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2021-03-03, 12:27 PM
Jazath The Phane (Huge Outsider) (603 Wizard/5 Archmage/32 Fighter/18 Legendary Dreadnought/22 Sorcerer)
HD: 65d8+9,165/603d4+85,023/32d10+4,512/18d12+2,538/5d4+705/22d4+3,102 (108,729 HP)
Initiative: +97
Speed: 240 ft, Fly 360 ft (Perfect)
AC: 625 (-2 Size, +97 Dex, +11 Def, +23 Insight, +496 Jazaths Ultra Mage Amor
Attacks: 12 Verdex’s +716 melee (17-20)(x2)
Damage: Verdex (4d10+307) Plus 500 permanent Damage
Face/Reach: 15ft by 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Alter Reality, Assimilate, Chronal Blast, Limitless Spells, Spell-like Abilities, Stasis Touch, Summon Past Time Duplicate, Time Dilation, Time Leech, Eighth Sense,
Special Qualities: Abomination Traits, Apocrypha, Arcane Fire, Arcane Reach, Mastery of Counterspelling, Mastery of Elements, Null Time Field, Spell Power +4, Spell Immunity/Absorption (203) SR 27, Time regression, DR 30/+6, Unstoppable (4/day), Unmovable (4/day), Fast Healing 15, Regeneration 15, Immunities (1-9th Spells, Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, Sonic, Mind Affecting Effects, Prone, Poison, Temporal Magic)
Saves: Fort (+444) Ref (+460) Will (+430)
Abilities Str (--) Dex (204) Con (292) Int (904) Wis (144) Cha (82)
Skills: Omnicompetent, Spellcraft (+1,192)
Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Contingent Spell, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Items, Deceptive Spell, Divine Wizardy, Divine Sorcery, Empower Spell, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Greater Reflexes, Greater Spell Focus (x8), Greater Spell Penetration, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization (Greatsword), Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Invisible Spell, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Maximise Spell, Mobility, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (x8), Spell Penetration, Still Spell, Transdimensional Spell, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (x4) (Ranged Spell, Touch Spell, Greatsword, Touch) , Weapon Specialization (Greatsword), Weapon Supremacy (Greatsword), Ranged Spell Specialization, Touch Spell Specialization,
Epic Feats: Absolute Attack, Absolute Spell, Automatic Quicken Spell (x9), Automatic Silent Spell (x3), Automatic Still Spell (x3) ,Automatic Writing, Cataclysmic Spell, Craft Epic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Rod, Craft Epic Staff, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Deadly Spell, Devastating Critical, Dual Spell, Epic Endurance, Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spell Focus (x8), Epic Spellcasting, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization, Epic Will, Good Fortitude, Good Reflexes, Good Will, Great Constitution (x50), Great Intellect (x60), Great Wisdom (x40), Hasten Spell, Improved Heighten Spell, Ineffable Spell, Intensify Spell, Multispell (x24), Overwhelming Critical, Perfect Spell, Permanent Emanation (x3) (Selective Anti-magic Field, Greater Anticipate Teleportation, Starmantle), Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Phrenology, Scribe Epic Spell, Sixth Sense, Spell Opportunity,True Death Spell

Divine Abilities: Apocrypha, Distant Gaze, Seventh Sense, Multifaceted (x5) (30 Extra Feats), Celerity, Postcognition, Precognition, Extra Level (x21)
Cosmic Abilities: Legendary Ability Scores (x6), Assimilate, Alter Reality, Elusion, Exclusivity, Eighth Sense, Ensorcerelled ,

Transcendental Abilities: Digesto

Possessions: +200 Unerring, Keen, Vorpal, Ghost Touch, Everdancing, Sentient Greatsword (Verdex), Headband of Overwhelming Intellect (+250), Amulet Of Jazath, Cloak of The Void, Ring Of Evermagic, Colossal Bags of Holdings (x8), Borg Universal Connector Implant

Bag of Holding #1 (288 Singularity Grenades, Omnicorder, Ali-Bonaculars, Compass, 28 ft Silk Rope, +100 H-12 Modified Blacklaser Sniper Rifle, Hologram Emitter, Ansible, H-T Phase Cloaking Device, Holographic Digital Watch,

Bag of Holding #2 (+100 Keen Unerring Vorpal Antarctic Vibranium Greatsword of Ethereal Reaver Echoing Fiery Power, +50 Disintegrator, 127 Vials Of Universal Solvent, 1 Temporal Stasis Medusa Head, 4 Vulture Feathers, Jazaths Spellbook (Major Artifact)

Bag of Holding #3

Bag of Holding #4

Bag of Holding #5

Bag of Holding #6

Epic Spells Made: Jazaths Dire Summoning, Jazaths Mass Animation, Jazaths Bolt of Destruction, Jazaths Superior Bolt of Destruction, Jazaths Self Heal, Jazaths Ultra Mage Armor, Jazaths Great Weakening, Jazaths Global Time Stop, Jazath Permanent Enslavement, Jazaths Ancient Resurrection, Jazaths Vanishing Act, Jazaths Affliction, Jazaths Caster Overwhelming, Jazaths Exploration, Jazaths Neutronium Conjuring, Jazaths Unbearable Torture, Jazaths Temporal Blast, Jazaths Paragon Lavawight/Winterwight, Jazaths Elemental Hurricane, Jazaths Tricky Defense, Jazaths Dire Hurricane of Winter, Jazaths Living Slaughter

While Jazath is connected to the collective, he never fails will saves.
Over 4 quadrillion species live in the main Borg Omnicomplex.
Jazath can harness the will of the collective to never fail intellect checks or saves.

Verdex (Lawful Evil) Ego (406)
Int (54) Wis (54) Cha (42)
Communications: Speech (All Languages, Read Magic), Telepathy (To weilder)

Detect Magic (At Will)
Locate Person Or Object (12,000 ft)
Weilder does not need to sleep or breath
Silent Warning
Frightful Aura (No save) (120 ft)
Draining Strike (10 hp)
Bypass magical Protection
Perfect Initiative (User always goes first)
Warning Glow

Verdex is a Sarcastic and Sadistic evil sword with a desire to kill and enslave all elves. Created by a long dead deity from a distant Universe Jazath found him in an abandoned and guarded temple in a ancient crumbling demiplane. Realizing him as the perfect weapon to fight Gilagavoxeus and his army of paragon winged reptilian four armed war trolls, he won the battle with the help of Verdex and declared him to be his new weapon of choice. Verdex constantly bugs Jazath with smart aleck replies and witty retorts. And when those trigger Jazath into an immense rage Verdex will remind him of the permanent damage he deals and that without him his fight against Gilgavoxeus would've look rather bleak

Jazaths Dire Summoning
Abjuration/Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Spellcraft DC: 973
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: 75 ft
Effect: One Summoned Creature
Duration: 20 rounds
Saving Throw: Special
SR: Yes
To Develop: Seeds: Summon (DC 14), Compel (DC 19), Dispel (DC 19) Factors: Summon unique Individual (+60 DC), Stricter Compulsion of Creature (+11 DC), Follow Outrageous Act (+10 DC), +800 on Dispel Check (+800 DC), Quuickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal or Somatic (+4 DC)
This spell summons an unique individual from anywhere in the Multiverse, with a +810 on the dispel check to dispel any magical protections.
Futhermore the creature must make a will save or be enslaved

Jazaths Bolt of Destruction
Spellcraft DC: 1001
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: 180,000 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort for Half
SR: Yes
To Develop: Seeds: Destroy (DC 29) Factors: +430 to Damage (+860 DC), d6-d20 (+40 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal Components (+2 DC), No Somatic Components (+2 DC), Increase range by 1,500% (+30 DC)
Creates a devastating bolt of destruction dealing 450d20 points of damage

Jazaths Superior Bolt of Destruction
Spellcraft DC: 1063
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: 12,000 ft
Effect: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort Half
SR: Yes
To Develop: Seeds: Destroy (DC 29) Factors: Increase damage to 1220d6 (+2400 DC), d6-d20 (+ 40 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal or Somatic Components (+4 DC), Mitigating Factors: 1448d6 Backlash Damage(-1448 DC)
This spell deals a bolt of destructive energy dealing 1220d20 Points of damage with 1448d6 Backlash Damage

Jazaths Self Heal
Conjuration (Healing)
Spellcraft DC: 73
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: Personal
Effect: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Harmless
SR: No
To Develop: Seeds: Heal (DC 25) Factors: Restore Permanent Ability Drain (+6 DC), Dispel all negative levels (+2 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal or Somatic (+4 DC), Change from Touch to Personal (-2 DC)
This spell wipes away all disease, injury, blindness, deafness, hit point damage, permanent ability drain, dispels all magical effects penalizing person, dispels all negative levels on the caster

Jazaths Ultra Mage Armor
Conjuration (Creation) [Force]
Spellcraft DC: 984
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: Personal
Effect: Personal
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: will negates (Harmless)
SR: Yes (Harmless)m
To Develop: Seeds: Armor (DC 14) Factors: 465 to AC (+930 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No somatic (+2 DC), No Verbal (+2 DC), Change from Touch to Personal (- 2 DC)
Grants +496 to AC for 24 hours

Jazaths Supreme Dispel
Spellcraft DC: 994
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: 300 ft
Effect: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
SR: No
To Develop: Seeds: Dispel (DC 19) Factors: +933 to dispel check (+933 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal (+2 DC), No Somatic (+2 DC)
Dispels with a +943 to the dispel check

Jazaths Enslavement
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Spellcraft DC: 910
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: 75 ft
Effect: One Living Creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will Negates (DC 50)
SR: Yes
To Develop: Seeds: Compel (DC 19) Factors: Stricter Compulsion of Any Creature (+11 DC), Follow Outrageous Act (+10 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal (+2 DC), No Somatic (+2 DC), +50 to will save (+100 DC), Permanent Duration (x5 DC)
This spell enslaves one living creature permanently

Jazaths Great Weakening
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Spellcraft DC: 961
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: 300 ft
Effect: One living creature
Duration: 20 rounds
Saving Throw: Will negates
SR: Yes
To Develop: Seeds: Afflict (DC 19) Factors: -250 to checks (+500 DC), -100 to Spell Resistance (+400 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No verbal (+2 DC), No Somatic (+2 DC)

