View Full Version : Empire 6: The Second Conclave of Circles

2021-02-02, 11:24 PM
Only a short few years after the first Conclave, the compound of the Circle of the Strix's Quill looming on the mountainside over Danneta-Yvaon was once again host to many Magi of the now-three major Circles and hundreds more isolated practitioners and shamans from across all the realms that paid homage to Eauden. Despite the whispers of the spectacle at the last Conclave and how they'd ever measure up, the Noctrix Pina-Mak - their ostensible host - was conspicuously not present, nor was the Magi Nila-Sen, along with several other prominent figures. Instead the Second Conclave was overseen by Magi Beko-Mak, a younger Stonesage who had gained considerable sway after the prestige of being the first - along with Nila-Sen - to breach the Southern Serpent-Mountains. Additionally present is a very out-of-place Nocter Felessan-Mak, obviously outside of his sphere but doing his best to look presentable anyway, wearing a new crown of carved Glimmerwood and a similar staff - or rather a spear, minus its head.

What must have been hundreds of scholars and shamans conversed under the sunlight through the Gardens and Arcades of the compound, jockeying for favor and ideas on the great questions of the day. Pina-Mak had called this Conclave to settle matters of Unity, and at the end of the day a consensus would be required - and some still claimed that any who refused to acknowledge this consensus would be branded heretical. Though kept apart from the main forum, so too present were foreign political advocates and others who wished to Observe. They were permitted, though warned that the Nocter and Noctrix ruled here and would look poorly on interference or breaches of the peace.

So! This event's going to be a bit weird. There are issues on the table and we're trying to establish a Unified Church of Eauden from a previously decentralized belief system. This requires us to codify some things, so we're putting it to a vote. But...not exactly a vote. Your rulers aren't going to be voting directly on this, after all, it's more about how many of these important priests and shamans and Magi you can convince to put their names behind an idea. But like anything, Politics have influence.

Each state sworn to Eauden starts the event with Influence equal to the number of Eauden Holy Sites in their territory (including Holy Orders) plus their Ruler's current Faith score. To save you all some math, here's my tallies for the relevant states:
Danneta-Yvaon: 13
Aran Viska: 9
Star-Kingdom of Solais: 9
The Arrok: 18

There are five Eaudenite Regions owned by no player; 3 NPC regions and the two regions controlled by Brayewen. To represent these, the winner of a diplomacy rolloff in each round gains 2 extra influence as they sway neutral regional representatives to their side.

Each "Day" of the event will contain some number of proposals that require people to spend influence to determine if they pass or not. Any influence spent is spent and cannot be recovered, and does not recover between rounds of the event. If you spend all your influence on an early proposal, that's it. Each Proposal's success or failure is determined by influence spent on each side. Ties are failure. I'll be aiming for each round to last 2-3 IRL days, with the first round starting now and ending at some point on 2/5, the second ending in the evening of 2/7, and the third ending sometime on 2/10. If any radical proposals[see below] have been submitted, these will appear on a fourth round ending 2/13, the last day of the round.

Any attendee may add a single Radical Proposal to the roster at any time. This can be anything, though I may decide to rephrase it so that it's the Yes side that's radical if relevant. Radical proposals are harder to make happen without overwhelming support and require two influence for each effective Yes vote.

First Round Proposals:

"We will establish a unified Church of the Way of Eauden, appointing at least one Archmagi to lead us in matters of worship." (Y/N)

"We shall standardize and expand the ranks of the Magi outside the major Circles, to serve as a universally accepted Priesthood with smaller support Circles in many regions. Such Magi may practice in any land of Eauden." (Y/N)

"We shall establish a true Holy Book, a more complete and clear unified scripture to guide us, from our old texts and histories." (Y/N)

2021-02-03, 01:17 AM
Amidst the Conclave's attendees but hardly a voice at the table stood a woman unrecognized by any of Tirandi. Apparently she'd earned a place among the 'foreign political advocates' in the main forum on the promise of legitimacy by the Truthseers, though unlike the others present she was devoid of contact and conversation. The only words cast her way seemed to suggest that a servant of the Great Mother should have no place here, something that would have made little sense to her even if she could understand their tongue. They say as much because she is a serpentine woman, her skin seemingly composed of grey marble with scintillating fragments of light scattered across it like freckles. Her very hair was not strands but long, wiry snakes of matching design that quietly flicked their tongues and examined their surroundings with something between curiosity and guarded hostility. Quite the opposite of the stranger's absolute calm. Dressed in a white cloak with a donned hood that covered some of the snakes but not her face, she watched and waited. Her hunt had brought her far across the seas, and she was sure that she was so much nearer than when she began... If her visions had been true - as they tended to be - and the Truthseer knew what he talked about, then this was the place to be to find the star come down to the Ember. Even if it was not present today, these people would at least know of it. In her arms she carried a tome that bore the image of the night sky upon the cover, written in Runes that no eyes present could decipher for their Mamuti origins. As the proceedings started she looked on with appraising eyes, the Truthseer whispering echoes of what words were spoken in her ears so that she might understand.


Should one wish to investigate Merine's presence, I welcome it. It should probably be between phases of discussion or after the conclave's main event though!

2021-02-03, 11:28 AM
Unified Church? (1Y/0N)
Magi Standard (1Y/0N)
Holy Book (1Y/0N)

Danneta-Yvaon Influence remaining: 10

Likely surprising nobody, Danneta-Yvaon initially throws its weight behind the Noctrix's own proposals.

A Distant Visitor

A stranger. There were many strangers here, but none so strange as this. She looked like one of the Children, perhaps, but wasn't carrying any of the milk and even they hadn't been seen with snakes for hair. She didn't seem like a danger, but...curious. Felessan-Mak bid a Truthseer follow him and approached. Though West Tarandian in features, he didn't closely resemble most Dannu-Gao, darker-skinned and with a subtle green highlight to his otherwise jet hair in the right lighting, but he wore the long tunic and regalia of the Nocter of the House of Mak, green-shining Glimmerwood upon his brow, and a headless spear as a walking-stick, though Merine's own sight could tell her it was infused with a particularly strange sort of Star-magic. So too were his clothes, shining lights of concealed bone-wands slipped into pockets in the fabric. Indeed, his whole being shone faintly with it to her eye.

"Hail, stranger." He began, allowing the Truthseer a moment to translate for him. "I am named Felessan, Nocter of the House of Mak, and I welcome you to my city."

