View Full Version : Necromancer and plant Druid concept?

2021-02-23, 09:27 PM
Something called “necrobotany” is making the rounds on the internet: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/465067099016155488/

Is there any way to do this in 3.5?

Doctor Despair
2021-02-23, 09:34 PM
There's a plant that makes zombies or something like that. Yellow Musk Creeper maybe? Checking the forums before bed, but I'm sure someone else can correct the name. It was in the LA Assessment thread semi-recently, I think

2021-02-24, 01:47 AM
Not necromantic but the Greenbound Creature template essentially does what the post describes. After that you need only be a Cleric with the Plant domain (or anyone else with that planar touchstone that gives a domain ability) and you can rebuke them into serving you.

2021-02-24, 05:53 AM
Something called “necrobotany” is making the rounds on the internet: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/465067099016155488/

Is there any way to do this in 3.5?

There's a plant that makes zombies or something like that. Yellow Musk Creeper maybe? Checking the forums before bed, but I'm sure someone else can correct the name. It was in the LA Assessment thread semi-recently, I think

Yeah, a yellow musk creeper will do plant "zombies". It's probably the closest approximation you can get while staying RAW 3.5. To get also druid magic in the mix and make it more playable you can't go wrong with a greenbound nymph symbiont yellow musk creeper.

2021-02-24, 02:42 PM
Also worth looking into are Blightspawned Creatures, creatures infected by plants/fungi which eventually turn into Juju Zombies when the plants/fungi inevitably take over their body and mind (basically exactly what you were talking about with plant sinews making for lightning fast zombies). Both from the Unapproachable East, both have the Plant type Blightspawned Creatures have the Plant type and Juju Zombies are undead.

The Viscount
2021-02-24, 08:14 PM
Also worth looking into are Blightspawned Creatures, creatures infected by plants/fungi which eventually turn into Juju Zombies when the plants/fungi inevitably take over their body and mind (basically exactly what you were talking about with plant sinews making for lightning fast zombies). Both from the Unapproachable East, both have the Plant type Blightspawned Creatures have the Plant type and Juju Zombies are undead.

Talontar Blightlord from the same book provides you with the means for making both.

2021-02-25, 07:33 AM
Thrall of Zuggtmoy (Dragon #337) gets Raise the Rotten CF - resulting Undead got +2 Str and natural AC; since it uses fungal spores as additional component, resulting Undead should be rather moldy.

Slaver Fungus (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20020519a) and Fungus Zombies

Myconid Sovereign (Monster Manual II) with Spores of Animation

Dusanu (https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Dusanu) have 3.5 stats in Dragon #339

Death's Head Tree (Dragon #339) - the heads could fly and infect with the tree's seeds