View Full Version : Creating a class similar to a Valheru (Feist's books)

2021-02-02, 05:49 AM
Hey guys. I am fascinated with all of the books from Reymond Feist and his Riftwar Saga. He made me love epic fantasy novels and games. And of course, I was drown to how cool Tomas and his Ashen-Shugar persona is. So, I am trying for some time now to create a Valheru equivalant class in 5e (a dragon lord). Any of you Feist fans out there can help me with ideas? It's been many years since I've read his books, but I do remember a lot of stuff about the Valheru (perhaps I am forgeting something)

So far, I have thought that maybe an Eldritch Knight class can fill this role if you change the permited schools of magic and let him pick any spell from any school. An Elven race can wor, if you change the Dexterity modifier into Strength and some more retooling. A Valheru is basically a fighter with extraordinary melee skills, who can command dragons and wield some magic. You need levitate (or perhaps misty step), means to communicate telepathically, a way to grow your strength (and constitution?) beyond the limit of 20 (by say, two points). Searching the internet, I have found a page showing an armor. Since I can't post links on this forum yet, search "Armor of the Valheru" on Google and you will find it.

This must be homebrew for 3.5e or something. I suppose you could get most of your powers through items, loke Tomas did in the books. Effects that after some time become permanent.

I would love to hear your ideas on races, classes, spells to select and what the magic weapons will grant you.

2021-02-02, 07:14 AM
I'm rereading old fantasy series at the moment, by accident just finished Magician and reading Silverthorn atm. Most of what I write below is based on those books - I think there are another 28,5 books that have more lore on the subject,

It's a difficult question, cause it's a bit like recent threads on statting out a Space Marine from 40k or Gandalf from LotR - these characters simply don't make sense in a 1-20 progression. So my first suggestion would be, if you would like to play it, do so in a campaign that starts at for instance level 10. You have a bunch of powerful abilities by that time, making you superior to (normal) mortals, which is what Valheru are by default in those books.

What is also important imo, is the distinction between Tomas (a mortal human who inherited part of a Valheru's power by donning its weapons and armors), and a real Valheru, who are a kind of demi-gods - evil and egocentric to the core, with the exception of Ashen-Shugar, who was influenced by his merging with Tomas in the far future and became a bit more 'human' through that.

If you want to emulate the former, human (or basically any race) would do. If you want the latter, I'd probably say Tiefling is your best bet, or Fallen Aasimar. As for its abilities: I think Tomas inherits the more martial abilities of the Valheru, but the race itself is also highly magical. So for Tomas a non-caster or partial caster martial would work (though would require decent gear) - alternatively, maybe a bladelock with the Valheru as a patron?; while more original Valheru would be better represented by a full caster gish, is my impression; If I get the flavor correctly, they draw their power from themselves, so a Sorcerer would be the best bet; but unfortunately they lack a Gish subclass. If 5e ever got a psion-like class, my bet would be there, if it would have a martial-like subclass.

2021-02-02, 07:22 AM
Not having read the books but having spent 2 minutes doing some googling, I have to agree with Waazraath; 5E is going to struggle to emulate a Valheru as a PC.

They seem to be very magical but have no other really distinguishing marks besides evil megalomania. As such, I’d recommend human eldritch knight or maybe 10/10 fighter/wizard. Even at your highest level though, you’re still going to be a pale shadow of the Valheru from the books.

2021-02-02, 07:34 AM
I suppose you are right, not even a level 20 character can start to depict the true power of a Valheru. I was thinking more the Tomas/Ashen-Shugar fused version of the character rather than the original Valheru. Also, an Oath of Conquest Paladin with some tweaks could make the cut, with a sorcerer multiclass beyond level 20 or something. I assume that, to depict the true power of even Tomas, you must go beyond level 20.

2021-02-02, 07:35 AM
Valheru are pretty much Gods; a new born Valheru has already intelligence as well as domination and telepathic powers; that's not a PC Class, that's an NPC category.

2021-02-02, 07:46 AM
Maybe something can be brewn from a lvl 20 mystic (from Unearthed Arcana) that resembles it? It's the closest what 5e has to a full psionic class, they have stuff like telepathy and dominate and stuff, and can be decent fighters and really difficult to kill iirc.

2021-02-02, 08:45 AM
Isn't the new Drakewarden UA perfect for this :)? Multiclass that with wizard or EK and you're golden!

2021-02-03, 04:25 AM
I took a look on both the Drakewarden and the Mystic class. Both are great material for a Valheru type class, especially the Drakewarden. And if you work with the DM and allows you a bit more freedom with your drake, you can play it beautifully. Even perhaps add a multiclass of mystic or something for extra effects.