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View Full Version : The Human With Golden Hair

2007-11-08, 12:04 AM
The orc ninjess knows about all of the OotS, certainly. Only she should know that Roy is dead, if she was spying upon them at that time, or she should not know about Roy. If she only knows the OotS at the boat or knows Roy is dead, why should she specify, "Human with the golden hair"?

Therefore, I believe that Roy has been resurrected, thus also explaining why Durkon isn't getting around to it, and that the wrong soul went into the body. Prime candidate? Eugene. He has the gumption and the mastery of illusion magic in order to create an illusion to fool Roy the Petitioner. I predict an ascension into recurring villain along with Lord Tyrinar.

2007-11-08, 12:08 AM
Uhm... just... no. On so many levels, no.

2007-11-08, 12:10 AM
Uhm... just... no. On so many levels, no.

I agree with your disagreement.

2007-11-08, 12:15 AM
I agree with your agreement to his disagreement.

If you hadn't agreed with his disagreement, I would disagree with your disagreement with his disagreement.

2007-11-08, 12:15 AM
Therefore, I believe that Roy has been resurrected, thus also explaining why Durkon isn't getting around to it, and that the wrong soul went into the body.

Wow, what a chain of thought. The girl is just saying everything she fancies in Elan: hair, eyes, lips, skin, body...

2007-11-08, 12:15 AM
I second your agreement with his disagreement.

2007-11-08, 12:17 AM
The orc ninjess knows about all of the OotS, certainly. Only she should know that Roy is dead, if she was spying upon them at that time, or she should not know about Roy. If she only knows the OotS at the boat or knows Roy is dead, why should she specify, "Human with the golden hair"?

Therefore, I believe that Roy has been resurrected, thus also explaining why Durkon isn't getting around to it, and that the wrong soul went into the body. Prime candidate? Eugene. He has the gumption and the mastery of illusion magic in order to create an illusion to fool Roy the Petitioner. I predict an ascension into recurring villain along with Lord Tyrinar.

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

2007-11-08, 12:43 AM
There's a bunch of AC humans on the boat (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0501.html). "Golden hair" doesn't appear to be popular among them, however.

2007-11-08, 12:49 AM
There's a bunch of AC humans on the boat (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0501.html). "Golden hair" doesn't appear to be popular among them, however.

Golden hair is added as an appositive to "Northerner". Certainly, there are no other Southern humans on the boat?

(note: I believe the first post in the OotS boards to use the word "appositive"?)

2007-11-08, 12:50 AM
There's a bunch of AC humans on the boat (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0501.html). "Golden hair" doesn't appear to be popular among them, however.

The ninja says «the northerner» and when the voice asks «which one» saying human would have been enough. That's the point behind the OP.

I do agree that the excess info has to do with her being taken by Elan's physique and nothing to do with Roy being on board.

2007-11-08, 12:52 AM
Yea, but how many are from the north?

Anyway, eunege is NOT an option as he is still in celestia. but miko on the other hand...

I bet someone is taking out a fork and a torch right now :P

The Extinguisher
2007-11-08, 01:10 AM

Why? This is a joke right? Please tell me it's a joke.

2007-11-08, 01:25 AM
The ninja says «the northerner» and when the voice asks «which one» saying human would have been enough. That's the point behind the OP.Had to miss something, didn't I? :smallsigh:

Well then, working along the same vein...obviously this would have to indicate the presence of another Northerner human. Afterall, if it was just Roy and Elan, then "The human with hair" would've sufficed, seeing as Roy doesn't have hair. Why would she mention the hair's color...unless there's another Northerner human, that has hair!

:elan: DUN DUN DUN!

The Extinguisher
2007-11-08, 01:31 AM
Or, she's just describing him physically to set up the joke in the next pannel.

What am I thinking? Something actually being plausible. I'm sorry guys, it wont happen again.

2007-11-08, 01:34 AM

Why? This is a joke right? Please tell me it's a joke.Welcome to speculation.

Your Roy is dead, son. Your theory is based on the assumption Therkla (she has a name, use it!) has detailed information on the OotS. In reality, all she knows comes from modus operendai or whatever it is: Hinjo could not have survived the assassins on his own, so he must have been assisted by high level characters. The OotS were the only ones who weren't in league with Kubota or traitors.

2007-11-08, 04:52 AM
Welcome to speculation.