Jazaths Affliction
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Spellcraft DC: 1030
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: 300 ft
Effect: One Living Creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
SR: Yes
To Develop: Seeds: Afflict (DC 14) Factors: -75 penalty (+150), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal or Somatic (+4 DC), Permanent Duration (x5 DC)
A permanent -75 Penalty to rolls, checks and saving throws

Jazaths Exploration
Spellcraft DC: 650
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: Special
Effect: Special
Duration: 20 rounds
Saving Throw: None
SR: No
To Develop: Seeds: Reveal (DC 19) Factors: Both Hear and See (+2 DC), Mobile Sensor (+2 DC), Allow Magically Enhanced Senses (+4 DC), Cast Any Spell With a Range of Touch or Greater (+6 DC), Free From Line of Effect (x10 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal or Somatic Components (+4 DC)

Jazaths Dire Hurricane of Winter
Spellcraft DC: 948
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened Spell
Range: Personal
Area: 242 miles
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Fortitude, partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
Development: Seeds: Energy (Weather) (Base) DC 25, Energy (Cold) DC 19, Afflict DC 19. Factors: two affected abilities (Str and Dex) (DC +4), casting time reduced to standard action (DC +20), Duration increased by 7,100% (DC +142), increase ability damage dice from d1 to d6 (DC +20), 58 additional cold damage dice (DC +116), increase cold damage dice from d6 to d20 (DC +40), freeze over effect (ad hoc DC +11), Storm arrives instantly (ad hoc DC +20), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal or Somatic (+4 DC), Increase Area by 12,000% (+480)

Upon casting this spell, the weather in an area with a radius of 2 miles around the caster instantly changes into a hurricane charged with ice magic. Any creature in the area must takes 60d20 cold damage, 1d6 ability damage to strength and dexterity and gets coated in ice. A successful fortitude save (DC 20 + ability modifier) prevents the ability damage and the ice coating and halves the cold damage. Unattended objects and surfaces that fail their save against this are covered in ice, granting +5 to all skill checks to handle them or move over them. A creature coated in ice is immobilized until it manages to break free using a strength check against DC 22.
The heavy winds make attacks with ranged weapons impossible and bestow a penalty of -8 on attacks with siege weapons. All fires are extinguished automatically. Listen checks become impossible. Any Huge or smaller creature must resist the winds with a fortitude save (DC 20). Huge creatures that fail can’t move against the wind direction. Large creatures that fail fall prown. Medium or smaller creatures fall prown and are thrown back 1d4 x 10 feet, taking 1d4 bashing damage per 10 feet. For more information, see chapter 3 of the DMG.

Jazaths Living Slaughter
Spellcraft DC: 1008
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: 300 ft
Effect: One Living Spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Special
SR: Yes
To Develop: Seeds: Life (DC 27), Slay (DC 25), Destroy (DC 29), Animate Dead (DC 23) Factors: Quickened Spell (+28 DC), 100 HD Slayed (+160 DC), No Verbal or Somatic Components (+30 DC), 100d6 Damage (+160 DC), Increase Damage Die by 4 Steps (+40 DC), Change Undead Type to Ghost (+8 DC), Give Life to Spell (x2 DC)

After the spell is cast, spell can effectively “cast itself.” When the character casts the spell, a blast of destructive energy deals 100d20 points to a single target, and automatically slays 100 HD of creature. If the creature is slayed by the spell they rise up as ghosts. Forever cursed to find eternal unrest. Jazaths Living Slaughter follows all the standard rules for epic spell casting when the character casts it. Jazaths Living Slaughter is sentient and generally friendly toward the character. It has the character’s mental ability scores, but it has no physical ability scores. It senses the world through the character’s senses and communicates with him or her by thought. As a self-triggering spell, it isn’t truly alive but is a fragment of the character’s personality. It cares little for the world around it, but at the character’s urging (and sometimes at its own discretion) it casts itself at his or her foes. Casters who prepare spells before casting must prepare Jazath Living Slaughter normally in order for it to cast itself. When the spell casts itself, it acts on the character’s initiative but does not count against his or her own actions in the round. The character cannot simultaneously cast living lightning while it is casting its own effect, even if it has been prepared more than once. Jazaths Living Slaughter uses up one of the character’s epic spell slots for the day whenever it casts itself. When the character has used up all his or her epic spell slots for the day (or has cast all his or her prepared living lightning spells, if a caster who must prepare spells), Jazaths Living Slaughter becomes quiescent. It remains so until the character has rested to regain his or her epic spell slots for the next day.
Since Jazath himself has unlimited spells, the spell is constantly in effect.

Jazaths Paragon Lavawight/Winterwight
Spellcraft DC: 150
Components: None
Casting Time: Quickened
Range: Touch
Effect: One or more creatures Touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
SR: No
To Develop: Animate Dead (DC 23) Factors: Change Undead Type To Paragon Lavawight/Winterwight (+60 DC), 55 HD Undead (+35 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), No Verbal or Somatic Components (+4 DC),

This spell creates 1 Paragon Winterwight or Lavawight to serve the caster

2021-03-03, 01:00 PM
The Borg
The Borg were built by Jazath as a machine designed to harness near unlimited technology in the form of a hive mind. Using adaptive technology discovered in a dead society of once a powerful civilization. He assimilated the first 10 species into the collective, and together he used them to build ships. Those ships spread and began to seek perfection by assimilating species and their technology. They grew and grew until they became enormously powerful.

The Borg is made of lifeforms from another species whom has undergone
assimilation involving extensive biological enhancements and technological
devices implanted throughout the entire body. The minds of Borg drones are
linked to the Main Borg Collective's Hive Mind and are enslaved mentally, all of their
knowledge is drained, analyzed, and absorbed into the Borg Mind.
Borg drones are both the workers and warriors which make up the Borg Collective.
Each drone is assigned a particular function and
designation, and depending upon that function the drones technology and
implants may vary slightly such as Medical enhancements or tactical enhancements

Borg Assimilation Process and Templates
The Borg go through great deals to preserve some of the Special Qualities an Special Attacks of the original creature. Those it can't preserve due to natural reasons it replaces with'Borg Improved Enhancements' for example, the Illithids tentacles are covered with armor, and 3 inch long needles are stored in the tips of their tentacles with the same qualities and function of the Borg Nanoprobes. Allowing the Illithid to use Nanopropes on a creature 4x the usual size allowed for a medium sized drone to assimilate (Due to the fact they are using more Nanoprobes) or 6x if a Ulitharid is doing the assimilation
Another example of a Borg replacing and installing artificial improvements is the Beholder. They keep the central eye intact but all six eyes are replaced with Borg eyepeices. They also simulate green beams that mimic the functions of A borg eyeblast with different effects they find more desirable. Usually they use Time Stop, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone, Fear, Suggestion and Mind Probe for the abilities. Other Beholdrs like Hive Mothers are equipped with the best of Beholder/Beholderkin eye rays and powerful Borg additions
The Nanoprobe description is depicted below

Nanoprobe Injection
When injected by the Assimilation Needle, victim must make a DC 30 fortitude save or be assimilated into the first stage of Borg Assimilation. If the Save is Successful the save must be repeated with a +10 DC added to its difficulty as the Nanoprobes adapt to the victim. The victim keeps repeating the save until they succumb to the Nanoprobes or a Nanocure developed to target Borg nanoprobes is administered

Borg Assimilation Stage 1 (Done with Injection)
HD: Hit dice Changes to d8, losses class levels, receives 20 HD (Or Natural HD if Higher. Plus, they are augmented to have max HD for their species, without changing size.), 12 additional hit points per hit dice.
Speed: 20 feet (Can't run), Flight Speed (Same), Burrow Speed (Same), Swim Speed (Same)
Ac: +12 Luck, +12 Insight, Losses natural bonus
Attacks: Keeps Natrual Attacks, +25 to hit
Damage: +20 to damage
Special Attacks: Losses spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Gains Borg Adaption and Qualities, Fast Healing 80 and Regeneration 80,
Saves: +10 to reflex, +30 to Fortitude (Nanoprobe enhancement.) Always success with Will Saves.
Abilities Losses constitution, Wisdom becomes 11, Charisma becomes 10, strength and dexterity increase to 18 (Or keep if higher), +15 to Strength and Dexterity
Skills: Absorbed by the collective
Feats: Absorbed

Borg Assimilation Stage 2 (Done in Assimilation pods)
Speed: reverts to 20 ft, If they posses any Flight, Swim or Burrow speed it triples and possess perfect maneuverability.
AC: +30 Enchantment
Special Attacks: Nanoprobe Injection
Special Qualities: Borg Appendage, Borg Eyepeice, Gravity Anchor, Adamantine Skeleton, Personal Phase Cloaking Device, Cranial Transceiver.

Borg Drone Stats (Typical, from Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Goblins, and those with no Special Qualities)
Jazath Tactical Borg (Borg Soldier)
HD: 20d8+240 (400 Hp)
Initiative: +7 dex
Speed: 20 ft (Can't run)
Ac: 71 (+7 Dex, +30 Enchantment Armor, +12 Insight, +12 Luck)
Attacks: 4 Slams +67/+62/+57/+52 Melee, Or 10 Disruptor shots +56 melee, or 4 Neutralizers +56 melee .
Damage: Slam (1d6+46), Disruptor (4d10+20), Nuetralizer (8d6+20 Subsonic) plus paralyization (DC 30)
Grapple: +50
Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Nanoprobe Injection (Assimilation)
Special Qualities: Adamantine Bones, Adaptive, Collective Intelligence , Hive Mind, Detect Magic (At Will), Fast Healing 80, Regeneration 80, Gravity Anchor, Immunities, Learned Weapon Immunity, Immunity to Magic, Long Borg Eyepiece, Phase Cloak, Truesight (60 feet), Omni-sensor, Resilient, Cranial Transceiver,
Saves: Fortitude (+42) Reflex (+29) Will (Never Fails/Collective)
Abilities: Str (43) Dex (33) Con (--) Int (--) Wis (11) Cha (10)
Skills: Collective
Feats: Weapon Focus (X3), Weapon Specialization (x3), Greater Weapon Focus (X3), Greater Weapon Specialization (x3), Melee Weapon Mastery (Bludgeoning, Piercing), Toughness, Mobility, Dodge, Endurance, Combat Reflexes
Epic Feats: Epic Weapon Focus (x3), Epic Weapon Specialization (x3)
*Feats are selectively used by the collective. The ones above are usually what the Borg Mind use. However in special cases a borg drone can use certain feats

