consulted his book further:

"Let's see:

Boots of Elvenkind [roll0] 200gp
Goggles of Night [roll1] 300gp
Slippers of Spiderclimb [roll2] 100gp

Magic Shield, low magical strength [roll3] 500gp
Scimitar, low magical strength [roll4] 200gp

I'm afraid, that magical armor is of yet too rare to make it's way to the general market."

"Conditional bids are certainly doable, so what is your maximum bid?"

1100 is my max bid as I want to go to the market for some potions. Thraseous says to the banker.

2021-02-07, 01:52 PM
Jim thought for a second, and looked at his bag.

"Let's go with... 425 for the Goggles, and 300 for the Boots? And if I can't get the Boots for that price, then please use the money to bid up to 250 for the Slippers instead."

2021-02-07, 02:56 PM
"Very well, I'll see you tomorrow evening when the results of our bidding will be apparent. Until then remember, we are looking for the secret of that durable glassware. I wish you the best of luck."
The banker replied with a smile.

2021-02-07, 03:33 PM
Jim nods. "Thank you, sir."

He turns to the other two. "So... do you two have anything else you want from the auctions? If not, do you two want to go to the market with me?"

2021-02-07, 03:47 PM
I will join you. Let us us hope our endeavors are successful.
Do we know what the glass looks like. Thraseous the Black says to the others.

2021-02-07, 04:57 PM
If you want to learn more about the glas, ask around with an investigation or persuation check DC 15

2021-02-08, 12:34 AM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"Sure!" Lael replies to the invitation, excited to see what the market is like. Which seems to be kind of the norm for her so far on the journey since she's been excited to see pretty much everything. Which makes sense if you know she's spent her entire life mostly on the grounds of the university.

At some point later, Lael does some asking around about the glass and the beach area.

Rolled in discord. Got a nat 20 for a total of 28.

2021-02-08, 01:03 AM
Jim smiles and nods when Thraseous the Black joins the search. "It'll be good to have you on board. You said you're a cartographer, right? I might know someone who'd pay a lot of money for a copy of any maps you might make..."

When they actually get to the market, Jim judges that the kid has the investigation well in hand, and decides to go look for the healing potion stall.

2021-02-08, 01:10 PM
Lael asked around a bit and was soon informed quite well about the glass manufacture

"The glas factory? Oh yes, but it's very dangerous to get there. Outside the harbor, the greatest danger are the mutated animals: A remarkable large number of carnivores roam around here. Inside the buildings are constructs and undead keeping the infrastructure intact and viciously attacking intruders. The southern coast has a bit of an infestation with Shadowlurks - bloodsucking beasts that hide in trees and fall like a blanket over their victims. They usually wait for dark before they attack. Those and the land-piranhas are the main reason no-one so far has gotten anything from the glass manufacture. Be careful of the beaches too, there are some kinds of clams that explode if you step on them. Here, I'll mark it on your map.
Oh, and don't try to fly there - unless you want to fight a murder of harpies. There's a bounty to be had if you can destroy their nests."
A friendly guard told her right outside the bank.

According to the map, the manufacture was about seven miles away along the beach, but the suggested way led through the thick jungle.

2021-02-08, 06:47 PM
We really need to work together if we are to survive this glass factory. We need at least two healing potions a piece maybe we should pool our money and see if we can get a bargain. Thraseous the Black said looking at the others.

2021-02-08, 07:32 PM
"I'll be happy to do that."

"I should also mention that I have some healing ability myself. So the potions aren't the only thing we have going for us. Remember that if you're tempted to take one in the middle of a fight: if I can heal you, I probably should."

2021-02-08, 09:04 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"Hmmm. I only have about forty gold left. If that ok with all you, then it's ok with me. Though... are we going to wait a day to see if the bank acquired the magical items we're wanting before heading out? If so we also probably need to pay for a night in an inn somewhere. I think it's probably worth the wait to go out better equipped, don't you think?" Lael proposes.

2021-02-08, 09:31 PM
"Uh... I can see an advantage to that. It means giving anyone else who's looking more opportunity to find what we're after themselves, though... but that first group might fail, and at least clear some of the defenses out of the way before they need to go back."

"I can see an argument for either idea. But I think we should set out tomorrow at the latest, stuff or no stuff. Someone's going to get that glasswork, and they're going to get it soon. If we're not there soon, it won't be us."

2021-02-08, 11:07 PM
If it's not to expensive, I can get us a room for the night. We should see if our bids were successful but you are right we should not wait to long. I too have limited spell abilities. Thraseous the Black says looking at the others.

2021-02-09, 12:57 AM
"Think there's a pool table? Maybe I feel like showing off a bit... Maybe even winning some bets."

"Uh... how much attention were you guys paying when I was doing that interview?"

2021-02-09, 01:12 AM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"I've spent my whole life in the university. I'm very good at remembering details." Lael says in a completely innocent tone in reply.

2021-02-09, 01:31 AM
"Then you'll remember the thing I said about..."

Jim suddenly remembers the thing he'd said about elves in general being stuck up.

"Ooooh... Well, you'll remember what I said about the real fun part of playing pool, right? Maybe I'll show you all a real game of pool, if you want to watch a master at work."

2021-02-09, 06:24 AM
Finding accomodations was no problem at all.
There were two options: Taking a spot in the dormitories - a building that used to be offices and now worked like a student dormitory - prefered by the new comers as it only cost a silver a day, or a room in one of the three private ins with many luxuries like your own bath with running water, but expensive at 5 to 15 gp per day.
The third option, camping outside, was universally agreed to be a fatally stupid idea.

2021-02-09, 10:55 AM
"Your full name, home address, occupation, next of kin, any allergies, racial biases, religious alignment and/or standing vendettas... please."
Grim Bastion
Royal academy library of Alem
Arcane Sage
No kin, But the head librarian of the academy will suffice
no allergies
All fleshy creatures are equal in my optics
I have no faith but am familiar with The Warrior and The Crone
No standing Vendettas
"Are you currently or have you ever been in the employ of a foreign military, state sponsored, military or private intelligence service? No
Is there any information about your person you would want to conceal from this inquiry that is pertinent to the previous questions?" No

Grim Deposits 500gp in the bank and keeps 1000gp on his person

Mr. Brod I am looking for A bag of holding, any magic items that can add to my spell casting abilities or store spells, boots of haste, and any kind of cloak that can add to my stealth or make my large form harder to hit?

after talking to Mr. Brod

I take up in the lobby of the Inn that the rest of the group stays in against one of the far walls installing the potion pusher before entering Sentry's Rest mode. (as i dont need sleep)

2021-02-09, 01:07 PM
Grim Deposits 500gp in the bank and keeps 1000gp on his person

Mr. Brod I am looking for A bag of holding, any magic items that can add to my spell casting abilities or store spells, boots of haste, and any kind of cloak that can add to my stealth or make my large form harder to hit?

Brod threw the warforged an appraising look and shook his head slightly:

"I see. Well, that will cause a certain friction in the bidding.

Bags of Holding are already at 400gp and Cloaks of Protection at 300gp - would you like to place a bit higher than your companion for those?
And as for help in casting, assuming you aren't an arcane scholar or wizard, I'm afraid we don't carry Astral Shards yet - to little rare objects make their way to the market.

Boots of Striding and Springing [roll0] 300 gp
Cloak of Elvenkind [roll1] not on the market at the moment - try again in a week or so.
Cloak of Protection [roll2] 300 gp

What would you like to bid?"

2021-02-09, 01:30 PM
"No I will hold on those items, let my companions have what they need. Anything interesting that is available that my companions did not inquire about?"

2021-02-10, 11:51 AM
I have money for the dorm room, we will celebrate when we get the glass and I will pay for good room. Thraseous the Black said to the others with his big toothy grin. Grim , we will wait for you to bid.

2021-02-10, 01:29 PM
"All common magical items are available - but I'm afraid it would take a while to list them all. As for the uncommon ones: Most of them are also available in general - but might be sold out at the moment. Adventurers are returning everyday with more items and sell them on the market - of course both the University as well as Fren and Alem merchant houses are buying what they can get and ship it off regularly. But as they don't pay premium bids for relatively low ranking items, enough of them stay on the market to equip parties like yours.
If you are looking for rarer stuff, you can try the merchant houses directly - they usually are willing to trade if you can bring them goods that they'd rather have then - for example - a low level enhanced armor."

Brod replied to Grim.

Once the team was ready to proceed to the adventurer accomodations, they found relatively clean and comfortable lodgings. The dormitories consisted of rooms for up to six people. The only slightly disturbing thing about them was the wire mesh that enclosed all windows very thoroughly.
"Wouldn't want any creepy crawlies getting in", the gnomish matron explained as she showed the four their room.
"Breakfast is at 8, don't be late or you won't get nothing."

2021-02-10, 03:22 PM
Jim looks around approvingly. "I like the setup."

He turns back to their guide. "Is there a pool table here? I've been meaning to give the game a try, but I've never found anyone to play with."

2021-02-10, 04:01 PM
"The Officers Club has pool tables. Common folk need to secure an invite to be allowed in there. In the pub you'll have better luck with finding dart players."
Jim received as reply

2021-02-10, 08:03 PM
"Well, I'll go in for darts, then."

