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2021-02-08, 05:09 AM



Speech Color

Race [Ethnicity]
(Gender ID)

Side #1

Side #2

Campaign Trait

Alvor "Al" Istari


Middle-Aged Human
[Chelish] (m)
Warder 4
Warlord 4
[Vanguard Commander]
Family Ties



Samsaran (m)
Oracle (Lore) 4
[Reincarnated Oracle]
Brawler 2
Slayer 2
Order of the Godclaw
Scholar of the Ancients

[B]Martin Bevuk


Human [Varisian] (m)
Ranger 4
Stalker 4
Monster Hunter

Norton Dabney


Human [Varisian] (m)
Magus 4
Vizier 4
(Path of the Crafter)
Scholar of the Ancients

Steingott Felsfaust

Dark Green

Dwarf (m)
Brawler 4
Geokineticist 4
Erastil + Torag
Friends & Enemies

Zada of the Stone Tales

Golden Rod

Human [Shoanti]
Shaman 4
[Witch Doctor]
Soulknife 4
[Living Legend]
Student of Faith

2021-02-08, 05:19 PM
Recent History of Sandpoint and Surrounding Areas

4702 AR:The Late Unpleasantness
The most notable events in the short history of Sandpoint occurred in the winter of 4702, and are referred to locally as "the late unpleasantness." The people of Sandpoint would prefer to put the unsavory disasters behind them, but five years is not long enough to fully forget these events. Within the course of only a few years, a string of murders by a ruthless killer known as "Chopper" and a great fire which destroyed the iconic chapel and many of the surrounding buildings ravaged the town both physically and emotionally. A grand cathedral has since been built and the people of Sandpoint are finally optimistic about their future.

23 Rova, 4707 AR: The Swallowtail Festival, which also served as the "grand opening" of the Sandpoint Cathedral, was interrupted by a goblin raid on the town. Martin Bevuk and Midori, separately, are one of many of Sandpoint's worthies to help repel the goblins, but not the main heroes. Martin Bevuk was manning his brother's "Fine Meats" kiosk and fought off a several goblins there. Midori the Scarlet Sentinel wasn't a "Hero of Sandpoint" but was a hero to a young nobleman she saved from worg-riding goblins: one Aldern Foxglove. A larger mix of strangers repelled the main attacking force of goblins and got the glory.

Events through 23 Lamashan, 4707 AR: In the interim, Martin Bevuk only worked with Shalelu a couple days in goblin-hunting as she would end up working with the Heroes of Sandpoint while Martin still had to stay closer to home to help Hayliss with a family matter. Midori was invited on a boar hunt by Lord Aldern and whispers and rumors abound about that hunt, but Midori doesn't feed the rumors, and Lord Aldern moved on from Sandpoint to his ancestral home of Foxglove Manor, looking for someone more marriageable than the foreign Tian woman. The Heroes of Sandpoint, after several dramatic events in or near town, make several strikes against Thistletop, the base of the multi-tribal goblin strength in the Lost Coast Hinterlands region.

24 Lamashan 4707 AR: After several roster shifts and hard work, the Heroes of Sandpoint kill Thistletop's Leader, Warchief Ripnugget. But Thistletop shows more evil below the surface of the goblin stockade, showing that their work is not yet done.

26 Lamashan 4707 AR: After clearing out the rest of the surface of Thistletop, the Heroes of Sandpoint find a room that included plans that showed the raid on Sandpoint was just the first step in a larger, projected WAR!

28 Lamashan 4707 AR: Nualia Tobyn, the missing daughter of the late Father Tobyn, is revealed to be the mastermind behind recent troubles, and Heroes of Sandpoint kill her and end her ambitions.

1 Neth 4707 AR: Draegra joins with the Heroes of Sandpoint in an advisory capacity, mainly to deal with extricating a fallen member's body, and then to study whatever there might be in the ancient, head-shaped ruins of Thistletop.

2 Neth 4707 AR: Keghart Valdemar is killed by the ancient, trapped greater barghest named Malfeshnikor. Though some of the heroes fled, two stayed behind and against all odds and slew the ancient denizen. The trauma inflicted from a previous curse by Nualia, a brother's death, a feeling of failure ..... the Heroes of Sandpoint go their separate ways, mainly to Magnimar.

Only Norton Dabney of the "Heroes of Sandpoint" (who really was a late-roster addition) remained in Sandpoint, as did the outside consultant consultant, Draegra. On their way back from Sandpoint and over the course of the next few weeks, ghouls are encountered. They aren't terribly numerous, but it seems ghouls, not goblins, are wagging on the tongues of Sandpoint citizens as they fill their cups in the safety of the untouched town.

2021-02-09, 08:17 AM

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Alvor is not a large man, but he is nevertheless in remarkable shape. Leanly muscled and athletically built, his imprisonment provided him both the time and incentive to develop his fitness, and he bears the scars to prove that he has put that fitness to use. In battle, he is sure-footed and steady-handed. Moving swiftly and striking decisively, he would rather cow an opponent into surrendering than be forced to kill them.

Though physically fit, there are aspects of Alvor's appearance that reveal his ongoing struggles in adjusting to life outside of the Longacre Prison. He is rarely clean shaven, his hair is unkempt, and dark circles under his eyes suggest that he isn't sleeping well. Days spent searching for work are usually concluded at a local tavern, lending his clothes an aroma of smoke, and his breath the smell of liquor.

Alvor dresses simply in well-worn clothing that gives no indication of his noble upbringing. His armor is finely crafted, but it is armor he owned before his arrest, and the tarnished plate is beginning to show its age.


More than a decade of unjust incarceration has kindled in Alvor an anger he never knew he had, and frankly wishes he didn't, for it is a near-constant reminder of the connection he shares with a father he resents. Rooted in his hatred for Rikkard Endrin, and the perversion of a system of justice he once swore an oath to defend, his anger was once a ruinous thing, as much a danger to himself as it was to those around him. The passing years have worn at the jagged edges of his psyche, tempering his rage and shaping an indignant surliness that is most apparent in oft-muttered curses and a persistent scowl.

Having spent such a large proportion of his life in prison, time is especially important to the former watchman. He respects efficiency, and is quick to seek common ground or to accept compromise. Far more pragmatic now than he was in his youth, he makes an effort to speak plainly and directly, and expects other to do the same. He'd much rather risk offering offense or being offended than dance around an issue for the sake of politeness.

As someone who knows firsthand what it is to have their name unjustly maligned, Alvor is reluctant to trust in the veracity of reputation. Wherever possible, he prefers to judge words and actions directly rather than let his opinions be informed by the assessments of others. He does not invest his trust easily as a result, but when he does give his word, he keeps it, and is not soon to forget being lied to or misled.

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2021-02-09, 08:28 AM

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Tall and lanky at 6'6" and 190 lbs., there is likely nobody like Draegra in a hundred leagues or more, as his blue-skinned people come from far to the east. Still, everything about his speech and dress tell one he grew up in Avistan. His scale mail, morningstar, and several other backup weapons can tell one he means business, which is then seconded by his holy symbol - that of the Order of the Godclaw, an amalgam of five of the most notably lawful deities in the main continental pantheon, a throwback to when he was raised in a Hellknight monastery.


The hands of past lives are upon Draegra, and he is not always in control of his words or actions. From time to time Draegra is given over completely to the will of his past lives, and he says or does things that he had no intention of saying or doing. Driven by impulses he cannot control or understand, he might be capable of astonishing acts of courage or awful treachery -- it all depends on the whim of his past lives.

In his own agency, Draegra is notable for his calm, but self-absorbed demeanor. Given to worries about his "mental illness" has killed his humor, as he tends to be a more serious, even tending towards the tragic.

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2021-02-09, 08:31 AM
Martin Bevuk

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/dednkh2-92f002f4-9651-4e02-8cd7-02d2eb7d4687.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWRua2gyLTky ZjAwMmY0LTk2NTEtNGUwMi04Y2Q3LTAyZDJlYjdkNDY4Ny5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.DVaPwk5Ul5uOt1XgvUSY4k4ZFW8JErxiJCHnCc6EXUs


Medium height and burly (5' 8", 166 lbs.), with a mass of curly hair and thick unkempt beard, Martin looks much like the ranger he is. He is strong, stands tall for his height, and weather-beaten from a life in the woods with piercing green eyes that are keenly observant.

Normally dressed in leathers and green clothes he is often seen with a lumber axe and bow on his back.


Happy and gregarious, he is jolly when at home, often enjoying a tankard in the Hagfish or an evening with his brother or laughing at Cydrak's latest show in the theatre with Hayliss beside him.

He is straightforward and blunt, used to the rough nature of caravan guards and traveling merchants with a simple sense of humor. Hayliss' more sophisticated jokes often going over his head.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deduqg5-fe7be0c1-fa48-4a28-96ce-7de6000cc23e.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWR1cWc1LWZl N2JlMGMxLWZhNDgtNGEyOC05NmNlLTdkZTYwMDBjYzIzZS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.5AGHF_rQ-CSP5EKeys7PmYYCh-LhaUrX3ipDaN2vcdU

2021-02-09, 08:37 AM
Midori the Scarlet Sentinel

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deduql5-a9525527-9153-4b56-b76b-0649b88580b4.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWR1cWw1LWE5 NTI1NTI3LTkxNTMtNGI1Ni1iNzZiLTA2NDliODg1ODBiNC5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.1amdni49wuh7Z3w-4eNz5zpkIZFU6Wg1hzmUpGkEw-E


A willowy (5'7" 127 lbs.), olive-skinned woman of Tian ancestry with an hourglass figure, large almond-shaped eyes that glitter like emeralds and full lips. Her long raven hair cascades just past her shoulders, streaked with patches of white, often kept tied back in a high bun, with long unkempt strands landing around her neckline and framing her face. Midori is clad in a vermillion mantle and billowing scarlet-and-black robes that hang over one shoulder, cinched with a series of leather straps. She wears sandaled boots wrapped in linens to keep her feet warm in the colder Varisian weather, her wrists bedecked in golden rings that match those hanging from her ears. Each of her fingers on her left hand is bound by gilded rings of solid gold. The middle finger stylized like a gout of flame, her left ring-finger stylized as a torc with two fists meeting together, as a minor symbol of Irori, and her pinky finger emblazoned with a lotus, symbolizing the Sakura throne.


Silver-tongued, and quick to make friends and foes alike, Midori often relies on her charm and wit to make her way. Seemingly fearless in a fight as long as she will be compensated, Midori steels any anxiety behind a facade of aloof bravado. Likewise with companions, should she find herself in promising or profitable ventures, she considers her loyalty and honor well-earned. Honor-bound to uphold her tradition's tenets and seek perfection in her arts, Midori considers no job completed until her benefactors are fully satisfied, and will see anything less as failure on her part and attempt to make amends.

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2021-02-09, 08:41 AM
Norton Dabney

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6' 2, 215 lbs. Brown eyes, black hair.


No data given.

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2021-02-09, 08:47 AM
Steingott Felsfaust

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/dedur2j-07abb50d-8d45-498d-8e15-ae04a496982d.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWR1cjJqLTA3 YWJiNTBkLThkNDUtNDk4ZC04ZTE1LWFlMDRhNDk2OTgyZC5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.NtB3_knm8_5TB-wVDj5h9EbToeGM4YxU1Pv0fzoPhUg


4' 3", 203 lbs. Long "near black" dark brown hair, worn in an east asian style bun. Beard same color tied off into two "ponytails" on each side. Massive upper body and core. Very muscular. Very simple clothing and a chain shirt.


Always looking to help: Caring, Positive, Optimistic, Hard-working.

Too trusting of others. Not much in the way of healthy skepticism.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/dedur8o-8ffbecee-52d8-4b27-b24d-aa7e66ffcdb8.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWR1cjhvLThm ZmJlY2VlLTUyZDgtNGIyNy1iMjRkLWFhN2U2NmZmY2RiOC5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.qPSGNgUWlJWwa3g2M1A8R4LTVBzshq0GjV9_UdtZRSU

2021-02-09, 08:50 AM
Zada of the Stone Tales

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/ded9vvf-9d64655d-cb36-4f96-a1a1-bd5bb219007a.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWQ5dnZmLTlk NjQ2NTVkLWNiMzYtNGY5Ni1hMWExLWJkNWJiMjE5MDA3YS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.noD_ASMSS7DGEKTbPS4r0SRry6EArQc_Cs1Bt8jgMXU


5' 11", 175 lbs. They are currently bald, though their hair is naturally a thick white. They do have busy silver eyebrows, however. Deep olive skin tone.


They are somewhat jovial, though a bit prone to failing at keeping a conversation up and leading to awkwardness. They also like to come off as sagacious, even when they only have a middling amount of expertise. Basically, they are minorly extroverted, but without a whole lot of social skills to back up that enthusiasm.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/dedurf0-faccd1ce-687f-4353-bfcd-e8b5abd5c412.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWR1cmYwLWZh Y2NkMWNlLTY4N2YtNDM1My1iZmNkLWU4YjVhYmQ1YzQxMi5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.edFz7VmhaZvuHz8Mr3F1QBdgz8VoOoD4be4ysx1xS74

2021-02-09, 12:50 PM

In the morning, Midori spends one hour at daybreak in meditation with her sword outside of the Rusty Dragon, practicing her forms and disciplines, dressed in her simple crimson kasaya. She then returns to her room to prepare for the rest of the day, gathering together the rest of her robes and hooded coat, setting up at the main parlor of the bar where she awaits a potential employer for the day with a cup of tigerclove tea and a bit of bread. Typically hired as a mercenary or guard, the Tian woman offers her services to all of the townsfolk, from the menial task of watching over the stables in advance of a goblin raid to more pressing matters such as accompanying traders' wagons to and from the city limits, all the while discussing her travels across Golarion with any interested to hear tales from Minkai. When she is there, she attempts to steer any conversation of her dealings with Lord Foxglove to less intimate matters.

2021-02-09, 01:23 PM
Steingott Felsfaust

During a typical day, Steingott would be looking for work to raise funds to help the needy get their basic needs filled. Most of the time he gets work in smith shops mining on their behalf with some occasional work on the forge. This employment is usually on a day-to-day basis. He doesn't work for one place "on the books" or salary since he's known to leave on more humanitarian efforts or fighting evil on a larger scale more worthy of an adventurer. He doesn't mind these more basic quite times working labor as it gives him an opportunity to be involved with the lives of the locals.

If he's not working labor or doing charity work (things like clothing drives and soup kitchens, educating youth), he's working out and honing his skills. Usually he does this outdoors in a rocky landscape away from town for some peace and quiet. He typically rents rooms from local families to keep his own personal costs down and cooks most of his meals in-house as opposed to dining out.

His fame as a wrestler is of a more local celebrity level back home in Janderhoff, but it isn't too rare to spot him signing an autograph or two for "in the know" fighting enthusiasts.

2021-02-09, 02:41 PM
Zada of the Stone Tale

Zada begins their morning routine outside; leaving their room in The White Deer, they walk the few hundred feet until they reach the cliff on the edge of the town. There, in sea air, they meditate, the sea winds brings them closer to Gozreh, at least in a spiritual sense. There, undisturbed by the hubbub of the city, they remember the old stories. The ones the earth likes to tell, of heroes long past, today focusing on of the cunning and the divine.

As they do so, something about them changes. It's nothing particularly notable; there was no mystical transformation, nor did their apparel undergo any sort of modification, but there was something different. A series of incredibly subtle changes that alone meant nothing, but together changed a viewer's impression of what they saw. When Zada first channeled the spirits of the divine, somehow they came off as masculine. They were still clearly Zada; anyone who saw him before would still clearly recognize them, but whatever it was, they were clearly was presenting as masculine, even if only in subtle ways. Contrariwise, once they shifted to channeling a more cunning spirit, the small changes suddenly reversed themselves, to the point that now they were coming off as feminine. Wether it was the softer tone of their voice, or the slightly more relaxed posture, they seemed much more feminine than they did a few seconds ago. Regardless of which way the spirits made them lean, however, Zada thought nothing of it. While Zada tended to think of themselves in either first or nonspecific third person, they didn't particularly care about correcting others on it.

Once their spiritual routine was complete, they made their way back into town proper. Zada had planned to meet Bran Ironshield, their old mentor, for lunch, and there were a few things they wanted to purchase in town to get ready for it.

2021-02-09, 02:46 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/dednkh2-92f002f4-9651-4e02-8cd7-02d2eb7d4687.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWRua2gyLTky ZjAwMmY0LTk2NTEtNGUwMi04Y2Q3LTAyZDJlYjdkNDY4Ny5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.DVaPwk5Ul5uOt1XgvUSY4k4ZFW8JErxiJCHnCc6EXUs
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin's day was typical. He had woken in Hayliss's small rooms above her boutique. Stretching in the pre-dawn he kissed her fondly and pottered into her pantry cutting a thick slice of bread and liberally smearing it with some jam and along with some water he left it by her bed and with a last look at her grinned, threw on his greenish jerkin, grabbed his bow and with bow and a waterskin in hand headed out across the southern bridge past the Kaijitsu manor and into the woods.

The dawn found him jogging back through the woods after roaming in a semi circle back into the north gate of the town past the cathedral and boneyard, a small baby boar slung over his shoulder, porcine sweat and blood soaking his back. He didn't mind, it had been a productive morning. Reaching the shop he unlocked the back door and headed in past the hanging room. The cold stone room filled with the coppery scent of blood as he walked pas the hanging deer, boar, game birds and other animals. Hanging the boar on a stout hook he grabbed a knife to drain it and headed upstairs. "Brother, Chod, get yerself up. It's past dawn. I've got a boar its ready for you to get cutting". Ignoring the grumbling and the sarcastic Aye Mart', even missing me fingers I'm better than you at that. You fetch 'em and I prep 'em" Martin grins, shaking his head and heads downstairs, pushing open the shutters and pulling cuts of meat out from the stores into the shop front.

