View Full Version : Pathfinder Tempus, A Time based Mythos Class

2021-01-31, 05:16 PM
A work of Mythos. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?517754-Mythos-Compendium-2-0)


"Unto you is charged the great task of keeping the purity of time. Know that there is only one true timeline, though there are those who would have it otherwise. You must protect it." ~Aman'Thul

The Tempus

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Intelligence Modifier
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Heal, Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, Survival, Use Magic Device
Proficiencies: Tempii are proficient with all simple weapons and may select one weapon group as the Fighter Ability weapon training to be proficient in, as well as light armors

1st+1+2+2+2The Temporal's Mythos, Mythos Known, Exceptional Mythos, Tempus Excellence, Draw Esscense+2+1
7th+7/+2+5+5+5Fantastic Mythos+1+1
13th+13/+8/+3+8+8+8Legendary Mythos+1+1
19th+19/+14/+9/+4+11+11+11Exalted Mythos+1+1

The Temporal Mythos: A Tempus's power is expressed in terms of one or more "Mythos", the building blocks of the legend that they are, and the stories that they have told and will tell. While any given Mythos varies from the rest, they share some similar traits. They are always Extraordinary abilities, and when they reference a difficulty class for an imposed saving throw, that saving throw is always calculated as (10 + 1/2 class level + Intelligence modifier, unless otherwise stated). When a Mythos references a "level" that is not clearly defined in some other way, such as "character level", it refers to "class level" as in the number of levels one has in the Tempus class. When a Mythos grants a feat as a bonus feat, it is regardless of whether the character meets the prerequisites for that feat (unless otherwise stated), and if the character already possesses that feat (in some permanent fashion - via the normal allotment gained by leveling up, or through another Mythos, and so on, but not those gained temporarily, such as via a "Heroics" spell), they must replace the prior instance of that feat with another feat that they qualify for. When a Mythos refers to a "weapon" being wielded by the Tempus, unless otherwise noted, it does not apply to unarmed attacks, natural weapons, or improvised weapons. Mythos referencing spell effects always use their levels as caster level, and spell effects produced by Tempus are Extraordinary unless specified

Some Mythos, in addition to their initial stated effect, have Basic and Advanced manifestations. When a Tempus gains access to a Mythos with a list of Basic manifestations, they may choose one such manifestation, and they gain that benefit immediately as well. This choice may not be changed later. When a Tempus gains access to a Mythos with a list of Advanced manifestations, they may choose one such manifestation, and they gain that benefit upon achieving their next level of Tempus. This choice may be changed at any point before receiving the chosen manifestation itself, but not after (choosing beforehand is just an easy way to mark it down on your character sheet so you don't forget that you'll be getting something later).

Mythos Known: A 1st level Tempus begins play with two Exceptional Mythos that he qualifies for if this is his first level in a PC character class. At higher levels, he gains additional Mythos as noted on the Tempus class table.

For characters that multiclass into Tempus after having taken levels in another PC character class, the 1st level of Tempus grants only a single Exceptional Mythos, rather than two.

A Tempus also has the ability to learn more Mythos, above the ones automatically allotted to him by leveling up. By siphoning off the essence of the value Currency has into the lines of time, they in turn receive experiences that grant a higher rate of mastery. The gold piece value of any siphoned wealth is recouped by the Tempus as an equal number of Mythos Points. If the Tempus should retain a time related artifact for at least one week, they may absorb the item into the nascent timestream within them-self, this irrevocably destroys the object, as long as the Tempus lives; granting them the function of the artifact as a custom Mythos and another Mythos to a maximum of one tier above what they qualify

By spending 1,000 Mythos Points, and 250xp, he may learn an Exceptional Mythos. A Fantastic Mythos requires 5,000 Mythos Points and 500xp. A Legendary Mythos takes 10,000 Mythos Points, and 1,000xp. And an Exalted Mythos takes 20,000 Mythos Points and 2,000xp.

For half the listed price for a given Tier, a Tempus may learn a Basic or Advanced manifestation of a Mythos they already know of that Tier.

