View Full Version : The Sunrorn Region [IC]

2021-02-19, 10:48 AM
Today is the big day. Your parents, or whoever is looking after you, have made clear that you're not going anywhere on your Pokemon adventure until Professor Burner gives you the a-okay. And today... it's time.

You head for the lab, stepping over some of the zigzagoons milling about near the expensive equipment. You don't find any trace of the Professor, but one of his assistants, Daniel McGee, is there. You ask him where Burner is.

"Oh, you know," he says. "He's with his zigzagoons, down in the sanctuary-hey!" he yells, as some zigzagoons start hitting buttons. "No button pressing!"

You leave Daniel to handle the small horde of Pokemon, and go to find Burner, with the bigger horde of Pokemon. At the zigzagoon sanctuary, you find him sitting in the middle of several dozen of them, reading them a story. He's nearly at the end.

"And that, my dear companions, is how the moon was made. Good morning, small humans," he says to you all as he notices you. "What brings you here today?" he asks, probably having forgotten that he called you here. He does that a lot-but he's good for his word once you remind him.

OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?627238-The-Sunrorn-Region-OOC&p=24935666#post24935666)

2021-02-19, 11:17 AM
Garren looks rather impatient as they make their roundabout way to Burner - he pauses to pet one of the Zigzagoons bothering Daniel when it nudges him of course, he's not a monster, but his focus is on getting to the professor and getting his Pokemon so he can get going already. Already feeling like that, he sighs with a note of frustration when the professor forgets about them - he knows it'll work out fine, he's been around the guy enough times to see that, but it doesn't stop it being kind of annoying.

"Come on! You said we could get our Pokemon today. I'm tired of waiting for this! Let's go do this! I want to meet them!"

2021-02-19, 11:25 AM
"Well," Burner starts, "I've got some extra zigzagoons if you want one. But not Charlie. Or Elly. Or-"

You make a bit of an impatient sound to cut him off. "They're the best, you know," he says sagely. "But I can tell you're not interested in the best, you'd rather march to the beat of your own drum. I suppose there's nothing for it-I've got some other Pokemon in the lab. Let's see what suits you..."

He stands up, absentmindedly stepping over some of the zigzagoons milling about his legs, and leads you all to the lab. "Daniel! How are things?" he asks as he enters.

"Mmph!" is the only response. You head in deeper to the lab, and see Daniel on the ground, covered in zigzagoons.

"Ah, good," the Professor responds. "Making friends."

"MMPH!" Daniel says again.

Whistling, the Professor scatters the zigzagoons on Daniel, freeing him from his cuddly prison. "Go fetch me some of the others, will you?"

"I'm gonna need a few moments, sir!" Daniel replies, standing up shakily. As he says that, though, the zigzagoons are already on their way, and come back bearing about a half-dozen Pokeballs.

"Take your pick," Burner says. "Open them up, see what's inside, and see what suits you. Choose wisely, though-I will only grant the boon of one Pokemon. The rest is on you."

Feel free to say what comes out of the Pokeballs, and narrate your selections. You've all already chosen what Pokemon you want to start with, and some already have them, so have fun!

2021-02-19, 02:44 PM
Finally. Barely containing his excitement, Garren grabs the first Pokeball and releases the Pokemon, but...it's not right. He has a feeling about what he wants, even if he's not quite sure how to word it, so he continues looking, releasing the second Pokemon and having the same reaction. The third, however...when he sees the Trapinch, he knows it's what he was looking for. The power in those jaws...this was a Pokemon that could take on anything and punch through. This was the kind of Pokemon that would help him achieve his goals, and looking at it he could almost feel the Trapinch's will, and knew it would stand by him. Perfect.

He turns to Burner with a grin, his previous frustration completely gone. "Him. Definitely him."

Lord Raziere
2021-02-19, 11:15 PM
Carmine: Already Have Your Jigglypuff
"Oh hello Garren..."
Carmine says striding in with a smirk on her face.
"I see you got your pokemon-thats adorable I already have mine! Meet Melody."
She says, gesturing to the Jigglypuff bouncing along besides her, her light buoyant body making Melody rise and fall easily.
"She was some random wild Jigglypuff that came in bothering one of the lab assistants with her mischief and I helped out, and she just took a liking to me. Guess I'm a natural at this."