THe morning passes happily as the shops gets busy with Sandpoint's masses, the Meat Market the best butcher in town, certainly with Martin's skills it was always the best stocked with game. Something the likes of Sheriff Hemlock or Jargie enjoys (Jargie, always getting a choice cut of something good to ensure him and Chod got a good seat later that night in the Hagfish). The only fly in the ointment is when Jubrayl walks in with a couple of his local toughs. He is given a curt service and Martin breathes happier when the stooge of the Scarnetti's leaves, he had no love for Titus's lackeys or anyone who would bother Hayliss's brother "Sir" Jasper.

With the shop busy he knew it would be a long day, he and his brother working hard and looking forward to the end of the day when he head across to see Hayliss again. A choice cut of deer from earlier in the week earmarked for their tea...

2021-02-09, 04:57 PM
Alvor Istari

Alvor's displeasure was written plainly on his face as he stood leaning against a tree, watching Danver Lauson's son struggle to swing a wooden sword at a straw target. His head was still pounding from the night before and his breakfast wasn't sitting right, but they'd wagered on an hour, and he'd lost that wager.

"That's, uh..." he started with a sigh, "That's a little better, sure. Still lifting that back foot though. You looking to win any fights on one leg?"

Young Roger shook his head.

"I didn't think so. Lets try it again then."

The boy took a few more swings, lifting his back foot each time as though the small piece of wood he wielded was enough to upset his balance. Alvor took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. Before he could say anything, however, Danver walked out from behind the shed carrying a pile of wood.

"Hells, Al, would it kill ya to smile or somethin'? For the boy's sake?"

"Honestly, Lauson, it just might. I mean, I'm here aren't I, holdin' up my end?" He slumped a little lower against the tree. "If you're gonna hustle a man, at least have the decency not to ask him to smile about it."

Danver seemed proud of himself. He widened his own smile before he laughed. "Like you ain't been hustled before."

Alvor's jaw tightened but remained shut as the senior Lauson turned and ducked into the shed. Alvor knew better than to say what he was thinking in front of the boy, so for a moment, he said nothing.

"Alright, Roger, one more time..."

2021-02-09, 10:17 PM

The proprieter of the Rusty Dragon, Ameiko Kaijutsu calls to her fellow Minkaian. "Hey! got a message here for you about a job," she says as she sets down a piece of vellum conspicuously so you see it while she goes about her duties.

When you read it, you see a simple note scrawled in a simple hand (which is a bit jarring to an artist such as yourself) ...

"Heard from Ameiko and House of Blue Stones that you are someone with some skill.
Please come see me for a job offer at sunset bell at the Sandpoint Garrison."

- Sheriff Belor Hemlock

It's one of those many times that fusspot Larz Rovanky of Rovanky's Tannery recently did a mass layoff, which does make financial sense considering that winter is now upon you. So, Steingott has weathered doing a couple days of day labor when he is let loose for the day. In doing so, he hands Steingott a sealed vellum note. "Came in for you. Probably the sheriff looking to poach the help. Doesn't matter. Here's your day's earnings, and I'll assume you won't be in tomorrow."

And without so much as a goodbye who goes about the rest of his business.

"Heard from Ameiko and House of Blue Stones that you are someone with some skill.
Please come see me for a job offer at sunset bell at the Sandpoint Garrison."

- Sheriff Belor Hemlock
When Zada returns to the White Deer, the place where her repast was to occur, Bran is there to see her. "Ah, it seems you are quite the popular person today, Zada! A huffy Shoanti sheriff came in to give the proprieter a look, equally and huffily returned, but that is rumor of other things. But I laid th present paralell with the napkin holders, and I have to say, it just doesn't suit the decor."

Zada looks at the much cheaper vellum placed next to the nice napkin holder with its linen cloth serviette. Opening it up, she sees the script of a simple man within...

"Heard from Bran Ironfist that you are someone with some skill.
Please come see me for a job offer at sunset bell at the Sandpoint Garrison."

- Sheriff Belor Hemlock

Martin gets handed a vellum note from Chod. "This came for you when you were 'cleaning your shaft,'" he says as he laughs uproariously. Of course, he means you cleaning your arrows from the hunt, but he had to make it weird. Because brothers.

"Please come see me for a job offer at sunset bell at the Sandpoint Garrison."

- Sheriff Belor Hemlock

The young boy's mother comes up to Alvor and says, "This came for you," and she hands Alvor a piece of vellum. Opening it up ...

"Heard from around town that you skill.
Please come see me for a job offer at sunset bell at the Sandpoint Garrison."

- Sheriff Belor Hemlock

2021-02-09, 11:43 PM
Alvor Istari

Alvor almost seems to wince when Mrs. Lauson hands him the note. "Thank you," he says softly, offering his gratitude along with a polite nod despite the fact that his expression suggests that he is less than excited to be receiving correspondence.

He turns the folded parchment over in his hands a few times before finally opening it, but as he reads what's written inside, he blows a heavy breath of relief through his lips. With his headache suddenly seeming slightly less bothersome, he tucks the note into his pocket and then turns his attention back to little Roger and his troublesome back foot.

2021-02-10, 04:07 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

The day was a busy one. With a lot of recent game the shop was packed with a good selection of game and the pheseants were selling fast, although as one of Ameiko's serving girls bought a brace of them he grinned, the stew at the 'Dragon would be good with them. As he took his lunch in the back room, ignoring the knives and hooks on the walls and the bloodstained counter where Chod had been working.

As he was binding some nice grouse feathers to the arrows (he liked the black and red feathers) he heard Chod shouting... "Cleaning my shaft, aye brother, funny.." he retorts as he he grabs the letter and scans it. "Hey, I'm finishing early tonight Chod you can close up. Hemlock wants to see me. Maybe he wants a big buck for the garrison?" . Chod grins, "Aye, well then why would he ask for you and not Daviren or one of them new heroes that been roaming the town."

Martin gave him a single fingered response before tidying up the fletchings and putting the apron back on for the rest of the afternoon. As the afternoon ound down he grabbed his bow and quiver and headed to the edge of town to the boutique. The welcoming perfumed smell as he enters always reminds of Hayliss, and her shop was busy with people looking at the assorted collection of silk scarves, small artisan toys for children and even a guard looking at varisian weapons on the walls. He gave her a quick hug "Hey my sweet. I brought these," he offered showing her the prime cut of venison wrapped in paper, "But I'll be later than planned. Hemlcok asked me to go and see him at Sunset bell." She grins and nods, "You are getting popular now after the raid, be important like those other heroes. Pick up some bell peppers on the way back."

With a playful kiss he waves and trots back across town nodding and greeting friends and stopping at the Sandpoint Savouries to see Arika and walks the last stretch to the garrison with a large sugary pastry. Getting to the garrison around the bell he greets the guard at the gate. "Evening, Sheriff wanted to see me 'bout something."

2021-02-10, 01:23 PM
Zada and their old mentor caught up during lunch. The old dwarf had settled comfortably in town, with him relaxing into his retirement. He occasionally plied his skills at the cathedral, using his casting skills for healing when Father Zantus was with other business. For themselves, Zada talked about their time as a caravanner, and the tales that came from those side jobs. At some point, the conversation lulled and Zada mentioned the vision they'd had, about how they had the feeling Gozreh was telling them that something was up around here, but like all gods was subtle in his warnings.

Still, things otherwise went by uneventfully until the end of the meal, when the note slipped from Zada's pack. Bran picked it off the floor and read it. Zada hadn't thought much of the note; they'd actually forgotten that they had put it in their bag, and wasn't exactly looking for work at the moment anyway, but Bran thought that it might be a sign; that whatever the Sherriff wanted from them might be what Gozreh was pushing them towards. Zada remained skeptical; surely Gozreh had more important things to worry about than small town police work, but then again, gods were inherently mysterious beings, so perhaps Gozreh knew something about this situation that they didn't which would make it worthy of her interest.

So, as the sun began to meet the horizon, Zada found themselves at the garrison, waiting to hear what the Sherriff had to say, and perhaps determine what Gozreh wanted to show them.

2021-02-10, 05:55 PM
As he has done many times in the past month and a half, Norton spends his afternoon wandering town, knowing that he can learn much from idle gossip, and has actually picked up a few jobs in the past few weeks thanks to this. He hasn't been very lucky today though, only really hearing meaningless trivia today. It doesn't much matter to him though, since this is mostly just a diversion to keep him from being locked up in his room poring over the notes he's been painstakingly replicating for a few weeks now.

Once he's finished and altogether tired of being around people, he returns to his inn to go back to his work, only for the innkeeper to stop him and hand him a small note.

"Please come to the Sandpoint Garrison at the Sunset Bell. I have a new job offer for you.
-Sheriff Belor Hemlock

As Norton has spoken with the Sheriff a few times before, he is well used to this walk, and so heads up to his room in order to prepare for this meeting, making sure to let his familiar into its satchel so that he can come along before he heads out. He arrives earlier than needed, and after greeting his way in, takes a seat and returns to his note while waiting for the Sheriff to meet with him.

2021-02-11, 11:59 AM
As she drinks her tea, one leg crossed over the other, Midori offers a small smile to Ameiko as she approaches, solemnly nodding her head in appreciation. "My thanks to you, Ameiko," she offers, her voice lilting with a hint of an accent denoting this was not her common tongue. Reaching over for the parchment, she unfurls it in one hand, lazily reading the text with a furrowed brow as she sips her tea. This sheriff is decidedly no artist...Hopefully, he is better with blade than brush. But still, work is work. Best to see what he has need of, if the House of Blue Stones could not assist him in this venture... Setting down her tea and rolling the vellum into a scroll, she tucks it into the breast of her robes and kicks down her boots, placing her hood overhead as she places four copper coins on the bar counter, giving Ameiko a slight bow as she exits the inn, making her way down to the garrison just before the sun begins to set.

2021-02-11, 01:06 PM

Steingott drops his earnings in one of his waist pouches without counting it.

"I'm sure it's all there, Larz. Ha! I hope you're right about the note. I could use a bigger payday if I'm going to get that food pantry off the ground."

Steingott opens the envelope and unfolds the note.

"Short and sweet. Must be important." While still looking down at the letter, Steingott starts, "Looks like you're right Larz. Likely won't be in tomorrow. Anything extra you'd like me to do before I head..." Steingott looks up. Larz has already left.

"Huh. Well ok, then. I'll miss you too. Guess I'll make a quick dinner and check out this J-O-B!"

2021-02-12, 12:54 AM

Sheriff Belor Hemlock

Sheriff Hemlock, a Shoanti man that has been "assimilated" into Sandpoint more fully than some of his kin, greets Draegra and Norton and Martin (who he knows well), and introduces himself to the others (who he doesn't know so well). He then takes the group of you into a back conference (i.e., interrogation) room, and the lot of your are rather crammed in there now.

“First, let me thank you again for all you’ve done for Sandpoint. Norton Dabney and Draegra, true, but also back during the Swallowtail Festival, I seemed to remember Martin Bevuk and Midori helping fight goblins back then. As for the rest of you, welcome .... or welcome back .. to Sandpoint. In some cases, your reputation precedes you.

"It’s fortunate you’ve proven yourselves so capable, in Sandpoint or abroad, because we’ve a problem I think you can help us with—a problem I wish I didn’t have to involve anyone with, but one that needs dealing with now before the situation grows worse.

“Put simply, we have a murderer in our midst—one who, I fear, has only begun his work. Some of you doubtless remember the Late Unpleasantness (or heard stories of it), how this town nearly tore itself apart in fear as Chopper’s slayings went on unanswered. I’m afraid we might have something similar brewing now.

“Last night, the murderer struck at the sawmill. There are two victims, and they’re… they’re in pretty gruesome shape. The bodies were discovered by one of the mill workers, a man named Ibor Thorn, and by the time my men and I arrived on the scene, a crowd of curious gawkers had already sprung up. I’ve got my men stationed there now, keeping the mill locked down, but the thing that bothers me isn’t the fact that we have two dead bodies inside. It’s the fact that this is actually the second set of murders we’ve had in the last few days.

“I come to you for help in this matter—my men are good, but they are also green. They were barely able to handle themselves against the goblins, and what we’re facing now is an evil far worse than goblins. I need the help. But I’m afraid you’ll need the help too. You see, I’m afraid that this particular murderer knows one of you as well.”

At this point, Sheriff Hemlock passes a bloodstained scrap of parchment ... not to the "Heroes of Sandpoint" Norton Dabney and Draegra ... but to the Tian woman Midori the Scarlet Sentinel. Her name is written in blood on the outside of the folded parchment; inside is a short message...

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/dee0wcw-159ec0b5-a983-44a8-bedf-1fbfda793043.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_243,q_80,strp/handout_2_1_by_lostsole31_dee0wcw-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6 Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0yNDMiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC 9mXC8wNTlkODA4OS03NjRhLTQwMzQtYTJlNC00ZmUwOGNmODli ODNcL2RlZTB3Y3ctMTU5ZWMwYjUtYTk4My00NGE4LWJlZGYtMW ZiZmRhNzkzMDQzLnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwi YXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX 0.ZAVGXuqAdbfG5QgBMVVsmYIMbt4tNgFnJyLVkvmmn-w

As Midori peruses the note, and possibly passes it around for others to view(?), Sheriff Hemlock explains, "The note was found pinned to the sleeve of the latest victim by a splinter of wood. Now, I just want you to know Midori, that I believe this note was left at the murder scene to throw suspicion onto you, and while I certainly don't believe you - any of you - had anything to do with the murders, if word of this note gets out, I'm afraid the town's reaction might not be as understanding. For this reason, so as not to start a general panic, I ask that everyone in this room keep as quiet as possible about the murders."

He looks around the room, "Are you willing to help the town out with this issue?"

2021-02-12, 01:19 AM
Steingott folds his arms and lowers his head.

"Those were terrible times, Sheriff. I couldn't bare to see the people of Sandpoint reeling in that kind of fear. Some of these locals are as good as family to me. I will keep the lid on these murders" Steingott clenches his fists and wraps them in stone. "and give you my word to put an end to this terror."

In the back of his mind, Steingott attempts to recall any local rumor or chatter about Chopper's past murders that might provide a starting point in the investigations.

[roll0] Knowledge Local if there's anything of note he might know about the past murders

2021-02-12, 01:40 AM
Zada brings their hand to their chin. "I don't think this was to lay blame on... Midori, right?" Zada said, pausing a bit to make sure they got the name right. "This was a message; this 'Lordship' fellow clearly wants her and is willing to kill to get at her. No idea on what the "pack" he's going off about it; there's far too many monsters that use "pack" as a collective term." They then turned to their Minkaian associate. "Run into any apparently murderous nobles lately?"

2021-02-12, 01:45 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin nodded a greeting to the sheriff and looked at interest at the others as they entered. He'd heard much of their adventures around the dice tables in the Hagfish.

As the sheriff speaks Martin snaps his head around, "More murders? Who was killed Sheriff is Ibor ok?" He looks troubled, he could remember the town when Chopper had struck and it was a dark, dark period in the town's history.

As Belor shows the note he glances at Midori, "Unusual love note there, handwriting or from someone you know?" then at the sheriff's words. "Aye Belor. You know I'll help. Where do you want us to start, we can try and find some tracks round the mill?"

2021-02-12, 10:11 AM
Midori stands back among the group, keeping a vigil at the door as the sheriff welcomed his old acquaintances and introduced himself to those he had not yet met. When it came time that he would introduce himself to Midori, she gives a slight nod of her head and smiles, more of a smirk.

In the cramped office, she seems to fidget slightly, attempting to make herself smaller to accommodate the others, or perhaps to give herself more space.

"Yes, I have heard of this...unpleasantness time. But I had thought this Chopper was dead?"

Midori seems set aback as Hemlock produces the letter, the scrawled writing unfamiliar, and unsettling. Perusing over the note, she scoffs in disgust, and hands it to the person to her immediate left, before addressing Hemlock directly, her smirk and eyes a little colder. "Is this some kind of joke? Because I am not laughing."

Turning to Zada, the Tian woman puts her hands on her hips and sighs, scratching her head as she pulls down her hood. "Now this is joke, I know. And no, there are no lords I know of that are murderers to any but small woodland animals...but clearly, as you said, someone is attempting to ruin my reputation...again." Her eyes darting swiftly toward the sheriff, "I, for one, do offer my aid. These killings are not my business, but this message has made them so. Do you have the bodies? I would like to observe them, to see what manner of beast we now hunt." In the back of her mind, Midori has a thought that she quickly shakes from her head concerning one lord she has known.

[roll0]: Craft (Calligraphy) if it's useful here to discern anything about the writer's handwriting, or [roll1] if it would be a perception check.
[roll2] Knowledge (Local) to determine anything she would remember or have overheard in regard to the 'Late Unpleasantness' (which is, ooc, a really weird term for a serial killer's spree)

2021-02-12, 02:56 PM
Alvor extends a hand in greeting to the sheriff and introduces himself as 'Al.' While the others exchange their own greetings, he notes the red-robed woman standing by the door, seemingly expectant of trouble before the meeting has even begun. When directed to the back room, Alvor steps aside to let others walk ahead, if only to give himself a better opportunity to take their measure. To any of the humans insisting that he enter first, he replies, desert-dry, "Youth before beauty."

At the sheriff's mention of a murderer, Alvor furrows his brow and tightens his lips in an expression that grows more severe when Hemlock subsequently mentions 'Chopper's slayings.'

"Am I to understand that this is your second multiple-murderer in only a few years?" He wonders to himself if one could have inspired the other.

Mindful of her earlier behavior, it is not entirely surprising to Alvor when the sheriff reveals that the murderer's note was addressed to Midori. While the others share their thoughts and suggestions on the matter, Alvor rubs the back of his neck with one hand, his mind wandering back to what feels now like a different life.