Learning Mythos above the standard amount requires astounding, nearly single-minded devotion to the story of the Tempus. One may only utilize this ability while more than half of his effective character level (ECL) is devoted to levels in the Bellator class.

Tempii Excellence: As denoted on their class table, a Tempus gains a certain number of abilities known as "Excellencies". These tend to be more general, generic, and passive than a Mythos, but are useful nonetheless, and are drawn from their own separate list, unsegregated by Tiers. Like a Mythos, a Tempus may learn more Excellencies above their allotted amount. Each one costs 1,000 Mythos Points and 100xp, plus an additional 1,000 Mythos Points and 100xp for each time a new Excellency is innovated beyond the first. (So, 2,000mp and 200xp for the second, 3,000mp and 300xp for the third, etc.)

Draw Essence: Tempii can pull knowledge and power from their potential futures, increasing what they have access to in the present. This ability allows you to raise one of your effective class levels by one in relation to one feature of that class. This may be spellcasting, Base Attack Bonus, one of the save categories, skill points, or any unique feature of that class. At the first level of Tempus, you choose what class to apply this ability to, and what feature it applies to. You may change what this ability applies to at every level of Tempus after first.
Additionally, single-minded devotion to the timeline allows you to draw more than one stream of the future into yourself. At level 20, you gain an additional action each round. This may be any type of action, and you choose which at the start of your turn.

2021-01-31, 05:17 PM
Exceptional Mythos

Shrewd Brilliance
Prerequisite: -

The timestream is inherently mystifying and none stare deeper into it than the Tempii. From this overzealous gazing into the unknowable, their minds are permanently expanded into the fourth dimension.

You gain a +2 untyped bonus to your Intelligence score.

Predicted Attack: You may use Intelligence instead of Dexterity for your Armor Class.
Technobabble : You may use Intelligence instead of Charisma for Bluff and Diplomacy.
Secure in Science : Gain Defense against the Supernatural (ToM) as a bonus feat.

Mind Castle: Whenever you are subject to an attack that reads your surface thoughts or attempts to influence your mind, the attacker must make a Will Save. On failure, the effect fails and they suffer damage equal to the Tempus' level multiplied by their Intelligence score.
Robotic Adept Gain Technologist (PCS: TG) and Construct Lock (RoE) as bonus feats.
Planned Slip: Whenever negotiation fails and an enemy drops to hostile, you and any allies may immediately flee at run speed. None of you provoke attacks of opportunity until the end of the next round.

Unified Construction
Prerequisite: -

Through the medium of the timestream, you have learned ancient or currently uninvented methodologies. Among these, you have the realization that, at some point in their timelines, whether that's in the past or in the future, every single thing has been connected to every other thing in some way, shape, or form.

You gain access to a new skill; Omnicraft (Int.) Any time you choose, or would be required, to make a Craft check of any variety, you may instead make the check using Omnicraft. In addition, you gain Technologist (PCS: TG) as a bonus feat.

Next Diagram: Utilizing advanced techniques you may reduce crafting time by 25%; however, characters without the Technologist (PCS: TG) feat treat these items as if they had the Broken condition.
Technical Knock: You may remove the Broken condition from items as a swift action.
Efficient Design: After constructing an item with Craft, you may spend additional weeks increasing efficiency as a final part of the crafting process; for every week spent you may recoup level% as scrap. Scrap may be used as a currency substitute for crafting. You cannot gain more from this than the item cost to make.

Century Centurion
Prerequisite: -

Though war does not change, the means to conduct it have come quite a distance.

You gain an Arc Pistol, Arc Rifle or Light Machine Gun. Regardless of where it came from, it's battered, and only you know how to use it properly. All other creatures treat the gun as if it had the Broken condition. If the weapon already has the Broken condition, it does not work at all for anyone else trying to use it. This weapon can only be sold for scrap (4d10gp.) In addition, you gain Gunsmithing (PRG: UC) as a bonus feat and gain proficiency with any item you make, or that you obtain through class features.

