View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Super Smash Bros: Project D5

2021-02-08, 08:30 PM
Super Smash Bros: Project D5

Base Rule Changes
All damage causes knockback. For every five points of damage or part thereof, the target is knocked back 5' from the attacker. If the damage is the result of an AoE, they are instead knocked back from the center of the AoE.

PCs no longer die at zero HP. They only die when knocked off the stage, and cannot recover. However, each time a PC takes damage equal to their maximum HP or more, the amount of damage needed to knock them back 5' reduces by 1, to a minimum of 1.

A Wizard with 62 HP takes 13 points of damage in a single attack. Depending on how much damage they had already taken, they can be pushed back anywhere from 15' to 65'.

If they had taken 61 or less damage, they would be pushed back 15'. They received two full increments of 5 damage and one partial.
If they had taken 62-123 damage, they would be pushed back 20'. They received three full increments of 4 damage and one partial.
If they had taken 248 or more damage, equal to their normal maximum life times four, they would be pushed back 65'. That is 5' for each point of damage.

When a PC is knocked past the edge of the arena, they may make an Athletics or Acrobatics check, with a DC equal to the distance they would be pushed past the edge in feet. On a success, they catch themselves and do not fall off. On a failure, they fall off.
If the PC uses their reaction, the check is made normally.
If the PC does not use their reaction, the check is made with disadvantage.
If there is a wall of at least waist-height, the check is made with advantage.

A PC has a number of stock, set at any number by the DM. Each time they fall off the edge and perish, they come back, provided they have at least one stock left. When you return, you can choose whether to come back at the start of your next turn, your turn after that, or your third turn. You cannot wait longer than three turns to come back. You come back at any spawn point, as indicated on the map.
Each time you come back, you return with no damage taken and with all the benefits of completing a short rest.

All PCs gain a speed bonus. This is +5' at levels 1-4, +10' at levels 5-10, +20' at levels 11-16, and +30' at levels 17-20.

Jump distance is calculated as Strength plus Dexterity. (Scores, not modifiers.)

Minor Changes And Bans
Any race with at-will flight is disallowed.
Any class feature that grants permanent flight instead may be activated as a bonus action to grant flight for a number of rounds equal to the user's proficiency bonus.
The Fly spell grants flight for a number of rounds equal to the slot level used to cast it.

Example Maps

Diamonds represent spawn points.

2021-02-09, 02:23 PM
I haven't thought through this fully, especially for the knockback, but I love that short rests come in through the stock mechanic. I'd probably give fewer rounds of break between returns, but maybe having that many rounds is needed to help balance for single-minute buffs. (I think that part my just be tweaked from playtesting rather than from theorycrafting.)