A Few Minutes Earlier....
The two of them were hiding in a bush.
"Okay, see that lab assistant over there? Thats our mark. We clear on the plan?"
"Jiggly" she said while nodding in affirmative.
"Good. Lets do this."
Jigglypuff goes bounding out first, while Carmine goes in a different direction. Jigglypuff hops up to the lab assistant carrying a bunch of books tackles into him, making him fall down and scattering the books about, the assistant groans and scrambles to pick them up but the jigglypuff seemingly playfully picks up one of the books and hops about to keep it out of his reach, seemingly playing a game of keeping away with him.
"Hey give that back! I need that!"
Carmine of course comes walking up to the lab from a seemingly unrelated direction and acts as if she was just discovering the scene
"Hey do you know where Prof. Burner is- hey whats going on here with this jigglypuff!"
She will hurry on over and say
"Hey thats not nice" While waggling her finger "I know you want to play, but he is clearly busy!"
Jigglypuff acts ashamed at this scolding. "Jiggly jiggly...."
"Come on now, give back the book and say your sorry."
Jigglypuff does so uttering an apology sadly.
"Now lets help him get this back in order..."
When all the books are stack together again thanks to their combined efforts,
"Now there, thats better. If you want, you can play with me instead, Jigglypuff"
She is happy at the suggestion and bounds over to Carmine and hugs her leg
The lab assistant chuckles
"Wow you handled that jigglypuff easily!"
"Thanks, just trying to help out y'know?" she says offering a genuine smile
"Thanks I owe you one. You came here to get a pokemon right? Well I think this pokemon already likes you, we pokemon researchers have a bit of a sixth sense for these sorts of things. How about you take this pokeball and ask Jigglypuff to be your starter?"
"Are you sure? Don't trainers normally start with a pokemon you guys caught?" she says acting unsure.
"you made a wild jigglypuff behave just like that! I'm sure you can handle it, she seems friendly." the assistant hands her a ball
"Okay then" She kneels down to jigglypuff and holds out the ball "Want to come along Jigglypuff?"
Jigglypuff makes a show of considering it then bops the button on the pokeball to get sucked inside and with three wobbles in her hand, the pokeball caught her. She then threw Jigglypuff back out.
"Alright! Glad to have you along, I think I'm going to name you Melody. come on, lets go see Prof. Burner."
They get going. She felt a little bad for this kind of deception, but Carmine pictured trying to ask this of them honestly of whether she could have some wild jigglypuff thats been following her around as her starter and assumed they'd be skeptical of her if she didn't demonstrate and perform a little. The whole coincidental nature of the thing made it more plausible than if she showed up with jigglypuff following around requesting a pokeball, which would make them ask questions, which she wasn't taking chances with given the nature of her quest. Or perhaps that was just an excuse for needless complexity and elaborate planning for a short con to indulge in the thrill she gets from tricking people. At least she will be able to channel that into her battles so that won't be tempted to do it outside of them. Needless to say, she'll need to be careful. A trick like this can be written off as a harmless prank, but go too big and the consequences if she failed would be more harsh. Tori at least had her street survivalist reasons for what she did, but Carmine knew she at least partially did all this because she liked to- and that was what was dangerous about it.

2021-02-19, 11:28 PM
Tori rolled her eyes at the Professor's usual antics, pushing through the Goon Squad yipping happily around her as a team of them brought Burner's gifts over. She had spent way too much time around those Pokemon in the last few months. She hadn't known much about Pokemon in the beginning aside from the basics, but she sure knew more about Zigzagoon by now that she ever wanted to.

She definitely didn't know all their names. Nope. (Billy definitely wasn't her favorite.)

She wasn't surprised Garren was the first to jump for the balls on offer, though it seemed he had a discerning eye, looking a little uncertain about the first one to emerge. But Tori's face scrunched up in a frown as he passed over the second one even more dismissively. They were getting a free Pokemon! Free! Where did he get off being so picky!? What was wrong with that second one anyways, it looked...

Well, okay, it didn't exactly look fine. It was some sort of pup Pokemon, scruffy looking with uneven fur, and Tori wasn't sure what "healthy weight" looked like for this species but she was pretty sure this was not it. Burner took good care of the Pokemon under his responsibility, even if he lavished more love and attention on the 'goons, so... this one must be a recent rescue? Still being nursed back from the brink. It wasn't a shock Garren had passed it over; it looked weak, pitiful. It had a desperate gleam in its eyes, too afraid to approach but too stubborn to flee. Frankly she was kind of surprised the Professor was willing to hand it out; maybe... yeah, that was Danny, maybe Danny had grabbed the wrong ball...