"Is there anything we can do to get into the officers' club? Pool is... uh, I really do want to try that one. That's the one I want to try."

2021-02-11, 11:44 AM
I will join you maybe a drink will do me good, I am still not all there due to the ship ride. Thraseous the Black said reacing into his pouch counting out some gold pieces.

2021-02-11, 12:11 PM
"Ask an officer - or buy a table from someone who is able to use the creation spell. There's a warforged Forge Cleric called Fafner working in Hammer Lane - he sometimes has spare capacity for projects like that. But be prepared to pay through the nose for something like that.
Or you could explore the island. Old Kung had quite a lot of personal. Might be he also had a few R&R establishments for his higher ups around here." The helpful guard offered.

Finding the pub "Piper's Delight" was easy enough. By now the sun had sunken beneath the horizon and dozens of everburning torch lights had been uncovered to provide adequate illumination. But few establishments were as brightly lit as the three bars providing the little outpost with booze and entertainment.

Inside, Jim and his accompanying new friends found a pretty rough looking crowd of all shapes and sizes.
Darts had quite a crowd - and no small amount of betting was going on around there.

Hitting Bullseye is AC 15 (worth 10 points), hitting below 8 is missing the board. AC 8 is one point, 9 is two, and so on)
People are betting on points for three throws with values between 0 and 30
Rolling a 1 is not automatically a miss.

2021-02-11, 01:24 PM
"Come Lael lets see what foolery and intrigue our new compatriots get themselves into. If you would like a better view you are welcome to sit on my shoulder, and we may converse while they play this game of dexterous skill."

Grim puts out a hand with his offer, and follows behind observing the environment and activities.

2021-02-11, 04:43 PM
Jim walks over to the crowd betting on darts, and politely waits for an opening.

When it looks like he has an opening, Jim politely asks "May I? I'll bet I can get twenty points in three throws. Is there a minimum or maximum bet on that?"

2021-02-11, 04:49 PM
A shifty looking halfling was busy running a book and looked up: "Newcomer, eh? I'll give you 50:50 at 1 to 0,95. Minimum is 1 gp, max... well, what have you got?"

2021-02-11, 04:56 PM
"I have enough."

Jim pulls out five coins. "Shall we start here?"

2021-02-11, 04:56 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"I expect mostly the foolery." Lael says with an amused smile. Then, since she was invited, she gladly climbs up Grim and takes a seat on his shoulder.

2021-02-11, 05:37 PM
Grim leans his head slightly towards Lael, "This aught to be interesting, I have always been fascinated by organic beings and their games and wagers. Using the data I have gathered on such situations I give this a 76.3% probability that we are going to need to step in at some point. You stated you were a wizard "sort of" on our entrance, How is one sort of a wizard?

While they are having conversation Grim is scanning for any evidence of magic or trickery around the game.

2021-02-11, 05:45 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"Um.... well. I know a lot about magic and other fields of study but I can't really cast spells. My magic takes an.... unusual form. Still a useful one though!" Lael replies, a little embarrassed about the subject.

2021-02-12, 07:48 AM
The Halfling pocketed the money and made a note. After that, he put out in a surprisingly melodious sing sang the odds he was giving and asking for input from the other betters. At the end, the odds stayed at roughly 50:50, and the crowd cheered the newcomer on to try his hand.

2021-02-12, 11:04 AM
"My ability to do magic is a mystery to myself and my creators. I find the unexplainable quite fascinating. That is part of what has brought me to this island. I have read every book in Alem that I could gain access to and have not found all the answers to my questions. Maybe there is something on this island that can complete my queries"

2021-02-12, 11:44 AM
Thraseous orders a pint of bitter beer and places a bet on his friend. One gold on the newcomer to make the points.

2021-02-12, 12:16 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"I've read a lot of books myself, but I've never met anyone like you before and I haven't read about any either. My magic is all tied up in my astral body, so my best guess would just be something like you can do magic because you have a soul. Which I guess isn't quite the answer you're looking for? I'm happy to help you look though. I've wanted to come here since I was a little girl, I was so thrilled when it was rediscovered!" Lael replies.

2021-02-12, 02:43 PM
Jim picked up three darts and threw them one by one at the target, aiming each one for the bullseye.


"So... twenty points exactly?"

2021-02-12, 05:28 PM
The halfling smiled: "You said 20 points. You got 24. Better luck next time." People grumbled while a few lucky ones who had guessed correctly collected their winnings.

Jim kept a close eye on the halfling and soon noticed, that the guy had two men as muscle with him - a half-ork and a pretty buff looking human woman. The half-ork was the obvious one, disuading drunks and particularly daring people, while the woman kept very close watch for anyone trying to get a five-finger discount.

2021-02-12, 05:34 PM
Jim shrugged. "Well, them's the breaks."

Jim casually looked over the halfling's security setup, intending to plan out a way to quietly take his money back, and quickly realized the human woman would see him if he tried.

He smiled and looked her in the eyes as he continued. "Well, I guess I lost that one. Thank the Fool I only bet spare change."

He walked back to his companions.

2021-02-13, 05:54 AM
The betting continued and the halfling proved to be very good at his job. He seemed to have a very keen eye for judging people and their abilities.

Other than that, nothing else particularly interesting or suspicious was going on.

2021-02-13, 11:53 AM
Thraseous pays up his loss. Next time we are in here , you'll get your money back.

2021-02-13, 12:53 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

At some point inbetween other people using the dart board, Lael takes a go. But just for the fun of playing the game, not for money.

2021-02-13, 06:22 PM
Thraseous pays up his loss. Next time we are in here , you'll get your money back.

Jim shrugs. "Thanks, but... I don't think it's worth trying. It's only five gold from me, and I think one coin from you? Peanuts, next to what we can make outside this city... and I don't want to risk losing more trying to get it back."

2021-02-14, 05:02 AM
The evening went by with no sign that the bar would close soon. But the strain of the journey soon took its tribute and the new adventuring party made their way back to their accomodations.

All, except Grim were awoken by the loud clanging of several large bells across the harbor peninsula. Looking out of the window the team was able to make out indistinct shadows that flitted ouside the wire dome, illuminated by the sun creeping up from the horizon. Next the distinct sound of gun fire errupted at the harbor entrance that led further on to the island proper.

2021-02-14, 05:07 AM
Jim jerks in his sleep and slowly raises his head when the bells start ringing. "Where's da can-non?"

He shakes his head to clear it as he heads to the window to look.

Then actual gunfire goes off. "Oh, Winter. Uh... do we care about that? Enough to find out what it is?"

2021-02-14, 12:54 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

Lael immediately rushes out the door to find out what the cannon fire is about. She vaguely hears Jim's question by the time she's exiting the door.

2021-02-14, 03:34 PM
Flying, humanoid shapes zoomed over the dome. Lael was pretty sure that the figures were female looking - with sharp claws.

2021-02-14, 03:50 PM
Jim winced as Lael ran out of the room. "It's our job as adults to make sure she doesn't get hurt, isn't it?"

He retrieves his weapons and dashes after her.

2021-02-15, 02:08 PM
Grim is not caught of guard by the noise as he has been scanning for activity at the door to their room and out the window during his rest phase. When the canon fire goes off he moves towards the window to get a better look. When he sees Lael move toward the door, he shouts "Wait..." but sees that its too late and runs after her, not stopping to erspond to the others questions.

2021-02-15, 02:14 PM
Thraseous grabs his armor and weapons and follows the others outside.

2021-02-15, 03:11 PM
Now that the party was outside, they could clearly see, that the trouble was outside the dome: Guards were swarming to the exit, leading towards the island. By now their gunfire was more like a continuous cacophony as more and more guards fired their muskets and handguns at will.

Moving closer, you can see that a hot air baloon has crashed outside the secure dome.

Swarms of harpies are flew around in total chaos, but a small cluster at the upturned basket are clawing at something or somebody inside.

"We need more men here, quick. Someone has to get the lads out from under there!" An officer cried out.

2021-02-15, 04:10 PM
Thraseous the Black looked at the officer You can count on me sir. Thraseous made his way to the gate donning his armor on the way. He grabbed one of his javelins and made his way towards the hot air balloon.

2021-02-15, 04:58 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentration: --

"I guess those are the harpies they mention huh? I guess I don't have to wonder what they actually look like up close anymore!" Lael says, equally parts excited and nervous as she follows after Thraseous.

2021-02-15, 05:00 PM
Jim draws a javelin as he follows.

"I wish this was less urgent. We could have settled on a price first."

2021-02-15, 05:10 PM
Shield in one hand and scythe in the other Grim bounds in the direction of the balloon with the group.

2021-02-17, 12:53 AM
Thraseous moves closer to the downed hot air balloon 30 feet movement and summons a red drake. His shield on his left arm and a javelin in his right.

2021-02-17, 12:29 PM
As the party moved out, the soldiers redoubled their efforts to clear the skies above them. The noice of the discharging guns prevented the harpies on the ground from hearing them coming.

2021-02-17, 06:42 PM
Grim’s eyes flare with fire as he holds out his hand and 3 scorching rays appear and hurl forward at the three harpies on the right of the balloon. Grim holds his position.

2021-02-17, 07:07 PM
Jim moves forward thirty feet and keeps his javelin drawn.