2021-02-03, 01:23 PM
Unified Church: No Input At Present
Magi Standard: Challenge?
Holy Book: No Input At Present

The Second Conclave presented an opportunity for Lessa the Firecrown to visit her son and learn more of the power she'd witnessed, so there was little surprise when the First Thane herself rode in to Danneta-Yvaon. With her were a number of Star Watch members, including Tai of Clan Star - now seeing perfectly, as she had since the Starfall event years before - as well as a number of guards and Falar of the Claw, the Thane of Clan Spear. What, precisely, he was doing there was up for debate along with everything else at this meeting, but he seemed to be in charge of the Solais Outriders.

Not that Lessa had been crass enough to bring heavily armed warriors to the debate forum itself - she really was here to speak and listen in good faith. Some of the Star Watch women were present, though, as were Tai and Falar. It was Lessa herself who spoke up in clarion tones after the proposals were laid out properly. "I should like to know what exactly is meant by 'standardizing' the magi?" The forest folk was diminutive, and looked young enough now to be Felessan's child rather than the other way around, but confidence and volume were two things she had in abundance when needed. "Armor is fitted to the wearer. I would look fairly ridiculous in a bronze hauberk made for Falar here, and he could wear mine like a hat." That drew a few titters from the assembled, as indeed Falar was a tall and well built human man who positively loomed over her. "Faith - true faith - and an oath that you follow because you believe in all it stands for is harder to change still. A unifying leader and a text for guidance I can understand. Requirements to worship in the same manner seem like fertile grounds for problems to arise. For that matter, what powers and responsibilities would this leader have?"

2021-02-03, 05:23 PM
Unified Church: 1Y
Magi Standard: 2Y
Holy Book: 0

Remaining: 15

The delegation from Arrok was a large one, their number doubled by the northern huskies that traveled with them. Leading them was Shira, High Chieftess of Uldra and territory. Only a simple ivory circlet set her apart from the rest of her people, most of which wore squat conical hats made of leather and trimmed in fur at the base. The great Nordgen Hero, Viho Icewalker, Fang in the North, was by her side. Though they had never bothered to formalize their relationship with marriage, as Shira's mothers had, Shira had born several of Viho's children over the past few years. Viho held their youngest infant on his chest, secured in a sling made of hides, kept warm by his father's body heat.

A pair of Magi were dressed in the style of the Circle of Cristalmont, with the distinctive wave pattern embroidery decorating their otherwise simple robes. The first was a young man, Magi Alemi, youngest son of regional chief Kosumi of Hiverness and Brekke, his wife from the Star Kingdom of Solais. The young woman, Magi Huyana, was rumored to be descended from Winema of Cristalmont, the founder of the first official Eudenite holy center in the region. She looked out at the assemblage of fellow worshippers with clear blue eyes the color of ice.

"It would be an honor to address some of Lessa the Firecrown's concerns, if I may." Huyana turned to Shira who nodded her assent. At her voice, the big snow-white husky who'd been asleep at her feet lifted his head to stare at Lessa for a few long moments with eyes identical to Huyana's before yawning and laying his head back down on his paws.

"I am Huyana, First Magi of the Circle of the Fanged Pack Guards the Way." She inclined her head to the diminutive forest folk.

"I would like to ask Eauden for Her guidance, may our paths continue on side by side in friendship and prosperity." She smiled at her fellow devotees, though her eyes fell briefly on the stranger in observance who seemed to be of relation to the Snake Cult of the Mother. Her pale eyes shifted back to Lessa as she gathered her thoughts.

"Standardizing the Magi would mean establishing a consistent ordination process and hierarchy for clergy members, known to us as Magi. Meaning that the Magi in Solais would have the same standing in Uldra as our own native Magi, and indeed in all Eaudenite lands. The goal of this, I believe, is consistency in process and unification. What those processes are to be is yet to be determined at this conclave, I believe." She turned to Magi Beko-Mak for confirmation.

2021-02-03, 08:04 PM
"Then I must base my own support or opposition on what that standing is supposed to be. A priesthood that can cross cultural boundaries is certainly an interesting idea... but I doubt the other Thanes would be pleased to learn that, for instance, the Magi may simply arrive and begin ordering their clan about." Lessa began to pace, not out of agitation but simply habit as she ruminated aloud. "Forgive me if this seems overly contentious or if I appear to be simply borrowing trouble, but while I'm sure all of us are pure as the driven snow, I do wonder about the possibility of some future adherent attempting to abuse the position."

2021-02-04, 01:46 AM
A Distant Visitor

Merine cast a glance over the man before her, inspecting his garb as he spoke and lifting her eyes to his face as his words were translated. She bows her head deeply, the snake not seeming to enjoy being teetered around to much, but she corrects herself after a long moment. "I am Merine, Mother of Sun and Moon. I have chased a fallen star three months across the sea to arrive in your lands. This city - your city - is large and beautiful, it is an honor to be the first of my people to witness it and doubly so to have come at such a pivotal moment in your history." The star magic on him was brimming, for one so sensitive to it as Merine she could tell that they may have been more present here than in all her priesthood at home, who merely divined and did not wield. Of course she also hummed in her own way, a natural light that set her in harmony with the moon and the message of its holy reflections. An envoy, if you will. She certainly had the grace to match.

2021-02-04, 07:30 AM
Unified Church? (2Y/0N)
Magi Standard (3Y/0N)
Holy Book (1Y/2N)

Viskari Influence remaining: 7 (2 spent on no holy book.)

Over a hundred Viskari Saraks of Aer Caladon, along with a smattering of other Saraks along with Cayshan, Zarak and An-Sharu religious figures who had come to observe proceedings, had arrived at Strix's Quill. They had no semblance of a uniform with each Sarak choosing to attire themselves in whatever regalia they thought appropriate for their station but it was clear they formed a united block behind the newly anointed Aranin Sarak of Aer Caladon, Lazarul Havanak, and his still living predecessor, the venerable Staran Illinvak.

Staran stood hunched over, covered in heavy furs, leaning on a staff with a Viskari warrior in black armour doing most of the work of holding him up. His successor, Lazarul, was many years younger and so stood tall and straight and he wore a long cape of white wolf fur and a headdress of antlers and dried flowers. He leaned down for just a moment to hear a hoarse whisper from the older man before straightening back up to respond.

"No one is suggesting that Magi be placed above the law of any land. It is my understanding and the understanding of my brother and sister Saraks that this title of Magi is merely a formality, though the nature of the proposed ordination must be clarified at some point for surely our current ordinations are more than acceptable?"

