View Full Version : TV Snowpiercer, Season 2: Now With 150% More Sean Bean!

2021-02-15, 10:30 PM
I’ve found myself watching Season Two, and to my surprise I’m even grudgingly enjoying it. —No, strike that: four episodes in and I’m really enjoying it.

I still find the premise utterly ridiculous, and I tried and failed to watch more than a couple episodes of Season One. But the new season has two things going for it:

I mean, Sean Bean. Like I’ve never seen him before. He’s fantastic, he’s complex, he’s larger-than-life, and he’s absolutely squirm-in-your-seat horrific. The show is worth watching just for his character.

Also, there is a new factor at play that once again changes everything.

There’s evidence that the world is slowly warming again, so aspects of the plot now take us outside the train, rather than just moving up and down its length.

And there’s some genuine suspense associated with that, which is built up rather nicely. I had zero interest in the story or the characters when I tried to watch it before, but this season there are some interesting dynamics. I still think the show’s underlying concept is preposterous, but it’s increasingly involving and very well done.