View Full Version : Initiate of Mystra and Anyspell

2021-01-31, 09:17 PM

1) I have the Initiate of Mystra and the Spell domain giving me anyspell and anyspell, greater.

Those two spell says that they occupy my domain spell slot.

Initiate of Mystra add anyspell and anyspell, greater to my cleric spell list.

Does it means I can prepare anyspell in any of my non-domain spell lvl 3 spellslots?

2) Since anyspell allows to cast an arcane spell, not a divine version of an arcane spell. Does it means that I'll suffer the arcane spell failure chance from armor when casting the spells I get from anyspell?

2021-01-31, 10:27 PM
(1) Yes. That's the main reason for Initiate of Mystra - it makes Anyspell a cleric spell, meaning you can cast it out of non-domain slots and thus can cast multiple arcane spells per day.

(2) Per the SpC, "When you cast the arcane spell, it works just as though cast by a wizard of your cleric level except that your Wisdom score sets the save DC (if applicable)." I'd rule that it therefore has the same chance of ASF, it's an arcane spell, not divine, and accordingly falls into the RAW of being affected by ASF if the spell has somatic components. You're treated as a wizard wearing armour.