Your Roy is dead, son. Your theory is based on the assumption Therkla (she has a name, use it!) has detailed information on the OotS. In reality, all she knows comes from modus operendai or whatever it is: Hinjo could not have survived the assassins on his own, so he must have been assisted by high level characters. The OotS were the only ones who weren't in league with Kubota or traitors.

No, no, Ganurath -you're waaay off! Recall, as Haley's half-sister and Thog's cousin, she HAS to know something about the order already... :smallwink:

Finn Solomon
2007-11-08, 06:36 AM
I love "ninjess" as the term of choice for a female ninja.

2007-11-08, 07:22 AM
I have read your message, and after pondering over it for a while, i reached a conclusion that i believe will shed further light on your theory, to you as well as to any who visit this thread.


2007-11-08, 09:22 AM
http://piv.pivpiv.dk/Uncalled for.

OP: It was no doubt simply to set up the joke about the Telepath feeling "uncomfortable about where the recon was headed". After all the strip is name Sereptitious Admirer, obvisously something is getting admired... like the golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, creamy skin, lithe but well musculed body, inviting lips...

Keep in mind the Telepath was in her head... possibly seeing what Therkla was envisioning (go with the humor here a moment)

Not a place I'd want to be.


Now if it were Therkla envisioning say... Haley... mmmm....

I need a cold shower.

2007-11-08, 09:36 AM
Therefore, I believe that Roy has been resurrected, thus also explaining why Durkon isn't getting around to it, and that the wrong soul went into the body. Prime candidate? Eugene. He has the gumption and the mastery of illusion magic in order to create an illusion to fool Roy the Petitioner. I predict an ascension into recurring villain along with Lord Tyrinar.
First, the "Golden Hair" comment was meant as a lead into the next joke, not as something you should read more into. But that's aside the point.

Not possible. Remember, Giants world is still a D&D game, and therefore generally has to stick to the rules of D&D. With resurrection spells, it's impossible to "miss" like you described. You touch the body of the dead and it contacts their soul and their soul alone. There is no way that Eugene's soul would have been contacted instead.

Second on the not possible point. In 502, Elan is concerned about the fate of Haley, who we are to assume is still trapped in Azure City by an army of Hobgoblins and Undead. Roy's body is inside Haley's bag of holding, meaning that in order to resurrection Roy they would have had to returned to Azure City, something that they did not mention.

Third, also in 502, Elan talks about Roy returning. Meaning that Elan is quiet aware that Roy is still dead.

2007-11-08, 09:40 AM
(note: I believe the first post in the OotS boards to use the word "appositive"?)
Appositively not.

2007-11-08, 10:11 AM
Second on the not possible point. In 502, Elan is concerned about the fate of Haley, who we are to assume is still trapped in Azure City by an army of Hobgoblins and Undead. Roy's body is inside Haley's bag of holding, meaning that in order to resurrection Roy they would have had to returned to Azure City, something that they did not mention.

Since when is Roy's body in a Bag of Holding? Remember Belkar's reasoning as to why he objected to that? "With my luck, shoving him into an extraplanar space like that will count as him being on another place of existence, and the stupid curse will go off anyway."

2007-11-08, 12:34 PM
Since when is Roy's body in a Bag of Holding? Remember Belkar's reasoning as to why he objected to that? "With my luck, shoving him into an extraplanar space like that will count as him being on another place of existence, and the stupid curse will go off anyway."

It's also strange how in one of the earlier comics when Roy is poisoned, the oots had to rest because none were strong enough to carry him, yet in 484/485 etc. Haley not only carries Roy's corpse but also runs with it, as if it was almost as light as air.

2007-11-08, 12:40 PM
It's also strange how in one of the earlier comics when Roy is poisoned, the oots had to rest because none were strong enough to carry him, yet in 484/485 etc. Haley not only carries Roy's corpse but also runs with it, as if it was almost as light as air.

2007-11-08, 01:21 PM
I'd say she pointed out the human with Golden hair, because of the possibly hundreds of azurite humans on the ship with Blue or Black hair.

depending on the size of the ship,although hinjo's junk seems to be very big..

2007-11-08, 03:20 PM
Not possible. Remember, Giants world is still a D&D game, and therefore generally has to stick to the rules of D&D. With resurrection spells, it's impossible to "miss" like you described. You touch the body of the dead and it contacts their soul and their soul alone. There is no way that Eugene's soul would have been contacted instead.

Wrong, because Roy (not-Roy) could have been rezzed using the spell that doesn't need a body (True Res? I forget).