"I suppose I could lend a hand," he says in answer to the sheriff's question. "I could lend both if you're able to compensate me for my time."

2021-02-12, 03:06 PM
Zada nodded. "Didn't think it'd be that easy. The other big thing we need to discern from the note who the 'she' who 'loved' and 'desired' him was." Zada then turned to the Sherriff. "But yeah, there may be some clues we can discover from the remains of the deceased." There was a long pause, as Zada realized they had missed a step. "Oh, and yeah, I'm totally willing to help here."

2021-02-12, 06:27 PM
Norton nods. "You should know by now that I like it enough here to fight to protect the town. It's a foregone conclusion that I would help you. What do we know about how the murders were committed? What kind of weaponry, for example. Or will we need to go there to find that out on our own?"

2021-02-12, 08:52 PM
Everyone attempts to overwhelm the Sheriff with questions (though one does ask about compensation), and Sheriff Hemlock holds out his hands to slow folks down.

"Okay, let me run the current list of clues by you. While I'll be working with you all to figure out what's going on, I suspect I'll have my hands full keeping peace in the town. By deputizing yuo, I hope that the best possible minds and resources will be focused on solving the murders, leaving me and my guards to the task of keeping Sandpoint from erupting in a panic. I promise to support you as best as I can, but I again ask you to keep your investigations quiet for the town's sake.

"So, here are the leads as best we have right now....

"First, the Sandpoint Lumber Mill. The most recent murders took place here—the bodies are still present, and little has been done with the crime scene itself. I suggest that this should be the first place you investigate, since I would like to clean the mill up right away and get the bodies buried.

"Next is Ibor Thorn. I've interrogated Ibor, the man who discovered the bodies at the lumber mill, and I don't suspect the frightened man knows much more. But in his own panic he might have forgotten a more observant person might draw from talking to him again? I'd rather not bother him again, but I want to give you the benefit of a clean investigation instead of cutting off leads from you.

"Third is Ven Vinder. Yeah, he's my only suspect, but let's face it, I'm pretty sure that Ven is innocent and that the murders were committed by someone else.

"You need information the first murders. Three con men from the town of Galduria were found murdered in an abandoned barn south of town a few days ago—their bodyguard survived the assault but has gone insane and was sent to Habe’s Sanatorium—a privately run respite for the insane.

"Finally ..... hmmm, 'The Rune.' The star carved on one victim’s chest certainly has significance to the killer, but I'm at a loss as to what it means. Perhaps an expert on runes (such as local scholar Brodert Quink) can be consulted?"

He seems a little abashed. "And you're right, Alvor, you should be compensated ... as a group. Because we're trying to keep this quiet, I've gotten Mayor Deverin to agree to 500 gp to quietly siphoned from various town funds to pay your group if you successfully solve the murders. I'm sorry we can't do more, but that's still a lot of money, and any more and we have to take from funds that has more people looking at this investigation."

2021-02-12, 09:26 PM
Steingott stops clenching his stone covered fists and lets them rest at his sides, returning to flesh. His shoulders slump.

"Well gang. I'm what most would call a 'serial murderer enthusiast'. I'm not much in the way of an actual investigator. I might be more help extracting information from Ibor and the main suspect over investigating a crime scene if we were to choose to split up. Otherwise, I say we get to the mill as quickly as possible and put as many eyes on it as we can.

He looks specifically to the 'Heroes of Sandpoint', hoping these brave folk might lend their experience in Sandpoint in getting started.

What do you folks think?

2021-02-12, 10:35 PM
Alvor takes a quick look around the room to count heads. "So a bit more than 70 gold per person, assuming everyone pulls their weight -- well, and survives, I guess." He gives a satisfactory nod. "Sounds fair to me."

He allows a moment for others to share their thoughts before addressing Hemlock again. "Can you clarify something for me, Sheriff? That rune you mentioned, was it found on one of the barnhouse bodies, or on one of the sawmill bodies?"

Once the sheriff has answered, he continues, "And this bodyguard who lost his mind, you have any idea what exactly drove him over the edge. I mean, you hire a man for protection, you don't expect him to be broken by a bit of violence."

2021-02-12, 10:59 PM
Steingott ..."...Otherwise, I say we get to the mill as quickly as possible and put as many eyes on it as we can."

He looks specifically to the 'Heroes of Sandpoint', hoping these brave folk might lend their experience in Sandpoint in getting started. "What do you folks think?"
The blue-skinned man named Draegra simply nods and says, "Agreed. That is the most perishable site of fresh evidence right now."

He allows a moment for others to share their thoughts before addressing Hemlock again. "Can you clarify something for me, Sheriff? That rune you mentioned, was it found on one of the barnhouse bodies, or on one of the sawmill bodies?"
"Bodies of both murder sites, actually."

Once the sheriff has answered, he continues, "And this bodyguard who lost his mind, you have any idea what exactly drove him over the edge. I mean, you hire a man for protection, you don't expect him to be broken by a bit of violence."
Sheriff Belor ruefully shakes his head.

2021-02-12, 11:11 PM
Zada nodded. "Yeah, the mill seems like the most pressing of our leads. Once we deal with that, we can inspect the clues from the previous murder and search for similarities." They paused again, their face gave an impression of uncertainty. "One of you will probably want to handle the questioning, though. That... that's not my thing."

2021-02-13, 02:30 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin runs a hand through the thick tangle of his beard. "2 murders already. Aye, good to keep that quiet. It'll bring up bad memories for a lot of people. It weren't good when Chopper was about back in the bad times. "

As he listens to the clues he nods and agrees with the strange blue skinned visitor to the town. "The mill sounds good. That and the guard seem the best places to start." As the mention of reward is mentioned Martin shakes his head, "No need for that sheriff, just come to meat market for your next garrison meal."

Looking around the room at the other deputies he nods, "I've not met all of you yet. I'm Martin, I'm a hunter, so hopefully we can find some tracks." Tapping his side's where his belt hangs empty he nods to the door. "I can show you to the lumber mill but will want to go to the shop first, I'll need my bow."

2021-02-13, 10:02 AM
Norton turns to the others. "Lets get going then. When we get there, I'll make a copy of the rune. If none of us can identify it, can you take it to Brodert and see if he knows, Draegra?" He keeps his gaze on Draegra as he does, knowing that Brodert has yet to warm up to him thus far. If any of the rest of you need to collect some equipment before we head out, I suggest you head out immediately. I will head there directly, I may not be completely ready for combat, but I'm still confident I can defend myself with what I've got. Those who are likewise ready can come with me, while the rest of you can meet up and travel together as soon as you're ready. Does anyone else have anything they want to add?" He addresses the rest of the party, hoping that his attempt at being a leader (as one of the remaining "Heroes of Sandpoint") doesn't bother anyone else.

Norton has been in Sandpoint long enough to know where the mill is, right?

2021-02-13, 06:32 PM
Alvor grunts approvingly at Norton's initiative. "I like this one," he says with an eye towards the tall human. "I'll collect my things and meet you at the mill."

He returns Martin's nod in kind and introduces himself as "Al" without any addition elaboration.

2021-02-14, 02:36 AM
Everyone scatters and rendezvouses at the mill after getting whatever they need (that they have on their sheet).

The Sandpoint Lumber Mill stands on the shore of the Turandarok River. A sizeable crowd has gathered outside by the time the PCs arrive, and groups of nervous-looking town guards stand at the mill’s entrances. The mill was working last night - Harker and Thorn, the two millers, often worked late into the night, which had become a bone of contention around town as the noisy mill and its infernally creaky log splitter kept neighbors awake.
The guards have already been informed by Sheriff Hemlock of his intent to deputize the PCs. The sheriff accompanied those who went directly to the mill. Once everyone gathers, the guards silently step aside to allow the PCs entry.

The mill is a well-built wooden structure with very thick walls. The roof is of wooden shingles, and doors are simple timber and unlocked. The mill machinery has been disengaged, but if it is started again everyone knows that it will be incredibly loud and distracting.

There are several points of interest as the PCs investigate the site. This will assume an initial cursory check, not a complete combing over every splinter in the place.That is to say, the whole group working, looking, talking amongst themselves, and aiding as appropriate .... but not a Take 20. Also, please be advised that I do not normally allow T10 (Take 10) on Perception checks unless you have a special class ability.

It also assumes that nobody is going to play "I have a secret" from their colleagues.
The Timber Pier: Timber is delivered to the mill via a small pier that extends out into the Turandarok River.
* Zada, with help mainly from Midori notes a set of muddy footprints that lead from one end of the pier up to the mill itself.
* Zada, this time with help mainly from Martin note that a barefoot human man clambered up from the mud under the pier, crossed over to the mill, and then scaled the wall to an upper-floor window.

The Murder Scene: The mill interior is coated with sawdust strewn with footprints and splashes of blood.
* Zada, Martin, and pretty much everyone can see what is obvious ... that a desperate struggle took place here several hours ago.
** What isn't so obvious except to Zada (again w/ Martin's assistance) is that one set of prints in particular is not only barefoot, but reeks of rotten meat. Harker’s body, Katrine’s body, a suspicious axe, and a lingering stench of rotten flesh constitute the primary clues here.

The Rotten Smell: The lingering scent of decay in the air is curious—it smells almost as if an animal had died somewhere in the room and its remains were allowed to ripen. This smell is strongest on the blade of the suspicious axe and a few of the footprints left behind.

Katrine's Body: The victim is one Katrine Vinder, daughter of local shopkeeper Ven Vinder. Poor Katrine was killed instantly when somebody pushed her into the log splitter. Her mangled, ruined remains lie on the mill’s lower floor amid heaps of bloodstained firewood. A pale-faced, obviously upset guard stands at attention nearby. The log splitter itself is powered by a waterwheel and consists of a chute in the floor with rotating saw blades that cut logs as they are fed in. While there are no clues among Katrine’s mangled remains, it still is a horrible fate delivered by the cruel efficiency of the log splitter as a deadly weapon—a scene that is likely to haunt some of your dreams as it will be hard to forget.

Harker's Body: The second victim is Banny Harker, the penny-pinching proprieter of the mill. Harker’s body has been horribly desecrated. The poor man has been affixed to the wall by several hooks normally used to hang machinery. The body is mutilated, the face carved away and lower jaw missing entirely. His bare chest is defaced as well, bearing a strange rune in the shape of a seven-pointed star. This rune is familiar especially to Norton and Draegra, and Norton wears the Sihedron medallion that was taken from Nualia's body. Its appearance on the chest of the murdered man seems ominous, yet the smartest among you are still at a loss as to what the rune acually means. Even knowing the name of the Norton's medallion - "Sihedron medallion" - meant little previously.
* However, recent studies' held by Draegra and Norton, and then amplified by Norton's own manic desire to learn more along with his current veil setup allows him to drift into a semi-trance. Norton is able to identify the marking as the Sihedron Rune, an antiquated glyph that symbolizes arcane magic once practiced in ancient Thassilon.And that is it, nothing else. It is too easy with all the products that have zoomed around in the past 10+ years to have what is called "player luxury" when players almost have hammered in the sense of something .... kind of like silver hurting vampires. YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT, so please don't BS with ANY helpful inserts that you have not been expressly given.

This check was made with Draegra's historical savvy aiding Norton's amped arcane knowledge.
* Martin is in the lead this time, this time with Zada assisting him with much needed pointers, as they examine the body. There are several additional wounds. Unlike the deeper slashes on the body, these smaller gashes almost seem to have been made by claws—claws on a five-fingered, human-sized hand. The rotten scent seems stronger near these wounds. The body is only recognizable as Harker’s by a faded tattoo of a raven across his lower abdomen.

The Suspicious Axe: A handaxe is embedded in the floor near the log splitter, as if it had been dropped there. The handle is covered with bloody finger-marks, and a close examination of the head reveals two things of note. First, smears of what look like rotten flesh and fragments of bone are caked on its blade, and second, the rotten meat stink is strong on it.
* As Zada's and Martin's skill are pretty stout at determining signs of passage, they both examine the blade closely. Both of them have a gag reflex the smell is so bad, but they are able to muddle through. It is well beyond Martin's professional butchery skills to identify. Zada might pass it around, for it reminds her of ... something ... but she can't quite put a finger on it. When it gets to Norton, he and Zada discuss the smell together, and he confirms Zada's suspicion .... that the lingering stink of corruption is beyond that which a dead body can normally produce. The axe was likely used within the last 24 hours against some form of corporeal dead. Given the level of smell and his own background and Zada's and Martin's input, Norton is able to deduce that the scent likely came from a "ghast's" flesh. And THAT is what you know, not ... "Oh, a ghast! Can I get a Knowledge...?" The result includes the group's input for now.
So, those are all the clues and deductions that the group made within the site of the Sandpoint Lumber Mill itself.

Are there any other recommendations or intentions for this site? Please note I said "this site," not .... everyone recommend what next site to go to. I want to make sure everybody feels comfortable having gotten whatever information might be gleaned from this area. If you have nothing else, please note as such IC or in Discord.

2021-02-14, 06:02 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Meeting the others by the mill on the edge of the mill pond Martin nods to a couple of the guards he recognises and raises a hand to Larz who runs the tannery that lies just up river of the mill. He likes the tanner, a good place to sell the furs and hides of what he hunts. Heading into the mill, the sights and smells leave Martin pale and sweaty. Standing looking at the blood splattered log splitter he glances at the grizzled Alvor, "Seen a lot of things out on the roads but not seen 'owt like that. Poor Katrine. I ain't a fan of Ven but he doesn't deserve to lose one his girls like that."

Shaking his head sadly and offering a prayer to Desna he continues to help Zada investigate. As he paces down the pier following the tracks he nods to Tanner's bridge that stands at the top of the mill pond cutting to the other bank. "What you think about if I take a look on the far side of the pond? Looks like whatever did this crossed the pond, mayhaps I can pick up tis trail on the far side?"

If needed Survival [tracking] [roll0] - or ignore if you make the roll Lostsole31

Aside from checking the far side of the pond he stays with the rest of the deputies shaking his undead its revealed the likley creature was undead. Glancing at Midori and Zada he shrugs in worry, "Not had much truck with the undead, but heard plenty of tales from other caravan guards. Anything we 'ought be worried about." Then pointing towards the road, "You thinking we should head to the see that guard next? Can get going while the light is good. I don't reckon we'll get much from Ven, as he's alive and kicking and don't see him killing his girl."

2021-02-14, 06:36 AM
Zada, do you slog across to the marsh on the other side of the Turandurok River to look for tracks with Martin? If not, anyone else?

2021-02-14, 12:36 PM
Zada did their best to not get ill; they'd known this would get bad, but the degree of brutality here was more than they were prepared for. Still, the evidence they were able to collect allowed Zada to make a rough sketch about what happened, which they share with the rest of the party:

A group of undead, one of which was a ghast (led?), came from across the river to the mill. There was a fight and someone (probably Harker) fought them off with the axe, but was eventually overpowered and killed. After he died, they desecrated his corpse and strung him up to be found later. How Katrine got to the log splitter and when isn't clear, but since there weren't any screams reported, it's likely that she was killed quickly or was unconscious when she hit the blade. The axe was also likely staged. Adding what they know of the note, it's clear that this was an intentional attack and not something that was added after the fact. Whoever this "lordship" was, he controlled the undead to do this to send a message, though it's not clear if he was physically present for the attack.

Unless anyone else has something else they want to do here, Zada is up for a quick reconnoiter or tracks across the pond.

2021-02-14, 06:06 PM
After the others have gone over the crime scene, Steingott begins going over the ground very carefully. He he follows the muddy tracks over to the pier and stretches his arms out, grasping out towards the air as if he were going through an invisible wardrobe.

"You all seem to have this figured out, but it never hurts to try. There might be something in the mud we can't easily see."

Steingott uses Basic Geokinesis to sift (as the spell) through the mud around the tracks and pier. I would also like to do this at the mill provided it's an exposed earthen floor and not wooden like the roof and walls.

2021-02-14, 06:07 PM
Norton is surprised early once he realizes the rune matches the one on his medallion. He has nothing else to add to the search on this site, but he does tuck his medallion under his shirt. If the knowledge of the rune got out to the general population, that would risk making him a suspect for having it on his gear.

2021-02-14, 06:34 PM
Though Alvor cannot help but cough when the foul air first reaches his lungs, he appears to have a certain tolerance for bloodshed, and does not shy away from the gruesome scenes before him. He briefly closes his eyes when he first catches sight of Katrine's remains, but accompanied by a slight bowing of his head, the gesture seems more a silent expression of compassion than any effort to escape the horrifying reality of what transpired here.

"Aye," he says grimly to Martin. "This is a first. Can only hope her end came quickly." He turns an eye towards Harker. "His certainly did not."

Finding the hunter and Zada together, seemingly two of the most keen-eyed among them, he asks, "We have tracks coming in, but nothing on the way out?"

2021-02-15, 12:03 AM
So Martin is able to cross a footpath in bridge and go around, but the marsh on the other side is dark and has no light source.

Martin is able to borrow a torch from one of the sheriff's guards standing around and go back with light this time. It isn't easy to see, but he does manage to spot a relatively dry spot that bears a number of barefoot human tracks and lingering stink of rotten flesh.

The tracks lead away from the river, but never away from the site. The spot is hidden by several low banks of nettles, but offers a perfect view of the mill to anyone hidden there.

He will find no other tracks or clues on the other side, nor any ingress/egress tracks. Just what I've described ... bringing Martin back to the Mill with the group to share what he found, and giving the torch back to the guard.

2021-02-15, 08:55 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin rejoins the others after scouring the ground for tracks and shakes his head. "No luck, Desna doesn't smile on me today." pointing to the banks of nettles on the far side of the mill pond he explains, "Tracks go to a little vantage point with a good view. Makes me shiver to think of some sort of undead beast watching the mill... Feels more sinister than just a random beast raid."