Something gently broke inside Tori.

"Hey there, mutt," she murmured quietly, digging around in a pocket and retrieving the half-eaten remains of a sandwich. The chaos of milling Zigzagoons faded into the background as she crouched, holding out the offering. "Yeah, I see ya. Been where you're at." It stared at her, wide eyes flicking between the sandwich and her face. A low growl started up as she inched her hand closer, but drool was dripping from its mouth. It wasn't starving, not anymore, but it couldn't trust generosity and abundance yet. She knew what that was like, never knowing where her next meal would come from.

Things were better now, a little. "Had to learn that I don't have to go it alone. Maybe you'll lemme teach that to ya too." The pup's hunger finally won out over fear, and it lunged for the sandwich. Tori didn't flinch as at nipped her fingers, staying where she was it it greedily scarfed the food down. It didn't run. Eyes locked, and... it recognized something there, too. Slowly, hesitantly, the pup sniffed her hand, then licked the finger where it had drawn a small bead of blood.

With a small whine, it shuffled forward and sat at Tori's feet, staring up at her, hesitant. It didn't trust her yet, not really. But they both understood they were willing to give each other a chance. "Alright, mutt, you got me. This one!" she called out loud enough for the others to hear, pointing at the Pokemon and looking suddenly abashed for calling attention to herself so suddenly. "I want this one. What, uh... what is it anyhow?"

2021-02-20, 12:16 AM
"That would be a Rockruff," the Professor answers. "I feel like you should know about that. Your PokeDex should really have the info."

Daniel sighs. "Sir? You didn't give them any yet."

Burner nods. "Right. We should do something about that. After lunch-I'll be back at the sanctuary," he says, and heads off.

"Can't believe he got tenure..." Daniel mutters, and fishes in some drawers to find a few old PokeDexes for your usage. "Be responsible with these-don't lose them, don't break them, and don't treat it 'em like toys."

2021-02-20, 02:53 PM
Angelica runs into Professor Burner's laboratory a few minutes behind Tori, Carmine, and Garren, obviously winded and with her hair pushed up into a hat. "Sorry," she pants as she wades through the Zigzagoons, gently prodding a few rear ends in her way to get to Daniel and the rest of the kids. "Forgot-oops, excuse me Charlie-forgot what day it was. Glad to see I'm not too late to pick my Pokemon."

She smiles happily to see Tori and Garren already bonding with their choices, which breaks only slightly when she counts four Pokemon in the room (besides Burner's hordes, obviously) before chocking the Jigglypuff up to Carmine's absurd levels of pre-planning. Angelica passes over the last Pokemon already out for now, since while she does love cats, she's more curious about what else the Professor prepared for them. The fourth Pokeball reveals...well, putting it bluntly, a very confused looking pumpkin.

Barely restraining herself from jumping forward to hug it, Angelica crouches down and extends a hand towards the Pumpkaboo. "Hey there big guy," she croons. "You remember me, don't you? I helped you out when you got burned by that nasty fire-type." It-no, it was a she. Professor Burner had used her to teach Angelica about the dimorphism of ghost-types. She reached out to lick Angelica's hand a few times before waddling forward and gently butting her head into it, giving a happy cry that hopefully meant she did remember Angelica.

Angelica looks up at Daniel, smiling even more broadly. "Her. Definitely her," she says. "And I'll take a Pokedex too."

2021-02-20, 04:32 PM
Looking up from his Trapinch to receive the Pokedex, Garren smiles as he sees the others looking as happy with their choices as he was with his - they might not generally be what he'd go for, but they seemed to like them so that was good enough for him. "Alright! Do any of you have anything you need to do here, or can we hit the road?" Clearly, he was excited to finally get travelling (and apparently hadn't considered the possibility of them not travelling together).

2021-02-20, 10:12 PM
Still crouched, Tori was tentatively scritching - well, "mutt" seemed to be sticking, so -Mutt behind an ear while she fiddled with her new Pokedex with her other hand. Fortunately she was already somewhat familiar with the devices from helping out around the lab - she was otherwise kind of hopeless with fancy electronic toys. "Rockruff, huh?" Sounded pretty appropriate to her. After another moment she figured out how to scan the canine Pokemon and register the ball it came out of. Er... a quick check amended "it" to "she."

Standing, Tori took in the other three new partnerships, then grinned lopsidedly at Garren. "We ever decide on a destination? Or are we just gonna pick a direction an' start walking?"

2021-02-20, 11:58 PM
Your little hamlet is kind of an isolated backwood-Burner, despite having tenure (Arceus only knows where), seems to be perfectly content to do his work away from just about everybody else.

The nearest route leads to Dornly, which isn't really a full-on town. More a big village than anything. But, from there, it shouldn't be a big deal to find your path towards the gym challenge, and whatever other adventures await you!

Dornly, you recall, is actually one of the places where initial challengers make their registration for the gym challenge. It's a kind of isolated point, and sees maybe one challenger sign up every other year, on average, but it's been kept open by those in charge, for... Some reason. Tradition, maybe? You didn't learn why.

As you excitedly talk amongst yourselves, checking out your new gear and befriending your Pokemon, Daniel finishes rummaging through some drawers. "Here-you're gonna need these too," he says, and hands you each three Pokeballs. "The Professor was never much one for using these-he prefers to wrangle them the old, old, OLD fashioned way-but we've got a few left. Be safe on your travels, and be sure to send your family and friends here messages! We're rooting for you."

You exact the lab, parting ways for just a moment to say goodbye to those who need goodbyes said, and head east. You're soon on the edge of town, facing the tall trees towering over you, with a small path winding through. As it turns past a tree, you see the beginnings of the tall grass that you know Pokemon lurk in.

Your beginning is now.

Lord Raziere
2021-02-21, 02:16 AM
Carmine: Walk Upon Route 1 Theme (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLyRK1K33mc&ab_channel=DeweyNewt)
She takes a Pokedex
"Of course I'll take the utmost care with it. Such a valuable piece of equipment is worth more than all the money I spent to prepare for this journey."
Then turns to the others
"The nearest town is Dornly. Lets get going then"
She will go and not let her parents know of her leaving at all, of course. She had them under the impression that she was going to a prestigious boarding school for quite a while and that she would call them when she got there. By the time they realize anything is amiss she plans to have skipped town and be on her journey long ago. The farther away she gets, the more time she has to hide, to plan and to find their parents next mark: a trainer with enough strength behind them to be pro. Because if this group is to be competitive, they will eventually come across that trainer. They will either eventually witness the defeat of that trainer or defeat that trainer themselves and if that defeat is big enough, that would prompt her parents to end the contract, seeing the pro trainer as a failure- and thus a valid target for their criminal accomplices. Thus when they get to that point, she'd have to do everything she can to protect that trainer from getting their pokemon stolen....as that would be a prime opportunity to capture the people that takes them and get information out of them that could help expose her parents.

Other leads and pathways might open up of course, but this is currently her primary plan. It may be sad that someone with great skill and talent will probably be defeated in the process of this, but even celebrity pro-trainers get defeated eventually.

But before that, she needed to catch more pokemon to get a better team to fight with.
"The first step on our journey. In there will meet naught but dangerous wild pokemon raring to fight! Who knows what lurks within? Surely we will be lucky just to survive! Well, shall we? I volunteer that go first Tori, you'll be right at home in there!"
She says as a good-natured dig at her.
"But seriously, what are we waiting for? We got places to go, Pokemon to catch-"
-Parents to get away from-
"-No time for dawdling, daylight's wasting."
She will begin taking steps into the tall grass.

2021-02-21, 03:54 AM
Garren grins as he pockets the Pokeballs, the balls clinking as they join the others he'd already gotten hold of, and nods. "Dornly, huh? Let's get going then!"

For once, Garren isn't at the head of the group, lagging behind a little to keep pace with the Trapinch's little legs and get a start on seeing what he can do and how well he'll gel with the way Garren wanted to battle. So far, things looked good - this little guy had some power in those jaws of his. As they pass the restaurant, he notices his father at the door and gives him a wave goodbye - he didn't feel the need for a longer goodbye, since this was a moment they'd discussed many times before, and said all they needed to. Garren hoped that next time he came home, he'd be good enough to challenge his father and win. That'll feel damn good - not because he had any grudge against his father or anything, just because so far the man and the Pokemon he kept from the old days were Garren's benchmark for 'strong Trainer', so overcoming that challenge would be a good sign of how far he's come.

When the others get to the long grass, Garren picks up the pace to catch up with them. So this was it. He was finally leaving this town, and going out into the world - Garren still wasn't quite sure why his father decided to settle down in a little town like this to just cook for people, but he'd heard enough stories of his journeys that the prospect of going out and seeing it himself was quite exciting (not as exciting as the Pokemon aspect, of course, but still exciting). Time to see if any of the Pokemon out here catch his eye.

2021-02-21, 05:01 AM
It was an almost palpable relief to pass the borders of the town Tori had kind of called home for the past months. On the one hand it had been a revelation to put down some roots, to even realize that was something she could do. But on the other she had been anxious, stuck in one place, the longer she lingered the greater chance she'd be caught out by an adult who thought they knew what was best for her.

"It's great to finally get moving again," she voiced the sentiment nervously, "but, uh... glad to not be leaving alone this time. Y'know?" Mutt looked like she was still wary of the others and their Pokemon, but at least she felt safe enough to use Tori as a shield between her and them. The Rockruff growled a little warning whenever someone else strayed too close but wasn't otherwise aggressive. "Sooooo..." She nudged Carmine with a competitive grin. "Anyone up for a wager? Last one to catch their first wild Pokemon has to set up camp tonight? Hmm, around here I've seen..." Tori trailed off, squinting into space as she wracked her brain for any interesting Pokemon habitats she'd seen on the Route between Dornly and "home."

2021-02-21, 10:34 AM
You know that the forest around your home is populated by a large number of bug types, as well as a virtually unprecedented amount of zigzagoons. For obvious reasons. The zigzagoons are quite friendly, but the bug types tend to be a lil' more aggressive.

The trees lean over you ominously, but your excitement stops you from really feeling nervous. You head into the tall grass, making a bit of a racket as you do. Not more than a few steps in, you hear a loud clunk as something falls from a tree in front of you-it looks like an oversized pinecone. But then, its eyes open, and you see...


You ready yourselves-and your Pokemon do too. It's battle time!

This Pineco is level 9.

Speed of 2, so I'd imagine all y'all are going before it.

2021-02-21, 04:12 PM
"... well, obviously, a whole lotta 'goons, heh. I think we all know how to handle those, and the ones out here're not much different from the ones that hang around the lab. But keep an eye out for -"


"... bugs, more likely to take offense to us passing through. Case in point." Tori gestured to the ominous-looking thing, expression uncertain. "That... iiiis a bug Pokemon, right? It's got eyes..." Mutt certainly seemed to think it was a threat, fur rising on her back as she started barking at the offending... "Calling it a Drop Cone, I don't care what the 'dex says," Tori muttered as she dutifully scanned it. "Alright, Mutt, evasive action while we figure this thing out... Double Team?" They hadn't taken the time for a training session but the Pokedex had at least told her what moves Rockruff was likely to know. Mutt seemed all too happy to follow an order that involved running away. Scrunching her eyes shut, her whole body shivered before splitting into multiple images that started trotting wary circles around the Drop Cone.

Unsure what to expect from it, Tori steeled her own nerves, ready for anything.

Mutt used Double Team!
Tori used Bulk Up!

2021-02-22, 02:23 PM
Angelica clicks her tongue to get Kimberley's attention when the Pineco drops out of the tree in front of them. Having worked with her Pokemon a little while she was rehabbing, Angelica's more sure of what moves Kimberley knows. "Alright," she calls, "Use Astonish!"

With speed belying her stubby legs, Kimberley runs forward and slams bodily into the Pineco, screeching horrifically as she goes.

Accuracy: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-02-22, 10:30 PM
The pineco takes a nasty hit, but is still going. It looks pretty furious at the sudden attack.

26 damage dealt. It's bloodied.

Lord Raziere
2021-02-22, 10:39 PM
"Thats a Pineco. They don't explode unless you.....weaken them...."
She looks at the Pineco's angry state.
"Melody, keep your distance from that Pineco! This Pineco might blow at any moment. There are other pokemon you can fight."
Carmine herself will begin moving away from the pokemon.

2021-02-23, 03:20 AM
"Explode? There's one way to stop that!"

Grabbing a Pokeball from his pocket, Garren throws it at the Pineco - a caught Pokemon can't hurt them, after all.

Gonna try to throw a Pokeball at it with Garren's action (Pokemon action happening after it acts so probably never).

Attack (AC 6 Status Attack, it's Speed 2 so no Speed Evasion to add, gonna spend an AP for +1): [roll0]
Capture (base 10-2 for having another stage-2 or 4 depending on if it's at 50% or 25% HP): [roll1]

So unless it has a source of a ton of Evasion I'm unaware of, that's a hit, and it's caught if it's at a quarter HP from Angelica's attack.

2021-02-25, 12:15 PM
The Pokeball clicks once... Twice... three times...

And settles. Garren has caught a Pineco!

Would you like to roll for its nature? Or would you like me to?

Also, for most of the mons you'll encounter, I'll be equally distributing stat points. If you'd like, I can allow you to reallocate when you catch them.

2021-02-25, 01:41 PM
Walking over to pick up the Pokeball, Garren turns to the others and grins. "That's how you deal with something like that! You don't run away from it, you face it and deal with it! Nice work, Angelica. Now come on, let's find something for you to catch."

Might as well roll nature here. Raise: [roll0], Lower: [roll1] - raise Attack, lower Defence, which makes it Lonely (and pretty good for Garren - the stat changes don't matter, since BSR means he needs to raise Defence if he wants to raise HP past a point - important if I want this guy to do anything other than a big Self-Destruct, and even then to survive until its low Speed lets it act - and Attack Ace means Attack doesn't care about BSR, but liking Spicy food is pretty nice for the Chef stuff).

Yeah, I'd like to reassign stat points - Garren's an Attack Ace, so building its stats a certain way to specialise his Pokemon is part of his thing.

Have you already determined whether it's has Sturdy or Rock Head, or should I roll for that now too?

2021-02-26, 01:31 AM
"What kinda Pokemon just explodes at you!?" Tori glared in incredulous respect at the Pokeball containing the suicide bomber bug, offering Garren a high five. "Drop Cone's got serious guts. Nice catch dude, but, uh, maybe keep it in there for a while, yeah?" Mutt was staring suspiciously up at the trees around him as if she expected more Pinecos to leap down at any moment, and... "Lesson learned, don't forget to look up around here. I might not have gotten the first catch, but I'm not going to be the last! Let's suss out s'more bugs! Smell anything nearby, Mutt?" The Rockruff perked up, nose to the ground as it started sniffing around.

2021-02-26, 11:44 AM
As Mutt sniffs around, they react as if they've just gotten a whiff of something foul. They bark, quietly, indicating a find not far off the path.

Looking carefully, you can see a Weedle, in a pile of leaves. It's munching on them quietly.

2021-02-28, 03:19 AM
Looking at the Weedle, Garren nods. "Alright! Anyone want this guy?"

2021-02-28, 05:08 AM
Tori peered at the wimpy-looking little bug. Then at her wimpy-looking scruffy pup. "Nah, but I think it's a good chance to see what Mutt's made of. Didn't really get any action with Drop Cone. Hey Mutt, get in there, better to learn how to take a hit sooner than later." She mimed baring her teeth at the worm. Mutt looked a little nervous, but Tori waved her on encouragingly. Instead of trying to bite it though, the Rockruff took a few seconds to work herself up before squinting her eyes shut and charging headlong at the Wurmple, yowling as she ran. "Uh, okay, Tackle!"

Tori used Brutal Training!

Rockruff used Tackle! (DB 5) [roll0]
Physical Normal damage [roll1]

2021-02-28, 08:41 PM
9 damage dealt.

Weedle is speed 6, but surprised.

The weedle, caught by surprise, takes the blow on its side. It seems injured, but not out yet!

You can tell from that one blow, though, that this is not a mighty creature. It's pretty weeny.

2021-03-03, 01:09 AM
Tori frowned at the Weedle, who was apparently so wimpy it couldn't even defend itself properly. "C'mon, rile it up a little Mutt! Give it your angry face!" Shaking her head to recover from the tackle, the Rockruff's hackles rose as she Leered at the bug. Or tried to - it was almost more cute than anything. To Tori at least; she assumed it was having a different effect on Weedle.

Lord Raziere
2021-03-07, 11:46 PM
"Meh, its all yours, Tori. Beedrill....is not particularly interesting to me. I've got different kinds of 'mons in mind."
She will stand aside and let Tori take on the Weedle. They just didn't suit her particular style.

2021-03-09, 11:21 AM
The weedle, feeling a little off-kilter from Mutt's Leer, fires a shot of sticky fluid from its posterior.

String Shot!
AC of 3, plus/minus your evasion.