"On that note, I'm afraid that we of the Viskari must dissent against the creation of a single holy book. Our traditions are many and varied and we fear much would be lost if all is condensed into a single book. Who would even be tasked with writing such a work? Who can truly know the will of Eauden to be entrusted with that task? It would be better to draw on multiple sources of wisdom and knowledge."

2021-02-04, 09:26 AM
Unified Church 2Y - 0N
Magi Standard 3Y - 0N
Holy Book 3Y - 2N

Remaining influence: 7

"On that I must disagree, even as I withdraw my objection to standardization. A text can be guiding without being binding. Too much of Clann Solais's history was lost during the long False Dawn with a reliance on tribal knowledge and oral tradition breaking down under tragedy. The writing serves as a hedge against that sort of disaster. Where people fall, text can endure."

2021-02-05, 04:58 AM
Unified Church? (2Y/0N)
Magi Standard (3Y/0N)
Holy Book (3Y/2N)

Viskari Influence remaining: 7

New RADICAL proposal: Multiple Holy Books, a holy library if you will

"Then who is to write such a book? What is it to contain and in what tongue shall it be written in? Viskari? Uldran? Zarak? Dannu-Gao? Even if these questions are to be answered I doubt one book would even be sufficient to hold all our lore and traditions. Nay, I propose that if this Conclave is so attached to a Holy Book that we should have many such that all wisdom can be preserved."

2021-02-05, 11:32 AM
Lessa raised an eyebrow at the latest proposal. "You said it best just a moment ago. This book will not be placed above the law of any land. I know that for our part we Solais have no intention of attempting to include every one of our laws, traditions, and customs in this text, merely our spiritual belief refined through the last several years through cooperation with Hiverness. Other such texts would be for us, not pushed upon the magi of other lands. As for the language... I believe we already all share a system of writing?" She resumed her pacing. "I believe I am getting a better idea of how this Conclave works and what it is about. It is not, as you have already mentioned, a radical reworking of government and only partially related to culture. This seems to be purely a matter of religion and faith."

2021-02-05, 02:00 PM
"Apologies, the word for law and lore in Viskari are very similar. We of course would not expect holy texts to describe non-religious customs and legal systems and thus our concerns are spiritual in-" Lazarul was interrupted by his much older predecessor, Staran Illinvak, who with the help of his attendant straightened up a bit before speaking in a hoarse voice.

"Our concern is that placing one mortal text above all others will result in that book receiving undue veneration and that our descendants may in time turn from the omens and signs sent to us by Eauden," Staran paused for a moment to cough, the warrior attending him giving him a few helpful thumps to the back to get him through his fit, "Thank you Zarulan... Now where was I? Yes. Designating a single book as the principle source of wisdom will, I fear, lead to ignorance of the more subtle omens and intricacies of faith as our descendants become more rigid in their practices. We of the Viskari favour individuality in worship which we believe will be assisted by giving multiple paths of knowledge equal weight such that future Saraks, or Magi, may forge a more personal connection with the Divine and those who went before them on this path.
"We also do not share a system of writing, but that is a comparatively minor issue."

2021-02-06, 05:39 AM
((It's 2am and I passed out at like 8 yesterday without actually changing to the second set like I promised. So pretend there's a fun fluff bit here and it's the second day now. All three of the initial proposals have been adopted, and a radical proposal has been added for the fourth day. As for Zayuz, I'm gonna try to get a response up when I'm less sleepy.))

Second Round Proposals:

"Shall we appoint a single Archmagi as true head or should each Major Circle appoint an Archmagi to form a council with a First Speaker?" (Y for singular head/N for council) [Note that paradoxically, singular head is the more decentralized answer. Making the Archmagi an organizational first among equals concentrates less overall authority than making an entire centralized body. Singular head here does not imply autocracy.]

"Should the ordination of new Magi be left to the discretion of the Church proper, or should temporal leadership retain the right to invest Royal Magi beholden to crown first?" (Y for Papal Investiture, N for Free Investiture)

"Should the Archmagi be permitted to also hold Temporal Authority or should it be a solely spiritual position, unable to be vested in any Chieftain of a realm?" (Y for allow/N for no theocrats) [Note that an N on this measure would require any person selected Archmagi to not be the Ruler of any player state, but does not preclude a faith head; the head of the church in this case is just not the same person as the mechanical ruler of the Faith Head's country.]

2021-02-06, 07:07 PM
((Danneta-Yvaon merely presents these proposals, rather than spending influence initially. Also, I initially forgot to do a dip rolloff to determine bonus influence, so now I have (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24918255&postcount=1429). The Arrok gain 2 bonus influence that must be spent on the second set of proposals; it is lost if they choose to abstain.))

Beko-Mak presents the second set of proposals, but neutrally; no clear manipulations seem to occur from Danneta-Yvaon.

A Distant Visitor

A Distant Visitor

Merine cast a glance over the man before her, inspecting his garb as he spoke and lifting her eyes to his face as his words were translated. She bows her head deeply, the snake not seeming to enjoy being teetered around to much, but she corrects herself after a long moment. "I am Merine, Mother of Sun and Moon. I have chased a fallen star three months across the sea to arrive in your lands. This city - your city - is large and beautiful, it is an honor to be the first of my people to witness it and doubly so to have come at such a pivotal moment in your history." The star magic on him was brimming, for one so sensitive to it as Merine she could tell that they may have been more present here than in all her priesthood at home, who merely divined and did not wield. Of course she also hummed in her own way, a natural light that set her in harmony with the moon and the message of its holy reflections. An envoy, if you will. She certainly had the grace to match.

Felessan did not return the bow, but smiled still as the Truthseer repeated her words to him. Not of the Children, then. It was good to confirm. "You have traveled far indeed, Merine from across the Sea. I had not known the Falling Star was visible in such distant lands. Walk with me."

He'd never been, of course. He'd never actually left Western Tarandi. But of course such a distant pilgrim could not know that. He stroked his clean-shaven chin in thought with his free hand as he led her aside, from the arcade out into the gardens.

"If you seek the Star, I must inform you it is not here. Its landing site is to the Southeast, in Star's End where I was born. It is buried deeply beneath the Earth and can be seen no longer, and I expect the Magi of the Circle of the Dreaming Deer would object if you asked to excavate it and uproot all of their Glimmerwood trees." He laughed gently. "But I can tell you that the Noctrix Pina-Mak, my Wife, performed the invocation here in the Gardens of the Strix's Quill."