Undercharge: You may alter a firearm as a free action, so that the next shot made with it does not use any ammunition. However, doing so reduces the damage of the shot by (10-Intmod.)
Overcharge: You may alter a firearm as a free action, so that the next shot made with it uses twice as much ammunition, but adds your Intelligence Modifier to damage. This may not be used in conjunction with Undercharge.
Martial Arts: There are Tempii who believe that even with all the future can offer them, skill with your body cannot be ignored. Gain unarmed damage and proficiency equal to a monk of your level.

Optimized Req; Overcharged/Undercharged and one Fantastic Mythos:
You may optimize any ranged weapon with an hour's dedication; optimized weapons have their damage type changed to Force and never run out of ammo. In addition, add your Intelligence Modifier to the weapon's damage.
An optimized weapon cannot be under/overcharged and any further modification requires you to be present, or they will lose all benefits of Optimized.
Modern Warfare: Your class HD becomes d10. This applies retroactively. In addition, you gain martial weapon proficiency.

Second's Best
Prerequisite: -

Knowledge and power are easy enough to obtain, for a Tempus; the experiences of the greatest figures this world, or any other, have known are a glance through the timestream away. But one thing you'll have to learn for yourself is how to apply that knowledge. How to act under pressure, without collapsing under the strain or panicking.

You may take 10 on any skill even if threatened. Furthermore, you may reduce the time to Take 20 by half.

Haste: You may cast Haste at will, with the range altered to touch.
Slow: You may cast Slow at will, with the range altered to touch.
Retcon: As long as you were capable of purchasing an item within a number of days equal to your Intelligence Modifier, you may expend resources normally and purchase it as a Swift Action.

Quicken Time
Prerequisite: -

If you can age slowly, then you can age quickly. The more you become acquainted with the timestream, the more you realize that the regular flow of time is more of a light suggestion.

With a touch, you may cause a creature's body to heal as if it had slept for eight hours, and force them to gain the Fatigued condition. An unwilling target can avoid the entirety of this effect with a Reflex Save.

Vitalize: You may cast Cure Light Wounds at will. You may take this multiple times; for each time, move the effect up one step on the following chart. Light, Moderate, Serious, Critical, Breath of Life, Heal.
Speed Condition: With a touch attack you may cause any creature suffering from poison, a disease, or a bleed effect to suffer the condition again or cause delayed damage to immediately undelay the damage.
Tire: As a touch attack with a range of 60 feet, you may make someone Fatigued. Will Save negates.
Liven: You gain Fast Healing 1.

Solidified Time
Prerequisite: -

Separation is an inconvenience for those unaware of the inherent mutability of the timestream.

At a touch, you may displace any object lighter than a light load for you from the timestream by tying it to your own. Displaced objects completely cease to exist. You may undisplace any object you have displaced as a free action. Any undisplaced object returns to the timestream in relation to you, rather than where it had been before.

Medium: You may displace objects that weigh up to a medium load for you.
Lock Timeline As a free action you may freeze an unattended object you have touched this turn in place. This prevents them from being moved; in addition, the object gains hardness equal to your Intelligence Modifier. Breaking the object ends the effect. You may unfreeze them at will.
Littered Plane: By selectively slowing time around yourself, you may cause enemies to treat the area within 10 feet of you as difficult terrain. This takes a standard action to begin and one swift action each round to maintain.
Flurry: As a swift action you may throw an item as if it had a ten foot range increment, freezing them in a square of your choice. Any enemy that walks through squares affected by this ability take damage equal to your Intelligence Modifier. You may only have a number of square affected by this ability at one time equal to your Intelligence Modifier.

Speed: Any weapon you wield benefits from the Speed enchantment.
Revert: Any weapon you wield benefits from the Returning enchantment.
Heavy: You may displace objects that weigh up to a heavy load for you.
Tactical Trip: As a free action whenever an enemy moves through a difficult terrain effect created by Littered Plane or Flurry, you may dismiss it. This causes every enemy within the square to provoke a Trip from you, using your Intelligence Modifier in place of your Strength Modifier.