Jazath Standard Borg
HD: 20d8+240 (400 hp)
Initiative: +12 dex
Speed: 20 feet (Can't Run)
AC: 76 (+12 dex, +30 Enhancement Bonus, +12 insight, +12 luck)
Attacks: 4 Slams +57/+52/+47/+42
Damage: Slam (1d6+33)
Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Nanoprobe Injection
Special Qualities: Adamantine Bones, Adaptive, Learned Weapon Immunity, Immunity to Magic, Borg Immunities, Hive Mind, Fast Healing 80, Regeneration 80, Collective Intelligence, Polyvox, Gravity Anchor, Truesight (60 ft), Detect Magic (At Will), Omni-Sensor, Resilient, Cranial Transceiver.
Saves: Fort (+41) Ref (+28) Will (+NA)
Abilities: Str (36) Dex (35) Con (--) Int (--) Wis (11) Cha (10)
Skills: Collective
Feats: Collective
Epic Feats: Collective

Jazaths Medical Borg
HD: 20d8+240 (400 hp)
Initiative: +13 dex
Speed: 20 ft (Can't Run)
AC: 78 (+14 Dex, +30 Enhancement Bonus, +12 Insight, +12 Luck)
Attacks: 4 Slams +56/+51/+46/+41 melee
Damage: Slam (1d6+31)
Grapple: +23
Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Nanoprobe Injection
Special Qualities: Adamantine Bones, Adaptive, Learned Weapon Immunity, Immunity to Magic, Fast Healing 80, Regeneration 80, Collective Intelligence, Hive Mind, Polyvox, Gravity Anchor, Truesight (120 ft), Detect Magic (At Will), Neural Recorder, Medical Servo-*Armature Appendage , Regenerator (800 hp per round), Omni-Sensors, Bioscoping eyepiece, Resilient, Cranial Transceiver.
Saves: Fort (+42) Ref (+32) Will (+NA)
Abilities: Str (33) Dex (38) Con (--) Int (--) Wis (11) Cha (10)

Borg Special Attacks and Qualities
If a Borg Drone is damaged by a type of damage other than the list of Borg Immunities, such as Acid, Fire, Cold, Lightning or Sonic. In one round the Borg will adapt and become immune to that damage type. This also includes Psionics similiar to a learned Psionics Immunity. The Borg have adapted to all Psionics in the EPH (Expanded Psionics Handbook) as well as some certain custom Epic Psionics.
Each round the Borg face a specific opponent, If the Borg can't hit the opponent with its current attack bonus, each round the attack bonus will increase with a +10 Insight bonus to hit as the drone learns and adapts to the specific opponents movements and defenses. The Borg drone will retain that bonus as long as the person or object in question does not go through change that changes its usual behavior pattern. An alignment change would definitely reset the Borg drones Insight Bonus to hit. As well as a major increase in Intelligence or wisdom scores. This will cause the Bonus to reset to the original drones attack bonus.
The Borg can adapted their sensors to pick up anything hiding from their sensors, this takes 1d4 rounds to complete, Borg all can upgrade themselves technologically (To keep up with new technology assimilated) when something new is discovered.

The Borg have adapted to all nonmagical weapons, Radiant damage, Profane damage and holy damage.

The Borg cannot adapt to Anti-Matter, as well of certain things said by the GM

Nanoprobe Injection
When injected by the Assimilation Needle, victim must make a DC 30 fortitude save or be assimilated into the first stage of Borg Assimilation. If the Save is Successful the save must be repeated with a +10 DC added to its difficulty as the Nanoprobes adapt to the victim. The victim keeps repeating the save until they succumb to the Nanoprobes or a Nanocure developed to target Borg nanoprobes is administered

Adamantium Skeleton
Renders the Borg Virtually indestructible. Immune to vorpal and sharpness weapons. Also allows the Borg to regenerate even when far below 0 hit points. In order to fully kill a Borg drone it must be lowered below -15 hit points (When their Magic Immunity Equipment are so badly damaged and the Borg Drone is downed)
Then, some of the following methods must be done to permanently destroy the drone
- Disintegration spell or effect must be cast (The Drone would have to be off the Borg ship/complex where the Anti-Magic and Dampening field are not in effect)
- There would have to be temperatures of at least 5,475° Fahrenheit (In dice terms that means 50d6, it means you need 300 points of fire damage worth to reach the bones melting points.)
- A weapon forged of Antarctic Vibranium can bypass the vorpal immunity and permanently destroy the drone once down -15 hit points.

Borg Appendage
- Universal Energy Interface (This allows the Borg to interface with or view any system. It could range from an entire spaceship to a single robot. The droid can analyze and enter the system unhindered by any necessary console to do so.)
- Automatic System Bypass/Control (Allows them to bypass all defensive coding, restricted areas, ect within a system. Usually a Borg reroutes all of the ships control to the console it is currently at when needed. Blocking any resistance using the ships own systems. In simple terms it takes over the entire ship/system.)
This takes 1d4 rounds to complete
- Assimilation Needle (1d4 points of damage and bypasses hardness. Made out of a very specific and thin metallic alloy. It is covered and infused with with an acidic bio-chemical derived from illithids enzymes (Found in their tentacles) along with many other species and universal solvent acid. The chemical is infused to the needles essence. Creating a unique chemical compound.)
- Energy/System Disruptor (This automatically disrupts any energy form or computer system. It destabilizes any form of energy field (magic, Psionic, technological, ect), it causes all ship systems to run amuck. In essence it would perhaps cause, at its full potency, a ship to explode as everything including its power source become violently erratic and unstable)
*Certian species have highly advanced computers and technological capabilities that can prevent the Borg from taking control of a vessel
Borg Eyepiece
- Omni-Sensor (Picks up all Bandwidths, Identifies all types of magic and psionoics, energies, Allows to gauge class levels, ability scores, caster levels and psionic levels, X-ray vision (120 ft) (Air waves and sound waves, tremor sense, ect)
- Complete Biological and Technological Analyzer
- Truesight (60 ft)
- Detect Magic
- Detect Psionics
- Subatomic Analyzer
- Can see into all jointed planes of that Universe (Negate incorporeal Bonus's and percentage modifications to hit due to incorporeal and such stats.)
- Perceive 4D objects

Phase Cloak
A cloaking device designed for personal use. Built into the Drone, It allows Borg to become invisible and allows them to pass/glide through objects and such. Designed to be one of the most advanced forms of cloaking technology.

Gravity Anchor
A device Built in Borg Drones, It generates a field of artificial gravity around the Drone. In low gravity and zero gravity conditions, the gravity anchor can be activated to give the Drone the benefits of full gravity in any situation. Drones are unaffected by low gravity and zero-g conditions.

A Borg Drone can continue operating all the way down to -15 hit points, also, the Borg drone is immune to critical hits, and immune to death by massive damage.

- Fire
- Cold
- Acid
- Lightning
- Sonic
- Mind Affecting
- Immunity To Magic

Cranial Transceiver.
The Borg have a constant transporter lock on Borg Drones.

Our Borg is designed to ignore a paradox when it encounters one, simply storing the data for admin (That's me) To review.
Borg ships are sub focal points for the collective. Two types of links: sublinks and links. Links are solidly established if a borg drone is in the same solar system of a Borg cube or similar Borg official location. A linked drone is part of a singular Borg entity, to talk to one drone with a link is to talk to every Borg. Think of Jazath and the Borg as two seperate beings. Jazath as Admin and the Borg as the follower and servitor.
If the Borg Cube is not in the same solar system as a borg member, the drone will loose the base link but will ALWAYS retain a sublink. The sublink is not as strong as a primary link. Only thing it really allows is the collective to know the direction of the sublinked Borg, as well if it is danger or being held captive. The collective will send phase cloaked Borg to retrieve the Borg Drone(s)
The Sublinked drone acts in it's designated manner. Attempting to gather information but ultimately find a way back to the collective. A group of Borg Drones away from the Borg cube will establish a link with each other, but the entire group also retains the sublink. A single sublinked Borg reverts to 33 Intelligence. But does not gain wisdom and automatically follows orders it was assigned. The sublinked borg drone loses the score when with multiple Borg and the small collective of Borg forms a more powerful mental link to reach longer distances,. The more Borg in a link the more powerful the sublink.

Also if the Borg are beamed with a Borg Collective Matrix they always will retain a link as long as the matrix is in the same solar system. A Matrix is located in the center of every Borg vessel or structure and is the Sub-Focal Point for the collective omnimatrix.
Sublinked Borg not in the full collective will usually phase cloak and enter safe areas or places of interest. Analyzing and observing.
Borg can obliterate any computer virus on command. Their links regenerate in practically picoseconds.

Borg Ships
(Type: Superheavy) (Size: Awesome)
(Subtype: Borg Cube) (Tactical Speed: 8,500 feet)
(Defense: 863) (Length: 3,036 meters)
(Flat-footed Defense: NA) ( Weight: 3,166,560,000,000 Metric tons*)
(Autopilot Defense: NA) (Targeting System Bonus: +1,800)
(Hardness: 1500) (Crew: Usually 5,000 Drones)
(Hit Dice: 50,000d20 (1,000,000 hp)) (Passenger Capacity: 179,000 Drones)
(Initiative Modifier: +100) (Cargo Capacity:: 1,000,000 metric tons)
(Grapple Modifier:+250)

Attacks: 16 Borg Energy Beams (1,000 pts), 3 Borg Cutting Beams (Not sure. In roleplay terms they usually just slice through your hull), 2 Gravimetric Torpedoes (25% of targets HP)

Armor: Ablative Hull Armor, Tritanium Shape Memory Alloy,
Engines: Spatial Compressor, Borg Matrix Warp Drive, Temporal Drive Generator, Dimensional Drive Generator, Jump Drive

Defense Systems: Adaptive Multispatial Shield Systems, Automatic Regeneration Matrix (50,000 hp per round), Phase Cloak, Nanite Repair Array, High Level Structural Integrity Array, Subspace Field, Selective Anti-Magic Field, Dampening Field, Temporal Shields,

Sensors: Magic/Psionic Immune Sensors, Class X Sensors, Achilles Targeting Systems.