He stopped suddenly, and pointed to a natural pool beside a large stone arch.

"She stood beneath that Arch as she communed with the North Wind to pull the Star from the sky, and communed with Eauden to guide it down safely, to return the missing part of the World-Soul to the Earth. She showed it to us up close as it fell, upon the surface of the water, with brilliant green sheathed in tangled roots." He tapped the side of his crown, though looked wistful. "Glimmerwood, is what we've come to call it. The Star's shell has grown scions all over Tarandi, scattered and rare but for the grove at Star's Landing. Much of the Star's Glimmer has diffused into the land, and there are many means to gather it into useful form. Potions, Wands. Glimmerwood is merely the easiest, but anything you nurture, that you cultivate, can be infused with it." He glanced aside, to gauge her reaction as the Truthseer finished reciting his words.

"She never quite got the hang of it herself, but told me it was a Gift. That it was healing, a blow against the Blight and the Darkness. Whether a gift to me or to all Tarandi I remain unsure, but working with Glimmer has come naturally to me. I'd never thought of myself as a man with a particular green thumb before, but life can take you to strange places.

But I suppose you'd know all about that."

2021-02-07, 09:34 AM
Singular Archmagi? (0Y/0N)
Papal Investiture? (0Y/0N)
Temporal Authority? (0Y/1N)

Viskari Influence remaining: 6

((Assuming this next round takes place a suitable time after the first so the change in topic doesn't look completely out of left field...))

"As you are all aware, we of the Viskari dissented against the proposed ordination of the Chieftain of Arrok Uldra as Archmagi and we continue our opposition to any temporal ruler being invested with spiritual authority. We do not feel it would be appropriate for an Archmagi to be so distracted from matters of spirit or for a chieftain, thane, Aranin, king or other to be in a position to use the Church for political gain."

2021-02-07, 04:02 PM
To our Host
Merine muses that the sky is known to all people at the comment of the star having been visible so far away, but the Truthseer does not translate mumbled reflections. She listens intently for the location of the star, the prize that she came to witness, and smiled. The talk of Glimmerwood had her interest piqued, and she tilted her head as he begun to depict them to her... Though she could not shake her awe at the claim that these people had called down a star themselves - even her snakes were rapt with attention. There was so much she had to ask - and Merine was not typically an inquisitive woman. The arch, marvelous as it was, was only one of many wonders that she had discovered in the last few minutes.

"That is... Magnificent." The woman says with bated breath. "Your own wife called the star down from the Heavens, and it has blessed your land? To cast away the Darkness... Would that I could reach so far into the sky myself, my home has been haunted with assault after assault from the blight. Always repelled, but not without cost. It has been years that we have sought to purify it, and as we speak my children cast the final remnants from the hearts of their people. I hope that when I return it might be a brighter world than the one I left."

The medusa smiles pensively, and looks to the foreign sage. "I need not unearth a star that provides as much from the earth as it would in mortal hands - I believe that I was guided here perhaps not for the light itself, but to meet your people. You are correct, it is not the first time I have wandered into new lands and learned their ways. I would invite you to my home if I could, but truth be told, it is not a voyage I can make with confidence." She pauses.

This Glimmer... It rouses curiosity in me. Star magic with its own hue, of a sort that I have never manipulated before. I understand this might be an optimistic request, but if you might show me your ways then I would be honored to show you mine - the ability to look upon the stars and see their warnings. To hear their whispers amidst the light of the moon, and defeat darkness before it arrives. Our ways might be compatible, though the name of Eauden is foreign to me like Numa likely is to you... We could change that." All of this was not so dissimilar from her pitches so many years ago to convert northern Mamut to the Trinity of Light - but there was a key difference in that they would also be teaching her. A glint of excitement shone in her eyes; perhaps she would be staying out east longer than she anticipated.

2021-02-08, 01:32 AM
((Because it seems like everyone was surprisingly drained over the weekend, the schedule has been altered as follows: The second round will end in the evening of 2/9, and the third will end on the last day of the round on 2/13. If any radical proposals[only the viskari one so far] have been submitted, these will appear during the third round.))

2021-02-08, 02:11 AM
Singular Archmagi? (2Y/0N)
Papal Investiture? (1Y/0N)
Temporal Authority? (0Y/0N)

14 Remaining (Spent 1+2 Bonus)

Shira turned to the Viskari representative with a placid smile.

"I understand your concern and take no offense to this. Though my mothers raised me to someday take their place as spiritual head of Uldra, events have led me into a different role." Her eyes flicked to Dara whose stump was covered by her heavy furs.

"If we all agree to separate the leadership of church and realm, then I shall hand the title of Archmagi to Huyana, the current ranking Magi of Cristalmont." Shira gestured at the woman seated next to her who had spoken up previously.

"Thank you for your vote of confidence, Chieftess. I do intend to lead a communion with Eauden in honor of the eclipse, all are welcome to attend as witness or participant." She smiled enigmatically and the dog at her feet looked up at her and wagged his tail as though he could sense her excitement. She reached down and absently patted his head.

2021-02-08, 04:26 AM
Singular Archmagi? (2Y/0N)
Papal Investiture? (1Y/0N)
Temporal Authority? (2Y/1N)

8 Remaining (Spent 2)

Though Beko-Mak is insistent on Danneta-Yvaon's neutrality, another voice rises, seemingly in the spirit of contrarianism. Dark-haired and fair-skinned like most of Danneta-Yvaon's wealthy, Magin* Notan-Taban was the Nocter of the House of Taban and a prominent member of the Strix's Quill, lending a considerable portion of his personal wealth to the Circle and often showing off the fruits of his Spell-Casting. He was ambitious, and though not particularly favored for the role it was no secret that he desired the title of Archmagi** for himself from the moment the possibility was brought up, and had already curried a great deal of favor among the Circle for it. It shouldn't be a surprise that he was opposed to the separation of spiritual and temporal high authority, since it would bar him from that title or force him to renounce his seat as his Clan's Nocter to take it.

"On the contrary, spiritual matters must reflect the real. Stargazing is all well and good but we are talking about Leadership. Organizing hundreds or thousands of Magi is no task for just any of the Faithful: It demands an experienced administrator, someone who understands diplomacy and trade from birth as much as they understand the spirit and magic." Certainly some of the Magi nod assent, though how many of those were already in his influence is difficult to determine.

Beko-Mak looks slightly upset at his intervention, but says nothing. Her hands are tied; though the House of Mak's power dwarfs that of the House of Taban by every measure, she does not represent the entirety of her house and he does. The political consequences of challenging him directly could be problematic for her.

