View Full Version : The Yawning Knights: Fun story from our game

2021-03-01, 03:40 AM
We were traveling through the lands of the long enslaved dragonborn nations from the Blackhold to the lair of a recently defeated ancient dragon warlord... it's a race to the horde... us, against the opportunistic human human nations, hungry to fill in the vacuum of power left by the Maroon Prince...

A member of our party was suffering from exhaustion from the cold, and we were tired after fighting a pack of bullettes over the massive skeleton of a long dead primordial titan, when we came across a small hotspring. It was a welcome reprieve. While my companions rested I sent my familiar out to scan the countryside. After years of war and corruption... it seems that it had started healing... off in the distance, about an hour out of our way however, my familiar caught what looked like a glowing obelisk. We may have been in a hurry, but it looked old... and I felt whether it was good or bad, it would be better to investigate than not.

When we reached the obelisk, it was covered with what looked like primordial runes and religous script... as the sun rose, it almost seemed as if it was slowly disappearing.... my friend Iris Translated the runes...

"The next warrior of the sun, he who bears the most holy power must strike down the obelisk to obtain the strength within."

Seig, a paladin, chosen of Selune walked up to the stone... and struck it with his strongest divine smite.... and the obelisk shattered into dust... and than coalesced into the most ancient book I'd ever seen. As it slowly fell into Seig's hand, it opened to a front page.... "The definitive treaty on all that is good in the universe." dozens of authors were named below as contributors. This... was more than just an ancient artifact. This was a priceless treasure. The Book of Exalted deeds. It was mere chance that we'd had the opportunity to glimpse that obelisk. If we'd left an hour earlier or later, or if we'd chosen to rest earlier... not to rest at the hotspring... or if any of dozens of other possibilities had been different, we would have passed it by. One thing we did know... If Seig ever does anything bad or evil, he may loose the book forever? As it finds a new worthy benefactor...

Which leads us to the Roc. In my studies, I'd read of the Roc. Created by Annam the All-Father, creator of giants, they were created to aid the giants in fighting the Dragins. They are so rare now, that I'd never thought I'd see one, as only a few dozen remain... each one, the remnant of ancient history, and each living one older than civilization its self. In between us and our destination, lie an enormous rok, roosting on the cliff tops and tearing into its latest meal, a giant goat. Experienced adventurers we were, the group was confident that the beast would not be much of a threat to us... but our warhorses might not be so lucky, and we had somewhere to be... And the group agreed that needlessly killing a creature so old and majestic was exactly the kind of act that would lose Seig access to the priceless treasure he'd been gifted not 12 hours earlier.

There was no outrunning the Rok... it seemed our only chance would be to sneak by... but doing so proved nearly impossible... and so we ran... not for our own safety, but for its well being... and I did have one simple trick up my sleeves. As the creature approached us it's wings blotted out the sun. I pulled out my spellbook and uttered one of my favorite incantations... I pointed my finger at the giant creature, and we were now being chased by a grey and white pigeon, which we scared off.

We will arrive at the abandoned lair of the Maroon Prince soon, hopefully we will have beat the human nations to the bounty. Newly freed from captivity, our Dragonborn allies will need that wealth to grow healthy, and to fight their final foe... the undead leader of the Dragon hordes, and Ancient Dracolitch Malathar. We have been told that he can kill with even a whisper, and he is aided by a larger threat, the Wizard Manshoon. After we foiled his plan to murder the blackstaff and take control of Waterdeep's statues, Manshoon kidnapped my mother and is using her to build some kind of portal to teleport an army directly into Waterdeep.