View Full Version : ToD and RoT

2021-01-29, 09:41 AM
So, my group is about to wrap up Tyranny of Dragons, we have like a session or two left by the DM's say. From there we may be going into Rise of Tiamat (maybe something else, unsure yet). Sadly though, I am burned the crap out on ToD's story. Is the following module any better or different? Just curious.

2021-01-29, 09:59 AM
Just checking, you mean that you're coming to the end of Hoard of the Dragon Queen? Tyranny of Dragons refers to the combined arc of the two modules.

As for the differences between them, don't expect any big sea changes. The biggest difference is in polish; when Hoard was released, 5e had barely existed a week, and it shows in a lot of encounter balancing and dubious use of skill mechanics. The few extra months that Rise of Tiamat had to marinate made it, in my opinion, a better adventure. Ultimately, however, it still feels like the same game as Hoard. A little more climactic in its story beats, perhaps, but certainly the same story.

Take the above with many grains of salt. I ran Hoard for some friends, and was contemplating running Rise, but decided against it upon reading through the book and seeing more of the same, so you may want to listen more closely to the opinion of someone who has played it.