*: A masculine form of Magi used among the Dannu-Gao; words ending in vowel sounds are considered feminine in most related languages, and so too is Magi as a title.
**: Or more likely Archmagin.


To our Host
Merine muses that the sky is known to all people at the comment of the star having been visible so far away, but the Truthseer does not translate mumbled reflections. She listens intently for the location of the star, the prize that she came to witness, and smiled. The talk of Glimmerwood had her interest piqued, and she tilted her head as he begun to depict them to her... Though she could not shake her awe at the claim that these people had called down a star themselves - even her snakes were rapt with attention. There was so much she had to ask - and Merine was not typically an inquisitive woman. The arch, marvelous as it was, was only one of many wonders that she had discovered in the last few minutes.

"That is... Magnificent." The woman says with bated breath. "Your own wife called the star down from the Heavens, and it has blessed your land? To cast away the Darkness... Would that I could reach so far into the sky myself, my home has been haunted with assault after assault from the blight. Always repelled, but not without cost. It has been years that we have sought to purify it, and as we speak my children cast the final remnants from the hearts of their people. I hope that when I return it might be a brighter world than the one I left."

The medusa smiles pensively, and looks to the foreign sage. "I need not unearth a star that provides as much from the earth as it would in mortal hands - I believe that I was guided here perhaps not for the light itself, but to meet your people. You are correct, it is not the first time I have wandered into new lands and learned their ways. I would invite you to my home if I could, but truth be told, it is not a voyage I can make with confidence." She pauses.

This Glimmer... It rouses curiosity in me. Star magic with its own hue, of a sort that I have never manipulated before. I understand this might be an optimistic request, but if you might show me your ways then I would be honored to show you mine - the ability to look upon the stars and see their warnings. To hear their whispers amidst the light of the moon, and defeat darkness before it arrives. Our ways might be compatible, though the name of Eauden is foreign to me like Numa likely is to you... We could change that." All of this was not so dissimilar from her pitches so many years ago to convert northern Mamut to the Trinity of Light - but there was a key difference in that they would also be teaching her. A glint of excitement shone in her eyes; perhaps she would be staying out east longer than she anticipated.

A Distant Visitor

Felessan listens as the Truthseer dutifully translates, but something she says seems to give him pause. He asks her a question and they have a short conversation with one another Merine is not privy to. After a few exchanges though, he returns his attention to the visitor with a hint of mirth.

"I had not realized you were famous, Merine from across the Sea who is mother to Kingdoms. I accept your offer, and invite you to stay at No-Clanhome. If half of what Sister Pipera tells me is true, I think my wife, the Noctrix Pina-Mak, Regent of the North Wind, would very much like to meet you. And if you're as fine a warrior as the tales claim, I would very much like to hunt with you. The forests around Danneta-Yvaon are rich, in a way I'd scarce understood when I first arrived. They are not wildlands, they are invisible gardens, carefully tended by the River-Smiths for a hundred years, and through the invisible web of trade that Danneta-Yvaon sits at the center of, I have begun to assemble a menagerie of beasts from all across Tarandi."

It was clear, in that moment. Felessan-Mak, at the end of the day, was surprisingly bored. The Noctrix went on adventures without him, and he envied it just a bit. He did well running his realm, but he'd been quite adventurous as a youth and missed it dearly. It was plain on his face; the idea of just going out and hunting something called to him, like the faintest unanswered compulsion in his very blood. A break from managing the realm and dealing with politics, no matter his skill at those things.

2021-02-08, 12:19 PM
Singular Archmagi? (2Y/0N)
Papal Investiture? (1Y/0N)
Temporal Authority? (2Y/2N)

Viskari Influence remaining: 5

"You have effectively managed to prove my point and for that I thank you," Lazarul began as he turned to face the upstart Nocter, red eyes gleaming in the light as he spoke to him directly in flawless Dannu-Gao, "For indeed, we are all here to serve Eauden, not rule in their name and I fear you have forgotten that. I can see in you someone who seeks the heights of political power and you seem inclined to use this Conclave as a means to that end. Were you a Sarak of Aran Viska I would personally hurl you down the steps of this compound for such an act."
He turned from Notan-Taban to address the assembled priests as a group in the common trade tongue.
"The dangers of allowing a future Archmagi to cling to or acquire temporal power are self-evident. Already there are those who seek to manoeuvre their way into usurping this most holy office in order to cement their own power and our Church has yet to even be founded! How must Eauden weep with disappointment at such petty avarice! Let us set our chosen Archmagi above the world to be in communion with the Gods and the Spirits lest the machinations of state cloud their vision and bring ruin to us all!" he looked back at Notan-Taban for one final barb, "After all, how can we trust the one chosen to serve us and serve our God if they are unwilling to sacrifice earthly power?"

2021-02-08, 08:44 PM
Singular Archmagi? (2Y/0N)
Papal Investiture? (1Y/1N)
Temporal Authority? (2Y/2N)

Solais Influence remaining: 6

Lessa didn't interrupt Lazarul, only nodding quietly as he made his way through his talk in both languages, though her eyebrow went up at the hypothetical manhunt. "I would be opposed to the Archmagi having sole control over investiture - simply because that seems the sort of task to best be decentralized. While the Archmagi might remain above worldly concerns, the magi of the various major circles will have to interact with the people of this reality. I realize that I may be sounding my own horn here, but I believe that I might know who is best suited to deliver the message to my own people better than an appointee from a distant land. I assume the same is true for other nations."

2021-02-09, 05:49 PM
Singular Archmagi? (2Y/0N)
Papal Investiture? (2Y/1N)
Temporal Authority? (2Y/3N)

12 Remaining (Spent 3+2 Bonus)

Huyana's face was full of concern as she listened to Lessa's protestations. She waited until the room quieted to voice her reassurances.

"Your local clergy leaders would remain in charge of regional ordination. I would encourage your Circle leaders to promote from within, as I agree that your own people would know their needs the best. As Archmagi, I would provide lessons and guidance to regional clergy, and provide mediation in case of disputes, or even disciplinary action when necessary. This is of course, strictly referring to ecclesiastical matters and not temporal ones. I do not seek temporal authority and if that is what is decided is desired here, I would cede my role to High Chieftess Shira who has experience in that matter."

2021-02-10, 03:55 AM
((The Second Round has come to an end. Rolloff (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24923598&postcount=1448) says 2 bonus influence for Solais.))

