View Full Version : MCU Spider-man 3 Title Announcement

2021-02-24, 08:01 PM
Link to the teaser. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7M-XNGT5G0)

I gotta say it doesn’t wow me, but I was planning to see the movie regardless, so, victory for Marvel I guess?

Kitten Champion
2021-02-24, 08:25 PM
Did you expect a movie title to wow you?

The Glyphstone
2021-02-25, 12:13 AM
Let us now commence the baseless speculation on which of the other titles shown on the whiteboard will be Spider-man 4.

2021-02-25, 01:49 AM
There's also the speculation on what the "home" means in this one. No Way Home from where? Tom Holland being trapped in Sony joint deals forever? Toby, JK and Andrew unable to leave the MCU-verse? Peter getting stuck in space again??

2021-02-25, 02:01 AM
No way home would easily work as Spiderverse / Multiverse type movie where Peter ends up in another universe. But in Far from home they were just in Europe so this could equally mean that they get lost in Midwest.

2021-02-25, 02:12 AM
'Home' might not be literal. It may refer to the fact that he can't go back to his old life, now that his secret has been exposed to the world.

2021-02-25, 06:02 AM
A crossover with the Guardians of the Galaxy?

Perhaps a run in with the Spider Totem Hunters?

Or the Cloned Spiderman Saga?

Spiderverse I presume?

What if they find Mysterio alive and the evidence that exonerates Spiderman whilst using a double to restore Peter's secret identity?

2021-02-25, 05:01 PM
Did you expect a movie title to wow you?


'Home' might not be literal. It may refer to the fact that he can't go back to his old life, now that his secret has been exposed to the world.

This was my feeling too; the entities in the comics capable of mind-wiping the entire planet don’t exist in the MCU (or at least haven’t been introduced yet). And the MCU in general hasn’t been big on secret identities. At best Peter might get officially cleared of charges but with the general public still suspicious of him. And it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Peter manages to beat the ‘secretly Spider-man’ charges but that Spider-man gets stuck with the murder charge going forward.

This also raises a question: how have the Sokovia Accords not caused him problems before this? He was recruited by pro-Accord Tony Stark, and he was still making public appearances at charities post-Blip, so it’s not like no one knows about him. Yet he managed to maintain a secret identity up until this point. :smallconfused:

Rogar Demonblud
2021-02-25, 06:29 PM
He's a juvenile. Most states have some pretty strict laws regarding juveniles and privacy.

2021-02-25, 07:13 PM

This was my feeling too; the entities in the comics capable of mind-wiping the entire planet don’t exist in the MCU (or at least haven’t been introduced yet). And the MCU in general hasn’t been big on secret identities. At best Peter might get officially cleared of charges but with the general public still suspicious of him. And it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Peter manages to beat the ‘secretly Spider-man’ charges but that Spider-man gets stuck with the murder charge going forward.

This also raises a question: how have the Sokovia Accords not caused him problems before this? He was recruited by pro-Accord Tony Stark, and he was still making public appearances at charities post-Blip, so it’s not like no one knows about him. Yet he managed to maintain a secret identity up until this point. :smallconfused:

The Sokovia Accords were never about everyone getting to know your secret identity. It was about the guberment getting to know

Delicious Taffy
2021-02-26, 05:44 AM
Gosh, they went ahead and named a movie. Big Reveals all around, to be sure. I know everyone has been at the edge of their seat, wondering if this movie would come out with its own name and everything. This is even more exciting than the previous buzz about the movie having actors in it. Gee golly, I sure hope they tell us there's gonna be scenes in it too, what an adventure that'd be!