Communications: Ansible, Borg Collective, Drive Transciever

Weapons: 24 Omega Class Tractor Beams (Negates all energy sources on a locked on object. Freezing them entirely and negating their shields), 24 Borg Energy Weapons, 18 Borg Cutting Beams, 6 Torpedo Launching Bays

Interior Of Borg Cube:
- Borg Collective Link (Center of Borg Ship)
- Assimilation Chambers (10,000) (1 Round for completion)
- Maturation Chambers (4)
- Stasis Chamber (1) (500 Extradimensional Pockets)
- Docking Chamber (6)
- Temporal and Dimensional Drive Chamber
- Shield Matrix
- Power Nodes (18,006) (A single node powers 100 Borg Alcoves, Powers weapons, ect. Acts a backup from damage of Borg Collective Link)
- Transporter Nodes (3,600)
- Distribution Nodes
- Waveguide Conduits
- Transwarp Drive Chamber (6 Transwarp Coils)

These convert entire planets into the material used for construction. It can create more borg ships or just use it as constructing material.

Meant as a scout ship. A lot smaller than a Borg cube

A little longer than a cube. But thin. They create dimensional rifts and pockets to transport large cargo over a great distance. If at least a 100 surround a planet they can teleport the whole place if needed to another location. Usually the main Borg Complex.

(Type: Superheavy) (Size: Awesome)
(Subtype: Borg Cube) (Tactical Speed: 12,000 feet)
(Defense: 902) (Length: 4,000 meters)
(Flat-footed Defense: NA) ( Weight: 5,166,560,000,000 Metric tons*)
(Autopilot Defense: NA) (Targeting System Bonus: +1,800)
(Hardness: 2000) (Crew: Usually 150,000 Drones)
(Hit Dice: 74,000d20 (1,500,000 hp)) (Passenger Capacity: 17,000)
(Initiative Modifier: +158) (Cargo Capacity:: 1,000,000 metric tons)
(Grapple Modifier:+283)

Attacks: 40 Borg Energy Beams (1,000 pts), 6 Borg Cutting Beams (Not sure. In roleplay terms they usually just slice through your hull), 4 Chroniton Hyper-Quantum Torpedoes (4d20+5000)

Armor: Ablative Hulll Armor, Tritanium Shape Memory Alloy,

Engines: Spatial Compressor, Borg Matrix Engine, Temporal Drive Generator, Dimensional Drive Generator, Jump Drive

Defense Systems: Adaptive Shield Systems, Automatic Regeneration Matrix (75,000 hp per round), Phase Cloak, Nanite Repair Array High Level Structural Integrity Array, Subspace Field, Selective Anti-Magic Field, Force Field, One-way Wall Of Force Protection, Dampening Field, Temporal Shields, Phase Shift (75% Miss Chance),

Sensors: Magic/Psionic Immune Sensors, Class X Sensors, Achilles Targeting System.

Communications: Ansible, Borg Collective, Achilles Targeting System, Drive Transceiver

Weapons: 24 Omega Class Tractor Beams (Negates all energy sources on a locked on object. Freezing them entirely and negating their shields), 40 Borg Energy Weapons, 24 Borg Cutting Beams, 7 Replicating Torpedo Launching Bays, Repilicator Mine Layer (Cloaked Mobile Null Mine)

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/35c3a5fb-02c6-478f-be21-4bbba6c38649/d5numw-bf5db2fe-9429-4c67-93f0-51cb42856da5.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMzVjM2E1ZmItMD JjNi00NzhmLWJlMjEtNGJiYmE2YzM4NjQ5XC9kNW51bXctYmY1 ZGIyZmUtOTQyOS00YzY3LTkzZjAtNTFjYjQyODU2ZGE1LmpwZy J9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2Fk Il19.Fzk9iiUUBKc-2a91MUQPw2rHkRsgfusJqGa6a10zUq4
Intended for combat. Heavily armed out of all the Borg vessels. Deals 5,000 points with a single shot. Made for elite personnel

A special ship that patrols the Borg Omnicomplex. Designed with many unique and interesting weapons. With a wider variety than the Borg Tactical Diamond and more unique defenses. Also one Borg Energy Beam can fire over 40 shots per round. With instant recharging and able to glide between dimensions and time. Never found away from the Omnicomplex, they also can instantly fix any damaged parts of a Borg Ship. If the same ability is used with an Omnicomplex the area it's projecting its special beam instantly heals all damage in turns, instead of just rounds.

9,200 meters wide
9,120 meters tall
36,480 meters long

Carries cargo and has "Seeds" for Borg base installments on planets. Also carries vehicles like warbots and heavy weapons meant for land and sea. Along with air

Collective Information
Borg Roles
Tactical drones have high strength scores, Standard Drones have mostly equalized dexterity and strength but usually 1 point higher strength, Medical Drones have high dexterity.
Certain special species will be formatted into assimilation pods into one of the three roles. Usually what they would work best as. Not all drones have the equalization the standard species have when they are assimilated. Beholders are usually assigned as Standard Drones, Glooms are usually formatted for the Medical type. Though they can also be tactical, though rarely. Dragons are always tactical or Standard.
And so on.

- Tactical Borg (Made for combat and defensive assignments or missions)
- Standard Borg (Typical for fighting, engineering, maintenance, ect.)
- Medical Borg (Can speed up regeneration to parts of damage on a ship or object, studies new creatures, studies creatures who can't be assimilated, analyzes anomalies or mysteries involving Borg destruction (And helps the collective figure out anyway to prevent Borg destruction, Helps retrieve Borg and Borg Corpses, Evaluates biological and natural substances and such)

Special Species In The Collective
Dragons (Normal Dragons (Chromatic, Linnorms, ect.), Epic/Highborn Dragons, Adamic Dragons (Comet Dragons, Lunar Dragons, Solar Dragons, ect.)
Kahtak (Winged paragon War Trolls)
Cerebiums (Six armed super telepaths)
Aquatic species (Aboleths, Sea Elves, Mermen, Sirens, ect.)
Grell (Took us a bit on how to figure it out....)
Virtually everything able to be assimilated in the monster manual. As well as billions of alien species.

Species Assimilated
Over 2 Trillion Different Species Have been assimilated ( Maybe many more of trillions. We have numbers of over 4 Quadrillion on the main Borg Omnicomplex alone. Trillions upon trillions of more are scattered in unimatrix's and trillions of Borg cubes (Along with other Borg Ships) and Borg buildings (Floating Borg Islands, Underground bases, and immense Borg Land Bases)

Borg Constructs
- Central Unimatrix (A immense complex which is the Absolute Borg Focal point of the ENTIRE collective. The structure is the size of around UY Scuti, with 1,700x the mass of our sun, many moon-sized anti-gravity generators to help contain its immense gravity, over 4 Quadrillion Borg with numbers being increased every day, Indissoluble regeneration (Attacking it from the outside is utterly stupid and pointless, after 1 round it regenerates all damage done to it. Destroy the Omnimatrix is the best bet of destroying the whole complex, the Omnimatrix is located in the center of the massive complex. It actually can go mobile. Though how is a trade secret. Since the station can't go mobile due to its size. The Borg Central Unimatrix and monitors all Universes/Multiverses that have Borg (Or anywhere the Borg are in) and basically everything. It is placed in a flux time stream. Only one with a Temporal and Dimensional Drive Generator working together in sync keyed to the right frequency can enter the complex, As well with Borg Permission. Though one can force it into the normal time stream. Or stowaway on a Borg ship, though when the Borg enters the Central Unimatrix flux the "person falls through" the Borg ship and into space.)
- Unimatrix (Only one exists in a universe. Contains 10's of trillions of drones. drones and used for virtually every purpose A primary location for Borg Activity in that universe. The first structure entered into a universe when Borg require a permanent presence
- Submatrix (Smaller than the Unimatrixs. 4 placed in opposite ends of a galaxy. Contains trillions of drones and used for virtually every purpose. (Like a mini version of the Omnimatrix and unimatrixs.)
- Hexunit (Repair/shipyard complexes with hexagon design. Made to act as a borg hub in solar systems. A science, repair, and borg cube manufacturer. At least 90,000 in the universe. Will be located in separate Quadrants.)
- Fortress Complex (An immense land based construct put on multiple worlds. They look like rectangular skyscrapers and multiple are lined in the same area usually)
- Marine Dome Complex (Made for aquatic bases)
- Floating Island (Put into an air based world. Highly rare.

Borg Protocols and Mannerisms
- When encountering a superior enemy, the Borg will attempt to gather as much info as they can by observing from a distance and by gathering samples to observe.
- The Borg monitor each and every one of its drones. If even one goes off-line the Borg will do everything in its power to retrieve the lost drone
- All Borg are built-in with a desire to return to the collective if separated. They also posses homing beacons in their bodies.
- The Borg are relentless, if a enemy escapes them the Borg will hunt them down to the ends of the universe and beyond. Never pausing or stopping until they assimilate the creatures that escape them. If they are threatened with destruction in a way they cannot handle, they back off
- Diplomacy is irrelevant.
- Borg did not invest themselves emotionally in their conflicts: in all their conquests, they displayed a straightforward, dispassionate goal of assimilating other species to add to their own perfection. In fact, they would ignore "enemy" ships and individuals unless they perceived them to be either a threat or useful for assimilation.
- The Borg also did not seek revenge or desire to settle vendettas against others.
- Borg see individuality as a weakness, as a flaw in the universe.
The collective its basically the same of Star Trek. In all mannerisms.

2021-03-03, 03:13 PM
Why do you not have some chalk and some ink and paper?
Secondary thing: what do you have in your army to counter nested time stops and planar shepherds of the far realms and other infinite time things so that you do not have to step and counter them yourself?

2021-03-03, 03:15 PM
Why do you not have some chalk and some ink and paper?

XD I don't know! Maybe because I felt itchy to type?

Why do you not have some chalk and some ink and paper?
Secondary thing: what do you have in your army to counter nested time stops and planar shepherds of the far realms and other infinite time things so that you do not have to step and counter them yourself?

We have temporal shields to protect us from any temporal anomalies and changes in time.
But beings who are infinite in nature we avoid completely, like the far realm we avoid. Our Borg collective never lasts in the far realm due to the fact the chaotic laws in the far realm always disrupts our Borg Link

2021-03-03, 05:29 PM
IHB numbers are big, yo.

Just make sure you have all of your bases covered with respect to not having to deal with things that are beneath you. I assume that if you're playing a character with 723 Hit Dice, you'd like for no conventional means to be able to inconvenience you or require resource expenditure. Make sure to have every necessary (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items) effect up and running at all times.

