View Full Version : Optimization Divination Wizard old Vhuman fortune teller girl Optimization and characterization.

2021-03-03, 09:31 AM
Im creating this character for a friend of mine that asked me to optimize it for him.
He basically want to play some fortune teller old girl from some gipsy society, so i thought about a divination wizard that use a crystal sphere as arcane focus, probaby she 'll be blind but she can see through the sphere as if she had a normal sight. I tryed give him many Divination spells (that unluckly are kinda few) but without leave behind spells that for sure he gonna need during the campaign. They should start around lv 5/6 and end around 15. So for the stats i thought to make he go for something like this:

Str 8
Dex 14
Con 16 (+1 VH)
Int 18 (+1 VH)
Wis 12
Cha 8

Feat Resilient (con) lv1, + 2 int lv 4, + 2 int lv 8, Alert lv 12

Lucky and banishment are not pickable also for him (as they arent for me lol).


Light, firebolt, minor illusion, chill touch, magic hand
1st lv:
Shield, Absorb elements, find familiar R, identify R, mage armor, Charm person, detect magic R, Grease, tasha hideous laughter
2nd lv:
Detect toughts, hold person, suggestion, pirothecnics
3rd lv
Counterspell, Hypnotic pattern, slow, fireball
4th lv
Arcane eye, polimorph, conjure minor elementals, divination R
5th lv
Hold monster, synaptic static, wall of force, scrying
6th lv
Contingency, disintegrate, magic jar, true seeing, mass suggestion
7th lv
Simulacrum, forcecage, crown of stars
8th lv
Feeblemind, Mind blank

I tryed to give him lots of debuff and charming power, also for thematic reason but also bcs with portent i think diviner can use it much better than anyone else, without leave important spells behind. Earlier lv he have hypnotic pattern and slow if he cant ambush or if they are immune to charming, fireball as Area spell. I would had put darkvision and misty step, but detect toughts and hold person actually get their place Conjure minor elementals is for create 8 mud mephit that restrain enemies (DC 11 on dex its very low, but 8 of them spamming it for 6 turns should get some goal lol).

Later on, wall of force its impossible to dump in my opinion, hold monster for autocrit also monsters (i dont know if its same good as hold person as it is a 5th lv spell slot), synaptic static for area and debuf without concentration, i prefered scrying to rary's bond because it looks more thematic, even there is no Ritual casting here and it gonna be used less than rary's bond probably. Mass suggestion seem to me the obvius conseguence of suggestion. About disintegrate i still have doubts, diviner is the one that can hope to use it, but for when he get it probably mostly of their enemies gonna have legendary saves, so maybe its not that good, magic jar bcs he can use it much better than other wizards with portent. From here on i think its the same for mostly of wizards.

I didnt pick many defensive spells (blur, blink, mirror image, misty step) for try to put as many divination spells i could and i dont know how much this can hurt the build.

Thematically would me nice also make he get some or one warlock dip (hex, some kind of curse), but i dont know if mechanically its a good choice

Do you think those are good option and give the diviner good strategies in combat and good characterization?

There are some other good option for the stats picking fey touched as feat for exemple? For go into misty step and one more 1st lv spell? in case which 1st lv spell you would pick?

I know also about the mind spike combo but it is so good? I didnt put it inside bcs seem i have no much space and it didnt seem so powerful to me, but maybe i miss out something?

2021-03-03, 10:02 AM
Is she getting 16 Con after Resilient (Con) or before? Cuz I can only recommend Res (Con) if it would even out an odd score. Otherwise, starting with the Lucky feat might make sense, especially if you refluff it as a weaker version of Portent (the mechanics stay the same, but instead of being chalked up to luck, you chalk it up to her having had visions). It's also mechanically superior to Res (Con), unless Res (Con) also evens out her Con score - and even then I'd prefer Lucky before Tier 3.

At 10th level, she gets The Third Eye, which enhances her senses. At this point, I'd drop the "can see through the crystal ball" thing and just allow her to see through her magical powers. It's a minor change, and something that most characters can already do. On this subject, what happens if she enters an Anti-magic Field? Does she just go blind?

