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2007-11-08, 01:10 AM
For whatever reason!
Post your woes! (essays)
Post your foes! (bed)
Post your ........ something that rhymes with oes!
Post this weeks record! Hours slept/Hours since 12:00 A.M. Monday GMT
Mine is 7.5/68
1 from Monday 4:30 to 5:30
5 from Tuesday 1:30 to 6:30
0:30 + 0:30 from lunch (both days)
0:30 from movie as class Tuesday afternoon.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-08, 01:23 AM
Let's see...

About 16 hours in the past 3 days. I've gotten a lot more than usual.

My record going without sleep? Not sure, it gets too hazy to tell. Anyway, I suffer from night terrors, which means I can be in bed for about 8 hours but get very little actual sleep. I'm starting to give up staying in bed and trying to get rest in favour of just getting up.

2007-11-08, 01:28 AM
When we're talking about sleep, are we talking that point at which your body and mind begin to recuperate and dreams occurs (aka REM sleep), or just laying there with your eyes closed and having a full memory of laying there with nothing happening?

I usually got for about 7 or 8 days without REM sleep, at which point I crash for about 10-12 hours, usually waking up because the dreams are worse then the need for sleep.

Longest I've gone without sleep is 22 days (occasional 15-20 minute naps during that time, but no more then a total of 1 hour per day), and that is the reason (indirectly) that I have sleep issues now.

2007-11-08, 01:46 AM


I've been not going to school this week for some reason. Might be EVE. Might be laziness and not wanting to face failing classes. Both are bad reasons. So it's probably space monkeys. How did they get here!?!? Anyway my point is that I've been sleeping a lot lately.

My record is 5 days without sleep. The reasons for that was...Diablo II LAN party and then just going for how long I wanted to. Didn't hallucinate though. Which is something that I might try before my brain matures or something horrid thing like that.

2007-11-08, 03:39 AM
I have no clue what time I go to sleep.. or wake up, it changes daily. However I don't usually sleep longer than five hours.

I think last .. er.. yesterday morning? I went to sleep about 8:30 and woke up around 2?

I'll probably go to sleep around 5 at the rate I'm going today.

Raiser Blade
2007-11-08, 04:36 AM
I once stood up for two days straight. (just because i could)

2007-11-08, 04:53 AM


MY POST! (rock)

I've been not going to school this week for some reason. Might be EVE. Might be laziness and not wanting to face failing classes. Both are bad reasons. So it's probably space monkeys. How did they get here!?!? Anyway my point is that I've been sleeping a lot lately.

My record is 5 days without sleep. The reasons for that was...Diablo II LAN party and then just going for how long I wanted to. Didn't hallucinate though. Which is something that I might try before my brain matures or something horrid thing like that.

On monday my sleep schedule was all messed up and I slept through my classes... I HATE that because I ask myself, "What am I doing with my life? Oh right, school, THIS is what I'm doing... so I should probably go."

I think I've gone something like 4 days without even laying down. Of course it was a D&D and video game binge :P

2007-11-08, 04:57 AM
I've gone 3 full days without sleep (max), and once slept 23 hours of a day straight through.

2007-11-08, 06:21 AM
I've spent the majority of my life staying awake for an hour and a half longer than I should, if that counts? I'm tired most mournings and spend half my classes with my head on the desk.

2007-11-08, 08:21 AM
For whatever reason!
Post your ........ something that rhymes with oes!

Toes? Well pictures would frighten the small children so no, that won't happen.
I've been sleepless for a long time, sometimes staying awake for four days at a time but recently, I've crashed into myself like a storm wave against a cliff and started sleeping too much instead. No matter how much I sleep, I always need more and unless something important comes along, I'll sleep all weekend.

I've gone from hyperactive rat to 100% big, comfortable catperson.
I think I'll go back to sleep now...

Iudex Fatarum
2007-11-08, 10:08 AM
I work third shift (shifts vary from 7pm-3:30 am to 7pm-7:30 am or 11pm-7:30am) and have classes in the morning, (sometimes 8:30-12) so the worst i've done is get out of class at 1:45 in the afternoon, go to work by 7 meaning i get up at 5:15 at latest, then work till 7 in the morning, class till noon, then 3 hour of sleep or so be back at work for another 12 hour shift. and again class but only untill 9:45 or so, the worst i had was 3 days with a max of 3 hours sleep and that was the last day, after i had gone two days with less than 2 hours each. lately i've been an insomniac i can't seem to fall asleep even when i want to, so last night i got 3 hours of sleep for no reason.

2007-11-08, 04:02 PM
These days, I've had so much work that I continue working till 1-2 am, and I'm back again at 9 am the next day. I'm starting to feel the effects of cumulated work exhaustion and stress.

Anyway, I've had periods of my life where I couldn't / didn't want to sleep. One of the worst was when I was doing my final computer science project, I worked 6 days, 20 hours a day, without sleep to complete it in time. Another occasion was new year 1999-2000 in Berlin, I didn't have any place to go and sleep, so I partied from the 26th to the 2nd when I got home. I then crashed and slept for 23 hours.

One of my best friends had a "scare", he slept 37 hours in row. Now, that is long!

