View Full Version : Adapting SLA Industries to a different rules system.

2021-02-13, 06:33 AM
I quite fancy running some SLA Industries, but the system is very clunky and I would like to adapt it to something more streamlined. Any thoughts on something that would allow for some "magic", "cybertech", guns but also favour h2h fighting?

2021-02-13, 09:11 PM
Made an account specifically to reply to this.

The recently released SLA 2nd Edition is much less clunky, trades (Lots of) crunch for a more cinematic approach if you like that kind of thing. There's also a progression in world lore and refinements or redesigns of previous ideas. I like the lore, but still not convinced by the combat, very much like the original I guess.

You could also consider searching for Savage SLA which I believe is still available for download. My team didnt get on with it, but I'm a huge fan of savage worlds so I think it's worth a look.

2021-02-14, 06:15 PM
Shadowrun would be another option - all you'd really need to do is shape up your races.
Keep or remove cyberware to taste

2021-02-19, 11:48 AM
Thank you both for your replies. I have found Savage SLA (never played Savage World rules) so wil have a look at that first.
Never considered re-skinning Shadowrun.

2021-03-28, 12:37 PM
It's been a million years and ...

Have looked at SLA 2E. It's frustrating as they have made some significant and good changes, but they have still left in some clunk - and then added some more for good measure. Combat is still too clunky (Wounds and HP, the why?; Armour degradation and shiz), there are still distinct skills for pistols, rifles, Automatic weapons - but mostly why did they go with the beautiful d10+stuff to succeed, but then ask players to roll another xd10 to do ... what?

Have looked at Savage Worlds - I like need to give it some thought. I don't know why but the core rulebook put me off. I must be getting slow/cranky in my old age, but if a game doesn't have a quick flow-chart/cheat sheet then I get grumpy.

2021-03-29, 09:47 PM
I know the feeling...
Fortuanatly, I have a group with people who have more time to read and understand rules than I do