I think you picked some good spells. I'd make some very minor changes. I don't like Hold Person because it's useless against the vast majority of enemies AND enemies get repeated saves AND it's concentration. Like really? It's a great spell against PCs, but for PCs it's pretty lackluster. I'm not a big fan of Pyrotechnics and Conjure Minor Elemental either. Maybe go for See Invisibility and/or Darkvision, and then one of Tasha's Summon spells (like Summon Elemental, or Summon Contruct, which I think is very slightly better)

2021-03-03, 10:43 AM
Is she getting 16 Con after Resilient (Con) or before? Cuz I can only recommend Res (Con) if it would even out an odd score. Otherwise, starting with the Lucky feat might make sense, especially if you refluff it as a weaker version of Portent (the mechanics stay the same, but instead of being chalked up to luck, you chalk it up to her having had visions). It's also mechanically superior to Res (Con), unless Res (Con) also evens out her Con score - and even then I'd prefer Lucky before Tier 3.

At 10th level, she gets The Third Eye, which enhances her senses. At this point, I'd drop the "can see through the crystal ball" thing and just allow her to see through her magical powers. It's a minor change, and something that most characters can already do. On this subject, what happens if she enters an Anti-magic Field? Does she just go blind?

I think you picked some good spells. I'd make some very minor changes. I don't like Hold Person because it's useless against the vast majority of enemies AND enemies get repeated saves AND it's concentration. Like really? It's a great spell against PCs, but for PCs it's pretty lackluster. I'm not a big fan of Pyrotechnics and Conjure Minor Elemental either. Maybe go for See Invisibility and/or Darkvision, and then one of Tasha's Summon spells (like Summon Elemental, or Summon Contruct, which I think is very slightly better)

16 is after resilient con, as 18 is after +2 int. I choose resilient for the odd con, i was thinking also about warcaster but i suppose it delay int progression and this girl will not have lot of opportunity attacks.
He cant pick lucky, his DM banned it as my DM did, as they decided that lucky can be "found" only during the campaign.

About the 10th lv yea, she ll probably see again with magic.

Hold person yea i wouldnt pick it for any wizard, but divination can make he get 2 turns with no saves while EVERYONE gonna crit ALL their attacks on him, this seem almost autokill almost any bad guy. But yea i agree that also thematically its not that good.

2021-03-03, 10:50 AM
He cant pick lucky, his DM banned it as my DM did, as they decided that lucky can be "found" only during the campaign.

What do you mean by "found"? Like, not available at level 1?

But yeah, then Res (Con) is probably better

2021-03-03, 10:51 AM
What do you mean by "found"? Like, not available at level 1?

But yeah, then Res (Con) is probably better

Yea, its not available, they cant choose it, neither after lv 1, there is some way during the campaign for "become lucky", but players dont know which is it, i suppose is something about some quest that can be available during the campaingn...knowing his DM probably somehow someone in the group will become "lucky", but i dont know anything else too.

2021-03-03, 11:05 AM
Yea, its not available to be picked, there is some way during the campaign for "become lucky", but players dont know which is it, i suppose is something about some quest that can be available during the campaingn, but i dont know much too.

That seems odd, but whatever, I guess.

I would recommend mind spike owing to the Expert Divination synch; even if you don't upcast it, you still get a 1st-level spell slot back, which means you'll get back the mage armor burn in short order, at very least least. Plus, the "I know where this particular baddie is because I'm in his head" rider is a nice perk against tricksy enemies. Sure, Expert Divination kicks in at 6th Level, but you mentioned that the player may be starting the game at Level 5 or 6, so there would be little to no wait time. Either way, maximizing a long-rest caster's spell slots and capabilities is always worth it, in my opinion.

2021-03-03, 11:30 AM
Im creating this character for a friend of mine that asked me to optimize it for him.
He basically want to play some fortune teller old girl from some [REDACTED] society,

My first advice would be to not use racial slurs.

so i thought about a divination wizard that use a crystal sphere as arcane focus, probaby she 'll be blind but she can see through the sphere as if she had a normal sight. I tryed give him many Divination spells (that unluckly are kinda few) but without leave behind spells that for sure he gonna need

"Character is blind but not mechanically so" is rarely a good idea, IMO.

You could use the feat from Variant Human to take the Fighting Initiate (Blindsight), and then focus on spells that take advantage of that.

It can be mechanically powerful, and would certainly make a memorable character.

2021-03-03, 11:40 AM
That seems odd, but whatever, I guess.

I would recommend mind spike owing to the Expert Divination synch; even if you don't upcast it, you still get a 1st-level spell slot back, which means you'll get back the mage armor burn in short order, at very least least. Plus, the "I know where this particular baddie is because I'm in his head" rider is a nice perk against tricksy enemies. Sure, Expert Divination kicks in at 6th Level, but you mentioned that the player may be starting the game at Level 5 or 6, so there would be little to no wait time. Eitehr way, maximizing a long-rest caster's spell slots and capabilities is always worth it, in my opinion.