At Alvor's comment in the Mill he'd nodded. "Messy aye, but least she wouldn't have suffered. Won't help Ven make his-self feel better but at least it were quick on her path to Pharasma."

He taps his axe and bow to comfort himself before nodding to the others, "You folks happy to press on the Sanitarium? See this crazy guard."

2021-02-15, 04:30 PM
Steingott looks a little embarrassed having just tried to show off and coming up with nothing.

"Heh...I guess that was a bit much. Looks like there's not much else to see here.

He looks to Martin.

"I agree, good sir. Best to continue on and get to the Sanitarium.

2021-02-15, 09:43 PM
Remember that you went to the meeting with Sheriff Hemlock at sunset. Had the briefing. Went home to grab stuff (a lot of you) or waited for others to come from getting their stuff. Did a major clues check of a crime scene.

It is now around nine in the evening, just so folks understand current setting.

So, it's a bit for a stroll to the Sanitarium....

2021-02-16, 02:25 PM
"That is...maybe after a good nights sleep. It's getting late and we should probably come back to this with rested minds. Not that I personally need the sleep. I'm super tough. But maybe others do? Heh."

2021-02-16, 03:17 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin grins at the dwarf, looking up at the stars he shakes his head. "it ain't far and I's know the way. We can grab some lights and head there and get this ball rolling. I don't like the thought of more of these undead lurking nearby, I'd sooner speak with the madman and then get back ready to sort this nonsense out come the morning"

He looks about, clearly open to other suggestions.

2021-02-16, 11:41 PM
While Martin and Zada are investigating the far side of the river, Alvor finds a moment to approach Norton not far from Katrine's remains.

"Any idea what might have brought her out here? A working sawmill hardly seems like a place for a young girl."

At the prospect of heading directly to the sanitarium, Al frowns, seeming conflicted. "Much as I'd like to get it done right away, I don't think there's a ghost of a chance we'll be able to see our man tonight. He's likely asleep, if not drugged, and getting him up is sure to raise more of a fuss than the Sheriff would appreciate."

2021-02-17, 01:06 AM
"And if we are dealing with undead," says Draegra. "This isn't an invasion, but carefully spaced murders. Still, let's not roam around at night when the undead have the advantage, only to knock on the door of the sanitarum and make everyone unhappy, but when it is less of an issue. There is a crowd here, and a lot of eyes on us."

2021-02-17, 01:39 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Listening to the suggestions Martin nods, "Aye, fair enough. The guard may be out for the night. So.. he glances around with a grin.

"Who fancies a jar at the Hagfish? You can see Norah herself."

2021-02-17, 03:30 AM
"I'm for that," says Draegra, "I mean, if we are going to be working together, it might be good to get to know each other."

Draegra looks to Norton, "Coming?"

2021-02-17, 02:30 PM
Zada nodded. "I mean, I can handle some undead, but, yeah, it's not wise to barge headfirst into their lair in the middle of the night." Zada then followed Martin, as a drink in a well lit pub seems like a much more sensible thing to be doing right now.

2021-02-17, 08:41 PM
Steingott nods.

"The Hagfish sounds great. I haven't experienced the Sandpoint night life since I've been in town."

2021-02-18, 12:32 AM

One of Sandpoint’s most popular taverns, especially among fishermen and gamblers, the Hagfish is also Sandpoint’s best bet for a good old-fashioned seafood meal. Owned by a gregarious one-legged man named JARGIE QUINN (male human), the Hagfish gets its name from the large glass aquarium that sits behind the bar, the home of a repellent Varisian hagfish that Jargie affectionately calls Norah (despite the fact that he’s had “Norah” replaced dozens of times—Varisian hagfish don’t live all that long in Quinn’s aquarium). Hanging from a nail next to Norah’s tank is a leather pouch bulging with coins: prize money for anyone who can drink down a single tankard of “water” scooped from Norah’s tank. It costs a single silver coin to try, but the trick is that, since she’s a hagfish, the water in Norah’s tank is thick and horrifically slimy and foultasting. Few can stomach the stuff, but those who do get to keep however many coins have accumulated in the pouch, and then get to carve their names in the ceiling beam above the bar. To date, there are only 28 names carved there, and the Hagfish has been in business for nearly 10 years.

Martin, a regular, has yet to win the bag of coins (and just as likely that he may have never tried .... Martin?). Martin's brother Chod - relaxing here this evening - has tried many times and failed.

But there’s certainly more to this tavern than Norah. Jargie’s game tables are always well attended, with games ranging from cards to checkers to dice to darts. Tall tales are a favorite pastime here, with one popular game called “yarning” involving seeing how long a local can string along an impromptu fable without contradicting himself. The most popular subject of these tales is traditionally Old Murdermaw, a legendary giant red snapper that might or might not dwell in the depths of the Varisian Gulf. Jargie himself is quite an accomplished yarner, with the ever-changing story of how he lost his leg being his favorite starting point for his tales.


2021-02-18, 12:51 PM
Steingott is immediately drawn to the aquarium and reads the sign next to the pouch. He taps the bottom of the pouch to get an idea of how much coin has been accumulated by this point.

"Reeeeeelly? Huh."

He grabs a seat at the bar and waits for the bartender. Once they arrive Steingott asks, "Are you the owner? What exactly is the deal with the Hagfish tank? What happens to the poor saps that fail?"

2021-02-18, 03:29 PM
Zada makes their way to the yarning table. Zada knew all sorts of old stories that might work there.

2021-02-18, 04:22 PM
Norton had readily agreed to join, but did mention that he won't be drinking much. Hangovers suck, and he doesn't like them much.

Norton will take a seat with the rest of the group, and pull out his journal to start jotting some notes into it.

2021-02-18, 05:06 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Entering the Inn Martin nods to a few of the regulars and taps gently on the thick slime covered glass. "Evening Norah.", reaching the bar he waves to Jargie, "Evening my friend, the usual please and whatever my friends are having,.. oh and top up Chod aye?" He raises his pint of amber ale when it arrives and nods to his brother happy to let him gossip with the older men.

Joining the other he nods, "So, I'm curious. We heard the stories aye, but what really happened in Thistletop? What did you find in the caves?"

2021-02-18, 07:50 PM
Once they've found a place to sit, Alvor makes a point of stepping around to the far side of the table, taking a seat that allows him to put his back to the wall. It's possible that someone else may have been headed for the same seat, in which case he offers a quiet apology and mutters something about "old habits" before sitting down.

This isn't his first visit to the Hagfish, and those who have seen him here before may recall that he often drinks alone, and that they have never seen him participate in any of the activities that might relieve him of his coin. He has been challenged on a number of occasions and has refused each time. He has, however, made a few non-monetary wagers, including the one he lost just two nights ago with the local carpenter Danver Lauson.

Al orders a mug of ale and a glass of cheap whiskey and, for the moment at least, seems content to listen to the others.

2021-02-19, 03:05 AM
All eyes seem to settle on Norton and Draegra after Martin's question.

Draegra shrugs and says, "I only really went down at the very end, and only as an outside consultant with an expertise in stonemasonry, traps, and a little bit of engineering. This," and with that he gives a hearty slap to Norton's shoulder, "is really the man you need to talk with."

All eyes now zero in on Norton. It might take him a second or two to realize that he would be giving the notes, not taking them.

In fact, as Martin wasn't trying to be conspiratorial or anything, there is a whisper that goes like wildfire, and then EVERY pair of eyes in the Hagfish is on Norton.

Zada also is at the yarning table and hears that one of the "Sandpoint Heroes" is about to tell their tale to the bar, and she looks back to see a surprised and possibly mystified Norton rubbing a shoulder.

The Hagfish, for once in its life, comes to a hush.

Norton, what do you do?

2021-02-20, 06:51 PM
Norton is shocked to be put at the center of attention all of a sudden. He hesitates a bit as he closes his book and clears his throat. "As I'm sure you all are aware, the original reason for entering Thistletop was to root out the goblins hiding within. I wasn't a part of the team from the beginning, so all I know about that time is hearsay, and I won't try to repeat it in hopes of not muddling it up. I joined the team alongside a young woman named Drea, and alongside Toros and Keghart Valdemar, Valbard the Velociraptor, Opal, Asher and an elven woman named Shalelu, we went back to continue their mission. At first much of our exploration was of uninhabited area, but for a few leftover goblins.

After encountering the goblins, who we chose to let leave, as they seemed harmless..." Norton takes a breath as he chooses to neglect mentioning the one. "We discovered a sturdy warrior who claimed to have previously worked for a woman who had hidden in Thistletop to do her own work. This woman, named Nualia, was the next big threat we had to deal with. See, we ran into her afoul of one of the worst traps I've ever seen. When it triggered, it caged its victim in on both sides, statues on either side came to life and attacked the victim, before finally dropping a pitfall beneath the victim, sealing him up in it. This was what caused us to lose one of our comrades, the Android Asher. After triggering the trap, the woman Nualia revealed herself, and hiding behind the relative safety of this trap, continued to wear us down with a combination of pets and magic, but eventually we won out. However, in addition to the death of an ally, we were emotionally and physically drained, and had to retreat to a safe place, but not before gaining a few prizes among her possessions, and even notes explaining all that she was doing there.

Now, this isn't the end of the story, and in fact, it's where things start to get a little weird. See, one night, there were six of us, as Shalelu had left us by this point, and the next morning, two of us were missing. Drea had returned to her home, traveling as if by magic, and Valbard had chosen to go with her, and her great aunt Leanyi joined us to help us finish her nieces quest. With her as part of our team, we continued further, but came across a hurdle that was nearly as nasty as the trap." He lowers his voice for a moment, as if to add dramatic tension. "Shadows." He returns to his normal voice after that. "While not entirely the most dangerous threat, they managed to do a number on enough members of our party that some of us struggled to even carry our own gear, and had to return home to get some restoration done on our strength. Once back to town, we chose to use this time to figure out how we could remove Asher from his pit home, which is how we ended up meeting up with Draegra here.

While he originally chose to come with us to visit Thistletop, which I was eager to allow as a fellow scholar, he carried his weight in helping us to bypass the trap and attempting to recover the body, although there was no body left to be found. With his help, we found our way to the final hurdle. Behind this final door, we discovered the biggest threat we had faced so far. A Greater Barghest. This thing, who I later learned was named Malfeshnikor, made quick work of Keghart, killing him before the man even had a chance to react to it. Meeting him definitely struck fear into us, as not only was he powerful, but he was also dangerously evasive. Even a perfect strike into him did absolutely nothing, and we tried to retreat. He seemed to have lived there for some time, and we were not prepared for a fight like that, so Opal and myself quickly tried to escape, followed by Draegra. Unfortunately, in the time it took to make the decision and call for a retreat, Toros and Leanyi had managed to get blocked in by the Barghest. We tried to urge them to escape, but they refused, urging us to escape while they bought time, as long as we promised to avenge them. Little did we know though, that the two of them, through sheer willpower and a level of grit that I will forever admire, would successfully take him down on their own. I regret leaving them for dead that day, but we can never know how it would have gone if we hadn't fled...." Norton goes on to explain the minor exploration afterwards with Draegra and Shalelu, knowing that all the exciting parts of the story have already been finished.

2021-02-21, 03:16 PM
Alvor's attention is initially focused on Norton, eying the young scholar over the top of his mug. As the man's tale takes one increasingly tragic turn after another, however, Alvor's attention shifts to the crowd. Uncertain as to how their expectations might compare to the truth of what transpired, he lowers his mug to the table and sits a little bit straighter in his seat as he watches and waits for their reaction.

2021-02-21, 05:00 PM
As can be expected, though Norton is a relatively likeable fellow, he doesn't have a clue how to "tell a story." It doesn't outright suck in the telling, but it .... wasn't very good. Patrons nod their head, and lift their glass courteously, and then go back to what they were doing.

2021-02-21, 05:34 PM
Alvor audibly clears his throat in the moments following the conclusion of the tale. "It's good that you two made it out of there, but if you're planning to tell that one again, you might want to soften the edges a little bit." At that, he takes the rest of his whiskey in a single gulp and then gets up to order another.

2021-02-21, 05:51 PM
Zada nodded approvingly. Stories have power. The telling is an important part, but not the most important. A tale in and of themselves have a power to inspire, to terrify and to inspire. The telling is just the conduit for story to travel on. They will turn to the rest of the party now that Norton has finished his tale. "So, I guess that explains your story. What about the rest of you?"

2021-02-22, 04:43 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin listens quietly to Norton's tale and nods along. "Terrifying stuff my friend," he takes a long sip of the ale, "I've seen a fair few beasts in my time out on the roads and in the woods but ne'er something like that. Your a brave man." He says the last with a tilted salute of the pint glass. At Zada's query he shrugs. "Not much to tell my friend. I'm born and bred here in Sandpoint. Me and my brother Chod" he points across the bar to Chod, "We took on the family business after our parents passed and I spent some time as a caravan guard around Varisan. Not gone as far as the likes of you I'm sure" he adds, looking at Zada, Midori and Draegra's more exotic appearances, "But I learned how to handle myself in a fight."

Finishing his ale he looks round the table, "Another round? You wanting some stews, Jargie may look like a fat drunk but he runs a good kitchen."

2021-02-22, 08:51 AM
Steingott wipes a tear.

"I can't believe you had to leave your friends for dead like that. I can't even imagine what that would feel like...and then to have to face them upon return."

Steingott sniffs and composes himself.

"I don't have a yarn like that quite yet, but it's my hope to collect a few. I've had nothing but good fortune my whole life. Back home in Janderhoff I'm a bit of a local celebrity in the prize fighting circuits. My family also ran a very successful mining operation and forge, bolstered by these strange abilities I have that allow me to control just about anything earthen. My sister had similar gifts and controls the flame.

My family accumulated a bit of wealth and I've retired early, traveling from town to town and trying to increase the quality of life for those less fortunate than I've been. I'm not sure why the gods chose to shine down on me like this, but I'm going to make sure it was deserved by crushing evil, fighting for justice, and bringing fortune to others. My uncle had a lead on a horse through a local stabler here in Sandpoint, so I decided to start here in my quest."

2021-02-23, 02:00 AM
"You've asked about others," says Draegra, prodding Zada, "but have said nothing of yourself."

2021-02-23, 02:34 AM
Zada nodded. "True. I am Zada of the Stone Tales. I am of the Spire Clan, and I am a servant of Gozreh." They lift their holy symbol for the rest of the table to see. "I specialize in channeling old spirits, and remembering the old tales. I've been in a few scrapes as I used to work as a caravanner for a bit, but I'm better at patching up wounds than inflicting them. I'm in Sandpoint to visit an old friend, and I figure that this is as god a reason as any to help."

"Besides," they added a bit too excitedly, "the mystery is fascinating! Who is this lordship guy? Is he actually a noble, or does he just have delusions of grandeur? What does the rune mean? Why focus on Midori? I mean, she's fine if you're into that, but he's apparently obsessed for some reason. There's so much to piece together!"

2021-02-23, 01:09 PM
Steingott's eyes light up at the mention of the rune and he nods his head.

"Yes! The rune! Outside of the bodyguard having been present during the crime, it's the rune that stands out in my mind. I'm very interested into what Brodert might have to say about it. If we can't get through to the possible witness at the Sanitarium, the rune could be our most compelling lead."

Steingott drifts off for a moment as he goes over the clues and leads.

What is everyone's opinion on Ven Vinder and Ibor Thorn? I haven't been in Sandpoint long. Do any of you know anything about them? The Sheriff seems to think they're dead leads."

2021-02-23, 03:37 PM
Alvor returns with his drink to find the others discussing their pasts. Sitting and down and feeling expectant eyes turn his way, he sighs. "Well, I was a watchman out in Korvosa for a time, but my superiors and I didn't see things eye-to-eye." He stares into the center of the table as continues. "What's legal and what isn't; who gets arrested and who doesn't -- it's all backwards in that city. I left about a year and a half ago. Been working my way along the coast, selling my shield to whoever's hiring."

When Steingott later asks about Vinder and Thorn, Al shakes his head and replies with notably less enthusiasm, "Never met either of 'em."

2021-02-23, 03:50 PM
Everyone listening to Alvor hears a particular bitterness as Al says "... who gets arrested and who doesnt'."

2021-02-23, 03:57 PM
Norton looks back at the others, having finished his story. "A storyteller, I am not. I hope to not need to tell this story again." After talk of the rune comes up, Norton absentmindedly grabs the medallion he's hidden under his shirt now, still slightly perturbed by the connection.

2021-02-24, 01:51 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin glances at the dwarf. "Ibor and Ven, aye. I agree with the sheriff. Ven is a boor but he's no a bad fellow. Ibor has run the mill for years. We found the undead tracks though, reckon folk at the mill just unlucky opposite that hide they used." Taking a another sip of the foamy beer he shrugs. "Neither of them smart enough to get involved with magic runes and undead types. We can see Broderik in the morn' before we walk to the madhouse."

2021-02-24, 03:39 AM
Any more RP at the Hagfish?

2021-02-24, 12:58 PM
Steingott downs his last swallow of ale.

"I'm not much of a party animal. Bed-ways is right-ways, so best I head home-ways.

He looks to Martin.

That sounds good.

He addresses the table:

Is that the plan then? Meet at Brodert's in the morning before heading to the Sanitarium?"

2021-02-24, 01:26 PM
Zada will bid the rest of the party good night and return to their room in the White Deer.

2021-02-24, 08:04 PM
Alvor nods and grumbles his wordless agreement to the proposed plan. Though others may get up to leave, he stays for one last drink before turning in for the night.

2021-03-02, 12:38 AM
The party individually meets outside Brodert Quink's ancient building. There is a sign with no picture, which is backwards from most signs. It simply says "Sage" on the wooden board on both sides.