Third Round Proposals:

- "Shall we establish that the old texts implying that spirits returned to the earth may retain their identity in an eternal form to be later reborn in this world or passed to a next world are mistranslated, or perhaps an intentional corruption by heathen practioners." (Y/N)

- "Shall we establish beyond doubt that we acknowledge no Gods but Eauden and our World-Soul, of which the Divine Moon is the earthly body of the former and we all along with the seas, land, sun, trees, beasts, and stars are sundered parts of the latter." (Y/N)

- "Shall we confirm Magi Huyana as our first Archmagi?" (Y/N)

- Viskari Radical Proposal regarding a Holy Library (Y/N; note that because it is Radical, Y votes cost 2 influence.)

- Any other Radical Proposals people wish to cram in last second.

2021-02-10, 05:41 AM
(Not sure what to shorten this first one to...) "Shall we establish that the old texts implying that spirits returned to the earth may retain their identity in an eternal form to be later reborn in this world or passed to a next world are mistranslated, or perhaps an intentional corruption by heathen practioners." (0Y/0N)
Monotheism? (0Y/3N)
Huyana as Archmagi? (0Y/0N)
Holy Library? (1Y/0N)

All Viskari influence spent unless I win that roll off.

The moment that the Viskari delegation heard the last proposal to renounce the divinity of all other Gods they raised their voices in uproar and several of them, along with most of the Zarak and Cayshan observers stormed out of the compound and down the stairs towards the city. Lazarul glared over at Beko-Mak with fire in his eyes.
"By the Underworld what is the meaning of this blasphemy?!" he demanded, "Do you seek to insult us with this proposal or have the Magi of Dannu-Gaon lost their collective minds? We were under the impression that this Conclave was to decide matters of structure and administration, not seek to overturn the fundamental truths of our world. There are many Gods and we will not deny them. Yes, Aer Caladon is the wisest of all Divinities, but that does not mean there are not others!"
He grabbed an obsidian knife from his belt and cut open his hand.
"By my blood and the blood of our Gods I swear that I will not allow this insult to stand! To renounce the Gods is to renounce Iskandrazac and by definition ALL VISKARI!"
He clenched his now bleeding hand into a fist and raised it above his head as the Viskari still in attendance cheered.

2021-02-10, 01:59 PM
Reincarnation was a mistake (0Y/1N)
Monotheism (4Y/3N)
Huyana as Archmagi (0Y/0N)
Holy Library (1Y/1N)
Share Findings (1Y/0N)

Solais Influence Remaining: 0 (Includes the +2 from the roll off)

Lessa again waited for the Viskari delegation to finish, but for the first time it was Falar who spoke up, prompting some surprise from the Solais ruler. "If the truths can be overturned, they weren't that fundamental, were they?" That prompted a single snort from one of the Star Watch girls, silenced with a glare from the First Thane. "As to the texts, I am something of a scholar myself, in what spare time I can muster, and I feel that claims that older texts were mistranslated or malicious is doing the original scribes a disservice. There is an alternative - they could have been underinformed, or misinformed, or perhaps we are and may wish to revisit them someday. By all means set them aside if you think they don't represent our current beliefs, but don't cast them away or label them the work of the blight. They are the writings of those seeking to make sense of the world around them, just as we are."

The normally quiet Tai cut in as well. "On the second point, the World Soul. Clann Solais, too, once believed in many beings, all to be worshiped. This was a mistake, and the evidence of such is planted and shimmering in our holiest grounds. A star was pulled from the sky and upon contact with the earth immediately became part of the greater whole. The world is immense in complexity but unified in spirit. The Star Kingdom of Solais is prepared to accept no gods but Eauden and the World Soul."

"Bringing these two points together brings me to our own possible contribution. A... suggestion for ancillary doctrine rather than a core part of the faith, but a good one, I think." Lessa smoothly took over. "I would like to propose that the Circles meet, with some regularity, to share findings about blightspawn, blighted regions, new cultures, and the magic of this land. We have had an open dialogue with the Dannu for some time and it has nearly always worked to the benefit of both nations. The magi are likely to be among the most educated on matters both worldly and spiritual, they have the backing of their respective governments, they share a language and a belief structure, and will be accustomed to travel and foreign geographies already. Add in a few guards to protect them from highwaymen and monsters and you have individuals who are perfectly suited for this task. We can even rotate their meeting place so that no one nation is unduly burdened as the host, and this kind of sharing is in the best interests of us all."

(Radical Proposal: "Shall we establish a college or other regular meeting of diverse magi to share findings about the foreign and the supernatural?")

2021-02-10, 06:16 PM
Reincarnation was a mistake (0Y/1N)
Monotheism (4Y/3N)
Huyana as Archmagi (0Y/0N)
Holy Library (1Y/1N)
Share Findings (1Y/0N)

"Then you are fools blinded by spectacles! The Red Storm is blessed by three Gods and I am appalled by how little you appreciate the gift given to your people," he glared over at the Star Watch representatives, "I have been a Sarak since before you were born and I have seen the work of the Divine in all things, I didn't need a star to fall from the heavens to know these truths and I will not continue in this farce of a Conclave should such blasphemies be continued. Frankly, I and my people have been insulted since the very beginning of these proceedings, but we were prepared to lay our pride aside and grant those of Clann Solais their position here despite having only turned to Eauden in the past few years out of a desire for unity and peace. But now we see that this is a sham, that those of us who have revered the Gods since time immemorial are treated as nothing in favour of those who support the agenda of the Nocter of Dannu-Gaon!"
He turned to Huyana and knelt before her.
"Huyana, you are learned in the ancient wisdom of your forebears, you know that this is a false path that will only lead to disunity. I beseech thee, guide us away from this blasphemy."

2021-02-10, 06:38 PM
"There is a difference between evidence and spectacle, and I thank you kindly not to go waving your winters at me. If you wish to compare the numbers there you may find yourself coming up short." Lessa's countenance and voice both grew frosty, though she refrained from histrionics. "As to the Red Storm, I believe your argument based on it contradicts the other - why should we heed one spectacle but not the other? Whatever blessings were bestowed upon it can be seen as similar in nature to the starfall event - parts of a greater whole. But we have made our case and are willing to let it stand on its own merits."

2021-02-10, 06:50 PM
"I apologise that my arguments are not as well reasoned as I would like, but the blood of two Gods flows through the veins of my people and I am shocked that this Conclave would move to deny us our heritage. It strikes at the very core of what it means to be Viskari and to deny Iskandrazac is to deny a hundred generations of our forebears and I cannot do that."