I notice that you have Alter Reality, but haven't used it to give yourself every 8th-level-or-lower buff in the game and made it permanent yet, so you might wanna go ahead and slap on some effects. Don't actually give yourself every buff in the game, since you can't keep track of that out of character, but adding your favorite passive effects that you can work into your statblock would be fine. Alter Reality is also going to be your workhorse if you forget your chalk and paper or whatever, but it might be nice to get a Limited Wish button or something, too. That way, you won't have to wait out the rounds of resting time attached to Alter Reality if you're just trying to duplicate Shatter or something. (EDITL Ah, IHB's Cosmic-level Alter Reality takes care of the wish button, even if the Divine version doesn't.)

You do not appear to have chosen Spell Stowaway for any of your epic feats. It's a good counter to Time Stop, Celerity, etc.. that doesn't require you to lift a finger.

2021-03-03, 06:05 PM
IHB numbers are big, yo.

Just make sure you have all of your bases covered with respect to not having to deal with things that are beneath you. I assume that if you're playing a character with 723 Hit Dice, you'd like for no conventional means to be able to inconvenience you or require resource expenditure. Make sure to have every necessary (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items) effect up and running at all times.

I notice that you have Alter Reality, but haven't used it to give yourself every 8th-level-or-lower buff in the game and made it permanent yet, so you might wanna go ahead and slap on some effects. Don't actually give yourself every buff in the game, since you can't keep track of that out of character, but adding your favorite passive effects that you can work into your statblock would be fine. Alter Reality is also going to be your workhorse if you forget your chalk and paper or whatever, but it might be nice to get a Limited Wish button or something, too. That way, you won't have to wait out the rounds of resting time attached to Alter Reality if you're just trying to duplicate Shatter or something. (EDITL Ah, IHB's Cosmic-level Alter Reality takes care of the wish button, even if the Divine version doesn't.)

You do not appear to have chosen Spell Stowaway for any of your epic feats. It's a good counter to Time Stop, Celerity, etc.. that doesn't require you to lift a finger.

I'll attempt to gain level and more Multifaceted abilities. To be honest I didn't choose Spell Stowaway because I didn't deem it necessary. Alright, limited wish sounds pretty good. But I can cast all spells at will without having a limited spell capacity thanks to Enscrolled. Which I'm not sure why I typed enlightened

2021-03-03, 06:19 PM
Can I use Permanent Emanation with Invulnerability? If I do that I would eliminate all inconveniences!
YES! I can see it now! Ultimate power!

2021-03-03, 08:00 PM
Okay, so looking over this "Immortals Handbook: Ascension"... given that you've assimilated 2 trillion species into the Borg Collective, every member of which presumably became a completely devoted follower of Jazath once assimilated into the hive-mind, is there a reason you're not using the Infinite Intelligence ability to give yourself +Infinity to all Spellcraft checks, allowing you to research and cast any Epic Spell you can imagine?

2021-03-04, 12:17 PM
Okay, so looking over this "Immortals Handbook: Ascension"... given that you've assimilated 2 trillion species into the Borg Collective, every member of which presumably became a completely devoted follower of Jazath once assimilated into the hive-mind, is there a reason you're not using the Infinite Intelligence ability to give yourself +Infinity to all Spellcraft checks, allowing you to research and cast any Epic Spell you can imagine?

Sadly, we haven't found the ability to do so. We're not sure why, but we can't. I can't cast that kind of magic just yet and fail every time. But I can harness their knowledge to assimilate all spells known by the person we entered into the collective, given me near unlimited knowledge of every spell in existence I can cast.

Also, each and every one of those creatures belong to a singular entity.

2021-03-04, 12:32 PM
I notice that you've chosen Elusion as one of your Cosmic abilities, which apparently allows you to replace your AC with a Reflex save. This is an odd choice, given that your AC is 167 points higher than your Reflex save.

2021-03-04, 12:36 PM
I notice that you've chosen Elusion as one of your Cosmic abilities, which apparently allows you to replace your AC with a Reflex save. This is an odd choice, given that your AC is 167 points higher than your Reflex save.

Just in case some one passes my Jazaths Ultra Mage Armor.

2021-03-04, 01:20 PM
Sadly, we haven't found the ability to do so. We're not sure why, but we can't. I can't cast that kind of magic just yet and fail every time. But I can harness their knowledge to assimilate all spells known by the person we entered into the collective, given me near unlimited knowledge of every spell in existence I can cast.

Also, each and every one of those creatures belong to a singular entity.

Uh... Ok, so OOC, does that translate to "GM ruling: you can have Cosmic abilities but not Transcendental or Omnific abilities', then?
Oh, also, you misspelled one of your abilities, I think. You've got "Enscrolled", but I think that's meant to be "Ensorcelled"?

You can cast any number of spells per day.
Prerequisites: Cha 70, Divine Sorcery, Spellcraft 70 Ranks.
Benefit: You can cast any number of spells per day
...... Also I think you need to be a Sorceror to take that one.

2021-03-04, 01:26 PM
Uh... Ok, so OOC, does that translate to "GM ruling: you can have Cosmic abilities but not Transcendental or Omnific abilities', then?
Oh, also, you misspelled one of your abilities, I think. You've got "Enscrolled", but I think that's meant to be "Ensorcelled"?

...... Also I think you need to be a Sorceror to take that one.

An unseen force is preventing us from doing so. Maybe a Time Lord/High Lord.

A wizard version of that was created in our campaign. Though it's functions remain the same we're thinking of renaming it to another name. Like Limitless Spells. It was put as Enscrolled because the functions remain the same, it's just a wizard version of it

Either that or we'll just find a Transcendental ability were you eliminate the perquisites for cosmic abilities, or just shuffle some class levels around and give him the Sorcerer. Though it's still in debate

2021-03-05, 02:33 PM
We updated Jazaths stats and abilities. As well as the collective info, including special Attacks and Quality details.

2021-03-08, 01:47 PM
- Jazaths Borg can't run very fast due to the Adamantine Bones and heavy frame.
- Jazaths Adaptive Quality has been defined.
- Borgs retain and triple flight and swim speed
Borg beings with swim speed are equipped with equipment giving them triple their movement speeds in water.
Also, Borg with the natural swim speed also have the ability to exist outside of water with Gravity Controllers embedded into them during assimilation. Creatures with Natural swim speed also gain a fly speed (Perfect) with the same movement ft of their swim speed.
- Borg bones can be bypassed with weapons made from Antarctic Vibranium, and a certain degree of temperature.
- Borg Appendage qualities have been thoroughly detailed and organized.
- Borg Eyepiece has two additional Qualities.
- Borg Drones described, as well as new format for description in the Assimilation area.
- Complexes better described and categorized
- More info regarding the Main Borg Omnicomplex

2021-03-09, 02:46 PM
Also the rest of the party is as follows so far
- Thoon (Pherinic Paragon Ulitharid/First One (Greater Overgod Divine Rank 58)) (562 Psionic/162 Psionic Warrior)
- Kain Battleborne (Paragon Demi-God Hobgoblin) (225 Fighter/150 Legendary Dreadnought/122 Monk/136 Ranger/60 Sorcerer/60 Ninja)
- Kehkazikariathmia (Elder Quintessence Elemental) (640 Rogue/40 Perfect Wight)

2021-03-09, 02:56 PM
Oh, that reminds me of a thought:

Jazath The Phane (Huge Outsider) (603 Wizard/5 Archmage/32 Fighter/18 Legendary Dreadnought)
Why does Jazath have 32 levels of Fighter and 18 levels of Legendary Dreadnought instead of, I don't know, wizard levels, other magical prestige classes, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil, Incantatrix, Rainbow Servant (if he meets the alignment restrictions, I don't actually see an alignment anywhere in the description), etc?

2021-03-09, 03:15 PM
Oh, that reminds me of a thought:

Why does Jazath have 32 levels of Fighter and 18 levels of Legendary Dreadnought instead of, I don't know, wizard levels, other magical prestige classes, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil, Incantatrix, Rainbow Servant (if he meets the alignment restrictions, I don't actually see an alignment anywhere in the description), etc?

Jazath was forced to train as a warrior for quite a long time when he was stuck on the Gameworld of Ander. Ran by a mad elder god named Anderiu (A extra-cosmic gamesman) who plucked powerful creatures and negated all magic abilities, psionic abilities, and anything to do with Temporal Effects. Then dumping them off on a prison world of sorts where he had everyone thrown into a huge tournament. With the planet being the stage.
After a very long time of joining a team, under the training of Captain Kal, He escaped at last by teaming up with a Paragon Demi-God Hobgoblin (Kain), a extremely mad Xixical, a Evil Earth Elemental and a reptilian winged marilith demon. Together they managed to collapse his little game.

2021-03-09, 03:33 PM
Ok, it's a campaign-specific flavour thing, fair enough. Sounds like a pretty neat adventure idea. :)

2021-03-10, 10:45 AM
How did Jazath get the high tech stuff like the watch or the grenades?

Also, if Jazath is so smart could he make these items: https://starfinder.dragonlash.com/equipment/hybrid-items/
or these https://aonsrd.com/WeaponDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Dominion&Family=Degenerator%20Pistol or this: https://starfinderwiki.com/sf/Universal_polymer_base

Also, could he alter the laws of magic in such a way that certain spells function differently, like using the 3.0 version of haste, for example?

2021-03-10, 12:28 PM
How did Jazath get the high tech stuff like the watch or the grenades?

To be fair, Jazath is a Time Travelling Menace who is obsessed with technology. He learned to construct and obtain items from different time periods. He's a collector of rare creatures, items, and technology. He knows about Iphones and such. Only because he traveled through time periods.
EDIT: Also, that and The Borg. Who Assimilate all newfound technology.

Also, if Jazath is so smart could he make these items: https://starfinder.dragonlash.com/equipment/hybrid-items/
or these https://aonsrd.com/WeaponDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Dominion&Family=Degenerator%20Pistol or this: https://starfinderwiki.com/sf/Universal_polymer_base
Maybe so.

Also, could he alter the laws of magic in such a way that certain spells function differently, like using the 3.0 version of haste, for example?
I'd have to ask my DM, never done such a thing before.

2021-03-10, 03:46 PM
To be fair, Jazath is a Time Travelling Menace who is obsessed with technology. He learned to construct and obtain items from different time periods. He's a collector of rare creatures, items, and technology. He knows about Iphones and such. Only because he traveled through time periods.

Maybe so.

I'd have to ask my DM, never done such a thing before.

"Maybe so."

[Coming from a being with 100+ INT and the ability to never fail checks.]