I can probably add mind spike, but i have to choose if dump pirothecnics or hold person... is better give up this last one, as pirothecnics its the only low lv debuf with no concentration?

At this point i dont know also if keep hold monster that basically do the same thing, and if disintegrate later on is worth the risk to find some legendary save and so waste a portent + a 6th lv spell all in one...

2021-03-03, 11:46 AM
My first advice would be to not use racial slurs.

"Character is blind but not mechanically so" is rarely a good idea, IMO.

You could use the feat from Variant Human to take the Fighting Initiate (Blindsight), and then focus on spells that take advantage of that.

It can be mechanically powerful, and would certainly make a memorable character.

I wouldnt use any racial slurs, maybe i just translated it wrong, probably "nomad society" was more appropriate for translate it from my lenguage.

I like the idea of blindsight, thematically is very nice, but which spell could work well with it? im thinking about darkness...but what else?

PS but i think the fact the fighting initiate require to be proficient in a martial weapon is a problem for a wizard...

2021-03-03, 11:51 AM
I like the idea of blindsight, thematically is very nice, but which spell could work well with it?

Probably none. The fighting style only gives you blindsight up to 10ft and you don't want your Wizard within 10ft of anyone that's trying to kill them. Just absolutely a terrible feat for the Wizard.

2021-03-03, 11:59 AM
Probably none. The fighting style only gives you blindsight up to 10ft and you don't want your Wizard within 10ft of anyone that's trying to kill them. Just absolutely a terrible feat for the Wizard.

I though to had miss something, indeed except darkness i didnt see any real good sinergy with blindsight, but darkness its not that good i think and anyway the human wizard dont have any martial weapon proficiency for be even qualified for the feat...while the idea to make her blind was nice, but i dont see any other way to get blindsight if he dont want dip some other classes.

Ps hold monster do you think it have to be changed with something better as hold person?What do you think about disintagration for diviner?

2021-03-03, 12:06 PM
I like the idea of blindsight, thematically is very nice, but which spell could work well with it? im thinking about darkness...but what else?

PS but i think the fact the fighting initiate require to be proficient in a martial weapon is a problem for a wizard...

My bad, I had forgotten important details. I apologize.

Could work with a Bladesinger, not with a Diviner.

2021-03-03, 12:20 PM
My bad, I had forgotten important details. I apologize.

Could work with a Bladesinger, not with a Diviner.

On a bladesinger it can work as he can stay 10 ft from wherever he like with that AC :P and he have the martial proficiency, but anyway his party gonna hate him because probably they cant see in magic darkness.

But at this point, assuming its impossible to get blindsight, he still have to decide which spell sacrifice for mind spike (hold person? or pirothecnics?) and if keep hold monster and disintegrate or change them with something else...

2021-03-03, 12:48 PM
Instead than hold monster he can put in bigby's or animate objects (8 tiny dolls or puppets with super tiny blades), but probably thematically modify memory is more appropriate. What do you think?

Also on lv 6 slot he can probably give up disintegrate for one between mental prison (thematically also its nice and if i have one hight and one low portent dice this is 90 damage or the big bad guy out from the entire fight) and eyebite (autosleep anyone 2 times a day)...maybe he can even get both and give up magic jar too?

PS other problem is that the Bonus action is never used...what i can put in for give him some BA uses? bigby's or animate objects maybe, but before seem there is nothing else interesting.

2021-03-03, 01:20 PM
I would suggest dropping the "blindness" aspect. Being blind in this version of D&D is a big deal and causes way too many issues with spells that target "a creature which you can see". By all means have the fortune teller pretend to be blind or wear a blindfold when making a divination but I'd avoid actually being blind unless the DM offers up some way to compensate for the penalties.

Mind Spike is also an essential spell for a divination wizard since it can be cast offensively AND restore a spell slot. You could cast it at level 2 - restoring a 1st level slot - then cast it at level 3 to restore the second level slot then cast it at level 4 to restore the 3rd level slot (an so on) - you end up with 3 full castings (4th, 3rd and 2nd) of the spell and it only costs 1 4th level slot and you have regained a 1st level slot.

P.S. Resilient con is far better than the Lucky feat ... in fact, in my opinion from both playing and running games with characters with the Lucky feat - there are FAR better feats out there. If a character doesn't have any better options then take Lucky but most of the time almost anything else is better.

