View Full Version : Rules Q&A "Replicate magic item" mechanics question

2021-02-03, 10:49 AM
So i'm just looking for clarification on how some of the Artificer stuff works as getting a little lost with the wording. So how does the replicate magic item infusion actually work? do you learn to make the item, do you make one as a prototype, do you have one but only while selected as an "active" infusion?

looking at it the number of active infusions always matches the number of items you can attune but the number of infusions known is double that and not sure why. i can get having a few more as choices but double seems lots. so at level 6 you can infuse/attune 3 items but you know 6 so 3 are just sitting there unused. part of me thinks this would make sense if the magic item you make doesn't count to infusions active, e.g. 3 infused items and a bag of holding but would see that breaking with the more powerful items.

maybe just me over planning characters but once i know what 3 infusions i want then getting 3 more that sit unused seems really weird, it just seems a bit off and makes me think i'm missing something but not sure what, clarification would be much appreciated.

2021-02-03, 11:33 AM
It works the same as any other infusion. The description of the magical properties just happens to be in the DMG.

Say you learn the infusion Replicate Magic Item (Bag of Holding). You can now take a mundane bag and imbue it with the power of a bag of holding. However, it reverts to a mundane bag modInt days after you die, or if you infuse too many other items, or if you try to make a second bag of holding. I don't really understand that last one, but 'tis the rule.

As for why you know double the infusions than what you can make, I imagine it is a bit like preparing spells.

2021-02-03, 11:36 AM
Yes, you know more infusion than you can have at one time. It means you can pick situational options and switch them as needed.