Jazath must be far DUMBER than I thought if he cannot do this :smallbiggrin:

2021-03-10, 05:02 PM
"Maybe so."

[Coming from a being with 100+ INT and the ability to never fail checks.]

Jazath must be far DUMBER than I thought if he cannot do this :smallbiggrin:

Imagine you are smart enough to do a weapon that is superior to another in all the aspects.
Would you be likely to make the other weapon?
Essentially if they made weapons that have only advantages relatively to the ones you mentioned then they have no clear reason to make the weapons you have mentioned.
Also some of those weapons are made the following way: "we are going to put as many buzzword as possible in a weapon" and does not actually make more sense than "point at the opponent then throw buzzwords to kill it" which might explain why they would be so hard to build.

2021-03-10, 07:24 PM
Imagine you are smart enough to do a weapon that is superior to another in all the aspects.
Would you be likely to make the other weapon?
Essentially if they made weapons that have only advantages relatively to the ones you mentioned then they have no clear reason to make the weapons you have mentioned.
Also some of those weapons are made the following way: "we are going to put as many buzzword as possible in a weapon" and does not actually make more sense than "point at the opponent then throw buzzwords to kill it" which might explain why they would be so hard to build.

I was poking fun at OP since he thinks that a being with the capabilities his has has only a "maybe" chance to create the things I have set forth. :smallwink:

2021-03-11, 11:16 AM
I was poking fun at OP since he thinks that a being with the capabilities his has has only a "maybe" chance to create the things I have set forth. :smallwink:

Maybe? I was not meaning at the fact whether I doubted he could create such items.
It's if he decides to do so. Or if the DM rules that objects from those sources are allowed in the campaign

2021-03-15, 11:52 AM
The Silvanos, a human and elven species, have some highly interesting technology, Antiproton beams, Transphasic Torpedoes and electromagnetic dampening fields?
Found a new rival species we need to assimilate. However, these guys are not going down without a fight. They possess a PL 8-9 technological scale with all sorts of interesting goodies!
I'd love to get our technological hands on.
Their leader has like a total of 529 HD and the Amidah template. First encounter as a PC of someone who could kill me! He has a sword the Borg can't adapt too, a new material and alloy creation process that would prove revolutionary....
I'm so excited!
Well, if we can manage this however. Groups of their ships can go head-to-head with us, they consider us a 'Great Threat To the Balance of Power in their Galaxy' and their all high and mighty leader thinks us as a plague needing to be wiped out!

I'm going to ask, how, in a strategic sense, would you deal with them?
I'm thinking of designing a Nanovirus that assimilates individuals on a huge scale released into their ships secretly.
We create bioreplica robots and use translocaters to switch the bots with higher ups and captains in their starships. Or I create evil clones of them to serve me then use the translocaters.
Soon we attack settlements on the outskirts and then send phase cloaked Borg straight into their territory. Since they have devices that can negate our cloaks we set up a huge attack on those facilities. Targeting them and bringing them down for just amount of time needed for us to infiltrate their quadrant.
We lie in wait, gathering information and replacing higher ups until we can thoroughly cripple their command structure with one swift blow and launch an attack on their homeworld, which is a artificial mobile solar system commanded by their leader.

2021-03-15, 01:42 PM
A Transphasic torpedo would bypass our hardness, deal 10,000d10 , and annihilated one of our borg cubes with a small fleet. That's a lot of damage.
So, that's the threat range we are facing. Dangerous.

2021-03-15, 06:04 PM
A Transphasic torpedo would bypass our hardness, deal 50,000d10 , and annihilated our ships with 2-3 simple shots. That's a lot of damage.
So, that's the threat range we are facing. Dangerous.

When you throw that many virtual dice you might as well use a Gaussian distribution.

2021-03-15, 09:58 PM
Maybe? I was not meaning at the fact whether I doubted he could create such items.
It's if he decides to do so. Or if the DM rules that objects from those sources are allowed in the campaign

Yeah, the rules of the reality do generally have something to say about what is possible. :smallwink:

See also "intelligence is not a superpower" thread.

2021-03-16, 10:32 AM
When you throw that many virtual dice you might as well use a Gaussian distribution.

Faulty report: Make that only 10,000d10 points of damage.
A Borg Drone downloaded some faulty data regarding to the scale of damage their weapons could do. Probably propaganda of some sort to discourage attacks by rival space faring civilizations

2021-03-16, 10:34 AM
Yeah, the rules of the reality do generally have something to say about what is possible. :smallwink:

See also "intelligence is not a superpower" thread.

Of course it's not, just because my INT is really really high doesn't mean I know how to virtually construct everything. That's why we research and assimilate!

2021-03-16, 03:49 PM
Also, I mean to ask, how is my epic spell selection? Any ideas of what more I could make, that I should've covered before?

2021-03-17, 03:29 PM
Also, I mean to ask, how is my epic spell selection? Any ideas of what more I could make, that I should've covered before?

Some of the epic spells you listed does not have descriptions.
Also your base dc for the reveal seed is wrong: it is 19 and not 25 in case of it being a sensor spell.
25 is when you use it to replicate true sight+darkvision+see etheral+see secret doors(does not helps to find secret windows so yes it is kind of absurd to have an effect that much specific but it is DMT(door,monster,treasure) spellcasting for you) and in which case it does not make a sensor.
Also can you make it work in planes other than the one you are standing in to help in case of assaults vs heavily defended pocket planes you can not just delete because you would lose something precious in it?
A permanent variant would be hilarious since it is not a concentration spell so you could eventually see everywhere and cast spells from anywhere.(You can remove the quickened modifier and the no vocal/somatic component modifier it makes the dc too high)

2021-03-17, 04:11 PM
Some of the epic spells you listed does not have descriptions.
Also your base dc for the reveal seed is wrong: it is 19 and not 25 in case of it being a sensor spell.
25 is when you use it to replicate true sight+darkvision+see etheral+see secret doors(does not helps to find secret windows so yes it is kind of absurd to have an effect that much specific but it is DMT(door,monster,treasure) spellcasting for you) and in which case it does not make a sensor.
Also can you make it work in planes other than the one you are standing in to help in case of assaults vs heavily defended pocket planes you can not just delete because you would lose something precious in it?
A permanent variant would be hilarious since it is not a concentration spell so you could eventually see everywhere and cast spells from anywhere.(You can remove the quickened modifier and the no vocal/somatic component modifier it makes the dc too high)

My bad, apologies on the DC.
It would be interesting, but I'll see about that with my DM.
The higher level you are the more ways you can break the game......

2021-03-18, 04:59 PM
603 Wizard/5 Archmage/32 Fighter/18 Legendary Dreadnought
You won D&D. ~600 lvls ago.

If you still didn't, you do something terribly wrong.
May be select wrong system.

D&D 3.X stops working correctly approximately about 40 lvl (upper limit, actually 15-20 lvl). There are some exceptions, but this isn't one of them.

2021-03-18, 07:44 PM
Like you probably could already use innate spell greater celerity to have unlimited castings of greater celerity back when you were level 40.
So basically it is mostly gentlemen agreements that allows you to get anywhere that makes sense.

2021-03-19, 10:24 AM
You won D&D. ~600 lvls ago.

If you still didn't, you do something terribly wrong.
May be select wrong system.

D&D 3.X stops working correctly approximately about 40 lvl (upper limit, actually 15-20 lvl). There are some exceptions, but this isn't one of them.

It's working just fine for us, our DM is managing interesting challenges for us and such.

So....we're having no problem.

2021-03-24, 10:44 AM
But can Jazath defeat the Avengers? The JLA?

What about the Wormverse? (Worm by Wildbow, crazy powerful chracters)

2021-03-24, 11:03 AM
But can Jazath defeat the Avengers? The JLA?

What about the Wormverse? (Worm by Wildbow, crazy powerful chracters)

Avengers? Those people function at very different laws of reality. A simple Time Stop or stasis touch would suffice.
But Thanos with his gauntlet would doom me, unless I retreated to my own universe and exited from their laws of reality I could avoid that snap crackle pop.
i'd slaughter the JLA. Including Darkseid (I'd LOVE to have Omega beams.....)
Superman is just as helpless as any human against my magic, and their spellcaster in the DC universe can't do some of the things I could do. I'd either send Borg cubes to assimilate the JLA, or Enslave them mentally with my magic.
And Thor is not that High of a deity. Jazaths destroyed entire pantheons. I would very well slaughter thor, even annihilate his hammer.

I'm not familiar with the wormverse. But I'd hunt down those beings and use my Digesto ability and to collect those powers and abilities for myself.
If, in question, the DM would allow me.

Also: Since you inbox is full I'll just post my response here. Cruel and ruthless I maybe for doing so, but oh well. Do what's necessary.

So I am thinking of trying to draw up Jazath as someone to use in SpaceBattles.

In light of this, could you please draw up a statblock of Jazath at level 10?

Also, I have a neat item for Jazath:

Stasis Touch Projector
Arm Slot
These thin black wristbands, embedded with arcane circuitry, allow a Phane to project the effects of their Stasis Touch as a ranged touch attack out to 400 ft.

Jazath didn't build his Borg until much latter on. A level 10 Jazath would be A level 10 Wizard Full HD Phane. Nothing too special, just a ordinary phane with class levels as a Wizard
The Item is okay. It will hopefully be assimilated by the Borg once we check the local laws of reality.

2021-03-24, 11:08 AM
I'd just assimilated higher INT. So I can work on new epic spells, provided I can spare the XP for epic spell development

I absorbed and devoured more Divine essence, and to obtain Sorceror levels.

2021-03-24, 08:08 PM
I'd just assimilated higher INT. So I can work on new epic spells, provided I can spare the XP for epic spell development

I absorbed and devoured more Divine essence, and to obtain Sorceror levels.

For context on the Womrverse, look up Wormverse Shards and Entities. That's how they get powers.

One of the strongest Wormverse characters is Contessa. Look her up.

Also, the Undersiders are the main protags. Could Jazath beat them?

2021-03-25, 08:53 AM
One of the strongest Wormverse characters is Contessa.

Contessa's powers limited in space of planet, aren't they? This borg simply teleports SMBH somewhere near her solar system and deal is did.

2021-03-25, 09:15 AM
I'd just assimilated higher INT. So I can work on new epic spells, provided I can spare the XP for epic spell development

Get yourself a Thought Bottle.

2021-03-25, 10:36 AM
For context on the Womrverse, look up Wormverse Shards and Entities. That's how they get powers.