2021-02-18, 05:57 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: Arms of the Astral Self
Concentration: --

Lael rushes forwards to the downed balloon, closing the distance surprisingly easily, and then spectral arms come forth seemingly out of her hat and pummel the four harpies now nearby.

Dashing to the empty spot with two harpies to the west and two to the north.

Bonus action and 1 Ki point to use Arms of the Astral Self. Each creature of your choice (the four harpies) that you can see within 10 feet of you must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take [roll0] force damage.

2021-02-19, 02:04 PM
to speed this up, I'll roll once for all harpies
dex save
[roll0]+1 - all get hit

In any case, the attacked harpies will attack the closest target, i.e. Lael

Harpy 1
Claw [roll1]+3, damage [roll2], if crit [roll3]
Club [roll4]+3, damage [roll5], if crit [roll6]

Harpy 2
Claw [roll7]+3, damage [roll8], if crit [roll9]
Club [roll10]+3, damage [roll11], if crit [roll12]

Harpy 3
Claw [roll13]+3, damage [roll14], if crit [roll15] 6 Damage
Club [roll16]+3, damage [roll17], if crit [roll18]

Harpy 4
Claw [roll19]+3, damage [roll20], if crit [roll21]
Club [roll22]+3, damage [roll23], if crit [roll24]

Harpy 5
Claw [roll25]+3, damage [roll26], if crit [roll27] 6 Damage
Club [roll28]+3, damage [roll29], if crit [roll30]

Harpy 6
Claw [roll31]+3, damage [roll32], if crit [roll33]
Club [roll34]+3, damage [roll35], if crit [roll36]

12 damage total

The attacks incited the half bird half women immediately and the flock stopped attacking the downed balloon and instead clustered around Lael, trying to rip her to shreds. Some claws managed to break through her many handed defense, but not many. Still, it was far from comfortable standing in midst of the screeching harpies, smelling their breath - a mixture of rotting flesh and puntured intestines - and looking at their crazed expressions.

2021-02-19, 05:16 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 47/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: Arms of the Astral Self, Dodge
Concentration: --

Noticing that she's surrounded, Lael focuses primarily on defending herself than on attacking. Though her spectral arms still throw punches anyway.

Bonus action spending 1 ki point to Dodge.

Attacking the least damaged harpies.

Attack 1: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
if crit: [roll5]

Dex save against incoming fireball: [roll6]
advantage: [roll7]

2021-02-19, 06:58 PM
Thraseous throws his javelin wide missing the closest harpy. He see that Lael is surrounded and has his drake infuse Lael's extended fists with fire. He throws another javelin this time piercing the harpy.

so first one misses. Second one hits ac 17 for 8 points and he has his drake infused Lael attack for 7 fire damage. Drake goes on same initiative as harpy it will attack the closest one to him. Thraseous will use his reaction to intercept the damage to his drake.

2021-02-19, 07:25 PM
After throwing his javelin last round (the rolls are on the Discord page) Jim slips between Thraseous and his drake and comes up behind Harpy #4, hoping to take some of the heat off of Lael by getting their attention.

[roll0] to hit.
[roll1] to hurt.

2021-02-19, 07:31 PM
Seeing Lael surrounded grim charges forward to the middle of the bridge, eyes burning even brighter, and let’s loose a carefully placed fireball to the right of the swarm of harpies surrounding her.

“Get away from her you retched creatures”

2021-02-20, 07:28 AM
There were several different accounts of what happened in the next few seconds, but after the smoke from the huge fiery explosion cleared, only the charred remains of six harpies on the ground and a good number of the flying ones too littered the ground.
As quickly as the swarm had appeared, it pulled back now as the small mushroom cloud began to dispers.
Likewise the shooting stopped, leaving a ringing sound in everyone's ears.
Lael, standing unharmed in a circle of burned corpses could hear a faint voice coming from under the upturned basket:
"Is it over, can we come out?"

2021-02-20, 12:29 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 47/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: Arms of the Astral Self
Concentration: --

"Yes, here let me help you!" is Lael's reply as she uses her four arms to help the people out of the collapsed balloon. Once they're out she asks, "Do you need help bringing this back?" and gestures to the balloon with one of her regular hands.

2021-02-20, 04:43 PM
Beneath the basket, two young soldiers appeared - a young female dwarven lieutenant and an equally young male human private.
"Thank Juven, that was terrifying. You really saved our bacons there."
The young dwarf saluted: "Lieutenant Liv Hammerzahn at your service.
Don't worry about the balloon. The engineers will get it airborn again in no time. And I and Private Forks will take our breaks now - and I'd be happy to invite you to a few rounds at the Copper Room."

2021-02-20, 06:20 PM
"Yeah. Yeah, I'd want a break too, after that experience. We're probably going back to sleep, but I wouldn't say no to meeting you at... the Copper Room, you said? Sometime soon."

Jim puts the javelin in his hands away and looks to see if the one he's already thrown survived the impact and the fireball.

"Is anyone injured? I think I can do something about that."

2021-02-20, 06:41 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 47/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: Arms of the Astral Self
Concentration: --

Lael just gives a blank stare at being offered drinks.

"They clawed me a little." she replies to Jim, not sure if he had meant her too.

2021-02-20, 06:58 PM
Do you have much trouble with these bird creatures? Is that why you were in the balloon. Thraseous says looking at the two soldiers. Has anyone gone after their nest?

2021-02-20, 08:55 PM
Seeing that Lael is relatively unharmed Grim monitors and scans the sky line to ascertain the retreating direction of the harpy’s.

2021-02-20, 09:12 PM
"Uh... right, sorry, I should do something about that."

Jim casts Cure Wounds from a 2nd level spell slot to heal Lael for [roll0] damage. Then he gets back to looking for his javelin.

2021-02-21, 07:03 AM
Lt. Hammerzahn looked at the downed contraption: "From time to time, something seems to stir up the nests inland and these vasts flocks roam across the whole island. Most often it's some fool thinking they can just fly across the whole island.
We use the balloon to get early warning when that happens. Unfortunately this time the winch got stuck and the private responsible to get us down again left his post in a panic."
The private next to her scowled at that and murmured: "I'll have a word with him about that later..."

"ANYWAY!" the Lt. continued throwing an angry glance to her subordiante, "When they ripped open the hull, we were fortunately no longer at maximum height and fell slow enough not to break our necks. I think we need a feature that allows us to savely vent the hot air from up in the balloon. Should you come upon any plans about that, I'd be very interested in seeing those. Kung is supposed to have employed vast airships. Could be, there are already some useable designs around somewhere on the island.
In any case, you have my gratitude. Here. Make good use of those. If anyone asks, they got destroyed in the explosion." She winked at that, handing Lael a pair of slightly dark glasses.

You receive:

Eyes of the Eagle
DMG p168
Wondrous item, major tier, uncommon (requires attunement)
These crystal lenses fit over the eyes. While wearing them, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. In conditions of clear visibility, you can make out details of even extremely distant creatures and objects as small as 2 feet across.

Looking at the corpses of the dead harpies turned out to be futile - ash and bone was all that remained here.

2021-02-21, 03:40 PM
Sure if we find anything to do with air ships we will come to you with it. Thraseous says to the soldier. Now how long till day break? We need to get some more rest or get a hearty breakfast.

2021-02-22, 08:23 AM
The sun chose this very moment to break through the early morning fog, answering Thraseous answer and making the Lt. smile.
"A hearty breakfast I can provide. Follow me, I know just the place."

2021-02-22, 01:37 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 47/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: Arms of the Astral Self
Concentration: --

"Breakfast!?" Lael comments excitedly, quite suddenly aware of just how hungry she is after the early morning physical activity. She follows along, though sometimes darts ahead because she's just quite frankly faster and much more eager than the person she's supposed to be following.

2021-02-22, 02:12 PM
Thraseous dismisses the drake. Food would be good. I am thinking of eggs and some crispy bacon. A hot drink of some sort and a pastry.

2021-02-22, 03:51 PM
Grim follows along, interested to find information on the island.

2021-02-22, 04:38 PM
Hammerzahn smiled again: "That and more."
She led the team back inside the curtained harbor and from there to a building that might have once been a brewery - judging by the large copper vats, still hanging suspended from the ceiling beams.
A guard stood watch outside, but let them pass without comment.

"This is where the Sturmbanner takes its meals. And since we are a private military contractor, our rations are cut above the rest."
Indeed, past the copper vats, a large dining room with a nice panoramic view past the curtain to the east greated the group. To the side, a large table had been heaped with a buffet of all kinds of foods - including lots of different kinds of meat and bread.
"It's not a Heroes' Feast, but the cook takes inspiration from the spell."

Jim took note that beyond the dining hall, he could see four pool tables, though no-one was playing this early in the morning.

Consuming a full meal here confers 4d6 temporary hit points

Hammerzahn showed them how it was done and filled a plate as full as it could be.

She then led the team to a free table and sat down: "So, what are your plans for today after you've done your daily heroics?"

2021-02-22, 06:56 PM
Thraseous fills his plate just as high and in between bites he talks. We are headed to the glass factory.
Any pointers?


2021-02-22, 07:05 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: Temp HP: 11, Arms of the Astral Self
Concentration: --

Lael eagerly fills a plate with one of everything, or at least as close as she can get, with a lot of appreciative murmurs about this thing or that. And then she sits down and happily enjoys the meal.