Timestream Waking
Prerequisite: -

Your mind has been awakened by constant contact with the timestream. New abilities appear within you at random; sometimes, at precisely the moment they are needed.

Once each day, you may declare that an action you have just taken did not happen. You may then take a different action. You can do this after the results of your action are known. The mixing of future and present is disorienting, and thus you are Shaken for 1d4 rounds after you use this ability. This does not stack with other fear effects, but nothing can remove this condition.

Forewarned: You gain a +1 bonus to Perception checks and a +1 dodge bonus to AC. These bonuses increase by +2 at 8th level and every 3 levels thereafter.
Aware: You are aware of whenever a temporal ability is used. If time is reversed, you retain your initial memories. If time is altered, you remember how the world used to be. If you are frozen in time (or a similar effect,) you retain awareness throughout the effect.

Time Shift: Once per week, you can briefly shift time backwards, up to four rounds in an encounter, or one minute outside of one. Any actions that took place during the time you shift back before are considered to have not taken place, and all actions pick up from the point you shift back to.
Detect Thoughts: You may cast Detect Thoughts at will. Others do not automatically know you are casting.

Mechanical Synergy
Prerequisite: Augmented

Your enhancements are enhanced even further.

Gain any piece of cybertech (PCS: TG) that does not have multiple marks.
Every implant you possess gains the Implant Mesh augment without raising value.
You are no longer limited by your body; ignore Constitution in regards to implant requirements and limitations.

Tech Savant: Gain another piece of cybertech; this one may have a mark no greater than Level/4.
Laser: Gain a 60 ft ray attack that deals 1d6 fire damage per level and takes 1d4+1 rounds to recharge after firing.
Armored: Gain +1 Natural Armor and 5 Hardness.

Fitted: Gain construction points equal to half of your level.
Nanite Surge: A number of times per day equal to your Intelligence Modifier you may, as an immediate action, gain a bonus equal to 3 + Tempus level on any one d20 roll; this ability must be activated before the roll is made.
Shield: You are immune to any Anti-tech fields.

Fantastic Mythos

Time Dilation Zone
Special: Options with the same name as a manifestation from an Exceptional Mythos require that manifestation to select them.
Prerequisite: -

Distance is as much of a lie as duration and separation, once you've dabbled within the timestream.

As a standard action you may make a Time Dilation Zone. This is a 30 foot burst that you can center anywhere within short range. Enemies within it may make a Will Save to avoid being effected; allies gain a bonus to save equal to your level. Anyone who enters the zone after it is made, or who ends their turn within the zone, suffers the effect. You may maintain a Time Dilation Zone as a swift action, but you may only ever have one in effect at a time. Creating a new zone removes the previous zone.

Each Time Dilation Zone may have only one effect attached to it.

Haste: Your Time Dilation Zone gains the effects of the Haste spell.
Slow: Your Time Dilation Z gains the effects of the Slow spell.
Liven: Everyone within your time Dilation Zone gains fast healing 1.
Tire: Everyone within your time Dilation zone gains the Fatigued condition
Speed Condition: Everyone within your Time Dilation Zone suffering from poison, a disease, or a bleed effect to suffer the condition again or cause delayed damage to immediately undelay the damage.

Friendly: You may specify allies to benefit from or ignore the effects.
Hostile: You may prevent enemies from being effected.
Giant: You may double the size of your zone.
Hourglass: Time Dilation Zone lasts a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence Modifier after you stop concentrating. You may dismiss it at any time.
Hurried: You may create a zone as a move action.
Myriad: You may have up to a number of zones equal to your Intelligence Modifier, and maintain them with the same action.

Time Police
Prerequisite: -

Trying to bend the timestream against a Tempus is an exercise in futility; the attempt is not unlike asking the wind to blow itself over.

You radiate an Aura of Sacred Time. It extends out from for thirty feet for each point of your Intelligence Modifier. If any contingent effect triggers within your aura, you may stop it as an immediate action. This has no effect on the abilities of a Tempus of higher level than you.

