View Full Version : Optimization Master of Disguise: Avoiding Disguise's Pitfalls

Doctor Despair
2021-01-30, 03:17 AM
So previously I'd tried to discuss an optimized disguise-based character (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?622542-Disguise-vs-Magic-Please-Help!&p=24811667&viewfull=1#post24811667), but all of the discussion was based on the notable omission of Planar Mote. As this obviates the required inclusion of Spymaster/Zhentarim Spy, I figured it was worth posting a revision.

There are a number of means to pierce a disguise (not least of which is the Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis/Urban Savant), and a few efficient means to match them:


Effects that detect type/race
Racial Emulation allows Changelings to ping as the humanoid they are emulating at the time. A very powerful, unique effect that shoehorns us into Changeling.

Effects that detect thoughts
First and easiest is to always make an effort to think in character; Persona Immersion could be helpful to that effect for the purposes of Discern Lies. Effects that detect thoughts allow for a will save, so immunity shouldn't be suspicious in this rare instance either, allowing you to think freely. A Ring of Mental Fortitude would do the trick, or taking Necropolitan (only an issue if you're spotted by an undead creature with Lifesight), or taking Willing Deformity / Deformity (Madness). Necropolitan is probably easiest and least resource-intensive.

Effects that detect casting ability
Chameleons can gain and lose arcane and divine casting as they wish each day, so they ping appropriately to effects that detect whether you are an arcane or divine caster.

Effects that detect alignment
Planar Motes are very affordable, and when bottled in a small container of quintessence, need not expire. They allow you to detect as any alignment you wish without pinging to detect magic.

Effects that detect magical auras
Don't have spells active on you, and have any magical gear concealed underneath lead-lined clothes to block line of effect. Nystul's Magic Aura can also help with items. Later on, Mind Mask allows us to detect as nonmagical despite having effects active on us at will, so we no longer have to be quite as cautious. If you desperately want to be able to have magic active on your person, you have to go into Spymaster or Zhentarim Spy without psionics.

Effects that detect vestige/incarnum/martial ability
The Chameleon floating feat can allow you to gain binding, soulmelds, or maneuvers to ping appropriately to spells and abilities that detect those abilities. They won't necessarily be at the appropriate strength, but they will ping as present.

Effects that detect ability score
Sad as it is, we'll have to apply ability damage to ourselves. This is particularly true of intelligence, as Detect Thoughts and Mindsight both show intelligence score. It'll heal back when we need it. We can always take Bind Vestige with our floating Chameleon feat the next day to heal it back.

Using an excessive amount of soap should mask your scent, and then bluff about why you're using it. Any strong scents available in-setting can be used for this purpose though.

Pump disguise, of course; wildshape and minor change shape both grant untyped bonuses to disguise, so we are at a strict advantage most of the time. An eternal wand of Guidance of the Avatar when we make up our disguise doesn't hurt either.

Discern Shapeshifter / True Seeing
Have a high enough mundane disguise that it doesn't help. Cloak of Khyber could help, but that would cause us to ping to Detect Magic and so probably isn't worth it.

Sense Heretic / Detect Taint
Actually change your alignment; that's all we can do for Sense Heretic. Cast a bunch of Evil spells, or use a helm of opposite alignment if you are a good character. Additionally, actually take on taint -- or just bluff about why you had it removed. At least taint is a variant rule, so shouldn't be a major issue.

Know Vulnerabilities / Know Greatest Enemy / Know Opponent / Power Sight / Metafaculty / Locate Creature
Hope they don't cast it. There's precious little we can do about them. Fortunately, they aren't exactly common spells for folks to prepare.

Based on this table, it seems like the strongest dedicated disguise build must include a Changeling Chameleon; we also need to be able to change size, so wildshape is an efficient option to consider. As such, this seems like a solid contender for most effective disguise-based build:

New Class Features

Humanoid Hitdie
Racial Emulation

The build starts as a Changeling with 1 Humanoid hitdie and the Racial Emulation feat. Then, upon becoming an adventurer, the Changeling exchanges the hitdie for its first class level, using Racial Emulation to qualify for the class, and using Racial Emulation to qualify for Able Learner.

Half-Elf Paragon
Racial Emulation, Able Learner
Elven vision
Racial Emulation has us count as our humanoid disguise for all purposes. Minor Shape Change grants +10 to disguise checks, and we can have 2 ranks. Add on a disguise kit for another +2, bringing us to 24 + cha when we take 10. We can afford copious amounts of soap to hide our scent, and bluff about why we smell so strongly of soap.

Wildshape Ranger

1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy, fast movement
Nothing major to note here, save that our physical combat abilities increase somewhat. We have five ranks in bluff now, giving us the +2 synergy bonus to disguise.