Draegra is there first to greet everyone.

What now?

2021-03-02, 09:47 PM
Alvor arrives at Brodert's looking like he got dressed in a hurry. And finding only Draegra there before him, he seems the slightest bit irked by the wasted effort. His only greeting is a nod before he pulls a piece of bread from his pocket to finish his breakfast.

"You've met this man before?" he asks, recalling one of Norton's earlier remarks.

2021-03-03, 02:25 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin wakes up tired. Beside him Hayliss lies propped up on a elbow watching him carefully. "You were tossing and turning all night. Is it true what people said of the mill?" she asks quietly. Martin, running a hand through his tangled beard rests the other on her shoulder and nods sadly. "Aye, it was a harrowing sight. I've seen some unpleasant things in the past and this was pretty rough." She hugs him softly and slides out the wide bed and pours them both water. "What now?"

Martin rises stretching out his muscular shoulders and looks at the bow and axe propped in the corner of the room. "Well, we'll go and see Brodert first thing, there was an odd rune at the mill, not something I know about then we'll be heading to the sanitorium. Hope that there be no trouble." Then he pauses thinking about the hide they had found and the undead watching people. "Look Hayliss love, if I ain't back by evening, don't be worried. But please head to your brothers, these ain't the nights to be on your own."

After a quiet breakfast he gives her a kiss then with bow slung on his shoulder and axe in hand heads through the bustling morning activity, nodding and smiling to the various folk he knew. Swinging by the Meat Market he heads into the back. "Aye Chod. I'll be out fer the day. Checking on what's occuring and heading to the mad house." , Chod nods, a grin a quick "Be sure they don't lock you in too eh?", then a more serious, "Take care eh. Its rough stuff yesterday." Martin nods and then heads out crossing the few streets to Brodert's.

As he arrives he spies Draegra and Alvor together and nods a greeting. "Morning folks, we waiting for the others then quizzing Brodert on that rune.". He glances at the clouds and the sky, "Not a bad day for a walk to the sanitorium."

2021-03-03, 03:33 AM
Zada's day started much like the previous one, with prayer and remembering the old stories. They arrived at the sage's house, seeming unusually keen on learning from the man. Was it just an interest in the case, or is there something more? You don't know, but the fact remains that Zada is interested in meeting this expert.

2021-03-03, 06:04 PM
Norton arrives in due time, after having prepared himself for the possible events of the day. He greets Draegra immediately. "Is he expecting us, or is he going to be cranky with me again?" He asks, remembering how annoyed that Brodert before.

2021-03-03, 11:46 PM
Steingott makes his way to Brodert's whistling a cheerful tune.

"Mornin' all! I hope everyone slept well. I'm really hoping Brodert can shine some light on this rune."

He looks at the minimal sign that reads 'Sage'.

"So this is our guy? Huh. Do we just walk on in or give the door a knock?"

2021-03-04, 12:43 PM
Draegra, seeing everyon there (and waiting for everyone to arrive so as not to knock too early), raps on the door. "Don't expect friendliness, but I was apprenticed to him as a historian for a few months."

An old, balding, Varisian man steps out, a cat by his legs. He adjusts his spectacles. "Hrmph," he says wordlessly, looking at the seven armed (or at least obviously capable) people arrayed about, including his old apprentice and that annoying scholar Norton he's managed to avoid thus far.

"Well, Draegra, what is it? This have to do with the muders, no doubt?"

Draegra doesn't answer the latter, but holds up a drawn version of the seven-pointed star. "We were looking for insight into this."

"Well, my fee is 10 gp for a week, or any portion of it, for a single, simple answer. More if other expenses and effort are involved. You accept those terms?"

Draegra opens his own purse and puts 10 gp in his hand.

Brodert looks around, quietly judging each of you (and from the looks of it, not for the better). "Alright, you only check on me once a day. Never before 10 in the morning, never later than 6 in the evening. You don't ask searching questions, and I don't entertain you with stories. When I have the answer, I give it, and we're done. Acceptable?"

In this last, he doesn't seem to be talking or even asking Draegra, who was the one to foot the bill, but seems to recognize that the rest of you are in some way vested in his "client's" query.

2021-03-04, 01:49 PM
Steingott laughs.

Ha! I like this one. Straight to the point! Reminds me of myself during my years in the mines. I accept your terms!"

He composes himself a bit and asks a little more seriously, "Does right now count as our one visit for the day or can we check back before 6?"

2021-03-04, 02:06 PM
Brodert cups his hands over the gold covetously and says emphatically with the faintest hiss, "Yess!" to which he goes back into shop, his kitty following, and slams the door.

Okay, gang. What now?

2021-03-04, 03:47 PM
Norton laughs a little, as Brodert has run back in before he could say anything. "That man is never going to like me, is he? I guess we ought to just get going then. I doubt we'll get anything else out of him for now."

2021-03-04, 04:07 PM
"I would take that as the best estimation of your perceived intellectual prowess," says Draegra with a broad smile. "I think your willingness to share what you know and your own brilliance is a threat to his livelihood!"

2021-03-04, 04:26 PM
"Whatever that was," Alvor says with a sour expression, "I don't think we all needed to be here to see it."

He looks to the others. "The sanitarium then?"

2021-03-04, 04:32 PM
Draegra shakes his head. "Wouldn't we do better exhausting leads in town, first? The Sanatorium is in a remote dale south of town. I mean, if we go now it would be fine, but I think the rest of you think that the Sanatorium is in town, which it isn't."

2021-03-04, 06:09 PM
Steingott scratches his head.

"So that would leave Ven Vindor and Ibor Thorn then? Any idea who is closest or would be easiest to find?"

2021-03-04, 06:31 PM
The "natives" (or longer-term residents) of Sandpoint can tell you that Broder Quink's is right here at the end of Tower Street next to the Old Light.

To get to the General Store (Ven's place), you would go east on Tower, South on Main St., and take the Rusty Nail Alley around the back to get to Festival St.

But, as Ibor might be in protective custody, the Sandpoint Garrison is on the way, at the corrner of Tower and Main.

2021-03-04, 07:07 PM
Zada actually seems incensed that this wise man refused to share his knowledge, especially after they took Draega's money. "What the hell?" the normally calm nomad exclaimed. They have to be dissuaded from knocking on the mans door and demanding he answer their questions, but eventually Zada calms down enough to focus on the next part of the plan.

2021-03-05, 10:37 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin shakes his head at Quint, a muttered "Miserable old got, a pox on you" after the door has closed. At the question from the Alovrhe nods towards the gates of town, "Aye, a walk sounds good. We can speak to this mad guard." As the other mentions Ibor and Ven he shrugs, "Looked pretty obvious from what we found yesterday it were undead, so not sure that Ven or Ibor will offer much eh?" They ain't going anywhere so may as well go and see the madmen. If he knows nowt we can speak to the lads when we get back to the town tonight?"

Its clear that the Martin likes the idea of ranging out the town rather than seeing a grief stricken father.

2021-03-05, 08:19 PM
Inputs from anyone else?

2021-03-05, 11:25 PM
Steingott shifts his weigth from foot to foot as he begins going over the options in his head.

"Well the other leads are right here in town. They seem to be dead ends though. The boss made a good point that Ibor may have forgotten something of value now that he's had the time to go over it...maybe we can split the difference and visit Ibor before heading to the Sanitarium, then see Vindor in the morning."

An imaginary flint and steel lights up above Steingott's head.

"Perhaps we can speed things up a bit? I have my horse Navigator in the stables. Does anyone else have a ride that might get us around more quickly while we investigate?"

"If we have to go on foot I'm in favor of the sanitorium. Brodert seems like he's going to be a minute and I think outside of him, the sanitorium is our strongest lead."

2021-03-05, 11:50 PM
Alvor raises an eyebrow at Zada's outburst but otherwise says nothing.

At Steingott's question, he replies, "Aye. I have a horse stabled here in town. Can ride south if need be." He gestures with one hand in an abbreviated shrug. "Most all of you know this town better than I do, and unless we split up, it seems to me like these visits will take the same amount of time regardless of the order in which we make them."

2021-03-05, 11:58 PM
Zada shook their head. "I came in on a caravan and was planning on leaving town the same way. The town didn't seem big enough to worry about stabling a horse."

2021-03-06, 12:06 PM
Despite not being much of a wind, Draegra makes a show of it by licking his index finger and holding it in the air. "Or, we could just all walk, as the time it would take to saddle and prep the horses - those that have them - would be a negative gain."

He starts strolling east on Tower Street and turning down Main Street .... likely to head towards the southern exit of town.

2021-03-06, 06:16 PM
Norton will follow Draegra.

2021-03-08, 04:13 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin glances at Draegra as she leaves and grins at the others, "Seems single minded that one eh?" then follows heading out towards the gates with a long easy stride twirling his bow as they head out of town

2021-03-08, 10:03 PM
Steingott follows the others towards the southern exit.

2021-03-08, 10:06 PM
Zada shrugged as they turned to follow. "Well, when you put it that way..."

2021-03-09, 03:20 AM
It will take somewhere between and hour and an hour-and-a-half to get to your destination. The squat, stone building that serves as the sanatorium has three floors under a stout, stone-flagged roof, and is built in the lee of the limestone escarpment known as Ashen Rise.

Coming in from the north, there is a verand that wraps along the length of the west. As you step up, the old floorboards creak under each of you. They are stout, with no fear of breakage, even kept very clean, but old enough that some warp has set in to allow the creakage. There are two doors on the veranda. One is the obvious entrance, and another door much farther down at the end of the veranda.

Not everyone can really pile into the reception area, as it is ony 15' x 10', and most of the middle is taken up by a counter-desk and three chairs - two the west (where you come in, one to the east). A cord hangs from a hole in the southern wall above a sign that reads: "Ring for service." There are two doors - one to north, and one to south.

Only two people can really fit inside the reception area (unless you totally break protocol and go behind the desk). Assuming you are not here kicking down the doors like a pack of wild murderhobos, who are the two that will be inside in reception, with the rest assumed to be milling about the veranda?

2021-03-09, 03:59 PM
With both Norton and Draegra being knowledge specialists, albeit at differing levels, Norton suggests that one of the two of them goes in, along with someone with a keener eye than them.

Obviously, the PC will go in rather than the NPC, because it makes more sense, but it still makes sense to say such. In other words, Norton is volunteering for one of the two.

2021-03-09, 05:53 PM
[QUOTE=DrK;24960635]Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Enjoying the walk he looks at the grim small squat stone building. "Not exactly welcoming is it eh?" he mutters as he walks around the building once just to give the place a once over. As they look at the front door, he is content to let the others go forward looking out over the scrubby moors as he leans on the railing by the veranda, a muttered "Nota bad view eh from here, maybe it helps the poor souls locked in this place"

He glances at the door clearly happy to let Norton and one of the others head in and speak with the staff of the strange building

2021-03-09, 11:14 PM
With Martin stepping aside to let another join Norton, Alvor turns to Zada. "You wanna head in with him? Seems you picked up on quite a bit down at the mill. I figure you'll fare just as well here."

Leaning against the same railing as Martin but with his back to the view, Al grimaces at the hunter's comment. "I doubt it," he says as his shifting weight elicits a long creak from the floor.

2021-03-10, 12:51 AM
Not wanting to add to the crowd, Zada stands by the door.

2021-03-10, 01:19 AM
Steingott scans the entry points.

"It's best we don't barge in. Are any of you folks good with words? I'm not your man . I'd love to stand guard, though!"

2021-03-11, 11:53 PM
It only makes sense, albeit after a bit of a pause, that Draegra would go in with Norton, as their names are a little more well-known (despite Martin being a lifelong local). Draegra pulls the cord, which has some resistance (as expected). After doing so, Draegra casts a spell on himself .... once a minute. Enhanced diplomacy.
A few minutes later, a nervous, twitchy-looking man comes out to see what is happening. "Today is not a visitor's day..." he scolds Draegra and Norton. ".... samsaran," he adds with equal parts annoyance and intrigue. "I am in the middle of some frightfully important work and cannot be disturbed."

Draegra nods understandingly. "I would ask if we could wait, but as you can see," and here he gestures to the handful of people that the man might be able to spy out the front door from his position, "I have a lot of people here. And, to be honest, we are on business as sent by Sheriff Hemlock. Can we see Dr. Habe, please? I have a letter for him."

"I am Dr. Erin Habe," he admits, and takes the paper once Draegra produces it. Dr. Habe gives it a cursory glance. "A fine introduction. It changes nothing. A group of armed people coming up on a place for peace of mind. For shame. Leave, please. I don't have time to entertain the sheriff's paranoia."

"Thank you for giving us this much regard, doctor. Since you are busy today, we will stop by again tomorrow .... and the next day, if need be."

Draegra gestures for Norton to head out with him.

Does Norton head outside with Draegra to the others?

2021-03-13, 08:36 AM
Norton will give a respectful nod to the Doctor before leaving. Once outside, he looks at the others. "No dice right now. Draegra's made it very clear that we will be returning, but the Doctor claims he is very busy right now. What next?"

2021-03-14, 02:25 PM
Zada will step into the door frame; clearly visible, but outside the threshold. "We're not trying to strongarm you. You have to look out for the best interest of your patients, we respect that. We're only here because we want to talk to one of them, because they were a witness to a horrible crime we're investigating. We'd send one person in, and you or one of your staff can be there to ensure the well-being of your patient"

2021-03-14, 02:31 PM
He shakes his head and holds up his hand in Zada's direction, and disappears behind a door.

Now what?

2021-03-14, 05:57 PM
"What, that's it?" Alvor steps forward to peer into the reception area from behind Zada. Seeing that the room is empty, he turns back and scowls at Zada and Norton. "What did you even say to the man? Busy until when?"

2021-03-14, 08:42 PM
"That's it ... for today. We are asked to look into things discretely," said Draegra, "and we have no police 'powers' of any kind. Demands and an unearned sense of entitlement will not endear us to him, or if any abuse of him should occur, to the rest of Sandpoint. This is Dr. Habe's realm, and his place to determine an audience. This was a healthy walk, one which can allow us to get to know each other were we to avail ourselves of the opportunity.* But I have also seeded Dr. Habe with the understanding that I will return tomorrow, with the unspoken 'ad infinitum' so at some point he will be worn down not by intimidation, but by civility. And that works in our favor with any others that might hear the tale."
Great time to use the RP thread not for problem-solving the plot but for getting to know each other.

2021-03-15, 11:02 AM
"You'd gamble two-and-a-half hours of every day on that doctor's capacity to withstand our...civility?" Alvor exhales something between a scoff and a sigh. "If he's busy now, fine, but he can at least tell us when he won't be." At that, he begins to head into the reception area, clearly intent on giving the cord another pull.

I've purposefully only described Al's intention here, rather than specifying that he actually does pull the cord, in order to leave an opening for dissenting views. If anyone feels strongly about not calling the doctor out again, they are welcome to tell Al to hold on for a minute.

2021-03-15, 02:48 PM
Norton shakes his head and moves to stop Alvor. "If we push him now, he'll never agree to talk to us, and we'll never get anywhere here. If the walk itself bothers you, Draegra and I can come on our own when we come back. Maybe having just the two of us come will help ease his concerns too. Especially if I leave my weapon behind this time. He certainly didn't like that we were armed, after all."

2021-03-15, 03:38 PM
Once Norton has said his piece, Al mutters something under his breath about 'pushing,' and then moves to stand, as tall as he can, directly in front of the young scholar. "Look me in the eye and tell me the doctor didn't just walk all over the two of you," he says with a glance towards Draegra.

2021-03-15, 03:50 PM
"He didn't walk all over us. We can't force him, and trying to will only hinder our investigation." Norton looks Alvor dead in the eyes, without any sign of backing down on his stance.

2021-03-15, 04:10 PM
Alvor holds Norton's eye for a moment. "Alright then. Knock yourselves out." At that, he steps around the scholar, continuing to talk as he heads for the stairs, apparently ready to leave. "When he tells you tomorrow that he's still busy, you might try asking when he's free."

2021-03-15, 04:25 PM
Norton nods. "So guys, what do you think we should do next?"

2021-03-15, 06:56 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin looks in some surprise as as they appear from within and convey that the doctor is 'busy'. He looks to Norton, "Aye, I'm with you. We didn't walk 2 hours for nothing. We have possible undead roaming and 2 dead, maybe more soon. "

He looks at the door and then around the building. "You fancy trying an alternative way in and we chat to the man ourselves Norton?" the bearded hunter asks.

2021-03-16, 03:58 PM
"An 'alternate way in' is a euphemism for 'breaking into a lawful establishment,'" says Draegra, "which is a poor fit when we work on behalf of the sheriff."

2021-03-17, 06:05 PM
"And I'm not sure why you'd think I would want to break in either. I have a good reputation here, even if not a a storyteller, and I wouldn't dare risk it just to jump the gun." Norton turns to Draegra. "You have a better grasp than I do, about how long do you think it'll take us to go to check out the site of those first murders? That barn we were told about."

2021-03-18, 12:02 PM
Zada was much relieved that the conversation was turning away from breaking and entering. "Even if it'll take us a bit, it will do more to advance our investigation than breaking in will, as the investigation will kinda get stalled out if we all get arrested ourselves."

2021-03-18, 01:35 PM
Steingott nods in agreement.

"I have to agree with Norton. It's looking like the scene of the first murder is our best option in terms of what we can get done today."

2021-03-18, 04:29 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin nods, "Aye, sounds like a plan then. Keep a sharp eye in case there is more of them undead roaming." Martin is happy to trot along near the others with his bow out, a handy eye in case he sees a deer, rabbit or grouse on the walk that might be good for the pot.

2021-03-18, 07:59 PM
Norton, you had a long walk here, and with a long walk back .... that is, if you consider this a long walk, to be fair, some would just shrug .... your familiar satchel is getting beat on hard from the inside.