2021-02-22, 07:18 PM
Jim nods. "But we should probably finish sleeping first, right? We woke up in the middle of the night due to the bells and the gunfire."


2021-02-22, 09:24 PM
Grim follows social convention and grabs a plate, loads it up with some of everything but way to much as he has never understood portions as he does not actually need to eat. He sits down with the others and consumes it all very quickly.


2021-02-23, 11:11 AM
Hammerzahn nodded at Thraseous question: "Ah, that contract is still open, is it? Most new groups head directly for the island center - few return. On a clear day, you can make out the factory in the distance. There are supposedly old roads - totally overgrown by the jungle of course - but the ground is still dense enough and with enough stone in it, that the land piranhas can't get you there. That's probably the savest way to travel there. If you want to be quicker, you can cut across the beach and enter through the cooling ducts. But be careful. There are weird clams there that can explode. Better use a very long stick to set them off before you step on them off. And take more than one stick with you.
By the way: If you find lenses for astronomy there, I know someone who will pay premium to get them."

2021-02-23, 04:23 PM
Thraseous shook his head. Thank you. We will seek you out if we do come across anything like that. And thanks for the information.

2021-02-23, 06:10 PM
Jim nods. "Yeah, thanks. Hey, one more question: do you know where we could buy a machete or three?"

Jim pauses, then turns to Lael. "Actually, on second thought, do you think that weird arm trick of yours could clear our path?"

2021-02-24, 12:31 PM
Hammerzahn shrugged: "The market has almost all expedition supplies you could want. Short swords or machetes should be here in ample supply."

2021-02-24, 12:48 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: Temp HP: 11
Concentration: --

In response to Jim's question Leal shook her head, "No. I mean, yes in theory it could. But I can only maintain it for about ten minutes at a time and I'd need to rest to restore my magical energy after a few times. And that's less magical energy I had for defending us."

2021-02-24, 07:48 PM
We should take the slower way and take the old roads. Thraseous the Black says to the others.

2021-02-25, 03:28 AM
Jim listens to the lieutenant, and to his comrades, and then nods. "And we should head to the market first, to pick up machetes and check on our auction bids."

He nods to Lieutenant Hammerzhan. "Thanks for the information. Is there anything else we should know?"

2021-02-25, 06:36 AM
Jim listens to the lieutenant, and to his comrades, and then nods. "And we should head to the market first, to pick up machetes and check on our auction bids."

He nods to Lieutenant Hammerzhan. "Thanks for the information. Is there anything else we should know?"

"Probably loads of stuff. Unfortunately, nothing comes to mind. Thanks again and come by when you are back in town. I'd love to hear what you found."

2021-02-25, 12:48 PM
Thraseous shakes the lieutenant's hand. Yes let us see how our bids went and pickup anything else we will need.

2021-02-25, 01:00 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 11 PIv: 18 PIs: 11
Conditions: Temp HP: 11
Concentration: --

"I will certainly be back!" Lael says as departing words to Lieutenant Hammerzhan, her eyes on a few of the breakfast items she did not have room left in her stomach (without becoming overfull, a bad idea when you're planning on immediately doing heavy exercise) to sample.

2021-02-25, 02:32 PM
When the team returned to the Merchant Bank, they were greeted by a smiling Mr. Brod.

"I'm happy to report, that we managed to follow your bids for over two thirds of your wishes.
Here are the results." He showed them the list:

Hat of Comprehend Languages 516gp
Bag of Holding 413gp
Insignia of Claws 412gp
Stone of Good Luck 412gp

Boots of Elvenkind 413gp
Goggles of Night 309gp

Magic Shield, low magical strength 515gp
Scimitar, low magical strength 310gp

Boots of Striding and Springing 516 gp
Cloak of Protection 413gp

2021-02-25, 03:07 PM
"So, I've spent a total of three gold less than I'd been willing to. That's a win. Thanks."

I take my three gold and my magic items. I pick my boots up to put on outside and put the goggles on right there and then.

2021-02-26, 02:01 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 11
Concentration: --

Lael is thrilled to get all her new items. All the ones she really wanted, right away! She's especially pleased that the hat matches her style and dons it immediately. "Thank you so much Mr. Brod!" she says and gives him a beaming smile.

Once they're all done at the bank she lets the others know she's going to go buy a healing potion with most of the remainder of her money.

2021-02-26, 02:08 PM
Thraseous put the remaining money in his pouch. I hope 175 gold is enough to buy some decent healing potions. he replaces his old shield and scimitar with the new ones.

2021-02-26, 06:26 PM
"I think the standard ones are fifty? At that price, I can buy two..."

Jim does precisely that, and puts one into his potion pusher. He sets it to automatically inject the healing potion inside it if he goes down.

2021-02-26, 09:16 PM
Thraseous buys 3 healing potions. He puts one on auto inject.

2021-02-28, 12:37 PM
The sun had fully risen by the time the party got their food, items and potions squared away and the earlier attack seemed to be basically forgotten by the people at the harbor. One by one, groups left through the main gate across the small bridge and into the jungles beyond.

2021-03-01, 04:26 PM
Thraseous looks at the group. I would like to take the old roads through the jungle or we could try the beach way. Any suggestions?

2021-03-01, 05:30 PM
Jim nods. "Old roads, well away from the exploding clams."

OOC: We forgot to roleplay buying machetes, I think. How much are they?

2021-03-01, 06:18 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 11
Concentration: --

Lael nods in agreement and says, "I would like to see the plants and wildlife here. Starting with exploding clams is a bit much."

2021-03-01, 08:41 PM
"The old roads it is, I do not like the odds or the sound of exploding clams. I can help clear any plants in our way with my Scythe."

2021-03-03, 10:42 PM
I will lead the way. Jungles are my area of expertise. Thraseous says as he gathers his supplies. Tell me when you are ready.

2021-03-04, 02:27 PM
All preparations done, the team set out across the bridge onto the island proper. Under the guidance of the ranger, they quickly found an overgrown path that led in the right direction. After only a few meters the sound of the harbor were gone and replaced by the noice of exotic birds and rustling leaves. More often than not, the bush was so thick that only the machette provided any chance of getting ahead - even with the comparatively easier path along the old road that had at least prevented trees to take root there.
About two hours in, something in the atmosphere changed...

Everyone a perception check and a nature check - don't forget relevant skills and class abilities

2021-03-04, 03:01 PM
Jim keeps a hand on one of his longswords as he looks around the jungle.

"The scythe is probably a better choice... but if I need to, I guess I can slice through some foliage with one of these? I know it's not the worst choice for slicing through monsters..."

[roll0] for Perception.
[roll1] for Nature. (I guess the dice might still favor me?) Edit: Holy shark, they did.

2021-03-04, 04:26 PM
Thraseous keeps his scimitar loose in the sheath as he prods along with his javelin.

2021-03-04, 04:59 PM
While resting for a second, the team noticed how much less jungle noises were around them. Instantly, aware of potential danger, weapons were drawn. Jim was the first to look up. The canopy around here was so dense that barely any light filtered down and when it did, it was in almost blinding shafts brilliance. Still, Jim noticed the dark shapes overhead, moving slightly out of sync with the rest of the vegetation.

"Darkmantles" he realized - predatory creatures dropping onto their victims and smothering them to death. And apparently, they had almost stumbled into a whole colony of them, waiting 10 ft above them for prey.

2021-03-04, 07:48 PM
"Oh, ****!" Jim mutters under his breath.

He draws his longsword. "Eyes up! They're above us!"

The thought occurred to me that Jim might try raising his sword above his head so that anything that tries to drop down on him might land on the point of his sword. Is there any reason why that isn't a valid defense against these things? If not, assume Jim tries it.

2021-03-05, 04:51 PM
Grim slams his fists together and all of a sudden there are 4 Grim's in front of the group. He walks down the path ten feet in front of the group keeping his eyes on the canopy, scythe and shield at the ready.

2021-03-05, 10:15 PM
Thraseous throws a javelin piercing deep into the dark mantle. He continues to hold his ground 10 feet away from the many enemies.

2021-03-06, 12:21 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 11
Concentration: --

Lael notices the others choosing to attack and holds her hat out in front of her. A large spectral fist and arm spring forth and reach to punch at the nearest darkmantle.

Force Bolt: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll2]

2021-03-06, 05:01 PM
Thraseous readies his scimitar and summons a red drake to appear under the dark mantles. It automatically dodges .

2021-03-06, 08:29 PM
Jim casts Mirror Image as well, and walks up beside Grim.

"How are you doing it? Oath of Treachery? ... Never mind, bad time."

2021-03-07, 06:44 AM
Alright, I'm compiling the discord data here, but please add that yourself in the future

Action is kicked off by Thraseous: Javelin Attack on Darkmantle #1 (11 Damage)
Round 1 Ini:
21: Darkmantles (surprised)
19: Grimaximus: Mirror Image
16: Thraseous: Ready Attack (Reaction)
15: Lael: Firebolt Attack on Darkmantle #1 (5 Damage)
8: Jim: Mirror Image

Round 1 Ini:
21: Darkmantles
All Darkmantles use instinctively their innate Darkness ability and start swarming around you.