Wildshape Ranger
Persona Immersion

We can afford Lead-Lined (CS) Chameleoweave (MoE) Vestment of Many Styles (RoE) for 610g, so that's +3 to our disguise (net 30 + cha when taking 10). We can use Magic Aura (easily purchasable in an eternal wand for 820gp) to make it appear nonmagical if need be.

Persona Immersion gives us the ability to ping as truthful on Discern Lies, which could be notable against the paranoid.

Wildshape Ranger

Here we can apply the Ritual of Crucumigration for a further 3000g, reducing us to level 3 and swapping our first three HD for d12s. Our type changes to Undead, but we register as the humanoid we are disguised as to all effects.

The Ranger level itself grants us Endurance. As an undead creature, it's an entirely dead feat, but it is a prerequisite, so it is notable.

Wildshape Ranger
Urban Companion ACF
We trade out our animal companion for an Urban Companion here, granting us Alertness when it is within arm's reach. It's a somewhat helpful feat in general, and it offers some combat utility to help shore up our contribution to the party, but we will have to send the companion away at times for certain disguises.

Wildshape Ranger
Extra Wildshape
Wild shape, 2nd favored enemy
At last, we gain access to wildshape! At the moment, it's mainly useful for combat, but it will be more notable next level.

Master of Many Forms

Shifter's speech, improved wild shape (humanoid), wild shape +1
After much anticipation, Disguise has become a class skill! We can wildshape into small and medium humanoids, and we have 24 hours of uptime. This grants another untyped +10 to disguses, and it allows us to disguise ourselves as small humanoids, too. It is at this level that we can afford our supply of quintessence-encased planar motes, too, to disguise our alignment appropriately. This is, I think, the peak of the build.

Master of Many Forms

Improved wild shape (giant; Large), wild shape +1
Here we gain access to large forms, expanding our range of disguises as well as expanding our combat ability.

Mask of Gentility
Aptitude focus 1/day (+2)
A lot starts to happen very quickly now. We gain access to all sorts of spellcasting as well as other class features, letting us better pretend to be characters with specific class abilities. Additionally, Mask of Gentility increases the difficulty to get a "hunch" against us in a social situation.


Bonus feat!
Our bonus feat gives us a lot of versatility, and also lets us emulate certain classes for the purposes of Martial Lore/Detect Vestige/Detect Incarnum. Assume Supernatural Ability will be a frequent choice for this feat.


Mimic class feature 1/day
We hit caster level 6 (an important prerequisite), and can emulate even more class features to make an accurate disguise.

Mind Mask
We use our Chameleon floating feat to take Wild Talent to qualify for Warmind and Mind Mask, and thereafter Warmind self-qualifies us for those things. We gain some physical buffs and a 1st-level Psychic Warrior power known, but more importantly, we can now have spells active on us at will while pinging as nonmagical if we choose to. We can also suppress this power if we want to detect as magical.


Ability boon +2
Not much of note at this level; stats are always nice, and help us to fine-tune our disguises in case someone has a higher stat than us.


Aptitude focus 2/day (+4)
Not much of note at this level either; we progress our casting, and we get a little more versatility in our class-based disguises.

We take a 1-level dip into Mindbender for the purposes of accessing Mindsight. This lets us see the intelligence scores of creatures around us so that we can better emulate them; additionally, telepathy lets us communicate with any co-conspirators as needed.


Mimic class feature 2/day
This is the closest thing to a dead level we've had in a while, but we get more spellcasting.


Ability boon +4, double aptitude
Double aptitude lets us disguise as multiclass characters more easily

Perfect Reflection
Rapid refocus
At this point, true seeing may become more and more of an issue, so we need to pump our disguise as much as possible; Perfect Reflection is a good opportunity to do so.


Mimic class feature 3/day
More class features, more problems.


Ability boon +6, aptitude focus 3/day (+4)
Our caster level catches up to our HD, and we get more generic boosts.

Let me know what you think, friends, and if there's any other methods to no-sell disguise that I've overlooked! :smallsmile:

2021-01-30, 09:42 AM
The Anarchomancer PrC from Dragon #315 has one of the strongest disguise abilities in the game - after a day-long ritual, you swap out for an entirely new character 2 levels lower until you take a full-round action to dismiss it, and only a wish or miracle spell can expose your true identity. Though you retain "the memories, motivations and goals of the anarchomancer's previous life", which would need to be hidden somehow. Since it works like a cohort, you could theoretically take the Close Cohort feat to make it 1 level lower.

There's also the Humanoid Skin illithid graft from Underdark, which grants a nonmagical +10 bonus on Disguise checks. Though with the rather major downside that it's literally made from the removed skin of the person you want to disguise yourself as.