Mundane Job: You may also stop any mundane effects that rely on a delay or trigger; this includes timed traps, rigged explosives, or time pieces.
Cancel Time Manipulation: Haste, Slow, and Celerity effects that do not orignate from you are suppressed within your aura, unless you allow them to function.

Police Economy: You may also stop actions or abilities that give characters extra actions. In addition, your aura is no longer able to be superseded; even if an ability specifically says that it cannot be stopped or reacted to, that does not apply to your aura.
Jurisdiction: Your aura doubles in size.
Beat Cop: You receive extra immediate actions each turn equal to your Intelligence Modifier; these may only be used to stop effects with your aura.

Time Mastery
Prerequisite: Second's Best

For every day of studying the timestream, your experience grows multiplicatively. You learn things you would have otherwise learned in a week in moments. Once a Tempus hits their stride, they progress terrifyingly quickly.

You may Take 20 even when threatened and reduce the time to do so by 25%.

Quicken Haste: Your ability to cast Haste improves; you may cast it as a move action, and you may cast it at close range instead of touch.
Quicken Slow: Your ability to cast Haste improves; you may cast it as a move action.
Hurry/Harry: As a swift action, you may alter the duration of any ability or effect within five feet, by a number of rounds up to your Intelligence Modifier. Anything affected by this ability can no longer be dismissed by the caster, unless the caster is the Tempus.

Time Reversion
Prerequisite: Quicken Time

Specialized time mastery, the specifics of individualized time manipulation are awoken
Changing a thing or two in the past or future is easy enough. But altering things completely, without exception... once you can manage that, you can call yourself a true Tempus.

Usable once per encounter, you may revert either yourself or a touched ally 1 round. This reverts their Hit Points, spell slots, stamina, position, and any other variable to exactly the state it was in at the beginning of their last turn or, for the Tempus, the beginning of the turn before this one.

Sands of Time: You may cast the spell Sands of Time at will, with the added ability to decrease their age category in addition to advancing it.
Ejection: You may use the Eject talent from the Time Sphere (SoP) at will,and may have a number of ejected entities up to your Intelligence Modifier at one time.
Hostile Reversion You may use this ability on the unwilling. They may resist it with a Will Save, and on failure they are forced back. In addition, you may now choose to prevent any beneficial changes from occurring during the reversion.

Extra Reversion: You may use this ability an additional time per encounter. You can take this manifestation multiple times, but no more than once per level.
Immediate Revert: You may revert yourself as an immediate action.
Area Instead of an individual you may revert an area encompassing 100 feet per level to the beginning of the previous round. Use of this effect does not consume a use of Time Reversion and never directly affects creatures.
Scope You may use this mythos within short range.

Temporal Knowledge
Prerequisite: Timestream Waking

All knowledge exists within the timestream. Tempus are uniquely suited to perusing it; they can see heroes live and die, kingdoms rise and fall, and the greatest of artisans working in their prime.

With a bit of advice, you may, as an immediate action, grant a reroll of any one d20.

Rapid-Fire Assist: You gain additional immediate actions usable only with this mythos equal to your Intelligence Modifier; you may still only advice a specific creature once per round.
Celerity As an immediate action you may move up to your movement speed. Any distance you move is subtracted from your movement in your next turn.
Telepathic: You gain Telepathy 100ft.

Advise Position: As an immediate action, you may allow another to move up to their movement speed. Any distance they move is subtracted from their movement in their next turn.
Undo: You may use this mythos on the unwilling; they receive a Will Save to resist the affects.
A Plan: Secretly tell your DM a number. The next time an ally rolls that number, it's treated as a Natural 20. You may revise this number at any time.

Dust of Ages
Prerequisite: -

Some people say that everyone dies; that's true, but a gross underrepresentation of the truth. Everything decays.

As a standard action you may force an item you are touching to decay, giving it the Broken condition. As a touch attack, you may target an enemy's equipment with this ability. They receive a reflex save to avoid the effect.