2021-03-19, 02:56 PM
Norton laughs to himself, opening up the satchel, he pulls out his familiar and places the adorable little hare on his shoulder. "Sorry buddy. I was so busy I wasn't even thinking about you."

2021-03-20, 11:16 PM
If it weren't for the fact that Norton was actually stronger and sturdier than he looks, he might have been blown back by the recoil of his "rabbit rocket" as Destroyer McGee shoots out several yards, does a quick pee here, a quick poop drop there, and then begins to run a circuit around the party to stretch his legs while the party moves north. They will need to go back to town to get details on the location of the scene of the first murder. Even Martin doesn't know, as most of his business comes to him, rather than vice-versa.

Martin, I am going to assume you do NOT shoot the rabbit Norton let out of the satchel at his side?

2021-03-21, 01:47 AM
Alvor watches with a furrowed brow as the rabbit conducts its business and then begins to burn off some excess energy. "Any other wildlife in there we should know about?"

2021-03-22, 02:48 PM
"That's just my familiar. I only have him, so no worries about any other surprises." Norton laughs a little, and waves for the others to join him as they head back towards town.

2021-03-23, 04:33 AM
The party makes it back to Sandpoint Garrison, and Sheriff Hemlock is sent for, as he only wants the group interfacing with him.

You now have an audience with Sheriff Hemlock, so ..... what do you ask him?

2021-03-24, 08:23 PM
Steingott starts speaking to the sheriff. "So...we checked those leads of yours." No attempt is made to hide his annoyance at how the last two visits played out. "Brodert is running us around on the rune, possibly for at least a week. Doctor Habe at the Sanitarium is singing the same song. Are you absolutely sure we wouldn't have better luck with Ven Vindor and Ibor?

He brings down his very visible annoyance.

"Excuse me. My apologies. But is there any reason you could think of that Brodert and Habe won't attempt to be a little more helpful? Perhaps if we could tell them the seriousness of the matter they might be more responsive..."

2021-03-24, 09:35 PM
The sheriff responds, "Ven's wife already came and picked him up, so he is home now. I can have you interview Ibor, if you'd like. I don't know Brodert's job, or else he wouldn't have been hired, right? Don't they take time researching and stuff? I don't know what to tell you about Habe, because I wasn't there, either; but he deals with dangerous people and crazy people don't give Habe his work at our convenience. Just check daily on both."

2021-03-24, 11:58 PM
Alvor speaks up from the rear of the room. "We want to take a look around the scene of the first murders. Can you give us directions to the barn?"

2021-03-25, 01:05 AM
Sheriff Hemlock nods. He explains that 2 days ago, a patrol of guards along the Lost Coast Road were assaulted by a deranged man near an abandoned barn south of town along the banks of Cougar Creek. The man was obviously sick and insane, his flesh fevered, eyes wild, mouth frothing, and clothes caked with blood. The guards subdued him, but when they checked inside the barn they discovered the mutilated bodies of three men. Although all three bodies were far too disfigured to identify, one of them carried a piece of parchment that Hemlock gives to the PCs to read [see Handout 2-2 on Discord]. The note identifies the bodies as Tarch Mortwell, Lener Hask, and Gedwin Tabe, three notorious con men and swindlers known well to Sheriff Hemlock as local troublemakers.

He personally forbade the three men from operating their con games and barely legal operations in Sandpoint, and wasn’t particularly surprised at the time to find them murdered—it was only a matter of time before they tried to swindle someone worse than them, after all. But in light of the mill murders and the fact that Mortwell, Hask, and Tabe all bore the same seven-pointed marking on their chests that Harker did, Hemlock is convinced there is something worse than revenge afoot.

The bodies of all three men lie in state in a cool basement room below the Sandpoint Garrison, not far from the holding cell containing Ibor (and until recently, Ven).

"Would you like to examine the bodies?" the sheriff asks.

2021-03-25, 11:54 AM
Steingott nods.

"I'd like to check out both the scene and the bodies, personally.

He looks around the room to his fellow party members.

"How prepared are we for any hinky undead business that might be going on with these bodies? Any suggested precautions from you more seasoned folks?"

2021-03-25, 05:27 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin listens to the sheriff, a muttered "How about you give us a letter sheriff, maybe get a bit more help from Habe? The mad guard is probably the best lead we got." As they discuss the bodies and the attack sight he nods, "I agree with you lads. Lets see these bodies, I'd guess burning 'em will stop em coming back Steingott. Then we can head out to the attack"

He taps his bow, "Make sure to be armed if we head out there mind no telling what could be watchin'"

2021-03-25, 07:31 PM
The sheriff will take the party down to the bodies below Sandpoint Garrison. "We will not be burning the bodies. Father Zantus already performed last rites."

The party gets to what passes as a small morgue. Decay has already begun to set in. The sheriff lets the bodies be examined.

Zada can assist Martin. Their short assessment reveals that all three bodies bear claw marks similar to those that were discovered on Harker's body. As well, there is that seven-pointed symbol as before.

"Now," the sheriff goes, "the insane man has been identified as Grayst Sevilla, a local Varisian thug. He was the one given over to the care of Erin Habe. I'll write another letter for your return trip tomorrow, but again .... Dr. Habe has operational control of his sanatorium, and I cannot demand he open wide his doors to your investigation, which is supposed to be quiet, anyway. Regardless, that Grayst fellow .... he was a little off his rocker when I talked with him .... so even if Dr. Habe does let you see him, I wouldn't expect much.

"Alright, since you're here, do you want to talk to Ibor?"

2021-03-25, 07:34 PM
Steingott nods.

"At this point I think figuring out what's going on will be for a greater good, even if it may be upsetting for him to keep talking."

2021-03-25, 10:10 PM
"Wait a second -- another letter?" Alvor asks. "How many have you already sent?"

2021-03-26, 06:48 PM
"I sent the first one with Draegra, which I understand he handed over today," answers the sheriff. "This will make the second one."

2021-03-27, 09:55 PM
Alvor tightens his jaw and casts a momentary scowl towards the Samsaran. "How forthcoming were you the first time?" he asks as he turns back to the sheriff. "Does he know that the longer it takes us to get to the bottom of this, the likelier it is that more will die?"

2021-03-27, 10:17 PM
The sheriff seems confused. "You seem to be harboring anger I don't understand, Alvori. Actually, a few of you do. Being an investigator is less about great insight and getting results off the cuff so much as it is having an iron will and perseverance.

"Now, he may have a legitimate issue at the Sanatorium, you realize. Could he be stone-walling you? Could he be personally persecuting you? Well, possibly. But, why? Or ... he could be busy with matters that he feels trump your own, that because of the sensitive nature of his work he is in no way required to share with you, and there is nothing to do about that but respect his position and wait, and not take everything personally."

2021-03-27, 11:11 PM
Alvor rolls his eyes. "Yeah, or maybe he's just an *******. Who knows. Whatever it is, he's got your only living witness, and I don't think tiptoeing around his indifference is going to get you very far." At that, he sighs and leans back against the wall, opening the floor to the others to either agree, disagree, or simply push things closer to a conversation with Ibor.

2021-03-28, 12:39 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin nods emphatically with Alvor, "Sheriff, we found signs that the undead were watching the mill. Sooner we find out what happening more we can stop it. Who knows who else may be killed if we don't solve this problem."

He glances at Draegra, "If you'd mentioned the letter from Hemlock we could have pushed Habe harder."

After the bodies have been xamined he shrugs, "Aye, well, eaten a little and clawded with the same rune. Not a lot new. Alvor, Steingott, how you feeling about a bit of patrolling the other side of the river tonight. Keep an eye out for any more undead watch posts?.

2021-03-28, 02:20 AM
Alvor considers Martin's suggestion for a moment. "Well, I don't think its a coincidence that we've got one set of bodies found by a river, and another set of bodies found by a creek. Especially with the tracks you found at the mill, seems pretty clear that this creature is using the water to access its victims. And with the number of brooks and streams I've seen around here, I have a hard time imagining it'll need to strike the same area twice. Still, I guess it couldn't hurt to take a look around."

For a few moments, he is quiet in thought, save for the soft thud of him repeatedly tapping the back of his head against the wall. "Tell me, sheriff, does Cougar creek connect with the river behind the mill?"

2021-03-28, 03:27 AM
Martin (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)...glances at Draegra, "If you'd mentioned the letter from Hemlock we could have pushed Habe harder."
Draegra looks at Martin. "I did give him the letter."

Alvor ..."Tell me, sheriff, does Cougar creek connect with the river behind the mill?"
Sheriff Hemlock shakes his head. "Cougar Creek comes from a spring source on the Ashen Rise, down .... past Habe's Sanatorium, in fact ... northwest across the ashen moor ... before dumping the Varisian Gulf nearly a mile south of town."

2021-03-28, 05:44 AM
Norton sighs a little. "Pushing him harder because of the letter was never an option. If one of you had been in with Draegra, you'd have seen how little he cared about it. So lets not make such a big deal about this. Draegra did the best he could, and I believe if any of you had tried, he'd have banned us from ever coming back."

2021-03-28, 03:45 PM
Alvor shakes his head. "If that creek runs by the sanitorium, then Habe and his patients are in just as danger as anyone else here in town. Maybe more so if whoever's behind this is looking to tie up any loose ends."

2021-03-28, 08:15 PM
"That's there," says Draegra, "and we're here. Shall we have a chat with Ibor?"

2021-03-29, 04:20 PM
Alvor's expression suggests he doesn't share Draegra's views on proximity and relevancy, but he says nothing, and instead only gestures to the sheriff, inviting him to lead them wherever it is Ibor is being held.

2021-03-29, 08:09 PM
Is everyone else done here?

2021-03-31, 03:55 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

At Draegra's question Martin nods. "Aye, I guess as we are here can see how poor Ibor is doing. Maybe I can look in on my lovely lady before head back out to watch the stream and check some of the local farms?" He looks at Alvor and nods, We could just follow the stream back to Habe's and search around." He grins, and taps his bow. "Maybe we'll get lucky"

2021-03-31, 06:52 PM
Steingott nods.

I'm ready to chat with Ibor, then run that patrol at night."

He punches his left palm with his right fist a few times while thinking of bashing in some undead heads.

2021-04-01, 01:26 AM
Harker’s partner Ibor is a young man, handsome if a bit narrow-faced. He is still in shock after having discovered the bodies when he arrived at work yesterday morning. Though the sheriff already interrogated Ibor, Hemlock admits that the PCs might be able to get something out of the miller that he could not. He cautions them to be gentle in their interrogation, though—Thorn’s been through a lot in the last few hours.

Here's the thing. It would probably be overwhelming if ALL of the party goes in there. So, you need to figure out amongst yourself who is going to go in and who isn't. And before that, you need to figure out the way you want to get information out of him .... do you want to try to be compassionate, or try to terrify him into telling you something?

Draegra elects the former, and Midori recommends the latter.

2021-04-01, 05:00 PM
Norton recommends compassion too.

2021-04-01, 06:48 PM
When Norton seconds his, Draegra offers, "I can go in and talk with Ibor. But it would be nice to have someone with me that might have a golden tongue to my silver."

2021-04-02, 02:48 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin nods in agreement with the "good cop" approach. "Aye, not point being hostile to the man. He's had a hard enough time with discovering his partner and Ven's lass dead in the mill. I doubt he's involved, apart from a bad roll of the die." Shrugging he nods to one of the others, "I barely know the man, seen him in the shop a few times when he comes down for some chops or a rabbit, but he don't drink in the Hagfish so not said much more to 'im than that."

2021-04-03, 03:55 PM
Frustrated at how things transpired at Habe's, Alvor wants to be in the room this time. "I'll join you," he says to Draegra.

He turns to the sheriff. "There anything Ibor told you that you think we ought to know beforehand?"

2021-04-03, 10:18 PM
The Sheriff says, "I think you know what I know."

With that, Alvor and Draegra are let in to speak with Iborn. The sheriff won't let anyone else in, as that is likely to look more like a gang trying to coerce him rather than just two guys trying to see if there's anything he's willing to add.

Okay, Alvor, what do you do?

2021-04-03, 11:25 PM
Alvor leaves his shield, spear, bow and short sword with the others before following the sheriff down the hall. When Ibor's cell comes into view, he pauses or perhaps hesitates for a moment before stepping closer. The former watchman has some experience questioning witnesses and suspects, but those memories feel as though they are from another lifetime, and they are not the first to come to mind at the sight of iron bars.

If Ibor doesn't look up as he and Draegra approach, Alvor gently taps a knuckle on one of the bars. "Hello, Ibor." He pauses a moment to allow the man to reply, though he does not expect one. "My name's Al. This is Draegra. We're trying to help the sheriff figure out what happened down at the mill. If you don't mind, we'd like to ask you some questions. Is it alright if we come inside, or would you rather we stay out here?"

2021-04-04, 08:57 PM
He blinks vaguely as if to allow.

2021-04-05, 01:33 AM
Alvor glances at the contents of the pail when he steps inside. If it's empty, he turns it over and uses it as a seat. Otherwise, he slides it to the far end and sits down on the floor, giving Ibor as much space as he can within the confines of the cell.

Once he's seated, he makes a point to observe Ibor's hands. If they are covered in blood, and if Ibor seems distressed by this fact -- for example, if he makes any effort to rub them clean -- then Al calls to the sheriff and asks if he can bring some water and a rag.

Al begins with questions that are adjacent to the murders themselves -- things like the timing of events and the ordinary operation of the mill. His hope is bring Ibor back from the edge a bit -- perhaps even build a rapport -- before gradually steering his inquiry towards topics that are likely to be more upsetting. As that transition approaches, he says as much to Ibor, and offers him a flask of admittedly mediocre whiskey from his hip. He takes a sip before passing it on, and even if Ibor does not take it, Al leaves it on the floor in case he changes his mind later.

Al may be a bit of a grump, but he is legitimately sympathetic to Ibor's situation, and there is something of a paternal quality to how he addresses the traumatized young man. Presenting his questions in a non-accusatory manner, he makes it clear that he's not here looking for evidence of Ibor's guilt, but for help in delivering justice for Ibor's friends. Though he is not the type to offer direct words of comfort, Al nevertheless expresses his compassion in his own quiet way, speaking calmly, slowly, and in the same informal fashion he uses with most everyone else. He is not uncomfortable with silence, and if Ibor needs time to form his answers, Al is willing to give it. As much as he is able, he catches any sighs before they start, and avoids any muttering except as empathetic utterances.

2021-04-06, 01:00 AM
The pail has contents in it. Ibor doesn't really look at his hands.

Draegra allows Ivor to take control of the whole interaction, but seems to have a good sense of when to speak up to note something of emphasis, or to add a secondary calming voice.

When the whiskey is brought out, Ibor can't help himself and takes it, and takes a swig. Finally, he gives a long sigh.

"Harker," begins Ibor, "he had frequent midnight trysts with Katrine. Ven's a protective father, but no way he did that to them."

He has some trouble with something, and Draegra quietly prods him.

"Harker had been 'cooking the books' ... for some time." Ibor then adds quickly, "I never took part in the scams, but ... Harker? He might have stashed quite a lot of money away by skimming from the top of sales and business over the past several years. The Scarnettis, the noble family that owns the lumber mill ... they have a reputation for being ruthless—there are rumors that they’re responsible for burning several competing grain mills in the region, after all, and I wouldn't put it above the Scarnettis to hire someone to kill Harker if they found out he’d been embezzling money."

Ibor won't have anything more to say that can be useful, but at least socially Al and Draegra were a big help in breaking the cloud he was under.

2021-04-06, 03:36 PM
Al thanks Ibor for his help and leaves him with the flask of whiskey.

Once he and Draegra are far enough down the hall to be out of earshot of Ibor, Al clears throat and then quickly, quietly and somewhat uncomfortably, says, "Thanks, uh, for your help in there." His tone suggests that he would prefer a silent nod to any reciprocal words.

Rejoining the others, he relays what Ibor had shared. "Apparently Harker had been cooking the books to hide money he'd been pocketing for himself. Ibor thinks that if the mill's owners, the Scarnettis, caught wind of the scheme, they might have hired someone to take Harker out. Seems they have a history of playing dirty with their competitors."

2021-04-06, 11:31 PM
Draegra appreciably just nods to Alvor.

Once in with the rest of the group and the sheriff, Draegra adds. "So, that may or may not be a separate issue. But it turns out that Harker and Ven's daughter Katrine were engaging in midnight trysts at the mill, which is why she was there in the first place."

2021-04-08, 05:00 PM
Norton would like a knowledge check on the Scarnettis

After the new information, Norton continues to mull over what he knows, both of the family in question, and the case in general.

2021-04-08, 10:16 PM
Here is what the party knows about the Scarnettis ....

Scarnetti Manor is the home of one of Sandpoint's founding families. The Scarnetti family, led by Titus Scarnetti, controls most part of Sandpoint's lumber industry, as well as Sandpoint's mills, the Sandpoint Lumber Mill and the Scarnetti Mill.

In addition to the Sandpoint Lumber Mill, the Scarnetti family also owns the Scarnetti Mill. Owned by the wealthy Scarnetti family, who also has a monopoly on the lumber industry, it is the sole surviving mill after a string of fires destroyed the Soggy River Mill, the Biston Pond Mill, and the Cougar Creek Mill. Public outcry and accusations of arson against the Scarnetti family was so great, that the mill's operator Courrin Whesterwill lowered the price for milling grain dramatically, at least until the other mills could be rebuilt. Still, in time, the Scarnettis purchased the Sandpoint Lumber Mill, but learned their lesson about trying to put a stranglehold on production by price gouging.