2021-02-10, 09:44 PM
Reincarnation was a mistake (0Y/1N)
Duism (4Y/3N)
Huyana as Archmagi (0Y/1N)
Holy Library (1Y/1N)
Share Findings (2Y/0N)

5 Remaining (Spent 3)

Magin Notan-Taban himself took a break from the event after his embarrassment the day before but some of his allies were quick to raise their voices against Huyana. But that matter paled before the apparent schism forming, even as Magi looked to each other in confusion that the Viskari had apparently never acknowledged the World-Soul, a fairly core tenet of the Faith. For his part, Felessan's lips drew into a hard line as Lazarul accused him of machinations against the whole of the Viskari identity. He didn't know much about the Old Viskari pantheon - matters of religious scholarship were far less his forte than his wife's; he was only here because she had a very specific reason to be absent - but he had been under the impression that it was historical rather than especially current. A mistake, apparently. Beko-Mak seemed unfazed - was she expecting this reaction?

Felessan was not a religious scholar, but he knew politics. The Viskari would find themselves alone very fast, very soon. He turned his attention away from them, and turned it instead to backing his mother's proposal - this was a sensible thing to do with a unified church, to make it a place of learning and shared knowledge. Indeed, the Strix's Quill already served such a purpose on a smaller scale. It was an easy decision.

2021-02-11, 06:16 PM
Reincarnation was a mistake (0Y/1N)
Duism (4Y/3N)
Huyana as Archmagi (2Y/1N)
Holy Library (2Y/1N)
Share Findings (2Y/0N)

9 Remaining

"I do not seek strife, or to deny you your heritage, Lazarul. I am not a Viskari, so just like the inhabitants of the regions you have conquered, I am ignorant of the significance of this other god to your people. I have only the texts of Eauden to refer to. On the matter of the sun, our ancient texts have this to say, the sun overcomes the other stars by being the closest one to us. So if we recognize the sun as a star, then it is clear that the sun is part of the world soul and not divine in and of itself. I am of course, open to the creation of a holy library and the sharing of our findings with each other." Huyana voiced her interpretation of the texts reasonably, not unmoved by the Viskari's pleas but uncertain at how to rectify the dichotomy with the srcipture.

Night of the eclipse

Magin Notan-Taban had provided Huyana with a suitably open location for the occasion, and at this elevation, it seemed to Huyana that she could reach up and collect a handful of stars. She smiled to herself at the passing thought, hadn’t Lady Pina-Mak just done that very thing? It was not Huyana’s intent to pull a star out of the sky tonight, but to directly beseech Eauden for a Blessing.

If She answers my call, then I’ll know I’m worthy of the title Archmagi.

As the eclipse reached its zenith, Huyana clasped her hands to keep them from shaking as she turned to address the gathered devotees and spectators, the full moon hanging low and red behind her.

“Eauden tells us the full moon is a time for blessings, gratitude and celebration. Let us be grateful for the tenets adopted from the wisdom of the Star Kingdom of Solais, whose Teachings aid in finding and following our sacred paths.” Huyana looked up at the sky and pointed with her hand to the cluster of stars hanging just above the blood-red moon.

“Those who have chosen the Teachings of the Warrior have chosen a life of strength, but also of hardship. They have pledged to defend those weaker than themselves, at their own peril. They aspire to greatness, in thought and deed. Those of you who walk the path of the Warrior, step forward to be recognized.” Huyana blinked and the stars of the Warrior constellation twinkled with a red glow.

Several well known faces stepped forward, along with those that had yet to claim their renown. Viho Icewalker handed their infant son to Shira and stepped forward. Dara, the former High Chieftess of Uldra who had abdicated in order to seek revenge stepped forward. The infamous twin came forward almost reluctantly, the stump of her left arm hidden by her heavy furs, though she was unbothered by the cold. Huyana searched the faces of the Warriors present, letting intuition guide her, and felt Dara pull her attention no matter how many times she turned them away.

Huyana fought the trepidation she felt as her eyes settled on the woman.

“Dara, step forward, please. You have gained the attention of the Divine.”

Please give me the courage to see this through.

Huyana kept her face neutral through her silent prayer as Dara stepped forward, an eyebrow cocked in sardonic incredulity.

“Dara, do you declare that your path beckons you to follow the Teachings of the Warrior?” Huyana looked up at Dara, who towered over her, feeling like a tamed dog to Dara’s lone wolf.

“I do so declare.” Dara’s pale eyes reflected scarlet in the reddened moonlight.

“Dara, will you accept Eauden’s blessing on behalf of your fellow Warriors?” Huyana couldn’t keep the fear from her eyes, but instead of the scorn she had expected to see on Dara’s face, she saw instead merely acceptance of her fate, as if she had been waiting for the moment of culmination of the events that had led her to this point.

“I trust in Eauden’s will.” Dara’s face was set in determination. Huyana’s hands were clammy as she took Dara’s only hand and pricked her finger with a sharp bronze dagger pulled from the inner pocket of her cloak. She dipped her finger in the welling blood and drew a crimson circle on Dara’s forehead.

“Eauden, accept this student of the Warrior and use her as your conduit with her consent.” Huyana blinked again and she opened her eyes to find the vision tinged with a blood red film. She looked to the sky and realized that the moonlight had shone down upon them and even as she watched, its focus narrowed and concentrated upon Dara. The conquest of the Bloody Hills had been a defining moment in Dara’s Path as a Warrior. It had been the scene of her sister’s betrayal, and even now, she could feel the sharp knife of pain pierce her heart.

Betrayed, by my own blood.

A searing pain of another kind brought her back to the present as the blood circle Huyana had painted on her forehead glowed with an intense orange light and sank into her skin. The pain spread swiftly from her head downwards. She felt it enter her heart where it mingled with the pain of her twin’s betrayal and was pumped to her entire body through her arteries and organs. She staggered and fought to remain upright as the pain of Kari’s blood betrayal was made manifest. Similar glowing circles appeared on the other pledged Warriors and their screams were their only defense against the excruciating pain. Many of them fell to the ground, writhing and whimpering as their own blood turned traitor against them.

Sweating and trembling with effort, Dara focused the pain on her missing arm and held her stump up to the light as a red translucent limb began to form from the stump. She slowly flexed the fingers of the frozen, blood-red arm that had formed. Her strength flagged at last and the magic which had created it failed and the false arm fell off of her with a gory splash onto the ground. She finally allowed herself to fall to her knees as a short barking laugh escaped her throat.