Literal: With one hour of preparation you may create actual dust pouches containing the Dust of Ages effect; at any one time you can have a number of pouches in existence equal to your Intelligence Modifier. Upon creating new pouches over the limit, previously made pouches disappear starting with the oldest. You may use Literal Dust of Ages as a swift action; this actual dust may be applied as a fog within a five foot square, dealing a quarter of the maximum HP of any objects fully contained within. Any attended or magic items gain a Reflex Save to avoid the effect. Against larger objects this deals localized damage.
Seasoned: As a standard action you may remove the Broken condition from any object you are touching. In addition, any objects in your immediate possession have their hardness increased by your Intelligence Modifier.

Prerequisite: -

The more contact you have with the timestream, the more your mind will awaken. Eventually, you will start to notice... strange happenings.

Gain a number of Power Points equal to triple your Intelligence Modifier, all the benefits associated with them, and treat your class level as your effective Manifester Level.

Power: Gain a single Psionic Power. You may take this manifestation multiple times.
Point: Gain additional Power Points equal to triple your Intelligence Modifier. You may take this up to three times.

Time Synergy: You recover one Power Point every round.
Mundane Manifester: You may apply a number of Power Points up to your Intelligence Modifier to any skill roll, increasing it by +1 per Power Point added. This must be done before the roll is made.

2021-01-31, 05:18 PM
Legendary Mythos

Army Across Time

You may create the effects of the spell (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/army-across-time/)

Semi Tempus : By creating only one Tempus with the effect, you can have it make an attack action each round
I know me: For the purpose of Army Across Time you gain one teamwork feat

Timeline Fault: When creating the double, you may alter its Race and Class levels as long as it has this mythos. Then, optionally you may switch with it. Play the double for the rest of the campaign

Future Sight
Once per day you may ask the DM about what would happen should you preform an action; you fully visualize what would happen as if you have preformed the action.
Luck is messy however, and its advised you do not ask about things such as dice rolls

Insight: As free action, you can immediately gain a bonus to your initiative count equal to your level. You can use this ability can be used a number of times per day equal to intmod.
Outsight: As a standard action you may cause the spell Commune (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/commune/), you speak to time itself, and may preform this intmod times daily


As a touch attack and Will save you may eject someone from the timeline; this lasts for 1d4 rounds. Each round the creature remains ejected you gain one Standard action.
Only one creature can be ejected at a time

Time Out You may keep a creature ejected for intmod rounds
Group Trial You may eject intmod creatures, every creature ejected grants one action in the following pattern Move, Swift, Standard

Inject You may give any of the actions granted by this to anyone within medium range
Range Increase the base range to short

Paradox Creation

As standard action create a burst of paradox in short range, every enemy within 30ft must Will save else stagger.
But in two rounds an Aevarut will appear to identify the cause

Weaponized paradox: The Aevarut will assume that the enemies are the cause the first time
Stasis: As an immediate action you may stasis any ally, when stasis'd this way you are completely immune to damage and effects of any kind; but cannot move or take actions. Any creature can end their stasis as a free act

Subtle: You may choose to not draw the attention of inevitables with your abilities
Temporal Anomaly Once per day as a full-round action, an tempus can create a temporal anomaly that duplicates any creature it can see that whose total number of Hit Dice is no greater than half the Tempus level plus half its mythic tier (should they have). This is identical to the effect of a simulacrum spell, except the duplicate is made entirely of sand and shares a telepathic connection to the Tempus across any distance. A creature created by this ability lasts for 24 hours or until the Tempus dismisses it as a free action, and then collapses into a pile of glowing sand. An Tempus may not have more than one temporal anomaly active at a time.
Overt: Instead of the base effect; the Tempus may instead delete Time from the radius. Spaces with deleted time may not be transversed and must be subverted; Deleted time cannot be seen through or have effects pass through. After intmod round, unless the Tempus dismisses it. Time snaps back into place, dealing 100 damage to any creature within its effect


Whenever you kill; you absorb the remaining timeline depending on their age

Young; Gain 10 future
Adult; Gain 5 future
Middle Age; Gain 2 future
Venerable; Gain 1 future