Here is what the party knows about House Scarnetti (Noble House of Magnimar) ...
House Scarnetti is one of the newer families of note in the Varisian city of Magnimar. They have a long-standing, simmering feud with the city's Shoanti population. Prominent members of the family also live in the nearby town of Sandpoint.[

2021-04-10, 12:33 AM
Alvor rubs his forehead, seemingly unsure of what to make of Ibor's theory. "Well, I can't say I've ever heard of a hired killer using undead before, but if that's on the table here, we ought to at least consider the possibility that our first set of victims also found themselves on the wrong side of the Scarnettis. Not to say the killer couldn't have sold their services to another buyer..."

He sighs and then looks over at the sheriff. "You know if that family has any other financial interests in the area? Something that crooked lot might have targeted with one of their cons?"

2021-04-10, 12:40 AM
Steingott sits in the background, pumping his fists and shadow boxing. He finishes his little workout and addresses the regrouped party:

"I don't wanna step on anyone's toes when it comes to drawing conclusions...but I think we all know as much as we're going to know today. Maybe watching the river and keeping our eyes open is our best bet until tomorrow."

Steingott looks down at his feet and starts digging his toes in the dirt.

"I get we have to keep things under wraps for the sake of the general population, but if the undead is a possible culprit, I think we need to go with that suggestion as a real possibility. We may need to just keep watch on certain areas and see if anything else happens. If we have nothing from our other leads for at least a week, all we can do at this point is protect. Tomorrow we can look into the Scarnettis. I just don't think it's the right time to barge in and start running the Scarnetti's down. for information. There's likely a better way to go about looking into them. Especially if they're a powerful family."

2021-04-10, 07:12 AM
"Scarnetttis are no-doubt the face of the Sczarni gangs in this area," says Sheriff Hemlock. "And embezzling doesn't surprise me. But murder does. The Sczarni have a saying: you can't make money off the dead. I mean, way more goes on in Magnimar, but even there its racketeering, extortion, bribes, gambling (under the table to cheat the tax-man). At most, someone might get roughed up. But this goes way outside of anything the Sczarni are known to do. And it happened to a Scarnetti-owned business, which only invites the 'wrong kind' of vigilance, they might say. No, I am pretty sure that the Scarnettis would want no part of this.

"As far as number of Scarnetti interests you're going to find, well as one of the founding families of Sandpoint with a, ahem, 'aggressive business expansion model,' that's just to be expected."

2021-04-10, 11:47 AM
"Hmm." Zada said. They'd been lost in thought for a while. "Yeah, that tracks. As far these 'outstanding citizens' are concerned," the disdain practically dripped off that phrase, "I think that it's more likely that whoever this Lordship fellow is has a beef with them rather than anything untoward on their part. On this occasion, at least."

2021-04-11, 12:36 AM
"I'm with Steingott. I say we call it for the night," says Draegra. "What we saw wasn't random violence, however chaotic it was. So I doubt we are looking for lightning to strike twice."

2021-04-12, 01:44 PM
Alvor very nearly recites the Sczarni words along with Hemlock, but he catches himself first and manages to keep his mouth shut. "It does seem unlikely," he says with a sigh. "The nature of the killings make them tough enough to square with a hired hit. You pay someone for that kind of work, the last thing you want them doing is marking the bodies with matching symbols."

"Could be," he says to Zada. "Seems they may made more than their share of enemies. If he's able to recognize that rune, Brodert may be able to give us some direction, but we'll have to wait and see."

He nods to Draegra then looks to Martin and Steingott. "Still want to walk the river tonight? I'm willing if you are."

2021-04-13, 03:29 PM
Alvor nods to Draegra then looks to Martin and Steingott. "Still want to walk the river tonight? I'm willing if you are."

Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin listens and nods. "Aye, it sounds good. The poor lass just seems to be wrong place wrong time. Best start some patrols to ward off these undead skulking about." He taps the bow and looks at the dwarf, "What you think, out the north gate, then walk down the river and swing by the manors and in the south gate? Couple laps.

2021-04-14, 12:34 AM
Tonight is the brightest of the nights of the full moon of the month of Neth, called the Black Moon. Near-freezing and drizzling is enough to account for less of a patrol and more of a cursory sweep by those that go, though that is not the whole group.

Night ends.


Today is a holy day for most, so the party meets together at the Sandpoint Garrison (because you never really defined) about an hour after noon, to make sure everyone spent what extra time was needed for personal religious/ spiritual/ devotional activities.

Per plan, the party traipses out to Habe's Auditorium.

Draegra hands the note to Alvor, recommending Alvor try to sway Habe today. If nothing else, maybe the fact that it is a Sunday will be a weak argument point that Habe shouldn't be that busy.

The bell is run, and Habe again comes to the desk shaking his palms at the two members of the group that could squeeze into the front reception area. "Please, sirs, I am busy and understaffed!"

Alvor, what do you do?

2021-04-14, 01:17 PM
Before pulling the cord, Al takes a deep, steadying breath, a brief and surely imperfect effort to set aside his earlier impression of the doctor and give the man an opportunity to prove himself as something other than what Al perceived him to be the day before.

"Dr. Habe, I take it?" He steps forward and offers Hemlock's letter. "From the sheriff. We understand that you're busy, but it's important that we speak with one of your patients. We wouldn't need long. Maybe twenty minutes, thirty at the most. And the sooner it can happen, the sooner we can leave you to your work."

2021-04-14, 04:08 PM
"Alright, let's get this over with," he says. "Otherwise, you'll disturb my work every day until the next Swallowtail Festival.

"I will let you interview my patient Grayst, but only for a few minutes. Just the two of you, right?" he looks nervously at the armed contingent on his front door. "I am not having a whole filthy band of mercenaries slumming in my sanatorium. It's drizzling, so they can join you in the reception room. In the meantime, you will need to hand off that big polearm to your friends staying behind, and either do the same with your shields or put them up. They are weapons. No weapons are to be drawn at any time, and if attacked by someone orderlies - not you - are to take care of it. Just withdraw as best as possible. No spells are to be cast. None ... no, not that one .... not that one either. No spells.

"So, the two of you ... weapons stowed or handed off when they can't be stowed ..... and no spells. Is that acceptable, or am I sending you back out in the freezing Neth drizzle?"

2021-04-14, 04:49 PM
Al does not hesitate to answer. "That is acceptable." As he turns to step outside, he glances to Draegra, sharing a look that suggests he was expecting more resistance. Handing his spear, shield and bow to the others waiting on the veranda, he says, "He's agreed to give Dreagra and I a few minutes to question Grayst. We'll try to make 'em count. Gotta leave these here though."

Once the samsaran has likewise stowed or unloaded his weapons, Al nods to the doctor. "No weapons, no spells," he says, affirming the terms of their visit.

2021-04-15, 01:58 AM
Draegra, whose shield wasn't out anyway, doesn't hand anything over and goes with Alvor to the waiting area directed to inside.

So, this is less of a reception area, and more of a Workroom, that Dr. Habe unlocks before admitting entrance, and then locking once the three of you are inside. This is a little-used area that serves as a combination kitchen and sewing area. It is an otherwise very large area, taking up most of the first floor. There are two doors in here to the south.

"Please wait here," he says, before going to two orderlies here and ordering them to go upstairs and gather Grayst to bring him down to meet guests.

The two orderlies leave, leaving you here with the doctor, who doesn't try to engage you in any conversation.

A few minutes later, the orderlies bring a man down dressed in very strange clothing that is extremely restrictive to movement that Alvor has never seen before.

"And, here we are. This is Grayst, gentlemen."

Grayst's skin is pale and looks gangrenous, his hair wild and his eyes milky white. Unfortunately, neither Al nor Draegra have any medical training, lacking any understanding of Grayst's affliction.

Alvor, what do you do/ say?

2021-04-16, 11:10 PM
Hemlock's description of Grayst had led Alvor to believe that he would be questioning a man of otherwise sound physical health in the throws of some sort of psychological episode. But the man across from him now appears to be decomposing before his very eyes, and for a moment, Al seems unsure if he should be addressing his first question to the patient or to the doctor.

"Grayst Sevilla?" He finally asks somewhat hesitantly, shifting his head sideways as he speaks to see if Grayst's clouded eyes track the motion. He does not immediately follow up with another question, but instead tries to get a sense of the man's faculties based on his response.

In the event there is no response whatsoever, Al tries a slightly different angle. "Hired muscle for Tarch Mortwell, Lener Hask, and Gedwin Tabe?"

2021-04-17, 01:31 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin walks happily back to the sanitarium spinning the bow happily. As they get there and Habe issues his demand he hops up and perches on the rail of the balcony. ”Have fun with the crazies my friends, I can keep watch with Steingott, if we hear any screaming we’ll come a running “

2021-04-17, 06:53 AM
Grayst does come out of his semi-insensate fit to speak fitfully to Alvor. Unfortunately, he has little to say apart from incoherent mumblings about "razors" and "too many teeth" and how "the Skinsaw Man is coming."

Draegra tries to get Grayst's attention then, but when he does, Grayst's eyes bulge when he sees the blue-skinned man, and Grayst is shocked into some moment of semi-lucidity. “He said. He said you would visit me. His Lordship. The one that unmade me said so. He has a place for you. A precious place. I’m so jealous. He has a message for you. He made me remember it. I hope I haven’t forgotten. The master wouldn’t approve if I forgot. Let me see… let… me… see…”

His eyes roll back into his head as he goes into some kid of trance, his voice becoming very strange...

“He said you should come to the Misgivings soon, to meet the Pack, for they have something wonderful to show you.”

At the climax of his speech, the message delivered, Grayst collapses and issues a low moan. One round later, his moan rises to a shriek, and as he lurches to his feet, his arms tear free of the old straitjacket. He lunges at Draegra, eager to kill the one whom his “master” loves more than him. The orderlies do their best to get Habe to safety before they step in to help, but anyone who tries to protect the targeted PC might be assaulted by the diseased man as well.

Round One ...

R1T20: The crazed man steps forward, chambers and then elbows Draegra's own elbow for 8 ... a powerful blow, indeed.

R1T15: Alvor, what do you do?

2021-04-17, 01:07 PM
Alvor curses as Grayst breaks free of his jacket and lunges towards Draegra. "Doctor!?" He calls out, thinking this can't possibly be what Habe had in mind when he contemplated a possible attack. With the orderlies closing in to hopefully get the crazed man under control, Al, for the time being at least, is willing to abide by his agreement not to use a weapon. Lowering his shoulder, Al attempts to disorient Grayst by driving him back against the wall.

At the beginning of the round, Al uses Tactical Flanker to designate the space to his SE as being occupied for the purposes of flanking.

Swift Action: Activate Gatecrasher's Gambit to grant +2 luck bonus to next bull rush attempt.

Standard Action: Initiate Shoulder Rush, making a bull rush attempt with a +4 circumstance bonus.

Bull rush (+7 base CMB, +2 Powerful Maneuvers, +2 luck bonus, +4 circumstance bonus): [roll0]
Al will move with this bull rush if successful. Additionally, if the bull rush is successful, Gatecrasher's Gambit imposes a -4 penalty on all of Grayst's d20 rolls for 1 round.

The first time that Draegra, the orderlies, or Habe is attacked before Alvor's next turn, he will use his immediate action to initiate Warning Roar to attempt to negate the attack.

Diplomacy: [roll1]

2021-04-19, 11:02 AM
R1T15: Alvor curses as Grayst breaks free of his jacket and lunges towards Draegra. "Doctor!?" He calls out, thinking this can't possibly be what Habe had in mind when he contemplated a possible attack. With the orderlies closing in to hopefully get the crazed man under control, Al, for the time being at least, is willing to abide by his agreement not to use a weapon. Lowering his shoulder, Al attempts to disorient Grayst by driving him back against the wall. Grayst isn't disoriented, but he does get driven back.

R1T12: Draegra steps back a little, and casts a spell, asking that the Godclaw undo what chaos has done (5 healing). He looks to the caretaker. "Doctor Habe, have your orderlies keep back from his man, for he is beyond them. Then go and unlock the northern door that our allies may assist."

He then shouts as loud as he can, "Battle Underway. Nonlethal!"

The two orderlies don't even wait for the order to be passed as they step back. Dr. Habe goes to the northern door and takes out the keys.

End of Round One ... TO THOSE STANDING OUTSIDE: You may have heard screaming inside, and that might spook some, but this is an asylum for the insane, so that is more about a few seconds of confusion. That confusion is quickly dispelled when you do hear Draegra's shout that there is a battle, but it is (or is to be kept, you aren't quite sure) nonlethal.

Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Norton, you wisely were sure to have Destroyer McGee back in your satchel when you got to the sanatorium, though I do assume on the long walk here you let him stretch his legs again. What do you do?

Grayst on deck ...

2021-04-19, 02:03 PM
Norton will crouch down and call out to his familiar to return to him, but won't otherwise leap into action. He moves away from the door to let others go in. "Sorry, but a nonlethal battle is not one that I will be very effective in. Magic, you know."

Norton will delay potentially indefinitely. But definitely this round.

2021-04-19, 03:19 PM
R2T23: Norton crouches down and looks to his familiar in his familiar's satchel to calm him, but he otherwise doesn't leap into action. He moves away from the door to let others go in. "Sorry, but a nonlethal battle is not one that I will be very effective in. Magic, you know."

R2T20: Inside, Grayst swings at Draegra, but even though Draegra gets into a trained boxing position, Alvor shouts loudly, throwing off Grayst's swing.

R2T19: Zada senses that Granite is alert to danger.

R2T15: Alvor, what do you do? You do see that Draegra is quite "armed" as he is in an obvious fist-fighting pose.

2021-04-20, 06:49 PM
"Someone grab my shield!" Al calls towards the open door.

He isn't much of a fist-fighter himself, but seeing Draegra with his hands up, the former watchman slides to his left and tries to grab at Grayst's arms in the hopes of making him an easier target for the samsaran.

Move action: Adopt the indomitable tactical presence.

Free action: 5-ft. step to the south.

Standard action: Aid another to grant Draegra a +2 bonus to his next attack.

Attack vs. AC 10: [roll0]

2021-04-21, 08:20 AM
R2T15: "Someone grab my shield!" Al calls towards the open door.

He isn't much of a fist-fighter himself, but seeing Draegra with his hands up, the former watchman slides to his left and tries to grab at Grayst's arms in the hopes of making him an easier target for the samsaran.

R2T14: Steingott, you heard that! What do you do?

2021-04-21, 01:24 PM
Steingott rushes towards the south wall of the porch and picks up Alvor's shield.

2021-04-21, 10:29 PM
R2T14: Steingott rushes towards the south wall of the porch and picks up Alvor's shield.

R2T13: Zada, what do you do? The door to A2 is 2 squares to your east and currently closed.

Draegra on deck, Martin in the hole ...

2021-04-22, 12:16 AM
Zada quickly made their way to the door, wrenching it open before stepping inside; their teammates were in danger, and their spirit would not let that stand.
I think that it'll take me 2 move actions to get the door open, so I can't really rush in just yet, but I'm working on it.

2021-04-22, 05:42 AM
R2T13: Zada quickly made their way to the door, wrenching it open; their teammates were in danger, and their spirit would not let that stand.

R2T12: Draegra sees Alvor's efforts, steps towards the wall, and takes advantage of the grizzled warrior's help as then expertly grapples Grayst.

R2T10: Martin, Zada has opened the front door. What do you do?

Norton on deck, Grayst in the hole ...

2021-04-22, 03:54 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin looks up as the sounds of fighting and shouting begins, "I was only joking about them shouting for trouble" he mitters and as he bounds up the stairs and barrels into the room, knuckles raised and ready for trouble! As he bursts into the room and see's the strange man he stumbles slightly "What by the gods is wrong with him"

Full: Double move into the room ~10ft from Grayst
Swift: Enter Pugilist's stance

2021-04-23, 05:16 AM
R2T10: Martin looks up as the sounds of fighting and shouting begins. "I was only joking about them shouting for trouble" he mutters and as he bounds up the stairs and barrels into the reception area knuckles raised and ready for trouble! Unfortunately, there is no trouble in this room, and Martin hears the sounds of trouble on the other side of the door to the south.

R2T8: Norton feels that comforting, high-speed rabbit-foot-thump from the familiar satchel that tells him that Destroyer McGee, Berserker Bloodhare of the Hinterlands is ready for action!

End Round 2: Dr. Habe unlocks and then opens the door, facing Martin as he does so. He calls out, "No weapons! Please! He doesn't know what he's doing!"

Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23: Norton, what do you do?

Grayst on deck, Alvor in the hole ...

2021-04-23, 03:58 PM
Norton continues to just watch the others, staying out of this fight entirely.

Continue to delay.

2021-04-24, 09:51 AM
R3T23: Norton continues to just watch the others, staying out of this fight entirely.

R3T20: Grayst flails around in Draegra's arms, but can't get out.

R3T15: Alvor, what do you do?

Steingott on deck, Zada in the hole, Norton delaying ...

2021-04-25, 09:27 AM
Seeing Dreagra take hold of the madman, Al immediately moves to help him get Grayst under control.

Between grunts and growls of effort, he calls back to the orderlies, "Manacles!"

Standard action: Al will use the aid another action to assist the grapple, granting Draegra a +2 bonus to his next check.

2021-04-25, 06:08 PM
R3T15: Seeing Dreagra take hold of the madman, Al immediately moves to help him get Grayst under control. Between grunts and growls of effort, he calls back to the orderlies, "Manacles!"

R3T14: Steingott, what do you do?

Zada on deck, Draegra in the hole ...

2021-04-25, 06:56 PM
With Alvor's shield in hand, Steingott makes his way into the building and heads towards Alvor.

2021-04-25, 09:50 PM
R3T14: With Alvor's shield in hand, Steingott makes his way into the building and heads towards Alvor.

R3T13: Zada? What do you do?

Draegra on hand, Marin in the hole ...

2021-04-30, 10:50 AM
Zada rushed inside, following the sound of the commotion.
If I can get close enough to the turning guy to see him in one move action, I'll summon my mind blade. If not, double move towards the guy.