2007-11-08, 04:08 PM
Apparently I was today. Slept for another 4 hours or so. Still feel logey.

2007-11-08, 07:02 PM
I've been mildly sleep-deprived for the past few weeks (usually about 5-6 hours of sleep per night). Not because of my workload, because I'm an idiot and don't go to sleep. If I feel sleepy, I stay up until I'm not sleepy anymore. And then I can't get to sleep for hours. And since I'm in a pattern of going to sleep late, it's hard for me to go to sleep early now.

How to avoid sleep deprivation:
1. Don't turn your computer on to just check if one thing has updated. It won't be the only thing you check.
2. Go to sleep before you feel sleepy.
3. Trying to gradually get back to a normal sleep schedule doesn't work. Just go to sleep really early one day to reset yourself.
4. Do your work early.

2007-11-08, 07:04 PM
Here I was thinking that I acctually was one to stay up late. I realize now that having insomnia through one night a couple times a year and otherwise going to sleep at 1-3 AM is just amateurish.

2007-11-08, 07:09 PM
This weeks been okay sleepwise. My record would be a whole week wide awake, but I do have a slight form of insomnia...

I think that week's the longest in this thread until now though, right?

2007-11-08, 07:10 PM
Suddenly, my seven hours of sleep a night seem gloriously restful.

2007-11-08, 08:57 PM
I've been mildly sleep-deprived for the past few weeks (usually about 5-6 hours of sleep per night). Not because of my workload, because I'm an idiot and don't go to sleep. If I feel sleepy, I stay up until I'm not sleepy anymore. And then I can't get to sleep for hours. And since I'm in a pattern of going to sleep late, it's hard for me to go to sleep early now.

Me too. I stay up too late nowadays. I can't help it, because I know if i go to bed early I'll have trouble falling asleep. So I stay up say, like till 3 AM and then I have to get up at 7:30 for work :S Then I get tired and need to get an afternoon nap. It sucks and I have to find a way out soon. :S Oh, luckily I'm on a free week from work, so I've been going to sleep at...5 AM? :S

How to avoid sleep deprivation:
1. Don't turn your computer on to just check if one thing has updated. It won't be the only thing you check.
2. Go to sleep before you feel sleepy.
3. Trying to gradually get back to a normal sleep schedule doesn't work. Just go to sleep really early one day to reset yourself.
4. Do your work early.

That's good advice.

2007-11-08, 09:47 PM
i can't sleep
woes? insomnia
foes! fatigue? exhaustion. loneliness
something that rhymes with oes? sarah, gina, meghan
hours this week? about three
i'll make up for it tomorrow between 2pm and 10pm

Jack Squat
2007-11-08, 09:54 PM
I'm working on a 4 page positon argument of how children are overmedicated, due tomorrow.

I've gotten a paragraph down.

2007-11-09, 12:56 AM
This weeks been okay sleepwise. My record would be a whole week wide awake, but I do have a slight form of insomnia...

I think that week's the longest in this thread until now though, right?

No, I still have it with 22 days. It's amazing how stimulated you can be when people are shooting at you and you're constantly on the move 5 miles forward of the front lines during a major ground assault to a foreign country. If you check the books, it took us 22 days to get from Kuwait/Iraq border to Bagdad and occupy it (the cease fire). But even after that we had little sleep because we still had to hold Bagdad, all 3 bridges on the Thames and Euphrates and take Fallujah.

2007-11-09, 01:16 AM

I'm a diagnoused clinic depressant, which causes me to lose sleep..about 7ish hours a week

2007-11-09, 04:24 PM
Currently running at a full sleep tank which means 5 hours a night for the last three....only 4 before that. I rarely sleep more than 6 and in order to sleep for 13 hours strait I had to stay up 103 hours beforehand or have pneumonia.

Also Something isn't nessesarily correct about how long untill REM starts floating around....particularly in my Psyche 101 textbook for 1999. It says REM doesn't start until 1-1.5 hours into sleep. I've woken up due to nightmares 20-30 Minutes after going to bed. Sometimes my mind wakes up and I can feel the paralasys fading from my body (takes 1-2 seconds).



I'm a diagnoused clinic depressant, which causes me to lose sleep..about 7ish hours a week
Is that you GET 7 hrs/week of sleep or that is about how much sleep you loose because of this condition?

2007-11-09, 05:04 PM
One of my friends really freaks me out, she is completely incapable of functioning if she doesn't have ten (10!!) hours of sleep per night. It's unbelievable.

I mean when she sleeps less than 8 hours, she is incapable of coherent thought or action. I saw her once after she was unable to sleep, she was more than shattered, literally zombie like.

2007-11-09, 05:51 PM

I'm a diagnoused clinic depressant, which causes me to lose sleep..about 7ish hours a week

A magazine article I read recently claimed that bad sleep can lead to depression. May just be a confusing thing, or a vicious circle thing.

I've had sleep problems all my life, but my depression is more recent, mostly due to me growing old enough to notice girls.

2007-11-09, 09:20 PM
The most sleep I have probally ever gotten was.. Since I was three, I have been getting less than 7 hours of sleep. Least sleep in one week ever gotten was about twelve hours.

Mommy, why do you look like a flying ice cream truck?