View Full Version : Spy Master's Animated Objects

2021-02-07, 01:45 AM
OK. I was told that my character was actually a spy for the governing body. Meh. Why not.

So, I've got Animate Objects from Spheres, but works the same way as the spell, save for targeting only Tiny and Small items.
But I've also got Bestow Intelligence which can give objects and mindless creatures (including animated objects) sparks of sentience...completely beholden to your will, and doomed to death in a couple minutes. But details! Spies aren't good people!

But now even objects and plants gain normal senses out to 60 ft, and can speak and can speak a language of my choice.

So, there's obvious stuff like Animating/Bestowing peoples' clothing to spy on them and report back, or doing the same to the mug you're drinking from to figure out what the barkeep is hiding behind the bar.

But is there something less obvious but still useful?

2021-02-07, 02:46 AM
A doorknob that can talk and can say you who entered in the building? Throwing an animated rock in a place to use that as a spy , especially if it is a slum place or something where a stone could be (same idea with a present) With a matrioska doll animating it, let it enter , then separate the matrioska with one of these that report to you, while the other remain in the building, so the matrioska that reported can be "found" and put in the collection (maybe animated again?) I don't know so much about sphere , these are only ideas

2021-02-07, 02:49 AM
A doorknob that can talk and can say you who entered in the building? Throwing an animated rock in a place to use that as a spy , especially if it is a slum place or something where a stone could be (same idea with a present) With a matrioska doll animating it, let it enter , then separate the matrioska with one of these that report to you, while the other remain in the building, so the matrioska that reported can be "found" and put in the collection (maybe animated again?) I don't know so much about sphere , these are only ideas

Those are nice.

2021-02-07, 09:45 AM
Those are nice.
Coins go everywhere. Also: Any super small thing will work well - size bonuses to stealth.

You might want to supplement your Enhancement sphere with some Divination - Shared Perception will remove the need to have them return to you, effectively doubling the range.

2021-02-07, 01:56 PM
Coins go everywhere. Also: Any super small thing will work well - size bonuses to stealth.

You might want to supplement your Enhancement sphere with some Divination - Shared Perception will remove the need to have them return to you, effectively doubling the range.

Oh my gosh diddly darn! That's a great idea!