“The pain your enemies have bestowed upon you has become strength. Eauden has Blessed our Warriors with the power to turn their enemy’s own blood against them. Let us give thanks and celebrate, even as we ponder the ramifications of such power.” Huyana’s face was pale but her voice steady as she voiced her thanks to Eauden.

She found me worthy after all…

Dara rose to her feet, her face sweating even as her expression relaxed with the recession of the pain, moved that she had been able to share it with others and feeling suddenly less burdened because of it.

I guess I was found worthy…

The former Chieftess moved to help those still struggling to their feet with her good hand and softly spoken words of encouragement.

2021-02-12, 02:34 PM
A Distant Visitor

Merine does not mind their short exchange, letting her attention wash over the many priests and delegates that have arrived for the event before turning her attention back to them with a simper. "In some ways it is nice to be unknown again - people show their true colors more often with strangers. ...But I see I am in good company, there is no reason to hide who I am. It would be a pleasure to see the beasts of Tarandi with you in these invisible gardens." Merine's weapon preference had always been knives that allowed her snakes to do their damage, but that was merely because they had no bows worth the string to tie them in Mamut. Once the two would begin to explore the new weaponry, she would take to it with much enthusiasm. Merine had also dealt with politics for a long time, so long that it had been around twenty years since she'd done proper adventuring alongside Kalm Alqar. The serpentine woman had not aged, but the passing of all her former company with the turn of the generation was anything but motivating.

Divine Heritage

"I do not seek strife, or to deny you your heritage, Lazarul. I am not a Viskari, so just like the inhabitants of the regions you have conquered, I am ignorant of the significance of this other god to your people. I have only the texts of Eauden to refer to. On the matter of the sun, our ancient texts have this to say, the sun overcomes the other stars by being the closest one to us. So if we recognize the sun as a star, then it is clear that the sun is part of the world soul and not divine in and of itself. I am of course, open to the creation of a holy library and the sharing of our findings with each other." Huyana voiced her interpretation of the texts reasonably, not unmoved by the Viskari's pleas but uncertain at how to rectify the dichotomy with the scripture.

In the crowds a medusa allowed a small smirk to cross her face. Is that how they viewed the Sun? A star, but closer... No mere member of the sky's flock could illuminate all the world on its own, to her own similar faith of the west. The sun was so much greater; the light that needed no others to protect the world, yet could not be present all the time. There were many incarnations of the sun as other figures of worship through the ages - perhaps she had ought to talk to these Viskari about the nature of their divinity if they held the heritage they claimed.

Night of the eclipse

The eclipse is a terrible omen. Thought Merine as the ceremony started; not daring to look upon the eclipse above. Yet she did not need to, as they called upon the familiar Warrior constellation that gave her some hope for the legitimacy of it all. Huyana seemed to channel the will of the moon with due worthiness, but did not know that the powers that reached her now were any but the good will of (her understanding of) Eauden. She cringed as the incantation was finished, bracing for the screams of the 'blessed' for just a moment before her fears were proven right. Were these her lands, she might have called for the ceremony to be halted for this unholy time - but here she was nobody, spoke not their tongue, and it was not her place even as these warriors ready to fight for the light were twisted with darkness. Her heart pounded as she witnessed the weakness of false flesh and the powers to control it, finally averting her eyes from the ceremony and saving her prayers for a time when the light would be listening... However close she felt that Eauden and Trinity of Light was, it seemed that there were still some severe misunderstandings. "It is not the light that twists the flock against their kin." She whispers with some intensity to the Truthseer beside her, who deigns not to answer her.

2021-02-12, 03:45 PM
Reincarnation was a mistake (0Y/1N)
Duism (4Y/3N)
Huyana as Archmagi (2Y/1N)
Holy Library (2Y/1N)
Share Findings (2Y/0N)
(NEW) Forbidden Art (2Y/0N)

1 Remaining

As the ritual came to a conclusion and the Eclipse came to an end, a chill passed down Beko-Mak's spine. To turn one's blood against them...it seemed to spit in the face of Mother Mountain's gift. A perfect counter to it. Had the House of Mak done something to lose Eauden's favor?

She worried, but did not know what that could be. Her voice shook as she stole the Podium. "I...I wish to advance a radical proposal. This...Gift...is fearsome indeed, but it was given to warriors. I believe this art, this Blood-bending, be deemed a Forbidden technique, a terrible crime to be used against others of the Faithful, suited for use only against Monsters and beasts, or heathens."

(NEW Radical Proposal: Make Blood-bending a Forbidden Art, its use against fellow followers of the Way of Eauden considered monstrous by the Church. This has no bearing on its use against followers of totally different faiths or against monsters, though certainly members of other faiths might feel negatively about such a thing.)

2021-02-12, 06:53 PM
Falar cleared his throat. "I'm terribly sorry to express ignorance of the ways of the more northern peoples, but what makes this form of brutal murder worse than all the others we currently employ? When the Solais go on the march, we ride wolves into battle. They bite. They bite arms, legs, throats, groins... the wolves do not discriminate, is what I'm saying. And a bronze axe has never been an instrument of painless execution if your opponent is not kind enough to kneel for you. The bows of the Viskari leave puncture wounds, small enough until they become infected and the greenspread begins, then those injured die, slowly and in agony, unless they are strong enough for a maiming that might slow the spread. What about this new magic is worse?"

"I wonder what our neighbors - that is, the ones bordering the lands of Uldra and Solais - might think of being deemed on par with the creatures of the night. This proposal needs to be thought through very carefully." Lessa added her own concern at the end.

2021-02-13, 07:52 PM
Reincarnation was a mistake (0Y/1N)
Duism (4Y/3N)
Huyana as Archmagi (3Y/1N)
Holy Library (2Y/1N)
Share Findings (2Y/0N)
(NEW) Forbidden Art (2Y/3N)

5 Remaining

"I agree with Lady Lessa." Viho Icewalker's voice was a quiet rumble that broke through the muttering of the crowd to gain their attention.

"There's an honor to meeting your foe on the battlefield, but dead is dead whether your blood is turned against you or you meet your end by your opponent's sword. Besides, we are all friends here, are we not? I have personally fought side by side with the Viskari, and would fight alongside any one of you against our enemies. Uldra has no cause to fight any of you. If you don't want Blood-bending used against you, simply do not give us a reason to. That should go for all of us beneath the call of Eauden."