That being said, I still disagree with the Roy's body got rezzed with someone else's soul idea.

So call me a hypocrite.:smalltongue:

2007-11-08, 03:33 PM
It's also strange how in one of the earlier comics when Roy is poisoned, the oots had to rest because none were strong enough to carry him, yet in 484/485 etc. Haley not only carries Roy's corpse but also runs with it, as if it was almost as light as air.

I hadn't thought about that, but I would assume that, while adventuring, they all carried all their gear (badroll, etc.) which would add to the bulk. While in Azure City, they dump what they won't need for the day, thus, Roy is lighter, plus the rest of the order don't carry anywhere near what they normally do, therefore there is more weight that they can carry. I think that makes sense...

2007-11-08, 03:37 PM
It's also strange how in one of the earlier comics when Roy is poisoned, the oots had to rest because none were strong enough to carry him, yet in 484/485 etc. Haley not only carries Roy's corpse but also runs with it, as if it was almost as light as air.
EXPLAIN!Running from combat with a 300 pound guy on your shoulders is totally different than lugging that same 300 pound guy about for hours.

You'll note both her and Belkar were carrying Roy when they finally reached Azure City.

2007-11-08, 03:53 PM
Running from combat with a 300 pound guy on your shoulders is totally different than lugging that same 300 pound guy about for hours.

You'll note both her and Belkar were carrying Roy when they finally reached Azure City.

Actually, in DnD it isn't different. If a weight is above your Heavy load, then you can't carry it at full speed, either running or over long distances (though you can drag it slowly). Haley and Belkar split the weight, bringing them to where they can carry him at a decent rate, and they can do that over short or long distances.

In the previous comic, where Roy is poisoned, the Giant just never considered that they could splti the weight this way.

2007-11-08, 03:58 PM
None of them had all their gear the second time, see my previous post. I feel it's the most logical sollution.

2007-11-08, 04:34 PM
I'd say she pointed out the human with Golden hair, because of the possibly hundreds of azurite humans on the ship with Blue or Black hair.

Just for the record, I don't agree with the OP, but people keep missing his point. Check the strip, she talks about Golden Hair when her boss asks which one of the northerners, so the azurites are out of the equation. It's between an elf, a dwarf and a human.

2007-11-08, 05:05 PM
How can Roy be ressurected by Durkon if Haley and Belkar have his body?

2007-11-08, 05:57 PM
Or, you know, she may not be certain that there aren't any other human northerners, or she wants to be clear, etc, etc...

Doug Lampert
2007-11-08, 06:03 PM
Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.Win.

No, no, Ganurath -you're waaay off! Recall, as Haley's half-sister and Thog's cousin, she HAS to know something about the order already... :smallwink:How could I have missed that!? It all seems so clear now.

2007-11-10, 04:49 PM
There's so much fail in this post that it can only truly be expressed when set to TSO (http://youfail.org)

2007-11-12, 07:13 PM
I disagree with the 'fake Roy' theory. For a start I doubt Eugene is capable of tricking OOTS for that long, its one thing to pretend to be a being of pure law and good quite another to maintain such an elaborate farce for so long, I doubt he could keep his nasty attitude in check.

Secondly I don't believe its possible to tamper a resurrection spell like that, at least not without the help of some higher power and he hasn't exactly endeared himself to to that planes Inhabitants. Eugene is manipulative and clever but a plot this complex seems out of character for him more on a Nale level of unnecessarily elaborate(and Nale isn't capable of this either resource wise).

Now I have a several of explanations why Therkla went into further detail about Elane beyond human Northerner. Assuming the Red Voice is an evil outsider of some sort it might have difficulty telling mortals apart and with little regard towards privacy accessed deeper parts of Therkla's mind to learn more of what she knew of the Northerner while asking her about him, thus seeing her desires which would be grouped with what she knew of Elane. another possibility is that Therkla is unused to using telepathy and when asked about the Northerner she sent an image of him to the Voice as how she saw him. Lastly still on the theory that shes unused to Telepathy she might be unintentionally sending her surface thoughts to it which would include her attraction towards Elane.

I do like where you're going with the evil Eugene idea, his dislike towards Roy seems to be growing bit by bit. His motivations to stop Xykon have become purely selfish and as he soon gave up on his Oath early on in his life I don't really think he hates Xykon, most of his ire seems to be directed at Roy for being a fighter and for his inability to kill the Lich. Eugene might even help Xykon to get what he wants if the OOTS quest gets any more hopeless. much like Redcloak using Xykon to help goblins he could use him to access paradise or taking it up a notch be given rule of the plane.

