View Full Version : Rules Q&A closing an Eversmoking Bottle ?

da newt
2021-02-02, 11:39 AM
Can you close / stop an Eversmoking Bottle without the command word?

Specifically, one of the party bought an Eversmoking Bottle but never asked what the command word was and now that PC is petrified and the bottle is uncorked.

Does the smoke magically go through physical barriers so you can't plug the bottle or put it in a sealed container?

Smoke leaks from the lead-stoppered mouth of this brass bottle, which weighs 1 pound. When you use an action to remove the stopper, a cloud of thick smoke pours out in a 60-foot radius from the bottle. The cloud's area is heavily obscured. Each minute the bottle remains open and within the cloud, the radius increases by 10 feet until it reaches its maximum radius of 120 feet.

The cloud persists as long as the bottle is open. Closing the bottle requires you to speak its command word as an action. Once the bottle is closed, the cloud disperses after 10 minutes. A moderate wind (11 to 20 miles per hour) can also disperse the smoke after 1 minute, and a strong wind (21 or more miles per hour) can do so after 1 round.

2021-02-02, 11:58 AM
It specifically says that closing the bottle required the command word, so yep, you need it to close it.

Nothing is stopping you from putting the bottle in a different, bigger air-tight container (or room), though. It's just the bottle itself which won't be closed by the lead-stopper.

I would say that sealing the bottle with something airtight would be possible as well, if you happen to have a way to seal it like that (with some alchemical substance, for example), but then it'd be harder to remove.

da newt
2021-02-02, 12:54 PM
I will place it inside my magical 'Tupperware of Freshness.'

I figure wrapping it up in my waterproof cloak and tying it shut like any old sack of potatoes ought to do the trick then.

2021-02-02, 01:02 PM
I will place it inside my magical 'Tupperware of Freshness.'

I figure wrapping it up in my waterproof cloak and tying it shut like any old sack of potatoes ought to do the trick then.

Dunno about that, being wrapped in waterproof fabric doesn't mean air-tight.

I would use wax to seal the tupperware.

2021-02-02, 01:09 PM
Does your party have a cinematically requisite comic relief character? Have them put their mouth over the opening and wait to see if smoke comes out of their ears.

2021-02-02, 04:26 PM
Put the eversmoking bottle in your portable hole, along with a whole prepared beef carcass and several wheels of cheese. Pull the food out a week later, sell for a profit!