The javelin followed by the fire lance was in turn followed by a high pitched scream - so high that it was barely audible and yet very painful to hear.
At once the whole colony of aberations spread out their flabby skins, making them look like a concregation of particularly vicious umbrellas and began to spray darkness. At once the group stood in pitch black darkness while wet, leathery skin rustled through the air nearby.

2021-03-07, 09:48 AM
Disoriented by the sudden darkness Grim sparks a fire from his hand, when this is still not visible he directs a fire bolt at the last place he remembers seeing one of these aberrations. As he does this all 4 Grims fire the same bolt in their direction, hoping that his calculations are correct.

2021-03-10, 10:42 AM
Thraseous summons a fire drake and immediately tells it to fly up into the darkness.

2021-03-11, 11:48 AM
Action is kicked off by Thraseous: Javelin Attack on Darkmantle #1 (11 Damage)
Round 1 Ini:
21: Darkmantles (surprised)
19: Grimaximus: Mirror Image
16: Thraseous: Ready Attack (Reaction)
15: Lael: Firebolt Attack on Darkmantle #1 (5 Damage)
8: Jim: Mirror Image

Round 1 Ini:
21: Darkmantles use instinctively their innate Darkness ability and start swarming around you.
19: Grimaximus: Fires Firebolt, hurting one Darkmantle severely, Darmantle #1 drops spell, 9 remaining.
16: Thraseous: Calls Drake
15: Lael: ???
8: Jim: ???

Grimaxius' firebolt couldn't penetrate the darkness, but the increased screaching told him, that he had in fact hit one of the creatures.
Thraseous' Drake broke through the darkness and the canopy into daylight, but without getting a clearer picture.

2021-03-11, 01:13 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

Lael leaps into the midst of the darkness and unleashes an explosion of punches at the unseen foes around her.

Move to be within 10 feet of as many darkmantles as possible.

Bonus action to activate Arms of the Astral Self. Every enemy within 10 feet must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take [roll0] force damage.

Both attacks on same darkmantle if alive after first hit. (Assuming any hits at all.)

Attack 1: [roll1]
disadvantage: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]
if crit: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
disadvantage: [roll6]
damage: [roll7]
if crit: [roll8]

2021-03-11, 01:42 PM
The explosion of force rocked the air - and shocked the creatures enough to make them lose their concentration long enough to destroy the weave of their natural magic.

Now the team was able to see the ugly creatures in all their revolting splendor. All of them had been hurt and two already lay on the ground twitching feebly, all their internal organs crushed and one with a massive burn across its skin.

The remaining eight all fell on the group, trying to suffocate their victims and ignoring the illusions.

Everyone gets 2 opponents

1# [roll0]+5, damage [roll1]+3, if crit [roll2]
2# [roll3]+5, damage [roll4]+3, if crit [roll5]
If hit, you are blinded (and unable to breath - not that it matters in your case) - you have advantage on attacking the attached creature. DC 13 Strength check to remove it with an action

3# [roll6]+5, damage [roll7]+3, if crit [roll8]
4# [roll9]+5, damage [roll10]+3, if crit [roll11]
same, you can hold your breath for 1+Con mod minutes. Exertion reduces this time by half

5# [roll12]+5, damage [roll13]+3, if crit [roll14]
6# [roll15]+5, damage [roll16]+3, if crit [roll17]
same, you can hold your breath for 1+Con mod minutes. Exertion reduces this time by half

7# [roll18]+5, damage [roll19]+3, if crit [roll20]
8# [roll21]+5, damage [roll22]+3, if crit [roll23]
same, you can hold your breath for 1+Con mod minutes. Exertion reduces this time by half

2021-03-11, 03:37 PM
Jim belatedly remembers darkmantles have blindsense, and kicks himself as one comes down right on his head.

He gets a big gulp of air as it starts to cover him, hoping it'll last him long enough to cut free.

[roll0] to hit with his longsword.
[roll1] because he has advantage against the one he really wants dead right now.
[roll2] to hurt with his longsword.

Edit: (Sorry, I forgot that I have Extra Attack.) Jim swings at the creature trying to hold his mouth closed one more time.

Results from Discord's Dice Parser: The better of 22 and 23 to hit, and 6 to hurt.

2021-03-11, 05:00 PM
Feeling the pressure and weight of the creature on his head, Grim's scythe burns green in his hand and he swings hard and fast above his head to try and kill and dislodge the creature, as the green flame burns through the creature on my head the magical green fire jumps to the creature to his side setting it ablaze.19 slashing/fire damage to the one on my head, 7 fire damage to the one next to me

2021-03-11, 05:16 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

Lael tries to rip the darkmantle on her head apart with her big astral arms. If she manages to do so, she begins attacking the ones on other people's heads too.

Attacks and 1 ki point for Flurry of Blows.

Attack 1: [roll0]
advantage: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
if crit: [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4]
advantage: [roll5]
damage: [roll6]
if crit: [roll7]

Attack 3: [roll8]
advantage: [roll9]
damage: [roll10]
if crit: [roll11]

Attack 4: [roll12]
advantage: [roll13]
damage: [roll14]
if crit: [roll15]

2021-03-13, 02:01 PM
Thraseous swings twice with his scimitar slicing at the dark mantle. The fire drake above infuses his first attack with fire.

2021-03-13, 05:52 PM
1# Took 19 damage, attacks [roll0]+5, damage [roll1]+3, if crit [roll2]
2# Took 7 damage, attacks [roll3]+5, damage [roll4]+3, if crit [roll5]

3# Took 25 damage, dies
4# attacks [roll6]+5, damage [roll7]+3, if crit [roll8]

5# Took 26 damage, dies
6# took 12 damage, attacks [roll9]+5, damage [roll10]+3, if crit [roll11]

7# attacks [roll12]+5, damage [roll13]+3, if crit [roll14]
8# Took 15 damage, attacks [roll15]+5, damage [roll16]+3, if crit [roll17]

Thraseous and Lael managed to dispatch the two creatures clinging to their faces with a quick series of strikes, while Jim and Grim did not quite manage to kill their opponents, even as the pressure on their heads increased.
The remaining creatures continued their onslaught, their slimy, leathery skin rubbing disgustingly across any bit of exposed flesh they could find.

2021-03-14, 01:17 AM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

"Hold on!" Lael calls to the others as she slams her fists into more of the darkmantles, trying to at least free her companions still struggling for air.

Attacking those on people's heads if they're within 10 feet. Otherwise whichever ones are closest to her if any are preventing her from moving without provoking opportunity attacks. Moving as needed.
(I'm also fine going last in the round so I don't mess up anyone else's advantage attacks.)

Attacks and 1 ki point for Flurry of Blows.

Attack 1: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
if crit: [roll5]

Attack 3: [roll6]
damage: [roll7]
if crit: [roll8]

Attack 4: [roll9]
damage: [roll10]
if crit: [roll11]

2021-03-14, 10:02 AM
As the beast struggles to stay on his head, Grim’s ocular receptacles burn in the darkness covering his head. His scythe burns bright green once again as he lashes out at the darkness that covers him, the green flame burns so brightly that it sets the one beside him on fire as they shriek in pain, the one falling dead off his head and landing at Grim’s feet.

Damage to one on my head 17
Damage to one next to me 11

Finally able to see he looks around to asses the situation with the rest of his fellow adventurers.

2021-03-15, 02:53 PM
(Darkmantles have 22 hp, so the 16-in-total I did last round, plus the 7 I did with my first attack, would be enough to kill it even if they were at full HP when this started.)

Jim slices through the one that had attached itself to his face, and turns to the second. He slices a decent gash through its leathery hide.

First attack roll: The better of 10 and 24.
First damage roll: 7

Second attack roll: 13
Second damage roll: 6

2021-03-16, 01:37 PM
Update while we wait for gryffydd65:

1# Took 36, dies
2# Took 18 damage, still alive + 11 from Lael, dies

4# took 25 (according to Discord post, but I'm not entirely sure what the drake attacked)

6# took 29, dies

7# Took 6 damage, still alive + 8 from Lael, 14 total
8# Took 22, dies

In total only #7 is still alive, so I'm going ahead and rolling one attack and afterwards we can expect you to have killed them all.

7# attacks [roll0]+5, damage [roll1]+3, if crit [roll2]

A few seconds more of mayham found the team free off the aberations. Slowly, the jungle noises became louder again. A few scratches and the disgusting, lingering feeling of the creatures' skin was all the team had to show for their efforts - that and a pile of dead Darkmantles. The spot seemed to be save enough for the moment, but time was moving on and they didn't know how long it would still take to reach the glas factory, making taking a rest not automatically a good idea...

2021-03-18, 01:43 PM
Thraseous took the lead once more and with a fire drake just ten feet in front of him flying just above the ground.

2021-03-18, 01:57 PM
The team made their way through another thicket when the thick jungle cleared quite abruptly and gave way to a gleaming white sandy beach. Across it and about 600ft away a building made from the obsidian like material was visible.
A large double portal as well as a smaller, man sized door could be seen. About half of the building was surrounded by the beach, while the rest had been swallowed by the jungle. It looked almost as if beach and jungle were at war with each other, trying to claim territory but having arrived at a stalemate. According to the map, this had to be the factory.

2021-03-18, 04:24 PM
Jim noticed a slight depression in the ground, as if sand had been disturbed not long ago there. Looking further he could see that there were quite a lot of those around, but none closer than about five foot.

