View Full Version : Pathfinder Help me build a character!

Rhocian Xothara
2021-02-19, 08:22 AM
Hi all,
So this is a bit late in the day, but I've been having major 'Writer's Block'. I'm a D&D vet whose experience of PF has been a single one-shot with a pre-gen character. One of my friends who has been running tabletop for decades is running a Pathfinder campaign.

Here's the deal: I need a 6th-level character. Core and APG content only - And 16k gold to spend on equipment.

Because I don't really know the system all that well, I've no idea what I want to play. I like spellcasters but I fear that I'm now too used to D&D 5e for my brain to handle the extra number-crunchiness of a Pathfinder spellcaster. I also like playing big, stupid tanks, too. It's fun to just smash into enemies and deal fistfuls of dice worth of damage.

I'm curious to know: if you were making a character for this campaign, what would you make and how would you make it?

I appreciate the help in advance. Thank you!

Kurald Galain
2021-02-19, 08:38 AM
Ok, so how about a spontaneous caster? They have way less bookkeeping and number-crunching.

For PF, I'd recommend one of the "gish" 6-level-casting plus melee characters. From APG, a good choice is the Inquisitor. Good melee ability, deal fistfuls of damage with your innate bane ability, and 6 levels of sponataneous casting that focus on self-buffs and utility. HTH.

2021-02-19, 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Rhocian Xothara
I'm curious to know: if you were making a character for this campaign, what would you make and how would you make it?

Can you tell us anything more about the campaign?

Do you know anything about its focus, and what the other characters will be?

Originally Posted by Rhocian Xothara
I like spellcasters....

My first long-term Pathfinder character was an oracle (http://legacy.aonprd.com/advancedplayersguide/baseClasses/oracle.html), and I loved playing the class. Spontaneous divine caster with a few neat tricks in addition to spells--enough to give the character some options beyond spells, but not overly complex.

2021-02-20, 06:02 PM
I will second the oracle suggestion. It is from the apg. I also recommend sorcerer. Wizard is massive book keeping.

Unlike 3.5, where you want to prestige class out of a class asap, staying in your base class is HEAVILY rewarded. For example, for sorcerer you can prestige out to a different class, but even with full spellcasting progression you lose out on your bloodline spells and abilities. Since the bloodline gives you extra spells known as well as some pretty nifty abilities, it's really tough finding a comparable prestige class. Same applies to oracle.

How you play can be heavily influenced by your oracle mystery/curse or sorcerer bloodline. Some give you elemental spells, some give you powerful summoning spells. One sorc bloodline ultimately gives you Gate at 19th level. Another gives you greater planar binding at 17. All of them give you highly useful or even powerful abilities. SR, elemental immunities, critical immunity, the ability to become incorporeal, immunity to mind affecting... any of these are available via lvl 20 capstones. Compared to prestige class capstones? Most of them are pretty tame in comparison.