One of the strongest Wormverse characters is Contessa. Look her up.

Also, the Undersiders are the main protags. Could Jazath beat them?


Quick! Summon a Wish Spell!
I'll Alter Reality, that should overpower them quickly.
Timestop, Wall of Force, Starmantle, Meteor Swarm, A Borg Dampening field. A few Thousand Borg Cubes. All of these should do some nasty things to them.
I have unlimited resources, they are mere mortals, I can go through time on a whim, summon duplicates of themselves to fight, simply touch them to incapacitate them. The possibilities are endless.

2021-03-25, 10:37 AM
Contessa's powers limited in space of planet, aren't they? This borg simply teleports SMBH somewhere near her solar system and deal is did.

Depending on interpretation a simple Mind Blank could completely counter Contessa's power (though not Tattletale's--that would require Pass without Trace).

The cooler way IMO would be just to cast a spell that dimensionally locks the entire planet of Worm so that the shards--- interplanar portals-- no longer function.

What about Eidolon/Alexandria/the Undersiders though? Skitters power is basically permanent Crown of Insects.

2021-03-25, 10:39 AM
Get yourself a Thought Bottle.

What is this?

2021-03-25, 11:10 AM
Depending on interpretation a simple Mind Blank could completely counter Contessa's power (though not Tattletale's--that would require Pass without Trace).

The cooler way IMO would be just to cast a spell that dimensionally locks the entire planet of Worm so that the shards--- interplanar portals-- no longer function.

What about Eidolon/Alexandria/the Undersiders though? Skitters power is basically permanent Crown of Insects.

Well......Jazath can FLY!
Besides, His HP is ridiculous. I could survive whatever they throw against me. Not too mention Jazath has a web of Contingent and contingent contingent spells that webs around him. If they manage to lower my HP a significant amount, or take out a ton of damage in a single around I'm protected and spirited away, while casting Jazaths Self Heal, each and every round I'll cast a offensive spell and Jazaths Self Heal, fully healing me each and every round completely. Then it's a question of whether they can hit a armor class of 625. If they could hit me would be a marvel to behold alone. Verdex will allow me to act first in any given round as long they don't also possess the divine ability Perfect Initiative.
With eight sense I'll see what they do before they do it. Exclusivity, only one person can attempt to attack me.

THEN the Null Time Field

Phanes continually generate a 30-foot-radius spread null time field. All creatures and objects in the field, except the phane, must make a Will saving throw (DC 30) each round to take any actions. On a failed save, subjects are stuck in a static time stream until their next round of actions, at which time they must make another saving throw. While a subject is stuck in a static time stream induced by a null time field, the phane can use its static touch on the subject, though in all other ways, the subject is invulnerable to attacks and damage as if in temporal stasis.
I'll bet my buttered biscuits many of them couldn't make a DC 30 Will saving throw!

2021-03-25, 11:15 AM
What is this?

It's a magic item that lets you store your current XP total, at the prepaid cost of 500 XP. Then you can take it back out later in order to return to that XP total you saved, even if you've lost XP in the meantime. Check Complete Arcana for the details of how it works.

It seems like just the ticket for when you've got an Epic Spellcasting-related plan that requires you to cough up half a million XP.

2021-03-25, 11:20 AM
Well......Jazath can FLY!
Besides, His HP is ridiculous. I could survive whatever they throw against me. Not too mention Jazath has a web of Contingent and contingent contingent spells that webs around him. If they manage to lower my HP a significant amount, or take out a ton of damage in a single around I'm protected and spirited away, while casting Jazaths Self Heal, each and every round I'll cast a offensive spell and Jazaths Self Heal, fully healing me each and every round completely. Then it's a question of whether they can hit a armor class of 625. If they could hit me would be a marvel to behold alone. Verdex will allow me to act first in any given round as long they don't also possess the divine ability Perfect Initiative.
With eight sense I'll see what they do before they do it. Exclusivity, only one person can attempt to attack me.

THEN the Null Time Field

I'll bet my buttered biscuits many of them couldn't make a DC 30 Will saving throw!

Contessa could. Maybe Alexandria. Skitters power is rendered useless b/c bugs can't make high saves. But does Jazath have blindsight/truesight (counter Grue/Imp)?

Regent's powers are useless b/c Jazath's nervous system is incorporeal and likely does not follow the laws of biology. Hellhound is pure force and can't compete. Tattletale is pointless b/c Jazath even w/ no class levels is Grey Boy on steroids and is thus so beyond them nothing the Undersiders could do is possible to beat him.

IMO the biggest trouble could be Contessa's plot powers, but Jazath is basically entity power level so that might not even be too bad.

Also, could you look the Wormverse guys (especially Scion/Contessa) up to make sure Jazath would win? They are pretty strong.

2021-03-25, 11:22 AM
[...]If they manage to lower my HP a significant amount, or take out a ton of damage in a single around I'm protected and spirited away, while casting Jazaths Self Heal, each and every round I'll cast a offensive spell and Jazaths Self Heal, fully healing me each and every round completely[...]

Just throwing this out there: There's a non-epic spell that does the same thing as Jazath's Self Heal, but has a weird catch on when you're allowed to use it. It's called True Resurrection.

2021-03-25, 11:23 AM
Just throwing this out there: There's a non-epic spell that does the same thing as Jazath's Self Heal, but has a weird catch on when you're allowed to use it. It's called True Resurrection.

Why not just contingent cure serious wounds?

2021-03-25, 11:27 AM
Contessa could. Maybe Alexandria. Skitters power is rendered useless b/c bugs can't make high saves. But does Jazath have blindsight/truesight (counter Grue/Imp)?
Yes, he does.

Regent's powers are useless b/c Jazath's nervous system is incorporeal and likely does not follow the laws of biology. Hellhound is pure force and can't compete. Tattletale is pointless b/c Jazath even w/ no class levels is Grey Boy on steroids and is thus so beyond them nothing the Undersiders could do is possible to beat him.
But they have interesting skills. Resistance is Futile, they will be assimilated.

IMO the biggest trouble could be Contessa's plot powers, but Jazath is basically entity power level so that might not even be too bad.
I don't know....I don't follow their plot line. It works in there reality, but not mine. It might be those techniques has no effect on him whatsoever.

Also, could you look the Wormverse guys (especially Scion/Contessa) up to make sure Jazath would win? They are pretty strong.
Our DM is curious, I'll bet he will be reading those books and studying their universe using wikis and such.
You very well could have introduced me to a new adventure.

2021-03-25, 11:30 AM
Why not just contingent cure serious wounds?

6d8+30 healed? Even if intensified it only heals me 156.
I have over a hundred thousand hit points. And it would be more simple to cast Jazaths Self Heal rather than stack over a thousand spells of the same thing, why waste all that energy?

Just throwing this out there: There's a non-epic spell that does the same thing as Jazath's Self Heal, but has a weird catch on when you're allowed to use it. It's called True Resurrection.
I have something similar using Alter Reality. Though I still like fully healing myself every round as long as I can overpower with a single spell.

2021-03-25, 12:23 PM
6d8+30 healed? Even if intensified it only heals me 156.
I have over a hundred thousand hit points. And it would be more simple to cast Jazaths Self Heal rather than stack over a thousand spells of the same thing, why waste all that energy?

I have something similar using Alter Reality. Though I still like fully healing myself every round as long as I can overpower with a single spell.

What can alter reality do? Where is it published?

Also, how did Jazath ascend to Divinity? Or transcend?

2021-03-25, 12:30 PM
What can alter reality do? Where is it published?

Also, how did Jazath ascend to Divinity? Or transcend?


Your wishes come true.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 9th-level spells, Cha 70, Spellcraft 70
Benefit: You can use wish at will as a swift action. You can also combine
Automatic Metamagic Capacity epic feats (to increase the effective level
of the wish for greater results).
Additionally you can use Alter Reality to give yourself a circumstance
bonus on all dice rolls equal to 9 + the number of Automatic Metamagic
Capacity feats you possess. But you lose this circumstance bonus any
round you use the Alter Reality for any other purpose.

He absorbed and captured deities.
Harvesting raw divine essence using Borg Technology

2021-03-25, 01:37 PM
Depending on interpretation a simple Mind Blank could completely counter Contessa's power (though not Tattletale's--that would require Pass without Trace).

Wiz-600 should have all protective abilities, immunity to all and literally infinity abilities/skills/saves/etc.

Wis-60 already should have it, too.

If he haven't he is bad wizard.

Then it's a question of whether they can hit a armor class of 625.

I have over a hundred thousand hit points.
Ha! Any ECL 6 kobold can defeat you!

2021-03-25, 02:07 PM
Wiz-600 should have all protective abilities, immunity to all and literally infinity abilities/skills/saves/etc.

Wis-60 already should have it, too.

If he haven't he is bad wizard.

Ha! Any ECL 6 kobold can defeat you!

But what about Scion/Siberian?

Still, Contessa path to victory is kind of weird, since I don't think even Wildbow has thought it through. Doesn't Path to victory not a mind affecting ability, so no *personal* defense can defend since it works on probability of reality fed into her brain via basically an alien supercomputer?

2021-03-25, 02:10 PM
Personally, I think it depends on whether the shard's processing and info gathering is considered something Mind Blank can counter. I know mind blank, in canon, works vs psi powers though.

2021-03-25, 03:35 PM
What can alter reality do? Where is it published?

Also, how did Jazath ascend to Divinity? Or transcend?
Jazath is using a whole load of things from the 3rd-party product Immortal's Handbook: Ascension, a book that was intended to provide for levels of play far, far beyond regular 'epic' levels. It is not a widely popular book. You may have heard of its companion book Immortal's Handbook: Epic Bestiary, which contains the Neutronium Golem, with a printed CR of 9721. There have been a variety of threads on various D&D forums on how to kill one with a 20th level character.

I don't know....I don't follow their plot line. It works in there reality, but not mine. It might be those techniques has no effect on him whatsoever.
Given that Path To Victory is essentially a very fancy sort of precognition, it might be best modelled in your terms as something like Ninth Sense or Tenth Sense. In which case, being a Phane might make you immune?

2021-03-25, 03:52 PM
But what about Scion/Siberian?
Sorry, I read only fanfics and don't know Scion/Siberian's powers. )))

Still, Contessa path to victory is kind of weird, since I don't think even Wildbow has thought it through. Doesn't Path to victory not a mind affecting ability, so no *personal* defense can defend since it works on probability of reality fed into her brain via basically an alien supercomputer?

