View Full Version : Jackalwere's shapechanger and equipment

2021-03-01, 03:17 PM
I'm curious about the creative ways people have used, or come up with, when addressing changing from a jackal or hybrid into a human. More specifically changing into a human and not being a naked and weaponless or without other means of defense. And vice versa, changing from a human to a jackal without leaving your clothes and weapons behind.

I thought a Jackalwere would fit into a plot of a campaign I'm working on, except for this issue. If it were more like a Druid's Wild Shape having equipment merge or fall to the ground it would work seamlessly.

Any creative ideas out there?

2021-03-01, 04:54 PM
I'm curious about the creative ways people have used, or come up with, when addressing changing from a jackal or hybrid into a human. More specifically changing into a human and not being a naked and weaponless or without other means of defense. And vice versa, changing from a human to a jackal without leaving your clothes and weapons behind.

I thought a Jackalwere would fit into a plot of a campaign I'm working on, except for this issue. If it were more like a Druid's Wild Shape having equipment merge or fall to the ground it would work seamlessly.

Any creative ideas out there?

You could have the Jackalwere for your plot have an ability similar to an Eldritch Knight or an Hexblade, allowing them to summon a weapon.

Otherwise, for clothes and weapons, a Jackalwere could put clothes and weapons in a bag they can carry in jackal form.

Alternatively, to help both with offense and defense, and this regardless of the shape they're in, you could give your Jackalwere abilities similar to a Monk's.

2021-03-01, 05:01 PM
Blade pact warlock with Mask of many faces invocation. Instant weapon, instant appearance of clothes ... at least until they can find something to wear.

A tactic I have seen used in movies is a package of clothes wrapped in a ball that a were creature could carry in animal or hybrid form.

2021-03-01, 06:38 PM
I could definitely "class" him up a bit and dip into some magic. Summoning a weapon and disguise self seem pretty good. Thanks!