The values are doubled if the creature is the same or higher CR
The values are halved if the creature is lower CR (Min 1)
Creatures without age categories count as Adult

When you gain 500 Future you may purchase one basic manifestation
When you gain 800 Future you may purchase one advanced manifestation

The most prized You may reverse the age category of a creature, using 200 future per
Emergency: If you die while in possession of 1000 Future, you may instead immediately reincarnate

Time Gnosis

When you gain this mythos choose one of the following templates
Apply it to your character;

Time Seer (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/time-seer-creature-cr-1/)
Quickling (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/quickling-creature-cr-3/)
Time Breaker (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/timebreaker-creature-cr-3/)
Bomb (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/sphere-templates#toc35)
Advance (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/advanced-creature-cr-1/)
Construct (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/constructed-creatures-cr-1/)
Child of Yog-Sothoth (https://aonprd.com/MonsterTemplates.aspx?ItemName=Child%20of%20Yog-Sothoth)

Freeze Time

As a free action, taken when you or any ally within short range is effected by a spell or attack.
You may delay that effect by one round.
Delayed effects may not be delayed with this ability again

Delayed Health: Gain a delayed damage pool equal to your BaB*intmod; When you receive damage, as part of taking the damage you may redirect all or part of it to your delayed damage pool. Apply damage reduction and resistance before redirecting the damage. You may not redirect damage that would exceed the maximum capacity of the damage pool. Your delayed damage pool empties at the end of your turn each round, inflicting any damage stored in the pool on you, bypassing any damage reduction or resistance you possess and resetting to 0. Any additional effects of the attack, such as poison, are still incurred immediately even if the entire damage of the attack is redirected to the delayed damage pool. Any healing you receive in excess of your maximum hp automatically reduces the amount of damage in your delayed damage pool.
Lock Health: As a move action a number of times per day equal to intmod, you may lock your health for one round. For the duration of the round until your next turn you cannot take damage
Frozen You You may freeze mental self in one place; unless a creature targets this square you act as if you had immunity to mental effects, furthermore if anyone scrys you they find this square. Change your square as a free action

Delay Effects When targeted by a spell or spell-like ability, you may delay the onset of its effects until the end of your next turn as if it were damage. Each effect is treated as if it were an amount of hit point damage equal to its caster level for the purpose of your delayed damage pool. If you do not have enough space remaining in the delayed damage pool, you may not delay the effect
Pause Effect: As a immediate action you may pause effects in short range before they cause effect. The effect is still targeted to the square, regardless of where the target is

Exalted Mythos


While this ability is active, all attacks upon him suffer a 50% miss chance, as the time of when he will be in the targeted location changes from moment to moment. This is not concealment or insubstantiality, so weapons or powers that penetrate such defenses are ineffective. Attacks he makes while using Superposition ability suffer a –10 penalty, and the DC of all saving throws made to resist his spells or spell-like abilities is reduced by –5.

Semi Superposition: At the start of each combat, as soon as you roll iniative, you and your allies can take a free move or non-offensive swift action that can't be reacted to in any way.
In addition, 1/day, you may re-use this ability at any time as an immediate action.
Historical Bribe Once per day select one creature within view or hearing range, If the creature has CR equal to your HD-4 it reveals itself to be a double agent, having been working for the Paragon all along! It will now follow the Paragon's support for 1 hour, including fighting

Historical Act Once per day at any time, you may retroactively take an action in the last 24 hours, like having drunk a specific potion before the battle started, or having set up a trap in the square your enemy just entered. This can't change something that already happened
Quicksilver add your highest mental stat mod as a Luck bonus to AC against regular attacks. Touch attacks must now roll against your normal AC, and any non-tartgeted offensive effect must roll to hit against your Touch AC to actually have a chance of affecting you

After Image

When you move with a move action, you may take a number of free actions equal to your intmod
You place one semi-real clone of yourself in the square you were when you used this ability
These clones have One hit point each, and only 10 AC and do not prevent movement
Whenever you are targeted by a spell or attack, you may claim you were where a clone is all along.
These clones disappear at the end of your next turn

