View Full Version : Bladesinger styles

2021-01-28, 05:53 PM
for a bladesinger wizard they have a style that is link to a animal, what animal do your think would fit for a gauntlet weapon, and what sort of spells should they focus on

2021-01-28, 06:08 PM
If going for an animal theme and gauntlet (so boosted unarmed-style?) combat, a bear seems like an easy comparison to imagine -- even if I expect a bear would remind you they have their jaws at some point!

2021-01-28, 06:24 PM
It depends on the type of gauntlet. A bladed or clawed gauntlet would fit into the cat style quite well, but I'm assuming you mean a blunt gauntlet. I can't think of many animals that bludgeon their enemies, but the gorilla certainly comes to mind. Primates in general seem like they would be a decent choice. Rabbits are also known to fight with their hands too, essentially getting into slap fights with other rabbits. Kangaroos fight in somewhat the same way, but obviously are better known for their powerful kicks. You might also consider an animal that headbutts such as a goat or oxen.

Not sure which spells any of these would focus on though. But I hope this helps.

2021-01-29, 12:56 AM
None. There's no such style. The character in question is the first one to fight that way. He's not just copying someone else, he's creating new, unique tradition. Whatever he comes up with, the future bladesingers will follow in his footsteps.

2021-01-29, 06:10 AM
I don't think existing styles fit the character.

But I think an original “Kangaroo Style" sounds cool.

2021-01-29, 07:40 AM
I second the Ram style mentioned above. Take spells that outside of combat make you more nimble and evasive. In combat, take spells that make you tougher, like Stoneskin, and that do force damage. Try like hell to get a Ring of the Ram to compliment your style.

2021-01-29, 12:15 PM
Your studious techniques have enabled you stumble upon a long forgotten primal stance:
Ankylosaurus style.
Your fists are like the bludgeoning tail swipe, your mage armor takes on a mystical gleam of arcane scales.
(Any chance you are a lizardperson/ yuan-ti bladesinger?)

Sorry it was either that or woodpecker style.

2021-01-29, 06:52 PM
What about monkey, ape, or even Gorilllion?

Could focus on spells that enhance athletics-and-acrobatics-linked activities, like Jump and Spider Climb.

2021-01-30, 01:55 AM
I hate that I had to squint really closely at this to see the three L's.