View Full Version : Roleplaying Magic Pollution and Poisoning

2021-03-03, 10:32 AM
So I was thinking of the what ifs of a campaign world like tipsiverse where everything is geared around magic such as agriculture, water and so forth. I had the thought, what if you could get 'magic poisoning' from subsisting on food and water made through magic, and what would magic pollution look like from growing/creating food and water through almost entirely magical means? I figure depending on how magic works it is plausible that their could be side effects from being exposed to too much magic to both creatures and the environment.

I was thinking perhaps if you have too many spells being cast in an area too often you would end up with areas that are similar to wild magic areas where any spell cast could have random effects or just not work, these areas would randomly give birth to living spells, creatures born in these areas might be spell touched, some creatures/people because of generation upon generation of magic are now incapable of using or receiving the effects of magic (pretty much their body and the space they take up act as an anti magic field).

Anyways I wanted to pick the community's collective brain for ideas and thoughts about such a setting.

2021-03-05, 10:25 AM
As far as I know the only thing that the books say would happen is more sorcerers being born, so you could go for a sort of My Hero Academia setting where most people are low-level spontaneous spellcasters (with various bloodlines if Pathfinder).

If you want unofficial ideas, the Discworld series of books take place in a world with loads of ambient magic.

2021-03-05, 10:51 AM
Adventure Locales: The Bog (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041222a) have Magic-Infused Creature template
Dragon #356 has "Occult Mutations" article
Dragon #350 has "Creatures of Corruption" and "Magical Pollution" articles