2021-04-30, 06:27 PM
R3T13: Zada rushed inside, following the sound of commotion. As she moves, she does see a guy being wrestled (she thinks by Draegra, but that is harder to see). It is a wild man but at this distance not to be mistaken for anything beyond a habitant of an asylum. Still, she cautiously brings forth a blade of pure psionic force, electricity crackling up and down its length.

Dr. Habe screams when he sees the psychic sword in Zada's hand.

R3T12: Draegra expertly pins Grayst. "Quick, tie him up!"

R3T10: Martin, what do you do?

Orderlies and Habe on deck ...

2021-05-02, 03:16 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin skids to a halt then glances around the man in front of him, "Let me past you fool" he snarls and pushes roughly past heading south towards the sounds of struggle and Draegra's voice. "Shout out of you need help, we are a coming" plunging forward he makes his best speed towards the sturggle

Full: Double move towards the sounds of struggles

2021-05-02, 03:53 PM
R3T10: Martin skids to a halt then glances around the man in front of him, "Let me past you fool" he snarls and pushes roughly past heading south towards the sounds of struggle and Draegra's voice. "Shout out if you need help, we are a-coming!" Plunging forward he makes his best speed towards the struggle, getting there at the end of his hustle.

Doctor Habe shrieks in terror and leaves the large room. Norton sees him cross the reception room and unlock (not open) the door to the north.

The orderlies are too freaked out by the deal with Grayst and all of these people jumping on their charge and one of them with a glowing sword to help.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T20: Grayst is unable to break out of his pin.

R4T15: Alvor, what do you do? The orderlies didn't help you.

Steingott on deck, Zada in the hole, Norton delaying ...

2021-05-04, 01:22 AM
Alvor very nearly curses aloud at the orderlies for their inaction, but recognizing how strange the last few minutes have been, he merely growls in frustration instead.

"All I've got is damned string!" He reaches for the bag on his back as the others draw near. "Tell me one of you has rope!"

Move action: Retrieve the bundle of string from his bag.

Free action: Drop the string beside him.

Standard action: Ready an action to tie up Grayst in the event he is handed or tossed a length of rope.

2021-05-04, 02:08 PM
Upon hearing that they needed rope, Zada dissipated their mind blade and pulled their pack off to withdraw their rope. "I've got some!" they exclaim
FrA: "Drop" the mind blade, where it dissipates into nothingness
I'm 90% sure that it's two move actions to get the rope from Zada's pack. If I can do it in one, I'll toss it to Alvor. Otherwise someone is going to have to transfer it from the to him.

2021-05-04, 06:54 PM
R4T15: Alvor very nearly curses aloud at the orderlies for their inaction, but recognizing how strange the last few minutes have been, he merely growls in frustration instead.
"All I've got is damned string!" He reaches for the bag on his back as the others draw near. "Tell me one of you has rope!"

"I've got some!" exclaims Zada (who has yet to take her action).

R4T14: Steingott, what do you do?

Zada on deck (action defined), Draegra in the hole ...

2021-05-04, 11:17 PM
Steingott drops Alvor's shield where he stands. Noticing the skirmish and knowing there was a non-lethal battle going on, he puts up his dukes and rushes around the corner.

Should be able to move around the corner and get in the spot just above Grayst. Calling my 1/day knockout ability on Grayst.

[roll0] To hit.

In the event knockout is a full round and I can't do it, I am just going for a punch.

Potential damage on the punch is:


Fortitude save on the knockout should be 15.

2021-05-04, 11:43 PM
R4T14: Steingott drops Alvor's shield where he stands. Noticing the skirmish and knowing there was a non-lethal battle going on, he puts up his dukes and rushes around the corner. He pops Grayst right in the jaw for a resounding 11 as bones crack, but this man's deadened nerve-pain centers must protect him because it looks like it definitely hurt him ... but doesn't slow his wrath at being pinned.

R4T13: Zada dissipates their mindblade and retrieves the rope from their pack, and steps a few feet closer, tossing the rope toward Alvor.

R4T12: Draegra puts the squeeze on Grayst while continuing to pin him, doing 4 NL.

R4T10: Martin, what do you do?

Grayst on deck, Alvor in the hole, Norton delaying ...

2021-05-05, 03:46 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin pauses, "What is wrong with this one, he looks past Pharasma's gate already!", plunging into the flailing mess he ducks and weaves standing beside the others and lashes out with a pair of brutal jabs seeking to subdue the madman.

Bronze knuckle strike (whilst in pugilist stance) - hiting non lethal
[roll0] dam [roll1] ignore DR

2021-05-05, 06:23 PM
R4T10: Martin pauses, "What is wrong with this one?! He looks past Pharasma's gate, already!" Plunging into the flailing mess, he ducks and weaves while standing beside the others and lashes out with a crushing blow to subdue the madman that does 15 NL.

End of Round Four: Norton sees Dr. Habe open the door, step north into that room, and then shut the door. The orderlies, seeing that Dr. Habe left them, and there is now a group running amok in the asylum, peace out. They are now outside, right by Norton.

Begin Round 5 ...

R5T20: Grayst, with a greater reserve of strength and desperation, throws off Draegra and is no longer either pinned or grappled! He then steps out of the mix of melee-ists surrounding him.

R5T15: Alvor, there is rope on the ground behind you (to the E). Grayst is now out of the hold. What do you do?

Steingott on deck, Zada in the hole, Norton delaying ...

2021-05-06, 01:30 PM
Alvor's frustration only grows as both Steingott and Martin attempt to beat Grayst senseless rather than simply hold him down. "We had him, damn it! He knows the killer, but can't talk if you break his jaw!"

Reaching down to grab the rope, Al shifts closer to Grayst while trying to catch Draegra's eye, hoping to signal his readiness to help him get hold of the madman once again.

Move action: Pick up rope.

Free action: 5-ft step to the west.

Standard action: Aid another action to assist Draegra's next grapple check.

2021-05-06, 10:51 PM
R5T15: Alvor's frustration only grows as both Steingott and Martin attempt to beat Grayst senseless rather than simply hold him down. "We had him, damn it! He knows the killer, but can't talk if you break his jaw!"

Reaching down to grab the rope, Al shifts closer to Grayst while trying to catch Draegra's eye, hoping to signal his readiness to help him get hold of the madman once again. But to do so he has to be as open in the action to aid as in the action itself, and Grayst whallops Alvor in the stomach for 5.

R5T14: Steingott, what do you do?

Zada on deck, Draegra in the hole, Norton delaying ...

2021-05-07, 12:44 AM
"So much for a quick and easy knockout!"

Taking Al's words into consideration, Steingott turns and attempts to put the hold on Grayst.

[roll0] to grapple Grayst

2021-05-07, 01:15 AM
R5T14: "So much for a quick and easy knockout!" Taking Al's words into consideration, Steingott turns and attempts to put the hold on Grayst. Despite the man seeming to be strong and a capable wrestler (though nothing like Draegra), Steingott just manages to put a hold on him!

R5T13: Zada, what do you do?

Draegra on deck, Martin in the hole, Norton delaying ...

2021-05-11, 12:41 AM
R5T13: Zada double moves to get near Draegra.

R5T12: Draegra nods to Zada, understanding why she didn't take flanking position (unarmed right now as she is) and showing some quick gratitude. He takes the position and while Steingott grapples the madman, Draegra gives two quick jabs to Grayst's jaw for 9 NL total.

Combat Ends ...

Alvor is able to truss Grayst up pretty easily. Whle Draegra calls out that the all clear ... and Norton finally joins the group from his strange, mid-battle reverie. Draegra goes and knock on the door to the office Dr. Habe locked himself into, and the orderlies didn't get any farther than the porch (they didn't keep going, as worried).

Dr. Habe begs for the PC's forgiveness. "I truly had no idea he would react in such a manner, but more to the point, my orderlies don't get paid enough if there is an actual armed attack here, but all of this would be awful if word of mouth got around that I or my Sanatorium were not a 'safe place.' Please, the orderlies will carry him up and latch him down, and I will administer a sedative for now. Please promise me that you won't let this get out."

What does the party do/ say?

2021-05-11, 01:46 AM
Zada was actually quite angry. "What the hell kind of doctor do you claim to be? That man clearly has an advanced case of ghoul fever and needs immediate restorative magicks. He can't have more than a day or two left before the disease takes him and then you'll have a bigger problem than your reputation to worry about!"

2021-05-11, 11:12 PM
Alvor picks up his shield and thanks Steingott for hauling it inside. While Draegra goes to retrieve Habe, the former watchman keeps a close eye on Grayst, wary of the fact that he had freed himself from his earlier restraints.

When Zada reveals the truth of the madman's condition, Al's eyes grow wide as he looks down at the spot where Grayst had hit him. He curses under his breath and touches the back of one hand to his forehead, but otherwise says nothing until Habe has responded.

2021-05-12, 12:55 AM
"I have some medical training, yes!" Dr. Habe blurts out, "but I have never dealt with anything like ghoul fever. They don't prepare you for that at the university!"

Okay, does anyone else have anything more regarding Grayst before the orderlies take him back and secure him?

Meanwhile, Dr. Habe adds, "He seemed to be his normal fitful self, until Mr. Sevilla became aware of him, then he started saying something strange and in a low, controlled voice before dropping, that .... shrieking and tearing off his straitjacket ... and then attacking your friend."

2021-05-12, 12:37 PM
Alvor steps between the bound Grayst and the approaching orderlies. "Hold on a second, fellas," he says, holding out a hand.

"Doc, we gotta talk about some of the things Grayst had to say. But before we do -- are you able to cure this man or not? Because if not, if ghoul fever does what I think it does, then we've got a whole other problem here."

2021-05-12, 12:45 PM
Steingott looks to Al.

"I don't know much about ghoul fever. Are we still able to question him? Is there time? Or should we be preparing for something worse?"

2021-05-12, 01:40 PM
Zada pinches their brow, their anger ebbing into disappointment. "And the reason you didn't reach out to the chapel for specialist help was...?" They sigh. "Never mind. Okay, I'm going to have to talk to Father Zantalus and see if we can save this man because I don't have the proper spells prepared here." This was followed by an exhalation of frustration. "Not that I have strong enough magicks to heal the disease anyway."

2021-05-12, 04:06 PM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin looks at the man and shakes his head sadly at the state of the man. At mention of the ghoul fever and the sedative he shakes his head, "Shall we question the lad before he corks it?" . He glares at Habe, "You ain't a real doctor are you there?" Kneeling down beside the man he nods to the others "Pretty handy in a fight you lot are."

2021-05-12, 04:29 PM
Dr. Habe looks aghast at Martin and with great indignation, "Excuse me?! I graduated summa *** laude, I'll have you know. But the problem with being a doctor of physical maladies, and particularly a theoretician of mental afflictions, is that my training doesn't really cover supernatural issues. Now that I know he has ghoul fever (if that is really the case), I have the means to look into my books at possible treatments."

Draegra speaks up, "I think we got all we're going to get from Grayst, so there shouldn't be an issue of at least getting him to a place of safety for himself and others by being sedated and strapped down. I do remember what he said to me. I'm going to write it out, instead of regurgitate it to you now."

Dr. Habe, placated some by Draegra's words says, "There, now can we get him to isolation before he awakens and has a dangerous episode? And I will work on curing this affliction, now that I know what I'm dealing with."

2021-05-12, 08:16 PM
Zada's anger quickly returned, their voice flat. "Fine. Check your books. But unless they recommend a rapid course of treatment with medicine you have on hand, you will go to the chapel and get some divine aid. This man shouldn't have to die because you were too proud to ask for help"

2021-05-12, 09:05 PM
Alvor begins to say something, then stops himself, sighs, and starts again. "Doctor, in those letters he wrote you, what did the sheriff say about our reasons for wanting to speak with Grayst?"

2021-05-13, 01:28 AM
"That he was a possible material witness to a murder," answers the doctor.

2021-05-13, 01:38 AM
Steingott squints at Habe.

"You sure that's all, doc?"

[roll0] sense motive on Dr. Habe

2021-05-13, 02:07 AM
Dr. Habe seems kind of confused, and Steingott senses that. He doesn't feel that every nuance of every word in the messsage matters and that the "meat of the matter" was already discussed. He figures it is some dwarven idiosyncracy that if you don't quote an exact transcription you must be a liar .... and that silliness is likely why Dr. Habe doesn't much like dwarves (but that's secret, learned by a Sense Motive).

2021-05-13, 02:20 AM
Alvor nods. "Yeah, that's right. And I'll be honest -- I'm still not sure what he saw and what he didn't. But the name Grayst mentioned -- 'His Lordship' -- that's one we've heard before. Grayst said this person told him to expect a visit from Draegra, even made him memorize a message.

"My understanding is that Grayst has been in your care more or less since the day he was found. That would mean that either this Lordship individual prepared him for Draegra's visit before he was committed here and before the sheriff even enlisted Draegra's assistance -- in which case I figure that makes Grayst something more than just a witness -- or, His Lordship found a way to reach Grayst inside this facility and has been in contact with him while you've been treating him as your patient. Both are troubling for their own reasons, but either way, there's a very real chance that his presence here is putting you and the rest of your patients in very real danger."

2021-05-13, 06:21 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin nods as he looks to Alvor, "Strange things occurring here. Not sure where to go next, maybe we just do some patrols, we can be look for some trouble and keep a weather eye this?" Looking back to Grayst he shrugs a little, "Not sure much beyond prayer can be done for this fellow mind. best leave him 'ere with Habe's tender mercies."

2021-05-13, 01:49 PM
So, everyone fine now for Habe to have the orderlies take Grayst to isolation? Dr. Habe promises he will do what he can for the man, but he won't have him transported to the Chapel. It's more that you would need Father Zantus to come here, and even then Father Zantus may be required to be given a donation that Dr. Habe's Sanatorium cannot afford for magical treatment if Dr. Habe's mundane ministrations cannot help.

2021-05-13, 04:54 PM
Steingott continues eyeing Dr. Habe.

"Well, looks like we've seen everything we're going to see today. Let's get out of Dr. Habe's hair. I'll wait for the rest of you outside."

Steingott walks outside and waits patiently for the rest of his party.

2021-05-13, 05:06 PM
Draegra will follow Steingott outside to the porch.

What does everyone else do?

2021-05-13, 05:12 PM
Norton places his familiar back into his pouch, having been petting it while thinking to himself, allowing the others to do their thing without crowding. Now that people are seemingly leaving, he prepares himself to go with them.

2021-05-13, 05:26 PM
Zada gives the doctor one last talking to. "You'd best isolate him. I'll be here in the morning to see if I can help, but I fear we may already be too late." They then turned to meet the others.

2021-05-13, 05:34 PM
"Actually, hold on," says Dr. Habe, thinking for a moment. "Let me oversee Grayst in isolation, but wait here a few minutes. I think I might have something that will help you in your own search."

And with that, Dr. Habe will go with the two orderlies and Grayst's unconscious form upstairs.

2021-05-13, 05:42 PM
Alvor steps out onto the veranda to retrieve his spear and relay Habe's offer to those already outside. While they wait, he turns to Draegra, "Were you able to finish writing down what Grayst said in there?"

2021-05-13, 08:05 PM
Inside, Martin and Zada are still there waiting for Dr. Habe to return with whatever it was he was going to say or give ...
A few minutes goes by, with one of the orderlies giving a short nod to Martin and Zada (who are still inside, waiting for Dr. Habe to return per his request). That orderly then goes to the door to the SW (the door SE heads upstairs) to run and errand.

A minute later, the other orderly comes downstairs and says, "Hey, if you care, the patient is sedated, and locked down with leather and metal. I don't know if the doc can heal someone like that, but he ain't getting out to do nobody any harm."

The other orderly finishes whatever errand was below and the two meet right by Martin and Zada. They talk about something related to resetting shifts. Right in front of Zada and Martin, it seems off. Zada notices that someting is off, but Martin, who is more about watching an environment more than the people in it, is oblivious.

Surprise Round ...

S16: "Red" orderly does a throat punch to Martin, totally surprising him and doing 11 (real, by the way).

S6: Zada, you see "Blue" a hair's breadth from doing the same to you, but you managed to take stock of the situation before you could be ambushed by him. This is a surprise round, so MA or SA only (along with any FA or SwA may have).

2021-05-14, 07:04 PM
Zada doesn't have time to do much except summon their mind blade and try to get a bit of breathing room from their attacker.
MA: Summon mind blade. 5 foot step back

2021-05-14, 07:40 PM
S7: Zada doesn't have time to do much except summon their mindblade and try to get a bit of breathing room from their attacker.

S5: The other orderly (blue) follows but attacks Martin. He's distracted by Zada's strange magic weapon, though, and misses Martin.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T26: Martin, you just got throat-checked with a cheap shot by a trained unarmed assailant doing lethal damage. Man that hurt. What do you do?

2021-05-16, 02:36 AM
Martin Bevuk (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2393831)

Martin chokes on the blow to his throat, recoiling, his eyes darken with rage before spitting to clear his throat he snarls a ”So that’s how you want it eh?” before focusing his attention on the man and lashing out with a devastating punch to the mans central chakra

Swift: dizzy venom prahna (staggered and Fort or 2 Wis)
Standard: Iron fang strike (+2DC on prahna)
To hit [roll0] dam [roll1] plus [roll2] ignores DR

2021-05-16, 06:01 PM
R1T26: Martin chokes on the blow to his throat, recoiling, his eyes darken with rage before spitting to clear his throat he snarls, ”So that’s how you want it eh?” before focusing his attention on the man and lashing out with a devastating punch to the mans central chakra, doing 14 + 2 WIS + staggered.

R1T21: Steingott, you think you hear what might be the type of sounds your expert, pit-fighting ears tell you are the sounds of a brawl. What do you do?