View Full Version : Speculation Guards and wards

2021-02-23, 03:44 AM
can this spell work in "combo" with mighty fortress for protect the clone?

Assuming in my campaign things like demiplane are banned, there is other safe use of clone? It can be ok even without Guards and Wards? Bcs im thinking to pick guards and wards in place of magic jar (that have for sure more uses, even i dont count about change body permanently, but its a spell than can be useful in some circumstances), but it should be casted every day and this make everything more complicated, even teleport help a lot, especially with the simulacrum, but this would require many hight lv slots dayly that seem kinda wasted, as its wasted using it for protect a rest as i can pick many spells that are even ritual casting for it. So maybe im missing something, but have guards and wards a good use? Bcs thematically its very fun the spell.

2021-02-23, 07:49 AM
1. find a remote location.
2. Use Private Sanctum to protect it from magical scrying.
3. Create your clone.
4. stock it with enough spellbooks and gear to get you comfortably restarted.
5. Don't ever tell anyone about it. Not even your god.

2021-02-23, 08:04 AM
Guards and Wards is a great spell for keeping out commoners, petty thieves and burglars, and the occasional goblin raiding party. In a "realistic" campaign it is therefore very useful.

However, if it's the sort of campaign where you won't ever have problems with such things because they're not "level appropriate encounters" and your DM will only ever have your tower/fortress/whatever menaced by high level opponents it's not that useful.

2021-02-23, 08:23 AM
It pairs well with Symbol. The obscured vision keeps people from seeing the Symbols until they come close enough to be impacted.

2021-02-23, 09:43 AM
I like to imagine many a BBEG started off as regular adventurers setting up a secret base to use as a safe house, and to store valuables.
Give it a few decades and enough wealth and it's warped into a multi tier dungeon with enough traps and wards that it just starts attracting the attention of would-be thieves and other greedy adventurers just assuming that it belongs to some villain who's up to no good. Kill off enough of these intruders to protect your life and belongings and you're just stuck with the reputation of being a BBEG, just accept the role and resign yourself to your fate.

2021-02-23, 11:29 AM
Seriously though, don't discount the defensive value of hiding your stuff and keeping your mouth shut.

2021-02-23, 11:33 AM
Seriously though, don't discount the defensive value of hiding your stuff and keeping your mouth shut.
That includes the rest of the party.
Especially the bard.
You go back to the base to drop off the latest haul, and the bard's walking around in there already showing their new side-piece about trying to impress them with 'their' lair.

2021-02-23, 11:35 AM
That includes the rest of the party.
Especially the bard.
You go back to the base to drop off the latest haul, and the bard's walking around in there already showing their new side-piece about trying to impress them with 'their' lair.

I don't really recommend telling the party where your last ditch hidey hole is actually.