Pretty good for my first post.

2007-11-12, 07:34 PM
I disagree with the 'fake Roy' theory. For a start I doubt Eugene is capable of tricking OOTS for that long, its one thing to pretend to be a being of pure law and good quite another to maintain such an elaborate farce for so long, I doubt he could keep his nasty attitude in check.

Secondly I don't believe its possible to tamper a resurrection spell like that, at least not without the help of some higher power and he hasn't exactly endeared himself to to that planes Inhabitants. Eugene is manipulative and clever but a plot this complex seems out of character for him more on a Nale level of unnecessarily elaborate(and Nale isn't capable of this either resource wise).

Now I have a several of explanations why Therkla went into further detail about Elane beyond human Northerner. Assuming the Red Voice is an evil outsider of some sort it might have difficulty telling mortals apart and with little regard towards privacy accessed deeper parts of Therkla's mind to learn more of what she knew of the Northerner while asking her about him, thus seeing her desires which would be grouped with what she knew of Elane. another possibility is that Therkla is unused to using telepathy and when asked about the Northerner she sent an image of him to the Voice as how she saw him. Lastly still on the theory that shes unused to Telepathy she might be unintentionally sending her surface thoughts to it which would include her attraction towards Elane.

I do like where you're going with the evil Eugene idea, his dislike towards Roy seems to be growing bit by bit. His motivations to stop Xykon have become purely selfish and as he soon gave up on his Oath early on in his life I don't really think he hates Xykon, most of his ire seems to be directed at Roy for being a fighter and for his inability to kill the Lich. Eugene might even help Xykon to get what he wants if the OOTS quest gets any more hopeless. much like Redcloak using Xykon to help goblins he could use him to access paradise or taking it up a notch be given rule of the plane.

Pretty good for my first post.

But... you joined in August...

On topic, in theory, it is possible, both Heroes of Horror and the Ebberon Campaing Setting have ways for people to get ressurected in the wrong body. Of course, the OP is merely trying to get flamed. Or is high. I'm not sure which.

2007-11-12, 07:35 PM
Yes she could have just said human. But the OP failes to note that she attaches far more qualities to the description than just golden hair. While there may be a period there, it is really one sentence with all of the description flowing together.

Another possibility is that she doesn't know her races very well (Considering humans, kobolds and hobgoblins are the only races we have seen in the south) Dwarves are specifically mentioned as being from the north and elves from the east. She might think one of them is an odd looking human.

2007-11-14, 05:59 AM
If therkla knew this much about the oots she would just say Elan.

2007-11-14, 06:54 AM
This thread is *SO* pointless. :sigh:

2007-11-14, 06:57 AM
Kubota has seen (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0412.html) at least five of the Northerners before, three of whom are human. He's surely given descriptions of them to Big Bad Evil Guy. And it's safest for them to assume that Roy and Haley could be with Hinjo, even though they haven't been seen since. So it's necessary for Therkla to specify that it's the golden-haired human guarding Hinjo, and not the dark-skinned one or the red-headed one who may or may not be on board.

2007-11-14, 02:51 PM
Alright, let's get this straight.

The orc ninjess knows about all of the OotS, certainly.
Um... Proof?
Only she should know that Roy is dead, if she was spying upon them at that time,
So? I could spy on a whole bunch of people and not know if their relatives are dead.
or she should not know about Roy. If she only knows the OotS at the boat or knows Roy is dead, why should she specify, "Human with the golden hair"?
Good point. Answer: She doesn't know.

Therefore, I believe that Roy has been resurrected, thus also explaining why Durkon isn't getting around to it,
Problem is, Durkon specified that he hasn't here. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0504.html)
and that the wrong soul went into the body.
Is that even possible?
Prime candidate? Eugene. He has the gumption and the mastery of illusion magic in order to create an illusion to fool Roy the Petitioner.
Make an illusion, yes, but no way he can act like Roy.
I predict an ascension into recurring villain along with Lord Tyrinar.
Not a correction, but that does sound nice.

So, there you are.