Mind Mask is a psionic feat from Secrets of Sarlona which causes you to ping as neutral, nonmagical and nonpsionic unless you choose to suppress it (with some limitations).

Doctor Despair
2021-01-30, 01:12 PM
There's also the Humanoid Skin illithid graft from Underdark, which grants a nonmagical +10 bonus on Disguise checks. Though with the rather major downside that it's literally made from the removed skin of the person you want to disguise yourself as.

Yeah... a bit of a notable restriction, haha. There's a lot of spells and items that can boost disguise that are as of yet, to be fair, bit it is an important item to note.

Mind Mask is a psionic feat from Secrets of Sarlona which causes you to ping as neutral, nonmagical and nonpsionic unless you choose to suppress it (with some limitations).

I like Mind Mask, but it requires you to be psionic to make use of it. Planar Mote can do the alignment-mode better, but the detect magic/psionics modes are a little better for hiding your own auras. What I don't like about the feat is that in order to use the detect magic mode, you have to ping as neutral to detect evil/good. If you need to ping as a non-neutral character while hiding your auras, you could be in trouble.

... on the other hand, Planar Mote overrides your alignment, so maybe we can make better use of this with a dip into a psionic class. That would let us have spells active to buff our abilities, which could be situationally useful. Master Manipulator isn't necessary, so we could tag in Mind Mask to some effect by removing Changeling Rogue and adding a level in a psionic class at level 15. It'd be sad to take an XP penalty, so we want it to be a prestige class. We can use our Chameleon floating feat to take Wild Talent to qualify for War Mind or Pyrokineticist; Pyrokineticist doesn't bestow power points though (and so can't self-qualify), so that leaves War Mind. It grants us a level 1 psionic power, too, which could be useful depending on the setting, and some physical buffs.

The Anarchomancer PrC from Dragon #315 has one of the strongest disguise abilities in the game - after a day-long ritual, you swap out for an entirely new character 2 levels lower until you take a full-round action to dismiss it, and only a wish or miracle spell can expose your true identity. Though you retain "the memories, motivations and goals of the anarchomancer's previous life", which would need to be hidden somehow. Since it works like a cohort, you could theoretically take the Close Cohort feat to make it 1 level lower.

So just for the sake of those who don't have Dragon, here is some relevant info from the class. Fluff-wise, it's based on destabilizing planar governments. It requires the ability to cast one illusion spell from 1st to 5th level, the ability to cast polymorph, 6 ranks in disguise, 6 ranks in bluff, Greater Spell Focus (Illusion) or Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment) and alignment: any chaotic.

More importantly, at level 1, it grants this ability:

By undertaking a daylong ritual known only to the anarchomancers of the Revolutionary League, the anarchomancer can transform herself into a completely different character--one with a different race, class, and even abilities the anarchomancer does not possess herself. Uisng the Ritual of the Dark Infiltrator costs 1,000gp and drains the anarchomancer of 1,000xp. The ritual takes 24 hours, during which time the anarchomancer must be undisturbed.

When the ritual is finished, the anarchomancer chooses a new form, essentially creating a second character that she'll play instead of the anarchomancer. Calculate the anarchomancer's base leadership score according to the rules for the Leadership feat in Chapter 4 of the Dungeon Master's Guide; the second character is constructed as if it were a cohort appropriate for a character with that leadership score. Don't apply any of the reputation or leader modificers (great renown, has a familiar, and so on). The second character retains the memories, motivations, and goals of the anarchomancer's previous life, but she can't cast spells or use racial abilities she doesn't possess anymore. Nothing short of a wish or miracle reveals the new character's former life as an anarchomancer. The anarchomancer gains new levels according to its character level as an anarchomancer, even if the second character is lower level.

As a full-round action, the anarchomancer can return to her original character, shedding the original body in a burst of eldritch power.

It's definitely a strong ability, but I have reservations about including it in an optimized disguise build.

It may be considered in poor taste as Dragon material
It may be considered in poor taste along with Leadership and other Leadership clones (see how Thrallherd's class features are treated in build competitions)
The feat prerequisites will weaken the build at earlier levels.
You construct the character as if it were a cohort, and that means you can only determine race, class, and alignment, but not feats, which could be a major problem for bypassing disguises
While there's nothing precluding the second character from looking identical to a person you're trying to be disguised as, it actually doesn't say you can do that, so it would be up to DM fiat if you just had random features, looked mostly the same, or looked like an average member of the race

As such, while it's definitely worthy of mention, I'm not certain it's worthy of inclusion.

2021-01-30, 02:14 PM
This might have something that helps


Doctor Despair
2021-01-30, 03:43 PM
This might have something that helps


Your skill guides are always a valued resource. The Disguise and Listen ones have been particularly helpful for recent projects. :smallsmile: