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View Full Version : Gust of locomotion?

2021-02-22, 06:57 PM
I wanna say thanks. I was having an issue with spell casting but in the act of writing it out to ask you lots opinion I managed to come up with a few fair options to present my DM with that doesn't completely nerf the spell/meta-magic combo I came up with. For any one interested my original is below

I'm currently playing a storm priest, (storm sorcery/tempest cleric), took gust of wind for one of my 2nd level spells. So far so good, right? I also took distant spell as one of my meta-magics. Two issues have come up since last game ended when we leveled up. We are in a forest chasing a creature with a maguffin. I plan on using my new spell/meta as a poor man's fly, bouncing off of the trees, using my bonus action to re direct the air stream to the next tree target while I go. My DM has given me a ruling of at the point of discharge the wing is moving at 60 mph and tapers off at a rate of 5 miles untill it no longer has any affect. If I use DISTANT SPELL I double this to 120 but me having hurricane speed winds with the DMs current model is way to broken even for me. Halving the rate of speed diminishment seems to be the most fair.

The other part if how would this idea work with projectiles. A dagger has 20/60 and my DM has ruled that the spell grants 50% extra range before applying disadvantage. So the new dagger range would be 30/90 but this only applies to me or any one in my line firing down wind.