2021-03-18, 11:26 PM
"... I see depressions in the ground, as if the sand has been disturbed recently. I'm afraid that means there's Kungian Barking Clams under the sand."

"Uh... does anyone know enough about clams to know for sure whether or not the clams necessarily make those depressions? Because, if there are no clams anywhere those depressions aren't, we might just try not stepping on the depressions."

2021-03-19, 12:35 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

Lael studies the depressions for a while and thinks hard about the exploding clams and comes to several, what she feels like, are good estimations for how they work. Then she says, "Let's see if this works. Please let me know if you spot any I've missed." and begins launching her astral fists at the clams to set them off and hopefully shove them a bit before they explode so their cone of explosion and shrapnel points away from the group.

Casting force bolt at all the clams she's aware of/others point out to her in a larger than necessary path to the smaller door.

2021-03-19, 04:31 PM
It took a while to actually hit the hidden shells, but when Lael finally did, a loud bang and a fine shower of sand errupted. A moment later the shell fragments rained down. All the fragments looked like miniature clams themselves - fractales that in time could grow into their own explosive shell.
Exploding the shells at distance was slow and painstakingly so that the sun had already passed its zenit by over two hours before they reached the small door.
It was made from a dull, silver grey metal that showed no signs of rust. An integrated lock showed only a keyhole and a handle to open the door.

The door is locked and there is a lightning trap inside the keyhole

Thieves tools DC 16 to disarm
[roll0] lightning damage in a cone
DC 16 Dex save for half damage

DC 16 to unlock

2021-03-19, 05:17 PM
Jim spent the entire time watching the jungle, hoping he doesn't have to deal with anything unpleasant coming to investigate.

When the explosions stopped, he breathed a sigh of relief and stands up, grateful for the rest. (OOC: Jim spends one Hit Dice to regain 4 HP.)

He walks up to the door. "If I know anything about scary wizards with bomb clams..."

Jim eyes the door warily. "Yeah. There's a trap. I think I can disarm it without us getting hurt. Is anyone else more confident?"

2021-03-20, 09:19 PM
Grim follows to the door and zooms in with his optics on the door.
“I can assist you with this and I think between the 2 of us we have an 87% chance of opening this door without setting off the trap.”
“Everyone else might want to stand back just in case”

2021-03-21, 04:42 PM
Thraseous stands off to the side as the experts check out the trap. He keeps a careful eye out for danger.

2021-03-21, 05:42 PM
Jim and Grim get started on the trap, and manage to disarm it.

"I'm not sure I could have done that without your help. Thanks. Now the lock..."

A pin breaks off in the lock as they're working. "Uh... Okay... what's Plan B?"

He stands back and looks for another way in.

2021-03-22, 05:52 AM
The door looked stury, but with some time and a lot of raw violence, it likely would be possible to break it down.
Alternatively there was the large portal to try - and of course scaling the building and looking for an entrance through the roof was also viable.
More option were also possibly to be found on the sides of the building that were still obscured by foliage.

2021-03-22, 01:34 PM
Looking around at our options,
"Breaking this door down will take time and be very loud, drawing a lot of unwanted attention. I do not trust that large door, there are only a few things I can theorize that would need a door that large. Jim and Thraseous do you want to check along the jungle side of the building, and Lael would you like to accompany me up to the roof? I can either jump up and throw you a rope or i might just be able to carry you up as I jump."

2021-03-22, 01:36 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

Lael nods and replies, "I agree. The big door makes me a bit nervous. A rope is fine, I wouldn't want to mess up your balance."

2021-03-22, 02:33 PM
Thraseous pulls out his scimitar and gets his shield ready. The fire drake having disappeared back to its realm. Okay we will start going around the building.

2021-03-22, 03:04 PM
Those moving around the factory one Perception DC 16 test

Climbing the rope up is a DC 14 Athletics with advantage

While Grim jumped effortless onto the roof, climbing - even with a knotted rope - was a strenous activity.

Meanwhile Jim and Thraseous went into the foliage, following the smooth walls. Immediately it became cooler and a lot darker...

2021-03-22, 07:55 PM
After leaping straight up on the roof Grim pulls out his rope and throws it down to Lael. As he holds the rope he looks around to start assessing entry options (perception 9 )

2021-03-22, 11:55 PM
"I'll feel bad if they went to all that effort, and it turns out there's a better entrance down here..."

[roll0] for Perception.

2021-03-23, 12:20 AM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

With the help of the rope, Lael practically walks up the wall. Seeing Grim look around, she does as well.

Perception: [roll0]
if I can do Investigation instead add 7 to the above roll.

2021-03-23, 10:39 AM
Jim and Thraseous moved slowly through the crunching undergrowth. Something about the ground felt funny, but before either of the two could articulate what it was, the ground started to boil and a swarm of tiny creatures - half mole, half shark - erupted around them.

You stumbled into a Land Piranha hive

Large swarm of tiny beasts
AC 16
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned

Blood Frenzy. The swarm has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points.
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and it can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny creature. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.

Swarm [roll0]
Jim [roll1]
Thraseous [roll2]
Lael [roll3]
Grim [roll4]

On the roof, Lael and Grim noticed the surprisingly, super clean slates of obsidian - as well as the large, 45 degree glas panes in the middle of the rectanglular building.

The noise from Jim and Thraseous was about 40 ft away from them, hidden beneath vegetation.

2021-03-23, 11:17 AM
Grim runs over to the edge of the roof in the direction of all the commotion below. Unable to see Jim and Thraseous he throws the rope down into the jungle hoping it is near them, and holds on tight ready to try and lift them up.
He also uses prestidigitation to conjure the smell of fresh meat 10 feet out into the jungle, to try and distract whatever they had stirred up.

2021-03-23, 12:24 PM
Thraseous summons a red drake hoping that these things would be susceptible to fire damage. He orders it to attack.

2021-03-23, 12:58 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

"You guys should get up here away from the land piranhas, we have an entrance!" Lael calls down to the other two. Then noticing Grim's illusion she send a flying fist to pound the ground near where he made his illusion, to hopefully make it seem more real and more appealing to the toothy swarm.

2021-03-25, 05:57 AM
"Uh... thanks! Good idea!"

Jim dashes over to the rope, hoping to get up it quickly enough that Thraesous can follow in short order... but he can't push himself hard enough to make any real headway.

"Uh... crap?"

2021-03-25, 06:45 AM
The diversion seemed to work - at least in part.
Half the swarm surged away from the two party members and congregated on the ground where the meat smell as well as the force projectiles had hit.

That still left a sizeable part of the swarm that now wanted to find out how Thraseous tasted.

Swarm attack on Thraseous, but with reduced damage as the swarm is currently at half force.
Advantage due to Blood Frenzy against opponents that aren't at full hitpoints.

[roll0]/[roll1]+8, damage [roll2], if crit [roll3]

New round, post what you want to do.

But for now they pinged off the thick armor of the ranger.

2021-03-25, 09:58 AM
Grim plants his feet on the roof to attempt to pull Jim up, (athletics 6, boo) but with the extra weight of the swarm of creatures doesn't manage to bring him up on his own. He stands firm with the rope so hopefully they can both make it up quickly.

2021-03-27, 06:30 PM
Jim takes a deep breath and forces himself to keep climbing. He makes it to the top and turns around.

"Thraesous! I'm clear! Get out of there!"

2021-03-28, 05:09 AM
Jim reached the roof without incident while Thraseous' Drake began to attack the swarm. Thraseous meanwhile fled across the jungle along the wall until he reached the rope to climb up and join the others on the roof.
The swarm surged for a moment but then concentrated on the Drake.

Swarm merges again and attacks the drake:
[roll0]+8, damage [roll1], if crit [roll2]

2021-03-28, 01:04 PM
(In Draconic) "Your Master is safe Noble Drake, Take flight and join us up here"
Grim rolls the rope back up and stows it after Thraseous and Jim are both safe on the roof.

2021-03-28, 03:30 PM
Thraseous in draconic Thank you brother come join us safely on the roof. he turns to his comrades Thank you as well

2021-03-28, 04:06 PM
Now that the whole team was on the roof, they all saw the row of windows that looked a bit like the teeth of a saw. Moving close to them, a large hall was visible with various apparatus in long arrays. This had to be the shop floor of the glas factory.
Though the glas was clear it was hard to make out details below with the suns glare reflecting of the glas. But as far as the team could make out, there was no movement on the ground 15ft. below.

There were panes that had a mechanism to pivot them open at their center. Either finesse or brute force likely would work to open one of them - the former more complicated but ultimately a lot less prone to draw attention.

Thieves' Tools DC 15 to open the panes without destroying anything

DC 10 strength test to force one open

2021-03-28, 04:59 PM
"The loud way's probably easier... but I'd rather try it the quiet way, and call smashing it Plan B. Grim, you ready?"

2021-03-28, 07:12 PM
“I concur, the quiet over the loud, unless the later becomes necessary. I am ready to assist when you are ready.”

2021-03-28, 07:36 PM
"Good to hear. Let's see what we can do..."

Jim pulls out his Thieves Tools, waits for Grim to get his out if he hasn't already, and goes to work.


Edit: Yup, we're in.