2021-03-03, 02:50 PM
I would suggest dropping the "blindness" aspect. Being blind in this version of D&D is a big deal and causes way too many issues with spells that target "a creature which you can see". By all means have the fortune teller pretend to be blind or wear a blindfold when making a divination but I'd avoid actually being blind unless the DM offers up some way to compensate for the penalties.

Mind Spike is also an essential spell for a divination wizard since it can be cast offensively AND restore a spell slot. You could cast it at level 2 - restoring a 1st level slot - then cast it at level 3 to restore the second level slot then cast it at level 4 to restore the 3rd level slot (an so on) - you end up with 3 full castings (4th, 3rd and 2nd) of the spell and it only costs 1 4th level slot and you have regained a 1st level slot.

P.S. Resilient con is far better than the Lucky feat ... in fact, in my opinion from both playing and running games with characters with the Lucky feat - there are FAR better feats out there. If a character doesn't have any better options then take Lucky but most of the time almost anything else is better.

Yea mind spike let me save spells slots, but being concentration i suppose its for use it on minor fights or when there are things with invisibility, but yea, its anyway worth it.

Anyway for resume:

slot 2nd level i changed hold person with mindspike
slot lv 4 i changed the conjure minor elementals with summon construct
slot lv 5 i changed hold monster with modify memory (or somethig else can be better?)
slot lv 6 i changed disintegrate with mental prison and im thinking about change magic jar for eyebite

am i dumping the right spells?

2021-03-03, 03:04 PM
slot lv 5 i changed hold monster with modify memory (or somethig else can be better?)

Maybe not "better", but I'm a big advocate for Rary's telepathic bond. It's nice if different people are achieving different objectives far away from each other and still want to keep everyone in the loop. Plus, it's a ritual spell that fits with the Divination theme.

However, if the DM doesn't get terribly finicky with the party splitting up and tends to keep everyone in a group by default, or if the campaign is "All blasting, all the time!", then there's no point to taking it.

2021-03-03, 03:31 PM
Maybe not "better", but I'm a big advocate for Rary's telepathic bond. It's nice if different people are achieving different objectives far away from each other and still want to keep everyone in the loop. Plus, it's a ritual spell that fits with the Divination theme.

However, if the DM doesn't get terribly finicky with the party splitting up and tends to keep everyone in a group by default, or if the campaign is "All blasting, all the time!", then there's no point to taking it.

Well, when i say "better" i mean also for thematic reason or characterization. I was considering also rary's bond anyway, im just not sure he ll gonna use it more than modify memory (that also for role playing can be a nice spell, even its not a divination one), while its sure its a ritual and dont require concentration, which make it more interesting.

2021-03-04, 12:24 AM
Some of you guys are talking about whether or not to take Modify Memory and I need to chime in here because it is my favorite spell in the game and is perfect for a divination wizard. Sure it doesn't super fit a divination wizard's theme, but the fact that you can force people to fail saves and that this is the ultimate save or lose effect, I'd never pass on it. It's the best spell for social encounters and can bypass combat encounters entirely. It's better than dominate person or even mass suggestion when used right.

Dominate person only lasts a minute, it's incredibly potent during that minute and gives you utter control over a person which is really handy in a fight (have the guy fight for you and then tie himself up when the fight is over). But outside of a fight that minute duration is pretty killer. Mass Suggestion lasts a whole day (or longer if upcast) and can be used on a fairly large sized group. But you can only get a couple sentences in which doesn't allow for particularly complex things.

Modify memory however does not wear off and can be as complex as you like. Erase that memory of you robbing the treasury. Implant a memory of the king stopping by to say that you're the new boss and he (the target) must take all of his orders from you. Give him a memory of you saving his life from a demon and then him pledging a life debt to you. Honestly the sky is the limit. You can easily make anyone your friend or underling and basically get away with anything. The only real problem is that it's a single target and you can't really cast it during combat super effectively. But still you can try, for example the guy you cast it on now remembers demons popping up and mind controlling all of his friends and turning them against him and then your group arrived and fought with him against the demons and now you have to work together to defeat his friends to get them back to their senses.

Now that I think about it there is one other drawback of Modify Memory. It's kind of a super evil spell and even the most innocuous uses for it are pretty gray. But if you don't mind that than definitely take it. If I could only take one 5th level spell that's the one I'd take and yes I am including the OP Wall of Force in that consideration.