David Argall
2007-11-14, 06:06 PM
Kubota has seen (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0412.html) at least five of the Northerners before, So it's necessary for Therkla to specify that it's the golden-haired human guarding Hinjo, and not the dark-skinned one or the red-headed one who may or may not be on board.
Not really. There is a gap of over 100 days. The assumption has to be they are not present. And if we assume any spying, which can be easy, the spies can easily learn that Roy is dead and Haley & Belkar are missing in an attempt to recover his body. So there is no strict need to say more than the human.
However, people do not restrict themselves to the minimum amount of information. We routinely add on confirming or clarifying details whether or not they are needed. So we can not conclude from the added details that there is a 2nd human.
In particular, we can not conclude it when the added detail leads into a pplot useful joke.

2007-11-14, 06:47 PM
On topic, in theory, it is possible, both Heroes of Horror and the Ebberon Campaing Setting have ways for people to get ressurected in the wrong body. Of course, the OP is merely trying to get flamed. Or is high. I'm not sure which.

Probably both. The OP, and this thread he created, has lowered my pixie-retard(ant) shield to 12%.

Which makes it rather strange that I'm posting here. Eeeehh...

Even if Eugene had the means to hi-jack a soulless body, why would he have waited this long? He never had faith in Roy; Eugene believed that Julia would be the only one capable of finishing Xykon. The only thing Roy could have done according to dear old dad was finding out where the lich was and die quickly, so the Blood Oath would fall to Julia to finish.

So, why didn't he do this sooner (if he could)? It can't have anything to do with family, or that his chosen corpse needs to be compatible with him. This is a fantasy story, not sci-fi. Plus, he is a ghost, so biology would have little to do with it.

And lastly, Roy('s body) is a fighter. I think Eugene would rather choose to face the two-hundred rabid hordes of halfling yaoi-lovers than be forced to wave a metal stick around.

Eugene is stuck on his carpet of clouds, and Roy is dead for the forseeable future. Deal with it.

Also: Ninjess?
"Ninja" is genderless, and the (Japanse) plural of it is simply "ninja". Not ninjas, ninja's, ninje or ninji, just ninja.

2007-11-14, 08:00 PM
If therkla knew this much about the oots she would just say Elan.

damn your cleverness!

Cloud Weaver
2007-11-14, 11:25 PM
If I must give a logical support for the assumption that Roy's corpse was revived here it is:

:haley: Durkon knows the plan, He'll contact us magically - and Vaarsuvius too - as soon as he's able.

:belkar: Wait, hold on: your saying the boat ACTUALLY left us behind?!?

:haley: Keep your voice down.

1:annoyed: Hey! Somebody's in there!

2:annoyed: How did they get in the city!

1:annoyed: I don't know but the Supreme Leader will be angry if we don't capture them!


:xykon: And who did you say this is?

:redcloak: GAH! For the last time! She's one of The Order of the Stick!

:xykon: Whats that?

:redcloak: *sigh*

:roach: How can Xykon have that much memory trouble and still keep on track about the gates?

:mitd: What gates?

:roach: *sigh*

:belkar: *stab* *stab* Let go of me! *stab*

1:annoyed: He just cut my arm off!!

2:annoyed: My eyes!

:redcloak: ({(Wall of Stone)})

1:annoyed: No! I'm still in here!

2:annoyed: Aaagggggghh...

:belkar: Hahaha.. now how do I get out? Not enough bodies to use as a ladder...

:xykon: Great idea Redcloak. Now put another one around uhh..

:roach: Haley?

:xykon: Haley.

3:annoyed: At least this one isn't putting up a fight.

:mitd: Flopsy! You came back!

:xykon: He looks familiar.

:redcloak: You dropped him from the back of the undead dragon...

:xykon: nope...

:redcloak: Has a grudge against you...

:xykon: Not ringing any bells

:redcloak: He had that crown of yours!

:xykon: Really? I thought I..

:redcloak: Any chance you know the name Roy Greenhilt.

:xykon: Sounds familiar.

:haley: Can we get on with this?

:redcloak: ({incapacitation)}) [I couldn't find anything so I made up a spell]

:xykon: Now, raise the corpse that I can't remember the name of and lets get back to work.

:mitd: Umm, If I help can I put this umbrella down?

:xykon: No.

:redcloak: ({(Create Greater Undead)})

David Argall
2007-11-15, 03:24 AM
This is not what we need in the way of a logical reason. Of course Xykon & Redcloak are able to do terrible things to any captured members of the party. But what does that have to do with the story? It seems to merely solve a non-problem.

Cloud Weaver
2007-11-15, 09:17 AM
But it was fun...