2021-03-29, 10:52 AM
The old mechanism was - as most other things on this island - in surprisingly good repair. With only a little bit of grinding, the window opened up.
The smell from below was dusty with a hint of decay. Below, polished tiles gleamed while workbenches were covered with dusty papers, discarded tools and, in some cases, broken glass ware. There was no sound to be heard from below.

2021-03-29, 05:04 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

After looking through the window for any dangers for a minute or so, Lael tosses the rope into the room and climbs down and begins looking around from inside.

2021-03-30, 11:51 AM
Lael found herself in a spacious hall - about 60ft x 90ft - with four doors to the south and three gates to the east. To the north a massive vault door loomed. To the west was the outside wall they had climbed.
Row upon row, the room was filled with workbenches, stocked with various fine tools. The southern section was apparently dedicated to lens crafting with grinders and polishing maschines, while the northern part was dedicated to production with large kilns, stocks of various kinds of sand as well as forms and tools for glas blowing.

One door to the south and one gate to the east stood open.

Away from the jungle above, inside this place an eerie silence prevailed.

2021-03-30, 01:16 PM
Grim climbs down after Lael and takes a look around. He wonders to himself that there must be something more to this room. (Casts detect magic) Focusing within he channels magical energy inward and his eyes flash white, Grim then paces around the room to see what arcane traces might be left by the mad wizards machinations.

2021-03-30, 03:48 PM
Thraseous climbs down the rope and starts to help with the search.

2021-03-30, 04:09 PM
Three sources of magic are immediately apparent:

The vault door has several thick strands of magic flowing over and through the construction. [Arcana DC 16]
The kilns also have magic auras, although severely subdued, almost dormant [Arcana DC 10]

Finally, there appears to be an invisible sphere hanging under the ceiling that pulses steadily with a low, but clearly perceptible kind of magic [Arcana DC 12]

2021-03-30, 05:26 PM
Grim roams about the room eyes still white pointing out sources of magic as they are found. Once he has scanned the entire room he focuses on the three points unable to ascertain the nature of the magic. Frustrated “someone try to check these out, something is interfering with my understanding of their nature” he is uncomfortable with this “feeling”

2021-03-30, 06:10 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

Lael gets Grim to describe what he's sensing in more detail and tries to puzzle them out.

Arcana for vault door: [roll0]

Arcana for kilns: [roll1]

Arcana for sphere: [roll2]

After thinking about it for a bit Lael says, "I believe the vault door is warded somehow. It would be really hard to break or force open I think. The kiln is just very fireproof, I guess the glass making they did here requires a lot of heat. The other thing" she says without looking at it, "is a sensor for a scrying spell of some kind. So someone or something can see us. Or maybe hear? Or both." then she shrugs. "Unless someone has some very powerful dispelling magic they can do, not much we can do about it aside from leave the room."

2021-03-31, 02:15 AM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 66/68

Jim climbs down after the other two and looks around. He listens as Lael explains they're being spied on. "Uh..." he says quietly. "Is there any way to guess who's spying on us? Could it be a rival adventuring party? Or some wizard who's descended from one of Kung's apprentices?"

"Oh, hey... is it possible to tell if the probe's pointing at anything in particular? Could it specifically be watching the Vault Door?"

2021-03-31, 03:31 AM
From its position, the party was able to infer that the sensor was able to supervise the whole room - and likely a permanent installation as the magic showed to be self sustaining.

2021-03-31, 01:19 PM
"let us hope that no one is actively monitoring. We need to find a way into that vault, but I cannot dispel magic only detect its presence." As he is moving around thinking and inspecting, Grim pockets some of the fine tools into his bag.

He then walks over to the open door to the south to investigate(5) (&perception 1(not natural))

"This door seems to be clear and safe, I don't detect anything in the area."

2021-04-05, 11:52 AM
Beyond the open door to the south Grim found a short corridor that led to a door with an ornate plaque. In the old language there stood "Master's Post".
The door to that room was also slightly ajar and revealed an office: 20x30 ft with the smaller side facing towards the shop floor. In it a row of steel cabinets filled one whole side. In the middle and towards the other side of the room, a large desk dominated the floor. The desk was empty aside from a large 2x3 ft tall mirror. to it's left and right life like statues of humanoid flames made from finest marble stood.
A second door to the east sat closed. A single, everburning light hovered beneath the ceiling. It was very dusty and appereared to not have been disturbed in a very long time.

2021-04-05, 12:08 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

Having followed Grim, Lael considers the statues and mirror and says to the others, "I think there's a good chance those statues are going to come to life and attack us if we go in there. But there might be something important to find too. The room is labeled 'Master's Post' and all."

2021-04-05, 01:15 PM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 66/68

Jim follows Grim and Lael, and takes a look at the office for himself. "The statues... might move? Are you basing that on anything you can see, or just on Kung's reputation as someone who doesn't care what is and isn't possible?"

"And... do either of you know what the mirrors might do? (If there's any magic in them at all, and Kung didn't just use them to check his hair?)"

2021-04-05, 01:30 PM
After Grim scans the room, from the door way, for magic as he did before, he is getting a strong feeling that he fully understands the nature of the magic from the light(16) and the statues(20), but is unsure about the mirror(9). He does not seem to notice any physical traps (6).

2021-04-05, 01:46 PM
The light was quite obviously a simple evocation effect. The interesting thing was that apparently it could be turned off and on through some kind of trigger.
The two statues took a bit longer to analyse, but afterwards Grim was quite certain that they were a kind of defense system. Not a trap per se, but they contained powerful evocation magic as well that could be directed outward. There was no obvious trigger though beyond a thin stand of magic, connecting it to the mirror.

The mirror itself was a confusing mess of dozens of strands of energy. The only thing Grim could determine was that there was strong divination magic in there.

2021-04-05, 01:51 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

Considering the magic of the items, Lael realizes the mirror is the controlling mechanism and tries, "Mirror, disarm the traps."

2021-04-05, 01:58 PM
The mirror replied in the monotone voice of a construct: "Command not recognized. Please restate. Here is a list of valid first level commands:
-Factory Status
-Defense Status
-Access Status
-Report Status

Please choose."

2021-04-05, 02:01 PM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 66/68

Jim raises his eyebrows and turns to Lael. "Uh... okay, this is weird. Um... I think we want the second one?"

2021-04-05, 02:51 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

Lael's eyes go wide. This is some really involved magic for sure, so exciting! Exactly the kind of thing she'd hoped to find! Then she registered she'd been spoken to, "Y-yeah! Um.... Defense Status!" she calls out.

2021-04-05, 03:09 PM
The mirror replied:

"Defense Status: Active. Doors locked. Guardians active. Active Lifeforms five.
You are not authorized to change the defense status of the facility without a badge of authority. Please present your badge of authority."
The mirror showed a gleaming little golden shield with two crossed swords embossed on it, slowly turning in place.

2021-04-05, 03:14 PM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 66/68


Jim looks around. "I wonder if we can find one lying around somewhere? Actually, maybe whoever was supposed to control those had one in the office we could use?"

[roll0] for Perception to see if that's the case.

2021-04-05, 03:18 PM
The desk certainly had three drawers but those were locked - and no-one had left a golden little shield lying around.

2021-04-05, 03:36 PM
putting up a finger to the group, Grim uses minor illusion to recreate the the badge, and aims its image at the mirror.

2021-04-05, 04:00 PM
The mirror was utterly unimpressed by the illusion:
"This is not a recognized badge of authority. Please present your badge of authority."
To the groups relieve, the mirror did not seem to be offended - or have any emotions at all - at this attempt of trickery.

2021-04-05, 04:12 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

Lael decides to quickly change the subject in case no presenting a badge eventually will cause problems, "Factory Status."

2021-04-05, 04:24 PM
"Factory Status: Lava flow is off. Kiln 1, 2 and 3 are not operational. Heat vents are operational and active. Production is on standby since 200 years, 10 days, 6 hours, 21 minutes, 36 seconds. Raw material caches are low. Request to central authority for refill has been submitted 200 years, 10 days, 6 hours, 3 minutes, 6 seconds ago. Reply is pending. Teleportation circles are operational but inactive. Vault is closed and locked. Inventory available only with recognized badge of authority.
Do you want to change elements of the status quo?"

The mirror replied instantly.

2021-04-05, 05:41 PM
Thraseous stood behind these three, his mouth opened with out a sound. He was speechless Who would pick defense mode he thought to himself and immediately withdrew his scimitar and hefted his shield into a defensive position.

2021-04-05, 05:44 PM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 66/68

"So... a thought occurs."

"Anything really useful we can do with that mirror, we'd probably need a badge of authority for."

He turns to Grim. "A real one, unfortunately. Although that was a clever move."

He turns back to address the group as a whole. "I'm not sure I want to take a look through those drawers to find one; the statues might animate themselves and attack, if we entered the office without disabling them. Maybe we should search the rest of the factory, and see if we can find one?"

2021-04-05, 06:04 PM
“It was worth a try, I concur let us explore and come back, that mirror could be our key to everything in the factory. Let us check the other statuses before we keep exploring.”
“Access status”

2021-04-06, 03:51 AM
The mirror promptly replied: "Main entrance is locked. Harbor hatch is locked. Vault door is locked. Armory door is closed but unlocked. Well access is open. Skylight is open. Teleportation bay access is locked.
Do you want to change the status quo? Please present your badge of authority to proceed."