2021-03-04, 03:41 AM
Some of you guys are talking about whether or not to take Modify Memory and I need to chime in here because it is my favorite spell in the game and is perfect for a divination wizard. Sure it doesn't super fit a divination wizard's theme, but the fact that you can force people to fail saves and that this is the ultimate save or lose effect, I'd never pass on it. It's the best spell for social encounters and can bypass combat encounters entirely. It's better than dominate person or even mass suggestion when used right.

Dominate person only lasts a minute, it's incredibly potent during that minute and gives you utter control over a person which is really handy in a fight (have the guy fight for you and then tie himself up when the fight is over). But outside of a fight that minute duration is pretty killer. Mass Suggestion lasts a whole day (or longer if upcast) and can be used on a fairly large sized group. But you can only get a couple sentences in which doesn't allow for particularly complex things.

Modify memory however does not wear off and can be as complex as you like. Erase that memory of you robbing the treasury. Implant a memory of the king stopping by to say that you're the new boss and he (the target) must take all of his orders from you. Give him a memory of you saving his life from a demon and then him pledging a life debt to you. Honestly the sky is the limit. You can easily make anyone your friend or underling and basically get away with anything. The only real problem is that it's a single target and you can't really cast it during combat super effectively. But still you can try, for example the guy you cast it on now remembers demons popping up and mind controlling all of his friends and turning them against him and then your group arrived and fought with him against the demons and now you have to work together to defeat his friends to get them back to their senses.

Now that I think about it there is one other drawback of Modify Memory. It's kind of a super evil spell and even the most innocuous uses for it are pretty gray. But if you don't mind that than definitely take it. If I could only take one 5th level spell that's the one I'd take and yes I am including the OP Wall of Force in that consideration.

Well, it maybe dont fit with all the divination wizard themes, but this character seem kinda perfect for do something like this to my eyes. She is not good allignment anyway, she ll be chaotic neutral or even chaotic evil, he want to play her like some mage at the court of some dwarf king, that manipulate people around her with divination and mental control (sort of a more powerful wormtongue in the lord of the rings) and the fact that he can make them fail automatically the save its just also powerful as well. It wont be probably a spell that he ll cast everyday, but i think that he can make a good use of it.

2021-03-04, 04:37 AM
Well, it maybe dont fit with all the divination wizard themes, but this character seem kinda perfect for do something like this to my eyes. She is not good allignment anyway, she ll be chaotic neutral or even chaotic evil, he want to play her like some mage at the court of some dwarf king, that manipulate people around her with divination and mental control (sort of a more powerful wormtongue in the lord of the rings) and the fact that he can make them fail automatically the save its just also powerful as well. It wont be probably a spell that he ll cast everyday, but i think that he can make a good use of it.

Oh you're picturing a neutral/evil magic using advisor to a king? Something like Jafar from Aladdin? In that case yeah you can definitely make use of Modify Memory. If you're smart and creative with it you'll find it to be one of the most powerful options available to you. The meeting ended with the king agreeing to something you'd rather he didn't? Well now he remembers doing it exactly the way you'd have preferred it to go. Wow looks like the captain of the guard caught the guy you don't like right in the act of stealing the crown jewels, how unfortunate for him. Why surely the shopkeeper remembers receiving payment from you. And so on and so forth. It's extremely flexible. Just be careful about creatures (and paladins) that are immune to charm and try not to be too obvious about manipulating everyone or else you'll find yourself run out of town or worse.

2021-03-04, 05:50 AM
Oh you're picturing a neutral/evil magic using advisor to a king? Something like Jafar from Aladdin? In that case yeah you can definitely make use of Modify Memory. If you're smart and creative with it you'll find it to be one of the most powerful options available to you. The meeting ended with the king agreeing to something you'd rather he didn't? Well now he remembers doing it exactly the way you'd have preferred it to go. Wow looks like the captain of the guard caught the guy you don't like right in the act of stealing the crown jewels, how unfortunate for him. Why surely the shopkeeper remembers receiving payment from you. And so on and so forth. It's extremely flexible. Just be careful about creatures (and paladins) that are immune to charm and try not to be too obvious about manipulating everyone or else you'll find yourself run out of town or worse.

Yep, Jafar its a good exemple of what she should do.

And yea, i suppose he cant use the spell everyday on everything he see, but excluding elves there are no more humanoids immune to charm if im not wrong, i dont know why you mentioned paladins, but they can be charmed or maybe im missing something? About other creatures its always difficult to charm them as many of them will have some legendary save.

2021-03-04, 06:52 AM
Yep, Jafar its a good exemple of what she should do.