False Future With a swift action you may become one of your clones
Flanking Your clones now prevent movement, whats more you and your allies count as flanking when fighting any foe your clones are next to

Permanent You may now have clones created with this ability last forever, they still retain their health and defenses. At max you may have intmod clones at a time
Shatter Self You may cause your clones to sputter into paradox dealing Intmod D6 untyped damage to every adjacent enemy


You gain an aura of Time Mastery of sixty feet.
Within this field, Once per round, he can select any single die roll and re-roll it up to 3 times, choosing the result that best suits him. This can be a roll made by himself, an ally or an enemy. The ability can be employed even when it is not his turn, but can be used only once in any round

Redo : At will, a Tempus can choose to redo any single combat round (or, if not in combat,any one other action taking no longer than a single round) after seeing its results. On his action, he simply resets everything — as though it never occurred — to exactly how things were on his previous action. This can be resolved either by replaying the round or by simply assuming that a Tempus always knows exactly what is going to happen in the upcoming round and acts accordingly. A Tempus can only redo a given combat round once.
Timestep Once per month, as a immediate act you can step back in time up to one week, reliving that week again with full knowledge of what has already occurred.


A Tempus exists in several other dimensions at any given time. As a standard action, it can bring forth 1d4 of these manifestations to its current locale in order to gain multiple attacks that round. Treat each manifestation as a separate Tempus with hit points equal to the time elemental’s current hit points. A manifestation cannot use any of the supernatural, spell-like abilities, and due to not having access to this specific time stream may not employ the mythos of this class. A time elemental cannot have more than four manifestations present at one time.

2021-01-31, 05:18 PM

Prerequisite: -
Gain a +2 Bonus to all of your ability scores. Additionally, gain the Hold Breath (Ex) special quality.

After obtaining a Fantastic Mythos, you may take this a second time to gain an additional +2 to either your physical ability scores, or your mental ability scores.

After obtaining a Legendary Mythos, you may take this a final time to receive the remaining option.

Prerequisite: -
You form an item that functions as a masterwork tool for every skill from the timestream within yourself.
This bound item returns to you if lost within 1d4+1*30 minutes of searching

You may instruct anyone in its use with an immediate action.

Additionally, the Omni-Tool has the at-will ability to replicate the Knock spell as an (Ex) effect.

Timewalker's Fiat:
Prerequisite: -
In order to be able to function across all of time and space, and to protect more primitive cultures, Tempii are under a constant (Ex) Tongues spell, are immune to all non-magical diseases as well as radiation, and are under a constant (Ex) Endure Elements spell.

Prolonged Sense:
Prerequisite: -
Tempii can inherently sense whenever time magic (or an equivalent) is worked on them, or is active within Close Range. Additionally, they are always able to act in surprise rounds.

Prerequisite: -
Tempii may lock or unlock their age at will, gaining immunity to mortal time and any effects that would age them. They still gain all beneficial effects from natural aging.

Historic Followers:
Prerequisite: -
Tempii may choose to add either the Dire template or the Spellborg template (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Spellborg_(3.5e_Template)) to any Cohort, Animal Companion, or any other type of minion they possess, have created, or have summoned. Once chosen, the choice is permanent for that minion.

Prerequisite: -
Select one class skill. You gain free ranks in that class skill equal to your level, and may re-train any that you previously possessed. Additionally, all rolls involving that skill are made with advantage.

Prerequisite: -
The timeline has designated you as a Fixed event.
No matter what happens in the past, future, or present, it is impossible to retcon your current existence, although you can still be killed by standard means within your own present.
Any attempt to do so will somehow end up with a current version of the Tempus finding their way to the perpetrator.
Your connection to the timeline is so strong that you may still purchase both Excellencies and Mythos at any time, even if more than half of your levels are not in Tempus.
Although, you must pay double the normal cost, and are limited to an additional number no more than your Intelligence Modifier.