2021-04-06, 12:07 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

"That just leaves..... Report Status." Lael says to the mirror.

2021-04-06, 12:33 PM
The mirror took a moment longer before it answered: "Last report was sent 200 years, 10 days, 6 hours, 22 minutes, 18 seconds ago.
Suddenly, the face of a halfling with a magificent mustach appeared inside the mirror and spoke: "This is getting out of hand. I'm shutting down the factory and evacuating. We've made a big mistake, but I was able to seal everything in the vault. I'll go out and get help. I should be back soon. The constructs can contain the situation until then."
The face vanished and the mirror continued
"One other current report available. Divination only."
The mirror turned to a view of the factory floor from a position that corresponded with the sensor the team had noticed earlier. The room was filled with smoke or mist. Suddenly, a group of six people came into view, running towards the open vault. No details could be made out, but as soon as the last person had entered, the heavy door dropped from above, sealing it.

2021-04-06, 12:56 PM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 66/68

"I see. And since whatever they sealed in the vault is probably some sort of magical-industrial-accident, there's very little chance it's died of old age since then. So... we'll want to be ready for a fight when we open the vault."

He turns to Grim. "It works out pretty well that we're the ones opening the doors, since we're also pretty good at taking hits. We'll want to have our weapons already out before we start on the door, and then pick them up the second the lock's open."

"Of course, this assumes we actually open the vault door ourselves. We might not have to, if we can find a badge elsewhere in the factory."

2021-04-06, 12:59 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3
Concentration: --

"Seeing how it sealed them in, we also might want to devise a way of preventing the same happening to us." Lael adds.

2021-04-06, 04:23 PM
Thraseous looks in the workshop for something that could be used as a wedge to keep the vault open .

2021-04-07, 03:08 AM
There are several tools, made of steel, but it's rather dubious if they could stop a door several tons worth from slamming shut.

While Thraseous looked, he felt an odd prickling in his neck.

There! Barely visible in the half shadowed portal, a large mass moved slowly across the floor, leaving it gleaming. Thraseous recognized it at once as an ooze, the infamous gelatinous cube. And this was a particularly big and hungry specimen.

2021-04-07, 07:44 AM
You detected it early enough so it's 30ft away from you.
Ini Cube: [roll0]

Ini: Thraseous: [roll1]
Ini: Lael: [roll2]
Ini: Grim: [roll3]
Ini: Jim: [roll4]

2021-04-07, 03:09 PM
Hey we have a gelatinous cube here. Might need some help. Thraseous says looking at the slow moving cube.

2021-04-08, 12:47 PM
The cube wobbled closer, but not before receiving a red hot javelin in the center. The weapon started to dissolve, but some of the liquid inside the cube had blackened.

2021-04-08, 01:58 PM
Grim moved in the direction of his ally and the cube, getting close enough to have line of sight. His eyes flaring red 3 fiery orbs form in front of his chest and blast into the cube (23 damage total from the 3 blasts).

2021-04-09, 12:15 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3, Astral Arms (0/100)
Concentration: --

Upon seeing the gelatinous cube, certainly a monstrous encounter on her "this is a proper adventure" checklist, Lael thinks to herself "this is a job for astral punches!" and leaps into action, summoning her astral arms and swinging away with gusto. She is quite amused by the wobbly effect punching the cube produces.

Moves to 10 feet away from the cube.

1 ki point bonus action for Astral Arms. DC 16 Dex save or it takes [roll0] damage.

Attack1: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
if crit: [roll3]

Attack2: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]
if crit: [roll6]

2021-04-09, 05:20 PM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 66/68
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Concentration: Divine Favor

Jim winces when he sees the kid in the group run towards the gelatinous cube instead of away from it. He draws his sword and charges the cube, hoping to distract it from the small child.

As Jim draws his sword, he chants a short passage on betrayal. His blade starts to glow. When he reaches the cube, he slashes it twice.

First attack: 14 to hit, 7 slashing damage, 3 radiant damage, 5 fire damage
Second attack: 24 to hit, 11 slashing damage, 4 radiant damage, 6 fire damage
Total: 18 slashing damage, 7 radiant damage, 11 fire damage (36 in total)

2021-04-10, 03:29 AM
110 Damage total in the first round. Not bad. But this is no CR 2 GC...

The cube tries to engulf Jim - DC 15 Dex Save please or be restrained and suffer [roll0] acid damage

The cube was severely leaking from several tears now, although no-one would have confused the acrid smelling goo for tears. Around Jim, the cube suddenly formed a sort of cave, trying to engulf the paladin and subsequently digest him.

2021-04-10, 10:12 AM
Grim focuses a firebolt on the opposite side from where it is about to engulf his ally to try to distract it
(10 damage total)

2021-04-10, 02:58 PM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 66/68
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Concentration: Divine Favor

Jim gulps when he sees that his attempt to draw the cube's attention to himself has actually worked.

"Better me than the kid, I guess," he notes as he tries to dodge its embrace.

Dex Save: 13

2021-04-10, 03:14 PM
Jim's bravery was rewarded with a not particularly relaxing acid bath.

120 Damage
To escape you need to take an action and make a Strength DC 15 check to escape
At the Cube's turn you take [roll0] acid damage - unless your friends manage to kill it before it gets another turn.

2021-04-10, 04:59 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3, Astral Arms (1/100)
Concentration: --

"No! Bad cube!" Lael admonishes the gelatinous cube while trying to punch it to death to free her companion.

Attack1: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
if crit: [roll2]

Attack2: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]
if crit: [roll5]

1 Ki point for Flurry of Blows

Attack3: [roll6]
damage: [roll7]
if crit: [roll8]

Attack4: [roll9]
damage: [roll10]
if crit: [roll11]

2021-04-10, 10:02 PM
Thraseous invokes his hunter Mark on the foe. He threw his two javelins striking the cube twice. The drake bites at the cube striking it with infused fire.

2021-04-11, 05:04 AM
The combined efforts of the team literally split the cube in half. Acrid fluids sprayed everywhere, but Jim at least was free again.

2021-04-11, 07:17 PM
Grim runs over and helps him up out of the goo.
“Are you in possession of all of your parts in working order”
Not waiting for a response I start searching (10 investigation) the left over goo for any glassware or the metallic symbol, hoping that the ooze maybe picked either up along the way.

2021-04-11, 07:32 PM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 31/68
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 11

Jim smiles gratefully and accepts Grim's help. "I'm fine, thanks. Or... nothing's missing, anyway. I'm not at full strength..."

"Do you guys think we're safe enough resting for a few minutes? If not, I can use magic to heal myself, but... I'd rather save that for a real emergency, if we can."

Jim sees Grim looking through the dead cube, and decides to take a look for himself. (Investigation 3)

"Oh, and... thanks for the save, guys. That... really could have been messy."

2021-04-12, 10:24 AM
Sifting through the remains of the cube was both disgusting and not particularly rewarding. The only worthwile thing was a small iron ring that, on closer inspection, appeared to be magic.

Arcana check DC 15 for someone who has detect magic up

2021-04-12, 03:02 PM
Lael Liadon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2379658)
High Elf "Astrologist"
AC: 18 HP: 59/59
PP: 12 PIv: 19 PIs: 12
Conditions: Temp HP: 3, Astral Arms (1/100)
Concentration: --

Lael examines the ring for a bit and then makes a face. "It's a ring of acid resistance. I'm honestly not sure what else I should have expected."

2021-04-12, 03:41 PM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 31/68
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 11

Jim raises his eyebrows. "Well, that would have come in handy a minute ago."

He sighs. "Is it okay with everyone if I take that? And... whoever takes it, can we sit down to catch our breath while they attune to it?"

2021-04-12, 03:51 PM
"If we are to rest in this place let us move back into the hallway that leads to the office, it is less exposed and we have already checked it."

Grim starts moving that direction.

2021-04-12, 06:43 PM
Thraseous follows the others with the drake. He was down four javelins lost to the acid. But at least they were safe. He wondered if the gelatinous cube was counted when the mirror stated how many life forms there were.

2021-04-13, 03:18 AM
Jim Walker (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2386566)
Human Paladin of Treachery
AC: 16 HP: 31/68
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 11

Jim nods, grateful for the chance to rest, and to attune to his new ring. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate this."

"Hey, so... if we're going back that way anyway... should we ask the mirror how many life forms are left? I'm kind of curious whether or not that cube counted."

2021-04-13, 11:49 AM
The team secured their little camp in the short corridor leading to the office. After closing the doors and securing each with a piton, they were able to enjoy an hour of rest. The heavy walls and doors did not carry sound and so it was absolutely quiet in here - except of course for the noises Jim uttered while attuning to the newly found ring.

2021-04-16, 01:50 PM
After everyone is done getting there bearings and resting Grim opens the hallway door to go back into the large room and inspects the closed doors to the south to see if they are trapped(14).

"These don't appear to be trapped, so it looks like we have 2 options right now. Check these out or go through the gate where that thing came out of. Either way we need to find what we came here for and that Medallion so we can shut down this system"

2021-04-16, 07:08 PM
I would like to go through the open gate before trying any of these doors. Thraseous says looking at the group.