And yea, i suppose he cant use the spell everyday on everything he see, but excluding elves there are no more humanoids immune to charm if im not wrong, i dont know why you mentioned paladins, but they can be charmed or maybe im missing something? About other creatures its always difficult to charm them as many of them will have some legendary save.

Oath of Devotion paladin's level 7 aura totally negates charm for himself and any friendlies within 10 ft. Elves, Gnomes, Yuan-ti, Satyrs, and Vedalken all have resistance to charm spells (depending on how your DM handles portent dice this may or may not matter). Basically all constructs, all oozes, most celestials, most undead, most plants, some fey, some fiends, some aberrations and a few monstrosities are immune to charm.

You probably weren't going to try and charm a construct or a plant, but depending on your campaign you might be dealing with a lot of fiends or powerful fey or undead or what have you, and you should keep in mind that your mental magic won't work on them.

2021-03-04, 08:44 AM
Oath of Devotion paladin's level 7 aura totally negates charm for himself and any friendlies within 10 ft. Elves, Gnomes, Yuan-ti, Satyrs, and Vedalken all have resistance to charm spells (depending on how your DM handles portent dice this may or may not matter). Basically all constructs, all oozes, most celestials, most undead, most plants, some fey, some fiends, some aberrations and a few monstrosities are immune to charm.

You probably weren't going to try and charm a construct or a plant, but depending on your campaign you might be dealing with a lot of fiends or powerful fey or undead or what have you, and you should keep in mind that your mental magic won't work on them.

I fortget about devotion paladins,
for Yuan-ti, Satyrs and Vedalken im almost sure he not gonna meet them, probably neither gnomes.
Construct and plants there is really no reason for charm them except stop a fight but, yea, should be mentioned that it wont work.
Fey and Fiends are something definitly worth to mention because would be nice to charm them but unluckly it wont work.

I suppose he still have enough spells that dont include charming for fight those creatures immune to it, im even searching a way for add also clairvoyance but seem not easy to give up some 3rd lv spell for it.

2021-03-04, 09:29 AM
This is the modified spell list after all the comments:

Light, firebolt, minor illusion, chill touch, magic hand
1st lv:
Shield, Absorb elements, find familiar R, identify R (divination), mage armor, Charm person, detect magic R (divination), Grease, tasha hideous laughter
2nd lv:
Detect toughts (Divination), mindspike (Divination), suggestion, levitate
3rd lv
Counterspell, Hypnotic pattern, slow, fireball
4th lv
Arcane eye (Divination), polimorph, summon construct (or summon abberation, im not sure yet), divination R (divination)
5th lv
Modify memory, synaptic static, wall of force, scrying (divination)
6th lv
Contingency, Mental Prison, eyebite, true seeing (divination), mass suggestion
7th lv
Simulacrum, forcecage, crown of stars
8th lv
Feeblemind, Mind blank

I would like to put in Tasha mind whip (it scales really well) and invisibility (always good spell), but mindspike and detect toughts are divination, while levitate and suggestion seem too good for this character.

As i said before i would like to add clairvayance but as a lv 3 spell i dont think i have space there for it, counterspell, hipnotic pattern, slow and fireball, are all spells that he gonna use till the end i suppose...

I also would like to add mordenkainen's private sanctum to lv 4 spells but also here i see few options for it...divination is not so good honestly, but a story teller diviner without divination? It dont make so much sense to me...

Im searching a space at lv 5 for rary's telepatic bond, in the beginning i wanted use it also offensly, making the range of suggestion and mass suggestion larger, but i dont think it gonna work in this way, at least not RAW, as it wont work with telepathy later, but would be nice to suggest someone telepathically. Even if this is not possibile its anyway one of the best rituals of the list to use with your party, but again i dont see anything that i can take out at lv 5 for make space to it.

At lv 6 have magic jar and create undead that i like, also for more characterization (changing her body with some ritual fit the character as preparing a small undead army), but assuming i cant give up contigency, mass suggestion and true seeing (divination), i suppose i can drop just one between eyebite and mental prison, i cant decide if and which drop and for get which one.

lv 7 and 8 have no divination spells so its kinda easy get the best spells here.

For the earlier lv spells i think The one way that seem kinda good to me is give up levitate (one enemy out with no more than one save was fantastic sigh...) for put in tasha mind whip, than upcast it and gve up also slow at lv 3 for get clairvayance...also for get some no concentration debuff.
But for hight lv spells i really dont know...

What do you think i should change and what i shouldnt?

PS I even made an avatar for him, i was thinking to make she be on wheelchair more than blind...


Something like this...

Or like this without the wheelchair... https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D15906181/