Speed CS lowered by 1 on a hit.

2021-03-09, 07:38 PM
Mutt yelped in shock as sticky goop sprayed all over her face, matting her fur and getting twigs and leaves stuck in it as she rolled around in a panic. "Get ahold'a yourself, Mutt!" Tori urged, trying not to sound too frustrated. "You're not even hurt. Yeah? Keep a cool head." The pup slowly tipped back to her feet, seeming to realize her new trainer was right. She narrowed her eyes at the feeble worm. "Show it you're not afraid of a little mess, Tackle!" Though the Wurmple's silk hindered her movement a bit, Mutt reared back with eyes squinted shut and head-slammed the bug again.

Tori used Brutal Training!
Mutt used Tackle! 1d20
Physical Normal damage 1d8+23

2021-03-09, 10:45 PM
The weedle goes down, curling into a ball. As it faints, it cries out.

You hear a buzzing in response. It's distant-but growing closer.

Lord Raziere
2021-03-09, 11:06 PM
She didn't need experience to know what the buzzing sounds were. It was clear enough from the context that she could guess.
"....Tori. I think you angered its mother or the swarm.....wait are Beedrill eusocial? Nevermind. Point is, the rest of its family is going to come, if your going to capture it, do it quickly we need to get going!"
She tenses, ready to run in the opposite direction of the buzzing.

2021-03-10, 01:38 AM
Tori paused in the middle of cleaning silk off Mutt's face, noticing the buzzing as Carmine points it out. She and Mutt both glanced at the fainted Weedle, completely ignored in the aftermath of "victory."

"I, uh... think I'll leave the little guy to its family... and maybe that'll slow 'em down? A little?" She scooped up the somewhat confused Rockruff and started edging in the direction they'd been travelling. "Let's make ourselves scarce..." Tori was no coward but she knew when to cut and run. "Good job not freezing up back there, Mutt," she murmured as they picked up the pace.

2021-03-10, 02:23 PM
Mutt barks softly when Tori grabs her, still not quite used to familiarity, but doesn't bite or anything.

You start moving away from the Weedle, quickly, and while the buzzing grows a bit louder at first, it soon begins to grow softer as you put distance in between you and the Weedle.

You continue traveling for about an hour, the trees giving way to more open fields about twenty minutes in. Dornly is in sight, and you eagerly move ahead, heading into the town. There's surprisingly little going on, for a town that's a starting point for the Gym Challenge.

Lord Raziere
2021-04-03, 11:45 PM
She frowns. She didn't have a second pokemon and they were at the first gym. She didn't feel comfortable with only having one and only Garren having a second.
"Cool. We got to town. Lets find the pokemon center and then I'd go about finding at least a second pokemon, training them up for the first gym, I don't think its a wise idea to head straight on in. Just fighting a gym leader with freshly given or caught pokemon just seems like a bad idea."
She will try to locate a pokemon center for them to rest until they were ready to face it.

2021-04-04, 12:31 AM
Tori shot a glance at Carmine. "Guess that... makes sense? How many d' they let you bring, should we just go catch like, twenty? Overwhelm 'em with numbers. Maybe let's look somewhere else than there though, pickings seemed kinda slim this time a' year." She hooked a thumb back towards the forest behind them.

Lord Raziere
2021-04-04, 12:53 AM
"What-No. Tori. We can only carry six pokemon at a time remember? This is basic stuff."
She says looking back at her then a grin spreads across her face.
"Or are you so much of a forgetful street rat you can't even remember the modern system? Trust me, we don't want to go back to the days of a single trainer be able to take armies of pokemon along with them. Thats how you get Poke-Warlords and lots of wars. Bad times all around."
And probably one of the reasons why Ho-oh flew away. Of course before pokeballs were invented, pokemon were called different things like "magical creatures" and those warlords were called different terms as well, its just what the modern term for such figures are now that society is past such nonsense. The modern system is far more fair, equitable and makes everyone polite and friendly by giving everyone a pokemon instead of the control being concentrated in a few people.

2021-04-04, 01:20 AM
Huffing, Tori blew an errant wisp of hair out of her face. "Maybe school has been kind of, uh, a tertiary concern at best but I know that much. There's four of us, genius. " But she gave Carmine a predatory grin, looking askance at her. "Who knows, maybe this sleepy League needs something to shake it up. If I go rebel warlord, wanna be my first lieutenant?"