Mmm... Path to victory any way works only if you can victory. And you can't. Not vs SMBH (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermassive_black_hole) near your planet.

2021-03-25, 04:39 PM
Wiz-600 should have all protective abilities, immunity to all and literally infinity abilities/skills/saves/etc.

Wis-60 already should have it, too.

If he haven't he is bad wizard.

Ha! Any ECL 6 kobold can defeat you!

no puede ser!!! You better be joking! A kobold? How could such be? Sounds Ridiculous! All I have to is touch him! Or just go up to the cowardly creature!

Are you actually referring to Infinite Ability scores? I don't really know, it's difficult to think about those things against him.... But Infinite Strength would be problematic (One Punch Man Theme?) But....oh well! Wall of force! Since, it is immune to all damage that would include Infinite strength I believe. (I think I have a slight head cold)
I do believe I have immunity/reflection for all spells 1-9th level with a single spell, I have Immunity to Fire/Cold/Acid/Lightning/Sonic/Mind Affecting Effects/Nonmagical Weapons/Spells that Impede movement, the usual.
So I don't concern myself with 9th level and below spells., Epic spells are a different matter, depending on who casts them and how potent they are.
I have SR.....which applies in different cases and scenarios.

2021-03-25, 05:33 PM
no puede ser!!! You better be joking! A kobold? How could such be? Sounds Ridiculous! All I have to is touch him! Or just go up to the cowardly creature!

But you can't touch him. This kobold has infinity touch AC. And infinity HP. And infinity saves, SR, stats, attack bonus, damage... And all abilities of all creatures. And his name is Pun Pun.
Of course I am joking. But there are bit of true in all jokes.

2021-03-25, 05:40 PM
But you can't touch him. This kobold has infinity touch AC. And infinity HP. And infinity saves, SR, stats, attack bonus, damage... And all abilities of all creatures. And his name is Pun Pun.
Of course I am joking. But there are bit of true in all jokes.

I see...I...erm....wha-......huh?

All my stats....to be beaten by THAT?

2021-03-25, 05:59 PM
There's an extremely-poorly worded ability in one of the monsters in Serpent Kingdoms that essentially lets that monster grant whatever abilities it wants to someone who meets the eligibility requirements, so what you grant is everything you could ever want. Don't take it too seriously.

2021-03-25, 07:41 PM
I see...I...erm....wha-......huh?

All my stats....to be beaten by THAT?

Heh. Yeah. The original Pun-Pun build was a Kobold Egoist-12 who used some ML boosting to turn into a Sarrukh (Serpent Kingdoms) and the Assume Supernatural Ability feat (Savage Species) to grab Manipulate Form, which has the following text:
Manipulate Form (Su): At will, a sarrukh can modify the form of any Scaled One native to Toril, except for aquatic and undead creatures. With a successful touch attack, it can cause one alteration of its choice in the target creature's body. The target falls unconscious for 2d4 rounds due to the shock of changing form. A successful DC 22 Fortitude save negates both the change and the unconsciousness. Sarrukh are immune to this effect. A sarrukh may use this ability to change a minor aspect of the target creature, such as the shape of its head or the color of its scales. It may also choose to make a much more significant alteration, such as converting limbs into tentacles, changing overall body shape (snake to humanoid, for example), or adding or removing an appendage. Any ability score may be decreased to a minimum of 1 or increased to a maximum equal to the sarrukh's corresponding score. A sarrukh may also grant the target an extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like ability or remove one from it.

The change bestowed takes effect immediately and is permanent. Furthermore, the alterations are automatically passed on to all the creature's offspring when it breeds with another of its unmodified kind. ... and some other stuff not of immediate relevance.

Pun-Pun then leverages this into getting everything in the game. Among other things, the ability literally permits the Sarrukh to make up Ex, Su, or Sp abilities. The original thread didn't use that aspect to the fullest extent (deliberately and knowingly - the original author only copied abilities that were already printed - because having the "I win" and "You lose" Ex abilities isn't a challenge at all) but being able to set a base stat to the current total value of that stat, and having access to all spells and nearly all class features for free (including no need for the hard-to-find components, such as "a piece of the original creature" when using spell-like abilities) can be leveraged into getting arbitrarily large everything (and in some cases, straight-up infinity): including arbitrarily large numbers of divine ranks.

Later builds focused on getting access to Manipulate Form earlier and earlier - the folks on those forums eventually whittled it all the way down to an Old level 1 human Paladin (using some single-use equipment from starting wealth to make a knowledge check to start an infinite wish loop to get the ability).

So yes: In D&D 3.X (mixed 3.0 and 3.5 content), all 1st party sources game, there is a most optimal character build, in the absolute sense. And the build was named Pun-Pun by the original creator.

Do note, however, that it's also available to pretty much anything that can use Shapechange.

2021-03-26, 08:34 AM
Couldn't August kid (Worm) or whatever stop Jazath's attacks? What about Clockblocker?

I am still hazy on PtV Contessa's power.

2021-03-26, 11:18 AM
Couldn't August kid (Worm) or whatever stop Jazath's attacks? What about Clockblocker?

I am still hazy on PtV Contessa's power.

Clockblocker could freeze something within a fraction of a second of it making contact, whether it be his hands,
feet, or any part of his body. He could freeze only the bugs that were in contact with a section of his body, or
everything in contact with him at once. He was able to tag Leviathan without being injured, though it did cause
him to almost drown in the water he was in. Clockblocker couldn't disable the effects of his power. Objects remained frozen for a period between 30 seconds and 10 minutes, with no control over the time limit. His powers remained comparatively static throughout the story*line. His power worked through interconnected objects, but it had a limited range. Like many parahumans, his power's strength varied based on his mental state. He was just barely able to push it through the thread binding Echidna and Ignis Fatuus, noting that his power must have been "working at peak efficiency" at the time.

Clockblocker freezes anything he touches and can't turn it off: Okay! HAH! I'll simply conjure something in thin air.....say a ball of Neutronium? and let the density Squash him by conjuring objects around him to keep him in place, like a cage of force. Eventually after a few days of hunger and exhaustion he is bound to decrease his mental efficiency for the ball to crush him.. Or.... I'll conjure huge bodies of water and throw him into it, open a portal beneath him into the bottom of the deepest trench, reverse gravity would be handy, keep him from running toward me.
I'm immune to any and all temporal effects. Including his time stopping touch.
My mind is going a mile a minute thinking of ways to beat him. Hmmm...

2021-03-26, 11:20 AM
Clockblocker freezes anything he touches and can't turn it off: Okay! HAH! I'll simply conjure something in thin air.....say a ball of Neutronium? and let the density Squash him by conjuring objects around him to keep him in place, like a cage of force. Eventually after a few days of hunger and exhaustion he is bound to decrease his mental efficiency for the ball to crush him.. Or.... I'll conjure huge bodies of water and throw him into it, open a portal beneath him into the bottom of the deepest trench, reverse gravity would be handy, keep him from running toward me.
I'm immune to any and all temporal effects. Including his time stopping touch.
My mind is going a mile a minute thinking of ways to beat him. Hmmm...

How about Scion?

2021-03-26, 11:35 AM
How about Scion?

Then I'll summon a Past Time Duplicate.

Unless he has protection from such a thing, I'll design a epic spell to render him powerless.
He could match me in many ways though, though I'd get buddy buddy with my contacts of the Council of Nth, Abstract would deal some pretty horrific damage on scion.
The Borg could Adapt to his disruption to electronics, other than that he would prove formidable.
Other than that I would have a real fight on my hands.
His laws and D&d laws are quite different from each other.

2021-03-26, 01:46 PM
Then I'll summon a Past Time Duplicate.

Unless he has protection from such a thing, I'll design a epic spell to render him powerless.
He could match me in many ways though, though I'd get buddy buddy with my contacts of the Council of Nth, Abstract would deal some pretty horrific damage on scion.
The Borg could Adapt to his disruption to electronics, other than that he would prove formidable.
Other than that I would have a real fight on my hands.
His laws and D&d laws are quite different from each other.

What do you mean by different laws? You have mentioned this quite a while now.

I also maintain that Scion could be defeated (if not physically, then socially) by a relatively low level practically optimized demigod.

2021-03-27, 10:32 AM
What do you mean by different laws? You have mentioned this quite a while now.

I also maintain that Scion could be defeated (if not physically, then socially) by a relatively low level practically optimized demigod.

Well, I don't feel like explaining. Stats from their and Jazaths universe would be very different. Like World of Warcraft and Star Trek trying to conflict. You can't do some of the things in my universe that you could there. Like magic.

And I suppose it could be possible.

2021-03-31, 11:24 AM
Our DM determined we can't use Neutronium for Borg Ship development. It can be just as hard.
Just different properties.

2021-04-01, 07:44 AM
Well, I don't feel like explaining. Stats from their and Jazaths universe would be very different. Like World of Warcraft and Star Trek trying to conflict. You can't do some of the things in my universe that you could there. Like magic.

And I suppose it could be possible.

One more note on Scion-- according to this thread:https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/scion-worm-vs-larloch-d-d-3-5e.375526/, Larloch, a 32nd level wizard, MAX assumed level 46, can defeat Scion. Jazath would DESTROY Larloch. Make of that what you will.

2021-04-01, 12:41 PM
One more note on Scion-- according to this thread:https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/scion-worm-vs-larloch-d-d-3-5e.375526/, Larloch, a 32nd level wizard, MAX assumed level 46, can defeat Scion. Jazath would DESTROY Larloch. Make of that what you will.

By that logic, I should Assume I win!
I always win!
Isn't that the moral of the story?

2021-05-10, 10:54 AM
By that logic, I should Assume I win!
I always win!
Isn't that the moral of the story?

I can find only one thing that could challenge Jazath: go to Kill Six Billion Demon universe and try the Ring of Power (seminfinals here, you can find others using google fu: https://www.reddit.com/r/killsixbilliondemons/comments/ehk45b/ring_of_power_oct_semifinals_results/). Or just the setting in general.

Or the world of Exalted. I would LOVE to see how Jazath blends the Exalted magic system with his own.

2021-05-10, 10:55 AM
Of course, I MUST remind you that Jazath as he is RN is just too OP. He's an over-over-over-overdeity basically. He would be much more fun at like "only" (quotation marks needed a lot) level 21+.

2021-05-10, 10:57 AM
More verses for Jazath: Culture verse and Xelee verse